No Ghosting Allowed

No Ghosting Allowed chapter 101

I’ll cherish it

The matter of “eloping” couldn’t be hidden from the family. So, on the second day after returning from Shanghai, Zhou Qingbo changed into more formal attire and went to Qingshan to apologize to his older brother.

Two to three months had passed, and Qingshan’s security had been upgraded again. Zhou Qingbo’s old ID card was no longer effective at the security checkpoint, and a red light stopped him. Fortunately, the security guard patrolling the lobby recognized him and gave him a green light to let him in.

As the holiday season approached, the atmosphere in the company was unusually relaxed. Zhou Qingbo casually took the elevator to the designated floor. When he opened the office door, he didn’t see his older brother, but he did see Jiang Man sitting on the couch in the rest area, reading a magazine.

“Sister-in-law?” Zhou Qingbo greeted with a smile and said, “You’re here too.”

“Your older brother is becoming more and more childish. He thinks working alone is boring and needs someone to accompany him,” Jiang Man said, curled up on the couch, covered with a large blanket. It didn’t seem like she was here to “accompany” him; it looked more like she was on vacation.

“He’s worried about you,” Zhou Qingbo chuckled and replied, “A new dad, I can understand.”

Jiang Man had just found out she was pregnant the previous month, and she was still in the early stages. Zhou Cangshan had always cherished her, and now he was so nervous that it seemed like Jiang Man was a fragile glass doll, and he wanted to carry her around in a velvet box all day long.

Jiang Man found his behavior both amusing and frustrating. She put down the magazine, teasingly said, “What new dad? I think he’s a clueless dad.”

As they spoke, Zhou Cangshan came in from outside. Zhou Qingbo and Jiang Man didn’t conspire behind his back, so when they saw him, they exchanged a glance and both turned away, laughing awkwardly twice.

Zhou Cangshan had no way with his wife, so he could only vent on his younger brother. Seeing their expressions, he put on a stern face, stared at Zhou Qingbo, and said in an annoyed tone, “You’re only showing up now? I thought you’d quietly run away.”

The matter of going to Shanghai wasn’t something Zhou Qingbo had tried to hide. Over these few months, he had occasionally shared updates on the progress of the decoration on his social media. Besides creating some buzz for the opening of the store, he also wanted to subtly gauge his family’s attitude.

He hadn’t set any privacy settings on his social media posts. He had also talked to Jiang Man and Liang Ying on the phone quite a bit during this period. Seeing that Zhou Cangshan and Zhou Jianguo had been quiet for those two months, he knew they probably weren’t strongly opposed.

“How could that be?” Zhou Qingbo knew Zhou Cangshan wasn’t truly upset, so he cheekily chuckled and joked, “Eloping would break my legs. I don’t have the courage for that.”

“Don’t give me that. Are you telling me you lack courage?” Zhou Cangshan retorted, a bit discontented but also somewhat softening. He couldn’t help but give Zhou Qingbo a look and said softly, “I saw your resignation application in HR just now—you’ve really decided to go with Pei You?”

Ever since Zhou Qingbo refused to return to work the last time, Zhou Cangshan had vaguely sensed that his younger brother probably wouldn’t stay. Although he thought it was a good thing for Zhou Qingbo to go out and explore, when he actually saw him in person, he felt a sense of emptiness, and nothing felt right.

“Also, can your bar support you financially?” Zhou Cangshan’s mindset was still quite traditional, and he didn’t have a favorable impression of establishments like “bars.” Whenever he thought of this matter, he got worked up, couldn’t help but complain, “If you’re going to do business, why not open a stable business? Why dabble in all those messy things? It’s a whim one after another. Have you done any market research in the neighborhood? If your business goes under, have you thought about what to do then?”

Zhou Qingbo was a person used to assessing the situation based on the context, and he was a master at adapting to circumstances. He followed the principle of being weak against the strong and strong against the weak in his approach to handling things. When he saw that Zhou Cangshan was merely scolding him without any real anger, he relaxed and casually picked up an orange from the fruit plate, starting to speak freely.

