I can still salvage it

I can still salvage it chapter 32

The Power of Food and Sex

Shen Mian didn’t sleep soundly that night. He had dreams all night long.

But they were good dreams.

In the dream, he seemed to have traveled to ancient times and became a useless prince who had nothing to do. His only hobby was teaching the mynah bird he raised to speak.

And Pei Zhiyi was his male pet raised in the mansion, although he didn’t know who he was, having lost his memory and collapsed in the woods. He had injuries on his body, blood staining his white clothes, truly a beautiful person in distress, incredibly captivating.

In an instant, it stirred the heart of this useless prince.

Since he picked him up, Pei Zhiyi belonged to him. Seeing Pei Zhiyi recover from his injuries, his face as beautiful as spring flowers and autumn moon, dressed in a white robe, reading under the lamp, exuding an elegant and enchanting aura, as if a fallen immortal.

Shen Mian’s vulgar and obscene thoughts became like young seeds in spring, relentlessly breaking through the soil.

So on a dark and windy night, he grabbed a jug of wine and carried the few remaining calligraphy stones in his pocket, going to discuss poetry, songs, the stars and the moon with Pei Zhiyi. He shyly said to Pei Zhiyi, “May your heart be like mine, always longing for you. I wish for nothing more than to sleep by your side.”

Pei Zhiyi’s expression suddenly became somewhat complicated.

But soon, he saw Pei Zhiyi smile at him.


Shen Mian was overjoyed, and his restless thoughts couldn’t be suppressed any longer. He pounced on Pei Zhiyi, overwhelming him.

It could be described as an eruption of wild instincts, too inappropriate to think of.

That dream felt too realistic. When Shen Mian woke up, he was confused for a while, staring at the ceiling and wondering, where was his carved wooden bed and the red silk canopy?

Most importantly, where was the half-dressed Pei Zhiyi!

He hadn’t even had a chance to do anything yet!

Shen Mian sat up abruptly.

He noticed that the curtains in the room were partially drawn,  allowing sunlight to filter through, casting dancing shadows on the wall.

But the messy bed had only him on it; Pei Zhiyi’s side was empty and neatly arranged.

He stared blankly at the half-empty bed, finally realizing that he wasn’t some useless prince but a struggling high school student in his sophomore year. Pei Zhiyi wasn’t a male pet but his handsome childhood friend who excelled academically in school.

But if he remembered correctly… that handsome childhood friend of his held his hand and they confessed their feelings to each other the previous night. Why was he nowhere to be seen that morning?

Immediately after waking up, Shen Mian’s mind was flooded with infinite possibilities, ranging from Pei Zhiyi regretting and running away to the realization that last night was just a dream.


The door creaked open, and Pei Zhiyi entered the room wearing a thin black sweater, carrying a tray of food.

“Are you awake?” Pei Zhiyi placed the tray down, walked over to Shen Mian, and tidied up his messy hair. “If you’re awake, hurry up, wash up, and have breakfast with me.”

Shen Mian became even more confused.

He stared at Pei Zhiyi’s face, feeling that there was nothing different from any other ordinary morning. Pei Zhiyi was still the same Pei Zhiyi—gentle and caring—but the sweetness and shyness of their recent confession last night seemed non-existent.

To confirm the previous night wasn’t just his imagination,  he tentatively said to Pei Zhiyi, “I had a dream last night.”

“What kind of dream?” Pei Zhiyi raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Your dream sounds quite weird.”

Shen Mian stopped smiling, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

No way, was everything from yesterday really fake?

Those kisses, holding his hand, confessing to having secretly loved him for years… were they all his imagination?

It was like a lightning bolt had struck his heart.

Fortunately, before he could feel heartbroken, he heard a chuckle.

When he looked up, Pei Zhiyi’s hand was supporting his cheek, and he lightly kissed his cheek.

“That couldn’t be a dream,” Pei Zhiyi coaxed him softly. “You are my boyfriend.”

Shen Mian felt dizzy and disoriented, but he couldn’t care less about Pei Zhiyi teasing him. Instead, he smiled affectionately at Pei Zhiyi.

