Love Contract

Love Contract chapter 13

Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony at Guoyi was held in early July, and every year they invited outstanding alumni to return to the school and give a speech.

This year, Chi Lianxi’s name was prominently on the invitation list. Not only were Guoyi’s students excited, but even fans tried all sorts of ways to get acquainted with the graduates, offering to help carry luggage or bring bouquets, just hoping to get themselves into the auditorium for the speech.

On the way to the auditorium, Jiang Liusui overheard a few girls talking behind him. “Did you hear? People have been camping outside the auditorium since early this morning just to grab a front-row seat. Apparently, one of our graduates even brought a huge camera.”

“Oh my god, that’s intense! But I totally get it.”

“I got up at seven just to do my full makeup. I really hope I can lock eyes with Chi Lianxi.”

“That’s so dreamy, locking eyes with a big star across a crowd of people, hahaha!”

As Jiang Liusui walked into the auditorium, he immediately spotted Chi Lianxi sitting in the front row. He was dressed in formal attire, smiling as he spoke with the school leaders beside him, with camera flashes going off around him.

Unfortunately, it was too far away to see any clearer. Jiang Liusui walked with his fellow students to the performance department’s seating area, which was next to the dance department across the aisle. Shen Sijia, who was originally standing and adjusting her graduation gown, waved happily when she saw him. “Suisui!”

The two departments were close, so Shen Sijia simply sat next to Jiang Liusui. “Did you see Chi Lianxi? He’s your idol, right?”

“Yeah,” Jiang Liusui smiled. “He’s giving a speech later, I’m really looking forward to it.”

“That’s so cool. I wish Guoyi would invite our Lao Gong too,” Shen Sijia said with a hint of regret. “But even if they invite him later, I won’t be around to see it.”

She looked at Jiang Liusui and, changing the subject, became excited again. “You have no idea how much I’ve been holding back! The music video hasn’t been officially announced yet, so I can’t even mention it to my fangirl friends. They’re all dying to know who got to act with our Lao Gong, trying to piece together clues every day, hahaha!”

As soon as the teaser for the prelude song’s music video was released, it caused a huge sensation online.

The brief ten-second teaser was composed of a sunny flower field and a gloomy, cold rainy night. Director Huang Zhicheng, known for his vast experience, used striking color contrasts to immediately capture the audience’s attention. Even though the person acting alongside He Yujing didn’t show their face, the tension between the two was palpable. The stark contrast between the lighthearted and romantic sunshine in their first meeting and the cold atmosphere on the night of their fallout was incredibly impactful.

He Yujing’s music videos typically focused more on styling, settings, and the song’s concept, rarely featuring a complete storyline. This time, however, there was another protagonist, and judging by the figure, it was a man.

Even though same-sex marriage was legal now, and it had only been a few years since the marriage law was amended, the public still generally expected heterosexual pairings. As soon as the teaser was released, it sparked an unprecedented level of discussion. He Yujing was already a dominant figure in the industry and didn’t need to use same-sex relationships as a gimmick. Moreover, being a shareholder of Shengyun, the company couldn’t force him to do something he didn’t like. The person chosen as the male lead must have perfectly matched He Yujing’s vision.

This only made it more intriguing.

“…Thank goodness the prelude is dropping tonight; I’d go crazy if it didn’t—You only met Lao Gong at the club last month, and everyone will go wild discussing it. Just thinking about how the internet will blow up tonight makes me restless!!” Shen Sijia was getting more and more excited.

After listening to her emotional rollercoaster, Jiang Liusui suddenly said, “You should have also studied directing.”


“You could act out a whole play by yourself. Just learning dance is a waste of your talent.”


As Shen Sijia fell silent, a boy came over and sat next to Jiang Liusui. “Hey, it’s been a while.”

The boy was tall, thin, and had a clean, youthful look. Shen Sijia teased, “Our superstar Xie is still as handsome as ever.”

Xie Chen sighed, “Please, don’t flatter me too much, okay?”

He placed a hand on Jiang Liusui’s shoulder and smiled. “No one can compare to this guy. He’s the real face of our performance department.”

Xie Chen had started as a child actor, having played many roles over the years, and was one of the most notable graduates of Guoyi this year. He was also Jiang Liusui’s roommate.

The two got along well, and Jiang Liusui patted him on the back. “It’s been a while. How have you been?”

“Don’t even ask, things haven’t been going well,” Xie Chen shrugged. “I haven’t landed any of the auditions I went to, especially the one I really wanted—I didn’t even get a chance to meet anyone.”

He didn’t go into details, and Shen Sijia and Jiang Liusui wisely didn’t press further. Just then, a girl in the front row suddenly screamed, and the auditorium erupted into noise. Before Jiang Liusui could react, Shen Sijia grabbed his arm. “Oh my god—! Do you see who that is?! Suisui, Suisui! Tell me I’m not seeing things!!”

Following her gaze, Jiang Liusui saw someone leading a striking man into the auditorium from the side entrance. He was dressed in unassuming black, but his profile was sharp and aloof, standing out among the still-innocent graduates and seasoned school leaders.

