Love Contract

Love Contract chapter 10


The scene was filled with laughter. The makeup artist was holding her stomach and said, “Oh, did you record that? The part just now was too wonderful, it should definitely be included in the bloopers.”

Huang Zhicheng shook his head with a smile, “When it comes time to shoot, I hope you both can perform as well as you did just now.”

Before Jiang Liusui could speak, He Yujing smiled at Huang Zhicheng, “That wouldn’t be good. It would make it look like you’re shooting a newlywed diary.”

Jiang Liusui: “…?”

Jiang Liusui thought that sometimes He Yujing could be quite annoying.

Huang Zhicheng, however, was calm and collected, showing excellent manners: “If you can’t bring half of that current enthusiasm later, don’t blame me for turning your performance into an NG diary.”

He Yujing was momentarily stunned and speechless. Jiang Liusui gently patted his shoulder, “No, I want to shoot a newlywed diary, not an NG diary.”

His physical contact was so natural, and his words were accompanied by a smile that, for a moment, He Yujing actually felt like Jiang Liusui was being a bit coquettish.

He Yujing dismissed this strange thought and responded, “Then I’ll do my best.”

“I didn’t notice earlier, but Xiao Jiang’s shoulder might be uncomfortable, right? It might not be good to shoot the argument scene again.” Huang Zhicheng shifted the topic back, saying to the two of them, “Tonight we’ll only film one more scene from the romantic phase period. No need for any strenuous action.”

Compared to the previous tense parting scene, the atmosphere on set lightened significantly as they moved into the romantic phase period. The whole villa was brightly lit, and the crew was busy adjusting the setup. Jiang Liusui finished his makeup just in time to catch Huang Zhicheng and He Yujing discussing the scene.

“……At the beginning, you will be busy flipping through the album, and your attention won’t be on him,” Huang Zhicheng started, then saw Jiang Liusui walking over. “Xiao Jiang, are you ready? Come join us.”

The makeup and costume for this scene aimed to create a homey atmosphere. Both were dressed in loose shirts and long pants. Although their attire was similar, their demeanor was completely different.

“Good, you look very compatible standing together.” Huang Zhicheng was very satisfied with their appearance, “Later, Xiao Jiang, you will first grab Yujing’s arm. At first, he won’t be paying attention to you and will be somewhat indifferent. You will not be happy with this and insist on making him pay attention to you…”

Huang Zhicheng explained the plot details very thoroughly, and at the end, he still gave some final advice: “The script includes dialogue, but it won’t be recorded in post-production. This part will rely solely on expressions and body language, so you two must convey a sense of intimacy.”

Outside the window, the roses were blooming passionately in the night, and the vines covered in flowers were drawn in by the warm light from the room, creeping through the window into the bedroom.

The camera zoomed in from the roses to the bed where the two were lying. He Yujing sat on the edge of the bed flipping through an album, his long fingers gently turning the pages. Jiang Liusui tapped He Yujing’s shoulder, saying something to him. He Yujing slightly nodded, looking distracted.

Jiang Liusui extended his arm to hug He Yujing’s arm and shook it unhappily, “Hey, big artist, can you pay some attention to me?”

His playful tone made it seem like they had a very close relationship. He Yujing turned his head to meet his gaze, and Jiang Liusui complained, “Is the album more interesting than me?”

He Yujing looked at him and couldn’t help but smile.

While Jiang Liusui continued to grumble about his indifference, He Yujing ruffled his hair and leaned in to give him a kiss.

The chatty people around them seemed to be put on pause, staring at them blankly.

It was unclear whether it was because they were immersed in the scene or something else, but He Yujing’s heart seemed to twitch. He tossed aside the album and pushed Jiang Liusui down onto the bed. Jiang Liusui responded with a laugh, pushing back with his fair legs giving a light kick, only to be caught by the ankle and pulled back forcefully by He Yujing.

He Yujing pulled the blanket over them. Jiang Liusui’s view darkened, and he could feel another person’s breath very close.