Looking into Pei Zhiyi’s clear eyes under the sunlight, he had only one thought in his mind—his boyfriend was really handsome.

Shen Mian quickly finished washing up. While washing his face, he realized that his eyelids were swollen, probably from crying embarrassingly the previous night. He didn’t look good at all.

He wiped his face with a towel and thought that Pei Zhiyi must truly love him since he didn’t mind him looking like that.

After he stepped out of the bathroom, he sat down to have breakfast. Pei Zhiyi was still holding an ice pack for his eyes. Otherwise, if he went downstairs looking like that, his parents would surely ask him what happened to his eyes.

But even after the ice pack was in place soothing his eyes, Pei Zhiyi didn’t let go. He lightly touched Shen Mian’s skin under his eyes.

Shen Mian keenly sensed something, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he felt a tinge of anticipation.

Just as he was eating his bread, he accidentally smeared chocolate on his lips.

Pei Zhiyi pretended to reluctantly use his thumb to wipe it off, saying, “Why are you like a child, getting food all over yourself?”

As he said that, Pei Zhiyi lowered his head and licked the chocolate sauce off his lips.

In response, Shen Mian lifted his head.

Under the sunlight, the two exchanged a lingering kiss, their tongues intertwining. Shen Mian tasted the chocolate, while Pei Zhiyi’s mouth carried a faint hint of tea.

His Adam’s apple bobbed, and his hand uncontrollably reached out to hug Pei Zhiyi’s waist.

But just as his hands touched Pei Zhiyi’s slender waistline, the knocking on the door resounded.

“Mian Mian, I’m coming in.” Shen Changhe spoke as he turned the doorknob.

Shen Mian took a deep breath, widened his eyes, and pushed Pei Zhiyi onto the floor. Pei Zhiyi, on the other hand, was pushed, and his head nearly hit the window. Luckily, he managed to avoid falling off the table.

As Shen Changhe entered, he saw Pei Zhiyi sitting by the table with his legs slightly bent, while Shen Mian sat in his seat, seemingly unsure of how to act, appearing rather stiff.

Without thinking much, Shen Changhe placed the washed cherries on the table, allowing them to eat and work on their assignments together. But he didn’t forget to also scold his own son, “You’re quite lazy, sleeping until almost ten o’clock and having breakfast served by little Pei.”

Pei Zhiyi smiled gently and replied, “Uncle, it’s nothing.”

Shen Mian felt his heart pounding even more, and he looked at his dad and complained, “Next time, could you knock on the door more gently? Consider the delicate condition of your son’s heart.”

His dad couldn’t be bothered and replied, “You think you’re delicate? Even diamonds aren’t as solid as you.”

After Shen Changhe brought the fruit, he left, but not before reminding them to head downstairs for lunch later.

Shen Mian’s flirty mood disappeared due to the interruption. He didn’t dare to engage in any erotic activities with Pei Zhiyi. Instead, he obediently sat in Pei Zhiyi’s embrace and focused on doing their assignments.

But as he wrote a few lines, he couldn’t help but nuzzle against Pei Zhiyi’s chin and Adam’s apple like a little kitten.

So clingy, Pei Zhiyi thought as he held Shen Mian, but a smile unconsciously curled up at the corners of his mouth.

With one arm around Shen Mian and the other writing the competition questions, Pei Zhiyi lightly kissed Shen Mian’s short hair, feeling a sense of peace he had never experienced before.

They finished writing by eleven o’clock, and Shen Mian went downstairs with Pei Zhiyi.

Shen Changhe was still cooking, and the thoughtful Pei Zhiyi naturally went to the kitchen to help.

Shen Mian lay on the sofa, watching him, feeling full of tenderness and sweetness.

He thought Pei Zhiyi looked really handsome wearing an apron. In an instant, he went from being a cool top student to a gentle boyfriend.

The same face, but a different vibe and aura from him. He truly didn’t think he deserved him, but the more he thought about it, the happier he became. He tried his best to hide it, not letting himself burst into shy giggles.