He was like a glowing figure in the dark ocean, drawing everyone’s attention as soon as he appeared.

Xie Chen’s eyes widened. “…He Yujing?”

The surrounding graduates were equally excited. “No way?! Is this real? What’s he doing here?!”

“Is he here to give a speech as an outstanding alumnus too? Guoyi is killing it—first Chi Lianxi, and now He Yujing. This is almost like an end-of-year awards ceremony!”

“Or maybe he’s here as an honorary alumnus. Don’t you remember? The Yaoguang Tower was just completed last month.”

Amid the murmurs and whispers, Shen Sijia leaned in and whispered to Jiang Liusui, “Did you know he would come?”

Jiang Liusui shook his head. “I didn’t know either.”

It had been almost two weeks since the MV was wrapped up, and he hadn’t been in contact with He Yujing since. He also hadn’t mentioned during the shoot that he would attend the graduation ceremony.

However, looking at He Yujing’s casual attire, which hadn’t been shown publicly before, it seemed like his visit to Guoyi was more of a personal affair.

Even after He Yujing entered the venue, the buzz around him continued. It wasn’t until the female host took the stage and began the opening remarks that the crowd gradually quieted down:

“Honored teachers, dear graduates, hello everyone! On this bright and promising summer day, welcome to the 63rd graduation ceremony of Guoyi! …”

Jiang Liusui unlocked his phone and found an account he hadn’t contacted in over half a month.

The last time he chatted with He Yujing was when he delivered a midnight snack. His WeChat name was simply a letter, “E,” and Jiang Liusui remembered that He Yujing’s English name seemed to start with an “E.” His profile picture was a white background with scattered red clouds floating on it, and his Moments background was purely black, set to be visible for only three days. The signature was just a blank space.

It didn’t look like he used the account often, and it had an air of aloofness that made it hard to strike up a conversation.

After a moment of hesitation, he sent a message.

Liusuii: [Why did you come to Guoyi? Are you giving a speech?]

He didn’t expect a reply in such a setting, but surprisingly, after He Yujing sat down in the distance, he slightly lowered his head.

Soon, Jiang Liusui’s phone buzzed.

E: [No speech, just came to have a look.]

E: [Do you have anything else after this?]

Without thinking much, Jiang Liusui replied.

Liusuii: [No, nothing after the graduation ceremony.]

Chi Lianxi was seated next to He Yujing. He had just found out that his friend would be attending the graduation ceremony, and after He Yujing sat down, he kept fiddling with his phone. “Who are you texting? It’s rare to see you reply so quickly. Why didn’t you respond when I asked you to hang out the day before yesterday?”

After getting the reply he wanted, He Yujing leaned back comfortably and asked, “Who are you?”

“…!” Chi Lianxi resisted the urge to kick him. He saw that He Yujing was staring seriously at the big screen behind the host, as if he was really there for the graduation ceremony, and couldn’t help but be curious. “What exactly are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be busy like crazy with your new album?”

“I’ve already finished that,” He Yujing said with a hint of arrogance. “I’m free now.”

Chi Lianxi remembered something. “Oh, are you here to check out that building?”

He Yujing’s mother also graduated from Guoyi. Perhaps because both mother and son attended the same school, when He Yujing graduated, the He family donated a new teaching building to Guoyi in his name. The news was all over the place at the time, and fans jokingly said that while others donate buildings to get into school, he donated one upon graduation.

The female host finished the opening speech and stepped down, and the principal took the stage to give his speech. The camera panned over the students present, showing one youthful face after another on the big screen.

When the screen showed himself, Jiang Liusui paused for a moment before smiling at the camera.

The camera captured him just as he was taking off his graduation cap and placing it aside, his hair slightly tousled. Xie Chen quickly helped him put it back on.

A boy in the back row teased, “Our department’s poster boy, you’re on the screen!”

“Hurry up, Jiang Ge, give us a smile! Wow, that smile is killer. Our acting department is counting on your face this year!”

The scene brought laughter to the graduates. He Yujing slightly curved his lips.

Chi Lianxi, noticing him still staring at the big screen, looked up and remarked in surprise, “Isn’t that the kid? Oh right, he’s from Guoyi. I almost forgot.”

After the camera moved away, Jiang Liusui noticed he had received another message from He Yujing.

E: [I’ve seen you.]

He actually messaged him again. What was going on with him today?

Jiang Liusui wondered for a second and then replied with a string of “hahahahahaha” before adding, [Did I look dumb? I didn’t realize it was happening.]

He Yujing didn’t respond with words but sent a meme.

It was a little fox meme that Jiang Liusui had sent him before. He hadn’t expected He Yujing to save it. Jiang Liusui couldn’t help but smile, thinking that He Yujing was more like a cat than a fox. But not a soft, cuddly kitten—more like a domineering lion.

As an outstanding student representative of previous years, Chi Lianxi was the last to take the stage. His speech was lighthearted and humorous, combined with his flawless face on the big screen, bringing the atmosphere in the auditorium to a peak, with bursts of applause and cheers.

