No Ghosting Allowed

No Ghosting Allowed chapter 102

Walking toward a new life together, with a new future ahead of them

Pei You’s official start date was set for the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, so they had to leave for Shanghai on the fifth day.

At exactly 5 AM on the fifth day, the breakfast shop at the entrance of the residential complex rolled up its shutters right on time. The couple who had returned from a family visit took down the white A4 paper sign that said “Closed” and crumpled it into the nearby trash bin.

The soy milk had been prepared in the early morning, and after reheating it, a sprinkle of white sugar released its rich sweetness bit by bit.

The sweet aroma drifted in the cold morning air. A rideshare car with a company logo seemed to be attracted by the warmth of this winter day. It slowed down and parked right in front of the breakfast shop.

“Mr. , a cup of soy milk,” the driver rolled down the car window and leaned his arm out to scan the payment code attached to the soy milk pot. He added, “And add an extra spoonful of sugar.”

That was the first transaction of the day, and the owner was quite generous with the portion. He handed over the packaged soy milk through the car window. With a familiar smile, the owner struck up a conversation, “Happy New Year, out this early for a drive?”

“Gotta catch the rush to the airport, good opportunity to make some money,” the driver replied.

During the Spring Festival, the platform encouraged drivers by providing subsidies, ranging from one to ten yuan per order. That day’s customer was quite generous, not only providing the subsidy but also giving an additional fifty yuan tip.

The driver rarely encountered customers who were “foolishly rich,” so he was especially proactive in taking on fares, energetically trying to leave a good impression.

The Chinese New Year holiday hadn’t ended yet, and the streets were quite deserted. Even the morning rush hour was delayed by two hours. The driver had arrived ten minutes early, so he turned on the car radio and waited while sipping the soy milk.

The customer seemed to have a strong sense of time, having booked the ride for exactly 5:30 AM, not a minute earlier. The driver listened to the morning news while savoring the entire bag of soy milk. It wasn’t until the digital clock showed 5:29 AM that the metal gate of the nearby residential complex made a creaking sound, slowly sliding open.

From the corner of his eye, he saw someone approaching the car. The driver quickly stuffed the soy milk bag into the car’s garbage bin, opened the door, and stepped out.

The person approaching was a young man, tall and slender, wearing a thick V-neck coat. He carried a small carry-on suitcase, resembling the type of business elite who flew around the world.

In his other hand, he held the hand of a handsome young man. The other person seemed either tired or not yet awake, swaying with a step and stumbling towards the driver.

Both wore matching coats, only in different colors, and carried identical suitcases. Their hands were intertwined, fingers laced together, making their appearance somewhat awkward.

The driver couldn’t help but glance at this strange pair a few more times before looking away.

“Are you headed to the airport?” the driver asked.

“Yes,” the punctual customer replied, “Reservation ending in 0326.”

After confirming the last digits of the customer’s phone number, the driver took the luggage from the customer’s hand and placed it in the trunk. Pei You led Zhou Qingbo to the back seat, and raised his hand to help him remove the thick scarf around his neck.

The cold air along the way didn’t seem to help with consciousness at all. Zhou Qingbo’s eyes were half-opened, as if he hadn’t fully awakened from his dream. Instinctively, he nestled his head into Pei You’s shoulder, quietly complaining about the early morning headache.

“I’m so tired.” Zhou Qingbo said, “Why do I feel dizzy as soon as I open my eyes?”

“Who asked you to stay up so late yesterday?” Pei You said softly, “We’ll buy something to eat at the airport later, that should make you feel better.”

Zhou Qingbo had been excited last night, not willing to let go of their first “love nest” where he and Pei You had moved in together. They spent the night in festivities until 2:30 in the morning. Even Pei You, who had joined in, was feeling a bit tired now.

Zhou Qingbo hadn’t slept enough, and he appeared a bit sluggish. Leaning against Pei You’s shoulder, he used his coat as a barrier to pull Pei You’s hand onto his leg, absentmindedly playing with his fingertips.

