Lack of love

Lack of love chapter 9

Keeping warm

It seemed like a long silence, but in reality, it had only been a few seconds. Zhong Qiran heard Yan Hao’s response, “Okay.”

He didn’t know whether he should be nervous or relieved. But the atmosphere was infectious, and he couldn’t deny that there was still a certain ambiguity between them after their reunion, especially after this man saved him once again. He couldn’t deny his feelings anymore, even though he knew it shouldn’t continue like this. But he still went ahead with it.

Zhong Qiran slowly and gently placed his hand on Yan Hao’s crotch. He didn’t feel any rejection or unwillingness from him, so he boldly pulled down the zipper.

Coincidentally, one of the flashlights flickered twice and went out, indicating that the battery had died.

The space they were in immediately plunged into darkness. Zhong Qiran couldn’t see, so his hand naturally stopped. But soon, he felt a warm hand covering his hand back, guiding him to continue the next move.

Zhong Qiran held onto Yan Hao’s desire, listening to the man’s barely audible breaths in the darkness. For a moment, he felt that what he was doing was absurd, yet it felt right.

Although their corner was dark, the light from the other side still illuminated the area. Zhong Qiran gradually adjusted to the darkness and could see his own actions and the shape of Yan Hao’s crotch in his hand.

He blushed, even though he knew the other person couldn’t see in the darkness, he still didn’t dare to look up.

“Continue…” Yan Hao’s voice was clearly filled with desire. His hand instinctively explored Zhong Qiran’s body, feeling the slight tremor of the slender figure under his touch. He slipped his hand into his underwear, gripping that delicate thing, and using his fingertips to trace the veins on its surface based on his memory. He knew he would enjoy this.

“Ah…” Zhong Qiran indeed trembled more intensely, and a moan escaped, accompanied by a slick, transparent liquid flowing from the tip of his genitals. His hand once again stopped, and his body’s senses were completely controlled by the man.

“Yan Hao…” Every time Zhong Qiran called his name during their intimate moments, it was a plea for mercy, and this time was no exception. His eyes were filled with misty water, looking up at the man above him. He seemed to see a flickering flame in Yan Hao’s eyes, but when he tried to look closely, it disappeared, like a shooting star that flashes and vanishes, leaving behind only the man’s cold and indifferent expression.

At this point, Yan Hao had already taken off his pants and his fingertips, slightly coated with prostate fluid, explored his rear entrance.

Zhong Qiran groaned uncomfortably and moved his body, his inner passage being tight and tense due to the lack of sexual activity for a long time.

Yan Hao clearly noticed this hesitation in Zhong Qiran’s movements.

“It’s alright, come inside,” Zhong Qiran urgently wanted some pain to distract himself from his chaotic thoughts. Since he had already decided to do this, he didn’t want to regret it. “I’m feeling cold…”

Only then did Yan Hao realize that goosebumps had formed on Zhong Qiran’s skin. He covered him, as if to warm him up, and at the same time, their bodies rubbed against each other intimately. He thrust his own genitals into Zhong Qiran’s rear entrance.

Zhong Qiran bit his lower lip in pain, his breathing became heavy.

Listening to his breath, Yan Hao knew he was enduring. “Did I hurt you?”

“Don’t mind me, continue…” A tear slid down the corner of Zhong Qiran’s eye, blending into the darkness. He actively wrapped his legs around the man’s waist, urging him to go deeper.

Yan Hao couldn’t resist anymore and thrust all the way in. He held onto Zhong Qiran’s shoulders and began to move slowly.

Zhong Qiran’s moans were deep and muffled, as if he was enduring a great deal. But as the rhythm became smoother, his voice changed.

Yan Hao, driven by instinct and habit, reached that spot, and Zhong Qiran couldn’t bear it. He softly pleaded, “No, don’t… “

At a time like this, how could Yan Hao possibly listen to him? He clearly felt that the place was soft and hot, tightly clenching onto him, not rejecting but rather accommodating. He slightly straightened his body, changed the angle, and continued thrusting, grinding heavily against that sensitive spot.Ah…” Zhong Qiran shook his head, several times wanting to retract his foot, but was tightly held by the man and subjected to even deeper and more intense stimulation. He couldn’t break free and his moans carried a desperate, tearful tone, sweet to the extreme. “No more… I’m about to… reach…”

From this point on, Yan Hao hardly needed to think, his body naturally responding. He knew this person intimately, knew exactly where he was most sensitive, and what positions he couldn’t handle. As long as he touched those spots, he would cry out, even sob if it got too intense. He knew his body like the back of his hand, never forgetting a single detail.

