Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 12


That night, Shelley slept restlessly, always half-awake.

In his dream, he was at a bustling banquet, lights shining on him. He wore a sharp custom-made suit, holding a glass of champagne in his right hand, ready to give a speech.

His heart pounded in his chest, filled with unease and confusion, but more so with excitement and joy surging through his veins.

All eyes were on him, camera shutters clicking incessantly. He knew his next words would determine the fate and breakthroughs of human technology. His hand trembled slightly as he gripped the microphone.

He took a deep breath, and then…

The world collapsed. Rocks fell from the sky, concrete crumbled like tofu. The sky turned a bizarre shade of blue, and his ears filled with the screams and wails of the crowd.

He wanted to speak, but no sound came out. He clutched the microphone, trying to guide people to safety, but only his lips moved soundlessly, air slowly pushed from his lungs with no sound.

Amidst the chaos and fear, someone suddenly pushed him hard. He fell to the ground, his forehead hitting the floor painfully.

“What are you, an Omega, doing here causing trouble!”

“Get this Omega out of here!”…

When the headache peaked, Shelley woke up.

He stared blankly at the unfamiliar ceiling for a while before realizing where he was.

His temples throbbed, and he turned to see that the pillow was soaked with cold sweat.

He propped his head up and sat on the bed. The reddish dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a glow on the bed next to him.

Irey wasn’t in bed, and the room was empty except for himself.

He slowly got out of bed, groping for his suitcase, and took out a small bottle of medicine, swallowing it with some mineral water.

The mineral water had been on the windowsill all night, and the cold liquid rushing down his throat to his stomach cleared his head a bit.

After a while, the headache gradually subsided. He walked to the window and pulled open the curtains. With a swish, the morning sunlight flooded his eyes.

The street gradually became lively as the stores along the roadside started opening one after another, with the sounds of rolling shutters filling the air. Breakfast vendors pulled the carts to the designated spots and began preparing food behind the signs.

Not far away, the sudden roar of an engine attracted some attention. A red sports car, kicking up dust, stopped at the foot of the hotel. Irey, wearing sunglasses, sat in the driver’s seat, his gaze meeting Shelley’s who was standing by the window.

He opened the door and got out, taking off his sunglasses in the radiant morning glow and under the gaze of onlookers. He looked up and smiled at Shelley, “Awake, boss? Come down for breakfast.”

This guy was incredibly shameless.

He’d only given him a car key, and he drove the car as if it were his own.

However, the fiery red sports car did suit him. The tall, six-foot Alpha had just taken a shower the previous day. His hair was clean and tidy, with a strand falling over his long, narrow eyes. His cheekbones and jawline were more pronounced in the sunlight. If it weren’t for his too-casual posture leaning against the car, it would be hard to say who looked more like the car’s owner.

Shelley grabbed his keys and headed out.

“How about it? I specifically drove the car here.” Irey patted the sports car’s hood. “If you want to eat nearby, park in the hotel backyard. If you don’t like the food here, there’s a three-star restaurant ten minutes’ drive to the east…”

“Halton,” Shelley interrupted him, “we’re going to buy clothes first.”

“Buy clothes, now?” Irey’s brain seemed to jam.

“Not for me, for you.” Shelley tugged at Irey’s collar, revealing a loose thread and missing button. “Change out of this old suit from twenty years ago. It’s an eyesore.”

“What do you mean old suit? This is my only formal wear!” Irey pulled back his collar, tucking the loose thread away. “I bought it from a proper clothing store, it cost—”

“Change it.” Shelley opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

Irey looked at Shelley, baffled, not understanding what was going on in the young master’s mind.

He had heard of subordinates giving gifts to their boss, but it was the first time he heard of a boss buying clothes for a subordinate.

There were many clothing stores in Sudu, but this picky boss found most of them unappealing. Irey could only drive around the city, checking out each store one by one. It wasn’t until they reached the last store on the map that Shelley’s frown finally relaxed a bit.

“This one.” The boss made the final decision.

Irey breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that the young master would find nothing satisfactory and make him drive six more hours back to Nantes.