As soon as the graduation ceremony ended, several girls rushed over to He Yujing, “Lao gong Lao gong Ahhh, Yu Ge, can we take a picture with you?”

One girl shouted so enthusiastically that Chi Lianxi, just about to step off the stage, couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Sure,” He Yujing stood up, smiling as he looked at her. “But what’s with that last title? You shouldn’t call me that.”

The girl’s face flushed as she shyly covered her face.

Seeing that he agreed to take photos, the students eagerly gathered around him. Unlike his wild and unrestrained stage persona, He Yujing was always patient with his fans in private. Many students took the opportunity to ask him about his new album, some handed him little notes, and the bolder ones even asked for his contact information.

Amidst the crowd, He Yujing handled the situation with ease—giving a vague response about the new song and ignoring any requests for contact information, maintaining a perfect sense of distance.

With school leaders present, even though the students were incredibly excited, they dared not act out, so they took their photos and left in an orderly manner.

When Chi Lianxi got off the stage, a crowd of graduates also gathered around him, asking for pictures. Standing close to He Yujing, he suddenly noticed a familiar figure and instinctively patted his friend, lowering his voice, “Is the kid here for a photo too? Didn’t he get enough from shooting the MV with you?”

He Yujing raised his eyes.

Jiang Liusui walked down the stairs, talking to the girl beside him. With his tall and slender figure and fair skin, even in a black graduation gown, he stood out among the graduates.

“Isn’t it normal? After all, so many days have passed since the filming,” He Yujing thought about the conversation he had with Jiang Liusui earlier. He felt it was only natural for them to meet up, given that it had been a while since they last saw each other.

Chi Lianxi, standing next to him, got goosebumps from his tone. “Why do you sound like you’re talking about a reunion after a long separation?”

As they gradually got closer, Jiang Liusui glanced at the man surrounded by the crowd and hesitated slightly.

Although they weren’t at the point where they needed to avoid each other, the issue of the MV lead roles had caused a stir online, making it somewhat inconvenient to be seen together now… He Yujing should understand this better than anyone.

To avoid trouble, Jiang Liusui pretended not to know him and walked straight past He Yujing.

“Teacher Chi,” he stopped in front of Chi Lianxi, “can I take a picture with you?”

Jiang Liusui, who stood at 180 cm, was considered tall among boys, but both Chi Lianxi and He Yujing were over 185 cm. He had to slightly tilt his head to look at them, making the expectation in his eyes even more evident.

“…Pfft.” Chi Lianxi hadn’t expected Jiang Liusui to approach him. Reflexively, he glanced to the side and, unsurprisingly, saw his friend’s face darken for a moment. Holding back a laugh, he said, “Of course, why not?”

He Yujing’s expression was blank as he licked his teeth with his tongue.


After chatting for so long, all Jiang Liusui remembered was to come over to Chi Lianxi and didn’t even spare him a glance.

Shen Sijia, who was about to help take the photo, noticed them talking and suddenly thought the two of them looked good together. After all, Jiang Liusui was Chi Lianxi’s fan, and now it seemed like a dream come true.

She thought she’d ship them just a little bit…

“Lao gong, what kind of song is tonight’s prelude? Can you tell us?” A cautious female voice interrupted He Yujing’s thoughts. Hearing someone bring it up, others couldn’t help but ask, “Who’s the other person in the teaser? They look like a guy, right?”

And there seemed to be quite a few intimate scenes?

The girl didn’t say the latter part, but exchanged excited glances with her friend.

A guy with such a beautiful figure was rare. There was a scene where he let go of someone’s hand, and that wrist was so white and slender, it looked like it could break easily. She worried that He Yujing might have been too rough and accidentally hurt him.

Damn, who cast this? The subtle sexual tension was just too good!

Unfortunately, the teaser was so cleverly edited that even though fans examined it with a magnifying glass and promotional accounts offered various theories, no one could accurately figure out who it was.

He Yujing glanced to the side, noticing that Jiang Liusui seemed to hear the endless questions from the fans. He was about to take a photo with Chi Lianxi, but his expression became slightly unnatural.

This little unease suddenly piqued He Yujing’s interest.

Shen Jie, He Yujing’s manager, knowing He Yujing was going to the Academy of Arts on a whim, was worried he’d cause trouble and repeatedly warned him not to mention the new song or album. If asked, he was supposed to just brush it off.

Looking at the expectant faces in front of him, He Yujing had a sudden realization.

Why should I brush it off?

The girl sincerely asked a question; shouldn’t I give her a hint?

It doesn’t make a difference whether I reveal it now or later.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of a few hours, and if Jiang Liusui gets mobbed, he can just take him away.

“There,” He Yujing gestured with his chin, “over there.”

The fans looked at each other, almost breaking into disbelief. “What? Teacher Chi?!”

Jiang Liusui was also stunned, turning his head as if he had misheard.

But when he turned around, he met a pair of eyes calmly watching him, as if waiting to capture his gaze.

He Yujing looked at him, smiling faintly, and asked, “Don’t you recognize me, Jiang Liusui?”

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