“No big deal,” Zhou Qingbo stuffed an orange piece into his mouth, nonchalantly saying, “Even if I fail, I can just become an internet celebrity. Couples these days are doing great economically. Pei You is so good-looking. I can start a Weibo account and make daily Vlogs of us. It’ll be enough.”

Zhou Cangshan: “…” (Speechless)

Zhou Cangshan probably didn’t expect Zhou Qingbo to come up with such “unconventional” ideas. He was momentarily taken aback and couldn’t find words to respond.

“Or I can just rely on Pei You,” Zhou Qingbo continued with his nonsensical talk, “Anyway, he’s about to be promoted to manager. He can support me easily—plus, I’m low-maintenance. I can survive on some millet porridge and flatbreads.”

The sentiment of “my little brother is leaving home as he grows up” disappeared from Zhou Cangshan’s mind in an instant. He was so frustrated by Zhou Qingbo’s words that he almost choked.

“Have you no shame?” Zhou Cangshan couldn’t help but criticize, “What if he doesn’t want you afterward?”

“Then I’ll have no choice,” Zhou Qingbo confidently replied, “I can only go to his office with my ID card and officially report Manager Pei’s misconduct—then we’ll go down together.”

Zhou Cangshan: “…”

Zhou Cangshan suffered defeat in this verbal exchange, choked by Zhou Qingbo’s “grandiose statements.”

Once a younger brother is married off, he’s like spilled water. Zhou Qingbo hadn’t even run away yet, and he was already extending his arm into someone else’s home.

Zhou Cangshan finally accepted this harsh reality, realizing that Zhou Qingbo had made up his mind. Further persuasion would be futile, so he changed the topic and discussed business matters.

“By the way, how long are you going to give Dad the silent treatment?” Zhou Cangshan asked, “You’re not planning to come home for Chinese New Year?”

The Lunar New Year was early this year. After New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year would follow shortly. Normally at this time, the Zhou family would be busy buying Lunar New Year goods, but this year, Zhou Qingbo’s absence made the house seem emptier.

“Not exactly. I still plan to come home for Chinese New Year,” Zhou Qingbo swallowed an orange piece with a gulp, habitually turning the orange peel into a decorative flower in his hands. He hesitated before saying, “But I’m afraid Dad will kick me out.”

“Why would he kick you out?” Zhou Cangshan gave him a glance, his attitude somewhat softened, and he revealed, “Has you seen him meddling in your affairs during this time?”

“Really?” Zhou Qingbo took the opportunity to climb the ladder of hope. He smiled and scooted closer to the edge of the couch, then asked cheekily, “Then I can confidently go back home.”

“Bring Pei You along,” Zhou Cangshan said, “Dad wants to meet him.”

“Huh?” Zhou Qingbo was surprised. He straightened up subconsciously and questioned, “Why does Dad want to see him?”

“You’re about to leave, and your parents naturally want to meet the person you’re with before feeling at ease,” Zhou Cangshan explained. He looked at Zhou Qingbo and said with a hint of coolness, “Don’t worry, I don’t intend to eat your boyfriend.”

In the past few months, Zhou Cangshan had been influenced by Jiang Man’s views, and now when he mentioned “boyfriend,” it didn’t sound as awkward as it did at the beginning.

“Then I’ll ask Pei You,” Zhou Qingbo thought for a moment and said, “If he’s willing, I’ll invite him.”

Pei You wasn’t someone who got stage fright easily. After Zhou Qingbo discussed the matter with him, he readily agreed. On the morning of the first day of the lunar new year, he arrived at Zhou’s parents’ community on time with a bunch of gift boxes.

Zhou Qingbo had returned home a couple of days earlier. After staying up late for the New Year’s Eve, he got up early today, wrapped in thick pajamas and wearing slippers, waiting at the entrance of the community to pick up Pei You.

“Why did you buy so many things?” Zhou Qingbo was delighted when he opened the trunk of the taxi. He said, “Didn’t Auntie say you don’t need to bring anything when you come home, just give money?”

“My mom and my sister helped me pick them out. They said it’s my first time visiting, so they were afraid I’ll appear unprepared,” Pei You explained. He touched Zhou Qingbo’s cold hand and nudged him, saying, “You’re cold. Don’t do anything with your hands.”

