No Ghosting Allowed

No Ghosting Allowed chapter 24

No he’s good

That WeChat Moment post was made around four in the morning. It seemed like Zhou Qingbo posted it before going to sleep, but Pei You frowned in confusion, trying to remember when Zhou Qingbo took that photo.

Nevertheless, Pei You casually gave Zhou Qingbo a like. As he was about to exit WeChat, another new message from Ge Xing followed.

“In fact, I texted you to complain and ask for your opinion on this matter,” Ge Xing said.

Ge Xing’s message was quickly followed by a screenshot of their chat history.

Pei You clicked on the image, which loaded swiftly, revealing clear chat records. The screenshot did not include the context, only a segment from the middle. The first sentence was from Zhou Qingbo to Ge Xing, saying, “Don’t introduce anyone to Pei You anymore.”

Without voice and emotions, that sentence appeared strong on the plain chat background.

Ge Xing’s reply came immediately, almost right after Zhou Qingbo’s message.

“Why are you meddling?” Ge Xing asked, sending a puzzled panda head emoji, and then added, ” Pei You hasn’t even expressed his opinion yet, why are you drawing the line so soon?”

“I know him better,” Zhou Qingbo replied. “Besides, I have enough to worry about him, no need for you to intervene. The people picked are not suitable for him.”

“Huh? Speak logically,” Ge Xing protested, “Why do you have to inspect someone else’s love life?”

Zhou Qingbo had his unique way of handling things, summarized as “if you can argue, then argue, if you can’t, then play dumb and step back.” He ignored Ge Xing’s counter-question and just sent a white dog aiming a gun emoji.

“I don’t care, it’s decided.” Zhou Qingbo unreasonably said, “He’s busy with his career; you don’t need to mess things up.”

Zhou Qingbo’s final decision ended the chat, and the conversation stopped there. Pei You had no idea about the context or what happened before and after. He also didn’t know why Zhou Qingbo and Ge Xing suddenly brought up his private affairs. However, when he saw the names “Zhou Qingbo” and “someone else” together, Pei You unconsciously leaned towards the former.

Moreover, Zhou Qingbo had been speaking on his behalf, so Pei You naturally didn’t want to let him down. Therefore, without hesitation, he included himself in the unified front.

“He’s right,” Pei You typed, replying to Ge Xing, “I’ve been busy with work lately and don’t have the energy to think about love affairs for now.”

There was a moment of silence in the chat window, longer than before, as if Ge Xing was hesitating for a while before replying, “Really?”

“Don’t cover for him,” Ge Xing’s messages kept coming, one after another, “I don’t need you to explain his character.”

“No, he’s good,” Pei You defended Zhou Qingbo with two sentences and politely declined, “Thanks for your concern, though.”

“That’s fine, then I know now,” Ge Xing was easygoing and Seeing Pei You’s attitude, he didn’t mind, “No worries, we’ll have a meal together when I return to Beijing. As for fate, it’s all about timing.”

“But I thought you two were a good match,” Ge Xing’s tone changed suddenly, and he said, “Don’t be deceived by Zhou; he might look indifferent, but he’s actually a nice person. Why not try to get to know each other?”

Pei You hesitated for a moment, his eyes pausing on Ge Xing’s words for a couple of seconds. He felt that that sentence seemed to imply something profound.

Pei You’s experience in love and relationships was almost nonexistent. He hadn’t even had a proper crush, let alone a romantic relationship. He was mostly clueless about the concepts of a “significant other” and “love.”

He was ignorant and naive, and aside from arranged dates with a clear premise, he had no idea how to start a relationship different from friendship.

Pei You admitted that he felt very comfortable with Zhou Qingbo during their time together. Zhou Qingbo was sometimes spoiled but never overbearing. Even if he made some inexplicable demands, he always managed to do it just right, never making Pei You feel like he was being bossed around. Instead, he felt a special closeness to him.

During that period, Pei You had gradually become used to keeping an eye on Zhou Qingbo, and he didn’t feel burdened.

Without a doubt, Pei You had some slight feelings towards Zhou Qingbo, but those feelings were too vague, making it difficult to distinguish whether he found a like-minded friend or an object of admiration.

With this in mind, Pei You wanted to politely deny Ge Xing’s words. He was about to withdraw the message, but Ge Xing had already replied with another message.

“‘I’m not making things up’” Ge Xing sent an emoji with a playful expression and said, “You should understand this yourself.”

Ge Xing text anything more, and Pei You felt somewhat relieved. To avoid prolonging that conversation, Pei You politely exchanged a few pleasantries and quickly ended the conversation.

After lingering with Ge Xing for a while, Pei You closed the chat window. Even after some time, there was still no response from Zhou Qingbo. Pei You thought for a moment, put down his phone, and prepared the materials he needed for going out later.

He organized his briefcase, finished freshening up, changed his clothes, and when he returned, the WeChat window remained quiet. No longer expecting Zhou Qingbo to wake up naturally, Pei You took his things and then knocked on Zhou Qingbo’s door.

The room was quiet, and after about four or five minutes, there were rustling sounds inside. Heavy footsteps shuffled towards the door, and the locked door made a soft sound as it slid open.

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