No Ghosting Allowed

No Ghosting Allowed chapter 19

Did you get it?

Seeing him laughing endlessly, Pei You realized that Zhou Qingbo was teasing him. He sighed helplessly, as if he was about to take back the Coke from him.

“Stealing is illegal,” Pei You said, “Give it back.”

“Nope,” Zhou Qingbo deftly evaded his attempt to retrieve the can, smiling mischievously, “If I’ve got it, it’s mine.”

Pei You didn’t really mind joking around; after all, Zhou Qingbo was just playing with him and not doing anything serious.

Pei You circled around a row of seats, moved two carry-on bags, and sat next to Zhou Qingbo. Zhou Qingbo casually said, “It’s just a joke.”

He  took a sip of Coke, resting his head on one arm, and leaned the Coke can against the back of the chair. He used one hand to open the pull-tab while looking lazily at Pei You, blinking playfully.

“Besides,” Zhou Qingbo said, “You can’t steal in public.”

“Then where should one do it?” Pei You asked.

That question stumped Zhou Qingbo. He rolled his eyes, touched his chin, and pondered for a moment, then gave a vague answer.

“Maybe at the Black Bar,” Zhou Qingbo said confidently, “Haven’t you heard the saying? ‘Murder and arson happen on dark, windy nights.’ Also, crimes must be committed in a place familiar to the suspect; that way, it feels safer.”

Peeling off the veneer of “President Zhou,” Zhou Qingbo was, in reality, someone who liked to have fun and do things spontaneously.

Pei You couldn’t keep up with his train of thought, so he decided not to bother. He lowered his head and rummaged in the plastic bag in his hand, taking out a paper cup sleeve, which he handed to Zhou Qingbo.

“Use this to hold the coke,” Pei You said.

The metal can had been refrigerated for a long time, so its temperature was extremely low. However, Zhou Qingbo, who often made cocktails, had touched numerous ice-cold glasses, so he didn’t mind. He looked hesitantly at the paper cup sleeve for a moment, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. Eventually, he put on the sleeve, turned around, and sat properly in the chair.

“You’re too kind,” Zhou Qingbo patted the empty seat next to him, gesturing for Pei You to move over, and sighed, “considering I stole from you just now.”

Pei You didn’t think there was anything worth getting angry about in a joke. After all, Zhou Qingbo was just teasing him, not doing anything serious.

Pei You walked around a row of seats, moved two carry-on bags, and sat next to Zhou Qingbo, casually saying, “It’s fine,I know it’s just a joke.”

Zhou Qingbo took another sip of Coke, tilted his head, and looked at Pei You for a moment.

Honestly, Pei You looked good, he was attentive and patient, and among all the people Zhou Qingbo had met, Pei You’s personality stood out. He was gentle without being weak, caring without appearing servile. Even someone as fastidious and trouble-averse as Zhou Qingbo had to admit that being with him was indeed comfortable.

Still that potential catch was still single; it was simply unreasonable, Zhou Qingbo thought.

But then he thought again—Pei You had been on countless blind dates and had never succeeded. That just showed that having a good character wasn’t enough, charm was equally important. Unfortunately, that seemed to be Pei You’s shortcoming; he was good enough, yet somehow hard for people to notice.

Zhou Qingbo always felt that Pei You was like a cup of warm saltwater—tasteless at first sip and seemingly plain. One needed enough time with him to discover his flavor.

The more Zhou Qingbo thought about it, the more worried he became for Pei You. Suddenly, the Coke also lost its taste. He couldn’t help but sigh softly, staring at Pei You with a meaningful gaze.

Pei You felt a bit awkward being stared at so intently by him, and without knowing what was going on in Zhou Qingbo’s mind. After a two-second delay, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Actually, you’re quite good,” Zhou Qingbo said thoughtfully, “I’ve thought about it carefully, and I feel that you just lack some tactics.”

Pei You didn’t know why Zhou Qingbo suddenly started “teaching” him. He hadn’t fully processed the transition in their conversation and took a few seconds to respond, “What do you mean?”

“You need to be ‘special’ in love,” Zhou Qingbo said.

That concept was too profound for Pei You, who had been single for so long. He looked serious and played the role of a diligent student, ready to listen attentively.

Zhou Qingbo was satisfied with his cooperation. He straightened his chest, spoke with authority, and said, “You can’t treat a person you like as you would treat a client or everyone else. You should… um… distinguish them from colleagues and such.”

“how?” Pei You humbly asked for advice.

“For example, the simplest way to gain someone’s initial favor is to cater to their preferences,” Zhou Qingbo explained confidently. “Understand their worries, be considerate, and help them solve problems before they even ask for it. Naturally, this will increase their feelings towards you.”

That approach seemed to align with Pei Yu’s previously proposed “blind date guide,” and he lowered his gaze, contemplating the idea.

“Of course, during this process, you must differentiate between being ‘considerate’ and ‘helpful,'” Zhou Qingbo continued, pleased that Pei Yu was listening intently. “When facing the person you want to impress, don’t just help them in a straightforward manner. Instead, incorporate some subtle boundary-pushing actions to convey your intentions.”

Zhou Qingbo knew that Pei Yu was always willing to lend a helping hand to others. Apart from treating him kindly, Pei Yu was considerate to his colleagues as well. Whenever someone faced difficulties at work, Pei Yu would willingly offer guidance or even take the task upon himself. However, his helpfulness was so natural and unassuming that it hardly sparked any special feelings in others.

Zhou Qingbo lamented that despite Pei Yu’s numerous acts of kindness, he had never managed to attract anyone’s romantic interest, as he struggled to find the right balance.

After hesitating for a moment, Pei Yu sought guidance from the “relationship expert” before him, asking, “So, how do you strike that balance?”

This time, Zhou Qingbo didn’t immediately reply, he just handed the cola can back to Pei Yu.

Out of habit, Pei Yu reached out to take it and hold it for Zhou Qingbo, but before he could inquire further, Zhou Qingbo suddenly leaned closer, getting a little closer to him.

With their proximity, Zhou Qingbo’s gaze appeared more focused, and the bright light reflected a subtle glimmer in his eyes. His previously carefree and playful smile toned down, giving off a meaningful air.

Zhou Qingbo didn’t meet Pei Yu’s eyes but rather lowered his eyelashes and looked at Pei Yu’s left shoulder. Perhaps because they were on a late-night journey, Zhou Qingbo wasn’t wearing a suit that day but also no jacket. Instead, he wore a well-cut windbreaker with a delicate blue color fading from the sleeves and hem, creating a subtle connection between “CEO Zhou” and “Zhou Qingbo.”

The jade pendant hanging on his chest dangled as he leaned forward and it gently swayed in mid-air.

Pei Yu’s breathing stalled involuntarily, and his gaze began to wander aimlessly. Before he could find a definite point to focus on, he felt a light pressure on his left shoulder.

“It has some dust.” Zhou Qingbo said softly.

He patted Pei Yu’s shoulder, clearing away the nonexistent dust, and then quickly withdrew his focused gaze, straightening up in a matter of seconds, completing that “lesson.”

Pei Yu’s heart inexplicably skipped a beat, and he let out a slow breath as if he had just emerged from a moment of stillness.

“Did you get my point?” Zhou Qingbo asked triumphantly, raising an eyebrow.

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