“It’s no big deal, just a few steps.” Before Pei You could stop him, Zhou Qingbo swiftly grabbed a box of tea from the trunk and then naturally extended his hand to hold Pei You’s, smiling as he said, “By the way, there are no outsiders at home today. My parents pushed away the visitors to see you—how’s that? Do they value you enough?”

“Should I be more formal then?” Pei You, who had never met parents before, was a new-bie at this. He reflected on his own poor performance and tried to improve his approach based on Zhou Qingbo’s last-minute guidance.

“Just be yourself, no need to be overly conscious,” Zhou Qingbo appeared much more relaxed than before. He pinched Pei You’s hand, smiled, and said, “If they’re not satisfied, I’ll run away with you.”

Pei You: “…”

Zhou Qingbo’s reassurance didn’t seem to work. With his two sentences, Pei You’s mood swung dramatically. He couldn’t tell if he was feeling more relaxed or more nervous.

Seeing that Pei You had stiffened up from head to toe like a wooden board, Zhou Qingbo couldn’t help but suppress a chuckle. He reached from behind and placed his hand on Pei You’s shoulder, giving him a gentle push up the steps.

“Alright, don’t be nervous,” Zhou Qingbo said, “If there’s any issue, they’ll come to me. They won’t trouble you.”

Zhou’s parents lived not far from the entrance of the residential complex in a standalone small villa. As they were welcoming Pei You, the courtyard gate had been opened in advance.

Zhou Qingbo stood at the doorway and rang the doorbell. Someone quickly approached from inside, wearing slippers, and opened the door.

Zhou Qingbo gently released Pei You’s hand, handed him the box of tea, gave him an assuring look, and then stepped back slightly, waiting for the door to open.

The one opening the door was Liang Ying. She had a little flour on her hands and when she saw Pei You, she first froze for a moment and then smiled at him, inviting him inside.

“Are you Xiaopei?” Liang Ying asked, “Come in quickly, it’s cold outside.”

Before coming, Pei You had already mentally prepared himself in numerous ways. Even He Ping and Pei Yu had stayed up late the night before to give him an impromptu “crash course,” simulating how he should handle it if Zhou’s parents were difficult.

But what surprised Pei You was that Zhou’s parents’ attitudes were rather friendly. From the greetings upon entering to the exchange of gifts, while Zhou Jianguo wasn’t overly enthusiastic, he wasn’t cold either. He accepted the items with politeness and invited Pei You to the living room for tea and fruits.

Not only Pei You, but even Zhou Qingbo was pleasantly surprised by Zhou Jianguo’s attitude. He took advantage of the opportunity when he went to the kitchen to fetch plates to whisper to Liang Ying.

“Did Dad change his attitude today?” Zhou Qingbo whispered, “I thought he’d want to assert his authority over us.”

“What did you think of your dad?” Liang Ying scolded him with a glance and whispered, “You were raised by your dad. It’s not a big deal for him to say a few words to you. Pei You hasn’t even had a meal with him. Why should he be bossy to him?”

Liang Ying’s words eased Zhou Qingbo’s concerns. He sneaked a piece of meat from the pot, shuffled his feet, and went to the small living room to listen to what Zhou Jianguo and Pei You were talking about.

Pei You had a proper and serious demeanor, which might have made him seem distant during the matchmaking, but it actually earned him the favor of the elders.

Zhou Jianguo had always liked young people who were willing to work hard and strive for progress. Now that there was a “serious young man” in the family, he had also lessened his bias against the term “homosexuality.”

However, what surprised Zhou Qingbo was that neither Zhou Jianguo nor Liang Ying had inquired about Pei You’s family background or their plans to go to Shanghai. It was as if they were genuinely inviting Pei You for a meeting, and they had a simple meal together.

Both Zhou Jianguo and Zhou Cangshan were men of few words, and even when they were together, they couldn’t hold a conversation. On the other hand, Liang Ying and Jiang Man exchanged a few words with Pei You during the meal, asking about his work and how things were going.