Su Ying was helping their daughter in doing some extracurricular handicrafts. Seeing Shen Mian’s idle posture, she found it particularly displeasing and said with disdain, “Can’t you learn from Zhiyi? Look at just how diligent he is. If you’re not good at studying, that’s one thing, but why are you even lazy in helping with chores?”

Shen Mian still cheerful replied, “If he’s diligent, then I don’t have to be.”

Su Ying was speechless. “Are you still expecting Zhiyi to take care of you for the rest of your life? That’s wishful thinking. He will only take care of his girlfriend in the future.”

Shen Mian wasn’t the least bit annoyed; in fact, he felt ecstatic because he was that girlfriend. Pei Zhiyi’s skills would definitely benefit him in the future.

But as he thought about it, his smile faded slightly. He wondered how his parents would react when they found out about him and Pei Zhiyi.

Their family was relatively open-minded and didn’t oppose early relationships. They had even had serious conversations with him, saying that falling in love was a normal part of life as long as it didn’t affect his studies and he didn’t become a scumbag.

Of course, his dad added, “With your academic performance, even if you fall in love, there’s no room for a decline as you are already poor in studies.”

However, as open-minded as his parents were, they probably would have never imagined that their future daughter-in-law would be a man, someone they had personally cared for and loved almost as much as their own son.

Shen Mian absentmindedly folded the paper while helping his sister with the handcrafts, but when he placed it in front of Shen Yu, he realized that he had folded it incorrectly.

Shen Yu wanted a lily, but he had folded a rose, which looked out of place among the lilies.

During the meal, Shen Mian’s jade pendant around his neck was noticed by his parents.

Ever since he put it on the previous night, he hadn’t taken it off. Accidentally, it was now peeking out from his shirt, swaying gently against the fabric.

Shen Mian’s parents, being observant, recognized at a glance that it matched the pendant around Pei Zhiyi’s neck.

They looked inquiringly at Pei Zhiyi.

Pei Zhiyi admitted openly, “Auntie, this is the birthday gift I gave Mian Mian. I already talked to my grandmother, and she agreed. I hope the pendant blesses Mian Mian with success in his exams.”

Even if he mentioned his grandmother, Shen Mian’s parents were still at a loss for words.

Shen Mian silently ate his meal. It wasn’t appropriate for him to say anything now and he couldn’t just give up that token of their love.

Su Ying paused and said, “Mian Mian is just celebrating a birthday. There’s no need for such a precious gift…”

It wasn’t that they couldn’t afford it, but their two children were still young, and there was no need to give such expensive presents.

However, Pei Zhiyi earnestly replied, “Auntie Su, I gave Mian Mian this jade pendant because of its good meaning. Let’s consider it a superstition on my part, hoping that this item can offer him more protection. Plus, Mian Mian also gave me a gift that is much more valuable than this.”

Su Ying fell silent for a moment. She understood Pei Zhiyi’s intentions. Shen Mian had never been in the best of health since he was young, and she and Shen Changhe had taken him to the hospital countless times. Giving Shen Mian a Guanyin pendant was justified as it also carried a blessing.

But after some consideration, she curiously asked Pei Zhiyi, “What gift could he possibly give you?”

Pei Zhiyi smiled and replied, “He asked me to keep it a secret.”

Shen Mian continued eating silently, struggling with the braised pork ribs in his bowl.

Of course, he knew what gift Pei Zhiyi was referring to.

He had given himself to Pei Zhiyi.

He found Pei Zhiyi’s subtle hints a bit headache-inducing, afraid that his parents would catch on to something, but he couldn’t help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

He lifted his head and glanced at Pei Zhiyi.

The two of them sat across from each other, just having an ordinary meal. But under the table, Shen Mian had taken off his shoes and was gently rubbing his foot against Pei Zhiyi’s ankle.

Pei Zhiyi ate his food calmly, but the look in his eyes as he glanced back at Shen Mian seemed to be filled with lust.

Although they hadn’t exchanged a single word, the atmosphere around them seemed to have risen several degrees.

The other three people at the table remained clueless, preoccupied in discussing where to travel during winter vacation.

Author’s Note:

Some of the things that happened in Mian Mian’s dream will indeed come true, although not exactly as he imagined.

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