“Actually, I think you rich people should cultivate a bit of frugality.” Irey got out of the car and shut the door. “A loose button, a frayed thread, just sew it back. Have you ever thought about how many kids in the world can’t get enough to eat…”

“Shut up, go in.” Shelley pointed at him, then at the store door.

Irey shrugged and strode in, pushing open the glass door.

The store did indeed feel more upscale, with luxurious decor and blindingly shiny glass ornaments everywhere.

Behind the counter stood a man in a pink suit. When Irey walked in, he only lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, ignoring him. It wasn’t until he saw the elegantly dressed Shelley behind him that his eyes lit up, like suddenly spotting a luxury watch on a rich man’s wrist, and quickly approached them.

“Sir, what can I help you with?” He eagerly addressed Irey, “Are you buying clothes for yourself or your Omega? We have all styles available, whatever you like…”

Irey interrupted him, pointing at himself, “I’m buying.” Then pointed at the Omega beside him, “He’s paying.”

The man in the pink suit was obviously taken aback. After two seconds, he tried to smooth things over with a smile, “Ah, nowadays, wives manage the money…”

Irey didn’t give him a chance to continue, “This is my boss. I’m his driver. He chooses, he pays. Ask him.”

The smile on the pink suit’s face froze, his astonished gaze flickering between the two of them before reluctantly landing on Shelley. “What do you need?”

Shelley blinked.

“Pick a suit for him, not too dark in color, with wool content no less than 95%, and thread count above 150,” he said.

The pink suit didn’t expect this Omega to be knowledgeable, blocking all his sales pitches, so he had to swallow his words and reluctantly said to Irey, “Follow me.”

Irey noticed that the man’s gaze had turned into a mix of disdain and pity, but he didn’t care, hands in pockets as he followed to try on clothes.

After trying seven or eight sets, just as Irey’s patience was wearing thin, Shelley’s frown finally eased.

Irey looked at himself in the dressing mirror. The light gray fabric was well-tailored, fitting his shoulders perfectly, and the sleeves and collar were just the right length.

“Do I need to wear a tie?” he asked.

“Whatever feels comfortable,” Shelley replied.

Irey thought for a moment and unbuttoned his shirt collar, fastening only two buttons on the jacket. The suit’s cut was meticulous enough that it maintained its shape, adding a touch of casualness.

He had to admit, his boss had a good eye.

Shelley nodded in satisfaction and turned to the man in the pink suit, “This one. Pack it up.”

“No need to pack it. I’ll wear it,” Irey adjusted his collar to a comfortable position.

“Then pack up his old clothes,” Shelley said.

“No need to pack those either,” Irey replied. “I don’t want them.”

Shelley looked at him, “What about your frugality?”

“That’s outdated nonsense,” Irey said, not missing a beat. “In this modern era, we need to learn to love ourselves a bit more.”

Shelley paid for the suit, and, unsurprisingly, Irey heard an astronomical figure.

If Irey had a conscience or any self-respect, he should have refused when Shelley offered to buy him clothes. Unfortunately, he had neither of these admirable qualities, so he could comfortably walk out of the store wearing the expensive suit his boss bought for him, and even leaned against his boss’s car to show off.

Shelley took out sunglasses from his pocket and put them on Irey’s nose. Irey raised an eyebrow, “Do I look good?”

The corners of Shelley’s mouth lifted slightly, “Yes.”

“Oh, a smile.” Irey pulled down the sunglasses a bit and looked at Shelley through the gap, “It’s the first time I’ve seen you smile since I met you.”

Shelley realized his expression, pursed his lips, opened the car door, and sat in the passenger seat. “Wipe that smug look off your face. I just couldn’t stand the shabby way you used to dress, not at all like someone who matches with me…”

Irey got into the car, closed the door, and fastened his seatbelt. The narrow space brought them closer again. “And now? Do I look like someone who matches you?”

“At least you don’t look like you’re about to fix a leaky pipe.” Shelley said.

Irey laughed, started the car, and smoothly turned onto the main road. The new suit added an inexplicable sexiness to this simple movement, and Shelley struggled to tear his gaze away from Irey’s exposed wrist.

Actually, he wanted to say “Alpha,” but he let it go.

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