“Work is going smoothly, and the leaders are taking good care of me,” Pei You said honestly, “After the promotion after the New Year, the salary and benefits will be much better than before.”

“As long as work is going well,” Liang Ying pushed a plate of braised fish towards him and Zhou Qingbo, smiling as she said, “You’re both young, it’s good to be ambitious, but don’t overwork yourselves. Money can’t buy back your youth, so balance work and life.”

“Understood,” Pei You said earnestly, “But Auntie, rest assured, my job is stable and I can support Qingbo while taking care of the family.”

Zhou Qingbo: “Pfft—”

Pei You’s humor also made Liang Ying laugh. She picked up a piece of food with her chopsticks and had to clarify her words a bit.

“Good child, he doesn’t need you to support him. He can live on millet porridge,” Liang Ying said, “But I’ve heard that your job is quite demanding. You need to find a balance between work and rest.”

She returned Zhou Qingbo’s teasing words to Zhou Cangshan almost verbatim. Zhou Qingbo blushed with embarrassment, but he also felt that maintaining this wonderful misunderstanding wasn’t a bad thing. So, he nodded obediently and agreed.

“Alright,” Zhou Jianguo took out two bulging red envelopes from his pocket and handed one to Zhou Qingbo and one to Pei You, waving his hand without making a fuss, “Go on, don’t bother us at home.”

Pei You didn’t say a word and received the red envelope, feeling somewhat guilty about it. He was about to decline, but Zhou Qingbo quickly grabbed his arm and rapidly bid farewell to his family members.

Caught off guard, Pei You only managed to say a quick goodbye before Zhou Qingbo dragged him out of the courtyard.

“Why are you so honest? Don’t let it go to waste,” Zhou Qingbo stuffed both red envelopes into Pei You’s pocket, saying confidently, “Otherwise, wishing ‘Uncle and Aunt a Happy New Year’ would be in vain, right?”

“But… isn’t it a bit too much?” Pei You was quite sensitive to money. He had briefly touched one of the envelopes and it felt like there was at least twenty thousand inside.

“It’s not much, after all, it’s the last lunch,” Zhou Qingbo stifled a laugh and playfully teased him, “Didn’t you hear what my dad said? From now on, even if you are short on food, you won’t get money from home—consider this parting gift as the cost of meals, so it’s appropriate to give a little more.”

Pei You lowered his gaze and thoughtfully touched the red envelope in his pocket, lost in thought.

With one hand in his pocket, Zhou Qingbo slyly reached over and hooked his finger onto the cuff of Pei You’s sleeve, gently shaking it.

“Hey,” Zhou Qingbo asked, “Now that my family won’t be taking care of me anymore, will you let me go without food?”

Clearly he was asking knowingly, but Pei You still turned to look at him, earnestly shaking his head.

“No, I won’t,” Pei You said, “You have to trust me.”

“Just messing with you,” Zhou Qingbo chuckled, shaking his sleeve playfully, and said, “My New Year’s money is usually not this much. Most of it is for you. My dad felt awkward mentioning it, so it’s good that you know.”

“Actually, your dad isn’t bad.”

Pei You turned to look back for a moment. Once they turned the corner, the small villa was blocked by a row of trees, just slightly visible from the side. After a brief glance, Pei You averted his gaze and continued, “He cares about you.”

“Yeah,” Zhou Qingbo didn’t deny it, “Although he was a bit fierce when he was younger, making the whole family a bit afraid of him.”

“But my dad has high values; he sticks to his words. He won’t go back on what he says,” Zhou Qingbo said, “Whether it’s money for meals or a parting gift, it shows that he approves of you and is ready to entrust me to you.”

Zhou Qingbo’s finger slipped from the cuff of Pei You’s sleeve, barely falling into the palm of his hand. He naturally held Pei You’s hand, turned his head, and smiled at him.

“How about it?” Zhou Qingbo playfully teased, “Do you want to take on this big responsibility? It’s up to you.”

“Of course,” Pei You always took such playful jokes seriously. He held Zhou Qingbo’s hand in his, breathed against his cold fingers, and said solemnly, “And I’ll cherish it.”

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