“I don’t know why, but the thought of moving out makes me a little reluctant,” Zhou Qingbo said.

He had mentioned this last night as well, but at that time, Pei You thought he was just speaking in jest. He didn’t expect Zhou Qingbo to actually feel this way.

“What’s wrong?” Pei You said gently, “Didn’t we pack everything properly a couple of days ago?”

Zhou Qingbo wasn’t sure why he felt this way. He was not someone who got sentimental easily. He had lived in Star River Bay for a long time, and even when they were moving out, he was quite cheerful about it, not feeling any attachment.

In his eyes, where they lived and how they lived didn’t matter much. As long as the person under the same roof was right, the location itself was not important.

However, perhaps because this was their first shared living space, everything inside represented their expectations for the future. So now, unexpectedly leaving, he felt a genuine sense of reluctance.

“I don’t know either.” But Zhou Qingbo didn’t want these fleeting emotions to affect Pei You. So, he smiled and lightly squeezed his fingers, speaking in a relaxed tone, “Maybe it’s because I put so much effort into tidying up, and now we’re leaving so soon.”

Pei You had become accustomed to understanding Zhou Qingbo’s emotions. He wanted to say something more, but the driver had returned to the car after loading the luggage, so he held back for now.

As the car started moving, Zhou Qingbo subconsciously turned his head to look back at the neighborhood they were leaving behind. The breakfast shop’s tables were set up, steaming baskets of dumplings were placed on the stove, releasing tendrils of white steam.

“I’m a bit hungry,” Zhou Qingbo suddenly said, “Just buying a couple of buns would have been enough.”

His regret was evident in his tone, easily caught by Pei You. Pei You couldn’t help but turn his head to look at him and tightened his grip on his hand.

Zhou Qingbo wasn’t someone who easily wavered in his decisions. He was free-spirited, like a bird hovering in the sky, never lingering for anything mundane.

He was loving without reservation, Pei You thought, because he loved him, he would cherish everything related to him.

The visible disappointment on Zhou Qingbo’s face was like a delicate needle that pierced through Pei You’s heart, making him ache and itch with sympathy.

After a brief hesitation, Pei You subconsciously touched something in his pocket, as if he had made a decision. He gently squeezed Zhou Qingbo’s hand.

“If…” Pei You hesitated a bit, “I give you a surprise right now, would you feel better?”

“A surprise?” Zhou Qingbo looked at Pei You unexpectedly.

Pei You was straightforward in his actions, and this was the first time Zhou Qingbo heard the words “surprise” from him.

But Zhou Qingbo understood him very well. He almost immediately grasped the situation. Pei You must have prepared something in advance. This “surprise” probably shouldn’t appear at this moment, but because Pei You sensed his bad mood and didn’t know how to comfort him, he had to resort to this tactic to cheer him up.

“Preparing a surprise is quite rare for you,” Zhou Qingbo thought. He was suddenly energized, not caring about the timing, curiously looking at Pei You, saying, “Sure, what’s the surprise?”

Pei You subconsciously glanced at the driver in the front seat, then drew the curtain between the front and back seats. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small box about the size of a palm, and said, “I had originally planned to give this to you when we reached Shanghai.” He opened the box, revealing two white gold rings nestled in velvet, and whispered, “But I think, now is the perfect time.”

Zhou Qingbo: “…”

Pei You really lacked romanticism, Zhou Qingbo thought. If it were him, those two rings would definitely appear in a much more fitting and romantic setting, rather than in an ordinary rideshare at an early hour when both of them were sleep-deprived.

In that moment, Zhou Qingbo’s mind raced through countless “romantic plans,” but as those meticulously arranged scenarios flashed through his mind, he suddenly felt that none of them were as real, as impactful as this present moment.

Pei You, who was not known for his romantic gestures, had managed to stun Zhou Qingbo in his tracks. It took Zhou Qingbo a good ten seconds to react.