“Ugh… Yan Hao…” Zhong Qiran’s pleas for mercy received no compassion, only an even more vigorous assault from the man. A bright light suddenly appeared before his eyes, quickly followed by an ejaculation, leaving a sticky mess in his lower abdomen, his legs trembling incessantly.

Yan Hao was almost driven to climax as well, pausing his movements for a moment before continuing his fervent actions.

This time, Zhong Qiran was completely forced to cry out, no longer feeling the cold but instead a blazing heat throughout his body. In this weather, they didn’t sweat, but the stuffiness intensified their carnal desires. He was quickly aroused again, unable to bear it, softly moaning.

Yan Hao lifted him up in that position, making him straddle his own body.

This position allowed their genitals to penetrate even deeper than usual. Zhong Qiran raised his head and let out a deep groan as Yan Hao held his hips, moving up and down. “Ah, too deep… I can’t handle it… Yan Hao… Yan Hao…”

He cried and moaned, unable to think of anything else.

Yan Hao moved rapidly in this position, bringing them both to climax once again.

Apart from the relentless sound of the wind outside, the only sounds left were their post-coital gasps.

After they calmed down, they each adjusted their clothing.

During this sexual encounter, they didn’t exchange a single kiss. If Yan Hao were still the same as before, he wouldn’t have made such a mistake. However, after losing his emotions, engaging in this intimate act became more like a release for him.

Zhong Qiran realized this halfway through, so he treated it as a one-night stand.

They relied on each other’s body heat to survive the cold night.

When dawn came, they were quickly discovered by the rescue team. It was all thanks to Yan Hao’s correct judgment that they were able to survive this storm and minimize their chances of injury.

Zhong Qiran felt that he wasn’t seriously injured, aside from the extended period of fasting. But according to the regulations, they still had to be taken to the nearest hospital for examination.

Due to the high number of injured people, they didn’t ride in the same ambulance, but were forced to share with other patients.

Zhong Qiran asked one of the accompanying medical staff and learned about the severity of the natural disaster. The entire ski resort had been buried in snow, completely changing its appearance. He thought of Li Qi and inquired about his whereabouts, relieved to hear that he had been rescued and was being taken to the hospital.

After completing the routine examination at the hospital, Zhong Qiran had no intention of greeting Yan Hao but went to find Li Qi.

Li Qi’s injuries were relatively minor, with a few frostbite wounds and a slight fracture in his left lower leg from hitting a tree trunk. He needed a few weeks of rest. His hospital bed was in the corridor, and Zhong Qiran quickly found him.

When Li Qi saw Zhong Qiran, he still had some excitement in his expression and reached out to hold his hand. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Zhong Qiran shook his hand in response but quickly released it after a polite pat on the back. He sensed Zhong Qiran’s unfamiliarity, as if he deliberately kept his distance. Li Qi didn’t know what had happened during the past day and night, but he clearly felt that Zhong Qiran’s attitude had changed. It was a friendly gesture, but also an unspoken rejection.

Li Qi felt somewhat disappointed, but he didn’t push it. Although he admired Zhong Qiran, it hadn’t reached the point of being indispensable. He had been in relationships before and understood the importance of knowing when to stop. He quickly adjusted and smiled at Zhong Qiran.

After confirming Yan Hao’s identity at the hospital, he immediately received special treatment.

Having been missing for a day and a night, his phone was inundated with calls from China. The incident had caused chaos in his company, exacerbated by his extended stay in M country. His parents had already become worried. He had to return immediately to handle the aftermath.

His secretary booked the nearest flight, and he had to leave right away. It was unlikely he would be able to come back so easily next time.

Before leaving, he suddenly wanted to see Zhong Qiran again. They had parted hastily at the foot of the mountain, without a chance to say a word.

But what would they say after what happened? He didn’t know. Perhaps it would be a farewell, or perhaps he hoped Zhong Qiran would come with him, or maybe they wouldn’t do anything at all. Before meeting in person, he couldn’t anticipate the possible outcomes. He sensed that every time he met this person, he would do something unexpected.

However, his dilemma led to no resolution. The person he sent to find Zhong Qiran informed him that he had already left the hospital.

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