He Yujing’s elbow supported the bed, and his fingers casually brushed Jiang Liusui‘s cheek. Jiang Liusui was momentarily stunned, unsure if this action was in the script.

But the next second, he pushed this trivial detail out of his mind and intentionally kicked the blanket to make the scene look more intense.

“Cut—! It’s a wrap!”

He Yujing lifted the blanket and got off the bed, pulling Jiang Liusui up with him. He said first, “No NG.”

Jiang Liusui smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Huang Zhicheng, coming over, seemed surprised and cheerfully asked, “What’s going on? You passed on the first take, did you really get into the mood?”

“Yes, you can all leave work early,” He Yujing said, and the nearby crew laughed. A younger girl couldn’t help but comment: “Mr. He, you smiled so fondly just now; your gaze at Mr. Jiang was like it was melting.”

“Yes, yes, both of you acted so well! It was a perfect match.”

The people around them were singing praises, and Jiang Liusui’s makeup artist joined in, silently cheering:

“Yes, a perfect match.”

Especially the last part, she almost wished she could watch a few more seconds.

The atmosphere the two had on the bed just now was incredible.

The filming ended much earlier than expected, and everyone was happy to leave early. Jiang Liusui was about to remove his makeup and change clothes when He Yujing received a phone call.

After a few words on the phone, He Yujing responded half-heartedly and suddenly remembered something, turning to Jiang Liusui, “Want to go out? A friend has organized a gathering. Do you know Chi Lianxi?”

Jiang Liusui opened his mouth, intending to say that his tolerance for alcohol was appallingly bad. He hesitated, and He Yujing, noticing his reluctance, naturally said, “It’s normal not to know him.”

On the other end of the line, Chi Lianxi was very angry: “He Yujing, who are you looking down on?!”

At this moment, Jiang Liusui said, “No, I know him.”

He Yujing sharply sensed something: “Do you like him?”

Jiang Liusui paused and said, “I guess I’m a fan. I really like Mr. Chi’s performances; I think he’s very impressive.”

Chi Lianxi’s first movie won several newcomer awards that year. Just when everyone was expecting him to win the youngest Best Actor, he unexpectedly went on to act in TV shows.

Movies and TV shows were two different concepts. Transitioning from the big screen to the small screen somewhat diminishes an actor’s prestige. Some people said he never won the Best Actor award because he lowered his status by choosing TV shows. Chi Lianxi even lost some fans because of this. He didn’t care much, though. Over the years, he’d done both films and TV shows, choosing scripts based on his personal preferences.

Chi Lianxi truly loved acting and acted with a carefree attitude. Among the younger generation of actors, Jiang Liusui admired him the most.

Huang Zhicheng also praised him: “Xiao Chi is good, just a bit carefree and loves to party.”

But He Yujing, listening to Chi Lianxi’s shouting on the phone, found it quite noisy.

What’s so great about this? Why would anyone like it?

Huang Zhicheng said to He Yujing, “There’s filming tomorrow. You can have your fun, that’s one thing, but do you want to take Xiao Jiang along too?”

He Yujing replied, “Oh, do you want to come along too?”

Huang Zhicheng chuckled, “Hell no! Just don’t stay out too late.”

Seeing that Jiang Liusui seemed unsure of what to do, Huang Zhicheng said, “Go with him. Meet more people, make more friends.”

“Okay,” Jiang Liusui nodded, then added, “But I’m not very good at drinking…”

“It’s fine, you don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.” He Yujing hung up the phone.“Come over after you remove your makeup and we’ll take my car.”

Chi Lianxi chose a standalone private club that was never open to the public to ensure the privacy of its members.

Jiang Liusui followed He Yujing upstairs. As soon as they entered the room, the cold air mixed with the smell of smoke and alcohol hit them. The room was very spacious, and the bottles of alcohol on the glass coffee table were illuminated by the neon lights, sparkling like jewels. There were people sitting here and there on the large sofas, and Jiang Liusui recognized several familiar faces from the trending searches.