His chest surged with an intense emotion, like he was covered in a flood of satisfaction and joy. His spirit soared, as if a shot of adrenaline had just been injected into him.

Zhou Qingbo inwardly criticized Pei You for his lack of romantic sensibility, but a smile naturally appeared on his face. Without caring about timing, he scooted forward slightly, eagerly placing his left hand into Pei You’s palm and wiggling his fingers in a playful, encouraging manner.

“When did you buy this?” Zhou Qingbo lowered his voice and asked, “And I had no idea?”

“Before the New Year,” Pei You said. Seeing Zhou Qingbo’s eagerness, he smiled and took one of the rings out of the box. Holding Zhou Qingbo’s hand, he gently slid the ring onto Zhou Qingbo’s finger and said, “When you were preparing the house in Shanghai.”

When Zhou Qingbo left his place at Star River Bay and moved in with him on the day they occupied apartment 1607, he once held his hand and put a keychain on his own finger.

At that time, Zhou Qingbo didn’t think much of it, but Pei You felt guilty. He reflected on his own dullness, thinking that he shouldn’t let Zhou Qingbo act out a solo performance, and that a simple keychain wasn’t enough to appease him.

Zhou Qingbo clearly deserved a surprise and a genuine “proof of home.”

“I originally planned to give this to you when we got to Shanghai, but since you’re not in a good mood now, a few hours won’t make a difference,” Pei You said, adjusting the ring on Zhou Qingbo’s finger slightly and asking, “So, are you happier now?”

“I’m much happier,” Zhou Qingbo chuckled, saying, “A lot happier.”

Saying that, he took the other ring out of the box, mimicking Pei You’s actions, and slipped the ring onto Pei You’s finger. Then he lowered his head slightly and kissed his ring finger.

“I’m really happy,” Zhou Qingbo said.

Zhou Qingbo was easily appeased, and his attention was effortlessly shifted by these two rings. Any sense of loss or reluctance vanished in an instant.

He seemed to forget about the “Love Nest No. 1” he had been reluctant to leave just a while ago. Instead, he focused on the rings, extending his hand to examine the sunlight outside the car window. Occasionally, he would use his thumb to touch the white gold band on his ring finger, relishing the feeling of being bound by something.

Looking at the radiant smile on his face, Pei You felt as though he had been infected by his joy. He was filled with a serene sense of happiness from head to heart.

Thanks to this surprise from Pei You, Zhou Qingbo was like a battery that had been fully charged on the spot. Even his weariness from staying up late seemed to disappear. When they got off the car, he was full of energy, walking as if he could ascend to the heavens.

As the return-to-work date approached, the airport was busier than usual, with young men and women rushing to get back to work. Zhou Qingbo went to the resting area by himself, pushing two suitcases, and sat near the entrance, waiting for Pei You to complete the procedures.

People were bustling around, and Zhou Qingbo swung his legs out of boredom. He leaned back in his chair and his gaze scanned the crowd at the counter, searching for Pei You’s figure.

Pei You was easy to spot in the crowd. Tall and handsome, he stood out. Zhou Qingbo rested his chin on his hand, curiously staring at his figure for a while. Suddenly, the scene felt somewhat familiar—just like when he and Pei You were on a business trip together for the first time. He had sat in this very spot, waiting for Pei You to finish the procedures and return to his side.

The seat was the same, the person was the same, but the destination was different, and their state of mind was completely changed.

How time had changed. Who could have imagined that the Zhou Qingbo who had been reluctant to go on business trips now willingly “eloping” with someone? And he was truly willing.

Amused by his own memories, Zhou Qingbo’s expression softened. After a while, he mischievously took out his phone and sent a WeChat message to Pei You.

“I feel like drinking cola,” Zhou Qingbo said. “Make sure it’s chilled.”

Pei You happened to have finished the procedures and didn’t pay much attention to the message. He simply replied with a “yeah,” then turned and headed to the nearby 24-hour convenience store.

