Lack of love

Lack of love chapter 20

Too foul

Half a year later, Zhong Qiran graduated and returned to his home country.

Li Qi still had some matters to attend to in Country M, so he didn’t take the same flight back with Zhong Qiran. But they agreed to reunite back in their home country. It wasn’t a farewell, just a see you later, so there was no need for sentimentality.

As usual, Yan Hao went to the airport to pick up Zhong Qiran and then brought him back to his home.

Zhong Qiran was really curious about how Yan Hao managed to convince others to let him move to their house. “How did you persuade your mom?”

Yan Hao wouldn’t hide anything from Zhong Qiran and honestly said, “With the help of my father.”

Zhong Qiran was a little surprised. His impression of Yan’s father had always been that of a dignified and reticent head of the family. Sometimes, even when Yan’s mother was speaking, he would simply echo her. So he had always thought that Yan’s father disliked him as well.Yan Hao could tell what Zhong Qiran was thinking, “He’s not old-fashioned, he just dotes on his wife more.”

Zhong Qiran couldn’t help but laugh.

Yan Hao also added, “Of course, I’m the same.”

Zhong Qiran laughed even more, “I just didn’t expect such a day would come.”It can only be said that life is truly unpredictable.

Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise. If Yan Hao didn’t go through all that he did, if he hadn’t experienced this illness, his father might not have realized how important Zhong Qiran was to his son. He would likely continue to stand in opposition together with his wife, and their current situation would be even more difficult.

As for Yan’s mother, while her stubbornness was undeniable, her inability to adapt wasn’t entirely her fault. It’s because she grew up in a conservative environment. When people encounter new ideas, there is often a sense of resistance, especially when these ideas contradict their long-held beliefs, creating generation gaps and conflicts. Fortunately, even such a mother could make compromises for the sake of her son.This put the relationship between Zhong Qiran and Yan Hao’s parents in a delicate balance, neither entirely good nor entirely bad.

Zhong Qiran understood this principle and knew that rushing won’t help. Cultural exchange required a bridge, and communication was necessary between individuals, especially when they were going to live together as a family in the future. Change needed to happen subtly, starting from small details.

When Zhong Qiran thought about the possible frustrations that Yan’s mother might have after he moved into their home, he chuckled and said, “What if I start calling her ‘Mom’ from now on?”

Yan Hao knew he was being funny and didn’t oppose it. He said, “You should have moved in long ago then.”

Zhong Qiran suddenly looked at Yan Hao. After not seeing each other for six months, he seemed to have undergone some subtle changes. “How have you been feeling lately?” he asked

Yan Hao pointed to his lips.

Zhong Qiran understood and took the initiative to kiss him lightly on the lips. 

Yan Hao didn’t show much of a reaction; he seemed to be contemplating and maintained his poker face. “I guess it’s still too soon to tell,” he said.

Zhong Qiran actually believed him and said, “Then let’s do it again?”


So when Zhong Qiran went in for the second kiss, Yan Hao took hold of him and they passionately intertwined their lips and tongues, kissing as if they couldn’t bear to part.

The driver was well aware of Yan Hao’s poker expression. He had to admit that Yan only became more receptive when Zhong Qiran was around. But even so, this display of affection…

The driver couldn’t bear to watch and just focused on driving.

To make Zhong Qiran more comfortable staying at their home, Yan Hao renovated his own room. All the furniture was replaced with items for them to share, and the guest room where Zhong Qiran was temporarily staying was transformed into a study. Essentially, the entire second floor became their space. Yan’s father and mother were already at an age where they tried to avoid going up and down the stairs frequently, so they had been living on the first floor. With this renovation, they could live together with their family while still maintaining privacy.

Zhong Qiran didn’t know what to say after seeing the situation. This was clearly a setup for newlyweds. 

Zhong Qiran didn’t have much of an appetite at his first dinner after returning to China.

The three members of the Yan family were present, along with Zhong Qiran, and the atmosphere was still as awkward as before.

Yan’s father calmly ate his meal. If no one spoke, he generally wouldn’t initiate a conversation. Yan’s mother didn’t give Zhong Qiran a good look and treated him as if he were invisible. Only Yan Hao, while eating, would still occasionally pick out food for Zhong Qiran. When Yan’s mother saw this, she felt somewhat uncomfortable. Does Zhong Qiran not have hands?

Watching two men display affection in front of her, one of them being her own son, was difficult for her to handle. She coughed lightly, and when she saw that her son showed no signs of stopping, she coughed louder, gesturing for him to tone it down.

Yan Hao obediently put down his chopsticks and continued eating. On the other hand, Yan’s father, who wasn’t very tactful, said, “If you have a sore throat, there’s cold medicine in the drawer.”

Yan’s mother glared at him and nudged Yan’s father with her elbow, telling him to shut up.

Yan Hao seemed used to it and didn’t react differently. Zhong Qiran wanted to laugh but didn’t dare, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

After dinner, Yan’s father and mother went back to their rooms to rest.

Zhong Qiran was mentally prepared and knew that he probably couldn’t avoid what would happen that night . However, he didn’t expect that Yan Hao couldn’t wait any longer and barged in while he was taking a shower.

Yan Hao’s original room had an en-suite bathroom, and he had the key. Even if Zhong Qiran locked the door, it would be useless.

Yan Hao kissed him until his whole body went weak, and the sensitive parts of his body were under his control.

Yan Hao pressed him against the washbasin and turned his face towards the mirror.

Looking at his flushed face in the mirror, Zhong Qiran couldn’t bear to look directly at it. He lowered his face and whispered, “Let’s go to the bed…”

“Right here,” Yan Hao stood behind him, holding him tightly.

Zhong Qiran let out a muffled cry as he felt himself being stretched inch by inch. He had done some preparation beforehand, which made it more convenient for Yan Hao’s movements. After a few thrusts to adjust, Yan Hao began to thrust vigorously.

Zhong Qiran couldn’t help but let out loud moans, and the echo in the bathroom was so loud that it made his face blush. He quickly covered his mouth, refusing to make such embarrassing sounds again.

Although the two floors seemed far apart, the ventilation in the bathroom was connected. Zhong Qiran couldn’t guarantee that if he cried out loudly, Yan Hao’s parents wouldn’t hear it. But Yan Hao’s thrusts became stronger and heavier.

Zhong Qiran’s eyes turned red from being taken advantage of. “You are doing this on purpose… 

Yan Hao buried his head in the back of Zhong Qiran’s neck, moving vigorously while apologizing, “I’m sorry, I just can’t hold back…”

Zhong Qiran couldn’t resist Yan Hao’s deep voice and his heart softened halfway.

Yan Hao said again, “I just missed you too much.”

Zhong Qiran moaned heavily, blushing and yelling, “this is too much”.

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