No Ghosting Allowed

No Ghosting Allowed chapter 12

I might not be able to resist bullying him

After seeing Zhou Cangshan off, Pei You intended to turn around and find Zhou Qingbo again, but he realized that Zhou Qingbo was no longer in his original spot.

The crowd around the stage had dispersed, and the cocktail station had been replaced with a microphone stand for the upcoming performances. Pei You looked around but couldn’t find Zhou Qingbo’s figure.

Confused, he furrowed his brows, thinking of taking out his phone to ask if Zhou Qingbo had already left, when suddenly, he felt someone gently tap his shoulder from behind.

He turned around and hadn’t even seen the person clearly when he felt something cool brushing against the side of his cheek.

“Looking for someone?” Zhou Qingbo asked with a smile.

He was still wearing the same clothes he had on the stage, and the silver jacket reflected a metallic glimmer under the lights. He tossed the cola from his left hand to his right hand, then casually spun it around and put it in the pocket of his jacket.

“Zhou Qingbo—”

“Who’s Zhou Qingbo?” Zhou Qingbo widened his eyes in surprise, tilting his head with a serious expression, “My name is Zhou Qingsong, are you mistaking me for someone else?”

Pei You: “…”

For a moment, Pei You’s expression was blank, and Zhou Qingbo couldn’t help but chuckle, patting him on the shoulder.

“Just kidding,” Zhou Qingbo said. “Thanks for helping me out of that situation.”

Pei You had unknowingly joined Zhou Qingbo’s side, and seeing him in such high spirits, his sense of crisis about his comfort zone being invaded disappeared instantly. Consequently, his attitude towards Pei You became more relaxed, and unconsciously, he blurred the boundaries he had set for him.

When Pei You went to deal with Zhou Cangshan, Zhou Qingbo had been watching from the side of the stage. Although Zhou Cangshan didn’t notice him, Zhou Qingbo observed him closely. Pei You was such an honest person that lying felt like taking his own life. Zhou Qingbo glanced down and guessed that Pei You’s palms were probably sweaty.

Zhou Qingbo didn’t like to overlap his social circles as “President Zhou” and “Brother Zhou” because they usually didn’t mix well. Influenced by Zhou Cangshan, the former thought the latter was not focused on his career, while the latter thought the former was hypocritical.

Pei You seemed like the type of top student who had been excellent from childhood to adulthood. Zhou Qingbo initially thought he would share the same opinion as Zhou Cangshan’s group, but now he realized he had been too hasty.

“Anyway, I owe you a favor,” Zhou Qingbo said with a smile. “You can ask me for anything anytime.”

As he spoke, Zhou Qingbo made a casual gesture that looked a bit childish.

He laughed happily, with a slight curve at the corner of his eyes, sparkling and bright. Pei You looked at his smile and suddenly found the answer to his confusion.

That was the real him, Pei You thought.

At least during the day and at the company, Zhou Qingbo had never smiled like that before. Before today, his smile was gentle, restrained, with a hint of distance, polite but never crossing the boundary.

Unlike now, he seemed much more vibrant.

Zhou Qingbo was right. Pei You suddenly recalled what Zhou Qingbo had said in the café – indeed, one meal’s worth of time couldn’t represent everything. Until today, he had no idea that Zhou Qingbo’s “true self” looked like this.

Being kept in the dark about the blind date was certainly something displeasing, but strangely, Pei You didn’t feel any resentment about being left in the dark. On the contrary, he felt that Zhou Qingbo was fine just the way he was at this moment.

Looking carefree, open-minded, and exceptionally genuine.

Zhou Qingbo hooked arms with Pei You and led him forward. The bar was packed with people, and Zhou Qingbo often had to maneuver through the crowd, coming close several times. Each time, Pei You caught a faint scent of lime juice emanating from Pei You

Fresh and slightly sweet.

Zhou Qingbo was close to him, and Pei You could see the ruby earring on his earlobe with a slight turn of his head. Being a mixologist was a physical job, and he hadn’t completely dried off the sweat on his body. Pei You saw the beads of sweat on his forehead trickling down his neck and gradually seeping into the black T-shirt.

“Also, the drinks tonight are on my tab,” Zhou Qingbo said as he led him to the bar counter. He patted Pei You’s shoulder after making him sit at the counter. Then, he leaned over, lifted the counter barrier, and squeezed in. With a smile, he turned his head to look at Pei You and said, “Drink whatever you like. If you have a date, you can also have it on my tab.”

Pei You didn’t realize the purpose of his visit until Zhou Qingbo mentioned it. He immediately looked annoyed and hurriedly got off the high stool, asking anxiously, “By the way, where is booth 17 in area C?”

Zhou Qingbo raised an eyebrow at his words, leaned closer to the bar, and mischievously asked, “You have a date?”

“Uh…” Pei You nodded awkwardly.

“On your left, keep going straight that way, it’s the third booth in the second row,” Zhou Qingbo pointed to the semi-open area in the distance and said, “Over there.”

Pei You had never been late for a blind date before, but he had been late for more than ten minutes this time because of Zhou Qingbo. Feeling anxious and somewhat impolite, he hurriedly nodded at Zhou Qingbo and quickly went towards area C.

Zhou Qingbo raised an eyebrow, unable to resist bursting into laughter while watching his back.

“He’s quite cute,” Zhou Qingbo thought. “How did I not notice that before?”

He watched Pei You enter area C and then straightened himself, taking a cup from under the bar and wiping it with a soft cloth.

Ge Xing appeared from somewhere and casually sat in the seat Pei You had just vacated. He placed his empty glass on the bar, signaling Zhou Qingbo to pour him another drink.

“Was that Pei You just now?” Ge Xing asked.

“Yes,” Zhou Qingbo poured him half a glass of alcohol and said casually, “He’s on a date.”

“You two seem to get along well,” Ge Xing said, implying something.

Zhou Qingbo knew what he meant just by looking at his expression and interrupted him straightforwardly, “I’m not suitable for him.”

“Why?” Ge Xing asked in confusion.

“Because I’m a single-minded person,” Zhou Qingbo said confidently.

“Nonsense,” Ge Xing chuckled, “Don’t fool me with that. You just haven’t met someone you like. If you meet someone you really like, you’ll be faster than anyone else in pursuing them.”

Ge Xing understood Zhou Qingbo well. He had a strict upbringing and both his father and Zhou Cangshan were traditional-minded, making it difficult for Zhou Qingbo to have constant casual relationships. Moreover, he hadn’t encountered someone he was head over heels for, so he preferred the freedom of being single rather than being in a relationship without responsibility.

“I think he should find someone gentle and considerate, like a traditional, good-natured girl with good grades and ambition. They would match better, and it would prevent him from being bullied,” Zhou Qingbo licked his lips and pondered for a moment before saying.

Ge Xing couldn’t help rolling his eyes at his words and said with heartfelt criticism, “Brother, it’s the 21st century already. Why are you still stuck with that old-fashioned mindset? What if he likes someone like you, someone adventurous?”

“I can’t do that. Human nature can’t withstand such a test,” Zhou Qingbo laughed and said, “He looks too honest. I might not be able to resist bullying him.”

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