His actions were swift, and he returned shortly with the chilled cola and rice balls. Zhou Qingbo pocketed his phone and leaned back in the chair, grinning as he watched Pei You approach.

“Why do you want something cold in the morning?” Pei You held a plastic bag and reached into it for the cola, casually remarking, “It’s so cold, be careful not to get a headache after drinking it.”

Zhou Qingbo laughed but didn’t say a word, not offering an explanation. Instead, he used his fingertip to hold the cuff of Pei You’s sleeve, and with a knowing smile, he gestured as if pulling someone’s clothes, guiding them down.

Pei You followed the motion, bending over slightly. Finally recognizing the familiar scene, he stopped and cast a helpless glance at Zhou Qingbo.

“You don’t really want cola, do you?” Pei You asked.

Zhou Qingbo laughed but didn’t answer verbally. He playfully hooked Pei You’s cuff with his fingertip and grinned at him, saying, “stealing.”

Same time, same place, and the same people. However, this time Pei You didn’t foolishly ask what he was stealing. He just smiled helplessly, and in response, he leaned down and gently kissed Zhou Qingbo’s lips like a dragonfly skimming water.

Clearly, Pei You had become adept at dealing with Zhou Qingbo’s antics. Zhou Qingbo felt content as Pei You smoothed down his hair. He lazily propped up his chin, gazing up at Pei You.

“You have to be honest, did you have ulterior motives back then?” Zhou Qingbo asked with a teasing tone.

The airport was warmer than outside, and Zhou Qingbo’s scarf was slightly loose, revealing a fair patch of his neck. Pei You lowered his gaze and noticed a faint red string peeking out from beneath his layers of clothing.

The red string was barely visible, hiding behind his collar, but Pei You couldn’t resist the urge. He reached out and hooked a small section of the red string, gently caressing it with his fingertips.

“Maybe,” Pei You’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down for a moment. He honestly said, “I don’t really know.”

“What about now?” Zhou Qingbo asked.

“Yeah,” Pei You tucked the bit of red string back into place, then smoothed down the collar of Zhou Qingbo’s shirt. Extending his hand in that pose, he said, “Now I know. I think I fell for you at first sight.”

As they spoke, the airport’s information board suddenly refreshed. The flight to Shanghai had reached its designated position, and ticket checks would begin shortly. Zhou Qingbo glanced back at the main information board, pulled Pei You’s hand, and stood up.

Just after passing security, Zhou Qingbo’s phone in his pocket vibrated lightly. He took out his phone and saw a large sum of money transferred into his account. Puzzled, he tapped the notification to see who the sender was. A new message from Jiang Man suddenly appeared at the top of his screen.

“It’s from your older brother,” Jiang Man said. “Don’t tell Dad, okay?”

Coincidentally, just after Jiang Man’s text, a new payment message popped up on his phone, right below the previous one in the notification panel.

Thinking that Jiang Man might have sent the payment twice, Zhou Qingbo was about to remind her, but then a new message window suddenly jumped to the top in his WeChat.

“It’s from your dad,” Liang Ying said. “Darling, be thrifty with your spending. Don’t tell your older brother.”

Zhou Qingbo: “…”

These two messages, one after the other, made Zhou Qingbo burst into laughter. He couldn’t help but stop with Pei You and bend over, laughing uncontrollably.

Pei You had no idea what had happened, but seeing him laugh like this after glancing at his phone, he looked at Zhou Qingbo with concern and gently patted his shoulder, asking what was going on.

“It’s nothing,” Zhou Qingbo finished laughing, straightened up, and shook his phone at Pei You. Smiling, he said, “Our elopement fund has arrived.”

The scheduled flight had started ticket checks. Zhou Qingbo unexpectedly rushed forward and gave Pei You a hug, then took his hand and walked briskly toward the boarding gate.

Pei You was initially puzzled and wanted to ask what was going on, but looking at their intertwined hands, he felt that there was no need to ask for all the details.

After all, they were walking toward a new life together, with a new future ahead of them.


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