Upon seeing He Yujing, everyone present showed delighted expressions:

“Hey! Ah Jing is here!”

“Yu Ge!”

Chi Lianxi, who was about to sing into the microphone, saw He Yujing arrive and handed the microphone forward: “Come on, big star, sing for us.”

Someone laughed and said, “Then it would be like a concert!”

Just then, the accompaniment reached the chorus. He Yujing didn’t refuse and casually sang a few lines. The sound system in the room was excellent, fully showcasing his vocal quality. Even Jiang Liusui, who knew nothing about singing, found it very pleasant.

He Yujing’s voice was highly distinctive, and every song had its unique style. Jiang Liusui suddenly remembered a fan’s praise he had seen by chance:

“If he would sing a song for me, any song, I could marry him on the spot.”

He Yujing sang just a few lines before putting down the microphone, and the room burst into applause and cheers. He casually handed the microphone to a nearby friend and placed his arm around Jiang Liusui’s shoulder: “Jiang Liusui, the other main character in my MV.”

Most people who could hang out with Chi Lianxi were people of significant status, and even if they weren’t celebrities or behind-the-scenes figures, they were related to the industry. Many were curious about Jiang Liusui, not expecting He Yujing to choose such an unknown actor and introduce him personally.

Chi Lianxi was the first to react: “Oh, so this is the one who’s a hundred times better looking than me?”

He Yujing, seeing that he remembered this detail, replied, “As long as you know.”

Even after seeing hundreds of films and TV shows, seeing the real person was a completely different feeling. Jiang Liusui couldn’t help but show a curious expression, his eyes sparkling.

He didn’t want to come across as too blunt, so he didn’t mention being a fan of Chi Lianxi. Instead, he just smiled at him: “Hello, Mr. Chi.”

Chi Lianxi was taken aback by his look and blurted out, “He is quite beautiful.”

Then he asked with a smile, “How old are you?”

He Yujing, disliking Chi Lianxi’s playboy-like behavior, scoffed and interrupted, “What’s it to you?”

Chi Lianxi was about to retort when the door of the room was pushed open, and Su Wan walked in carrying a square paper box.

“Sorry for being late,” she said as she put the box down. “I baked some chocolate muffins at home and brought them for everyone to try.”

“It’s fine, Ah Jing also just arrived,” Chi Lianxi said, watching her open the box. Inside, the muffins were baked to a crispy exterior and tender interior, decorated with colorful strawberries and blueberries, and drizzled with chocolate sauce.

Even someone who didn’t like sweets would be impressed by the presentation. Chi Lianxi commented, “I remember you’re good at baking.”

A younger actress laughed and said, “Susu’s desserts are especially delicious, but she doesn’t make them often. We’re lucky today.”

Su Wan smiled warmly, “Everyone, please have some.”

From the moment He Yujing saw Su Wan, his gaze shifted to Chi Lianxi, who then playfully winked at him.

He Yujing clicked his tongue inwardly, wondering what Chi Lianxi was up to. He was somewhat annoyed, but Chi Lianxi then waved his phone, indicating him to check the message.

Chi Lianxi: [Su Wan specifically asked if you were here. She only came because she heard you were coming.]

He Yujing replied: [I’m not interested in her. Don’t meddle in this.]

Chi Lianxi was very surprised: [No way, you don’t even like Su Wan? Are you really looking for a celestial being?]

Earlier at the previous club, a friend had asked He Yujing if he wanted to find a celestial being for his MV. He Yujing didn’t deny it and even went along with it. Because it was so funny, it spread through their circle, and Chi Lianxi had naturally heard about it.

Chi Lianxi paused for a moment: [I’ll tell you first, the celestial being you found is already eating.]”

[It seems he’s quite satisfied with Su Wan’s cooking.]

He Yujing looked up and happened to see Jiang Liusui nibbling on the muffins Su Wan had brought, looking very innocent.

“It’s quite delicious.” Noticing his gaze, Jiang Liusui mistakenly thought he also wanted some, “Do you want a piece?”

He Yujing: “……”

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