I can still salvage it

I can still salvage it chapter 10

Paper Roses

“Did I scare you?”

Pei Zhiyi didn’t immediately get up and remained in a half-kneeling position, raising his head to ask Shen Mian.

Shen Mian shook his head in panic.

He didn’t know what he was doing, but he swiftly grabbed a tissue from the side and wiped Pei Zhiyi’s mouth, anxiously saying, “Why don’t you go brush your teeth…”

However, Pei Zhiyi gently turned his head, evading Shen Mian’s hand.

“stop,” Pei Zhiyi said.

Shen Mian’s hand hesitantly lowered again. For some reason, he didn’t dare to look into Pei Zhiyi’s eyes. It was as if he knew that behind them hid Pandora’s box, and if he maintained eye contact for too long, he would be pulled into an unknown whirlpool.

The sound of a bell coming from the kitchen downstairs finally rescued Shen Mian.

Before Shen Changhe left, he had placed a pumpkin pie in the oven, set the timer, and prepared it as a snack for Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi.

Feeling relieved to be saved by the ‘bell’, Shen Mian swiftly jumped off the bed, “I’ll get some food, I’m starving.”

Even though he had just had breakfast.

He dashed out of the room, and Pei Zhiyi didn’t stop him.

When Shen Mian’s footsteps faded in the distance, Pei Zhiyi collapsed onto the bed. His fingers ran through his hair, messing up the hairstyle Shen Mian had helped him trim last time.

He knew that in that moment, he had definitely revealed a greedy expression, the kind that could only be satisfied by swallowing Shen Mian whole. That was why Shen Mian, someone who was straightforward and simple-minded, became flustered.

He had to thank the sudden sound of 007’s voice that interrupted his thoughts.

Otherwise, he didn’t know if he would have kissed even more places, from the ankles up, lifting that thin pleated dress to explore deeper and more hidden areas…

Pei Zhiyi urgently slammed on the brakes and didn’t delve further into those thoughts.

He felt that under his long-standing crush, he had become somewhat abnormal.

Shen Mian only realized he was still wearing a dress when he reached downstairs.

Fortunately, there was no one at home, or else he wouldn’t be able to explain himself.

But he was a bit curious about how he looked. Although wearing a dress was a bit embarrassing, it was also a unique experience he had never had in his life.

Although he was shy about saying it out loud now, maybe when he was old and gray, he might tell it like a joke to his grandchildren.

After thinking for a moment, he turned on his tiptoes and headed to the bathroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror and felt that he didn’t look as strange as he had imagined. Although he didn’t resemble an innocent beauty, he wasn’t a monster either.

Shen Mian touched his chin and recalled the look in Pei Zhiyi’s eyes when he kissed his ankle. He couldn’t quite describe that look, but instinctively, it made him a little flustered.

In front of him, Pei Zhiyi had always been gentle and calm, the kind of person who would stand in front of him even if the sky were to fall.

But he didn’t delve further into those thoughts either. He washed his face in the bathroom and went to get the pumpkin pie. During the waiting process for the pie to cool down a bit, his momentary confusion had dissipated like smoke.

Shen Changhe was skilled at baking, and the pumpkin pie was sweet and soft without being overly sweet. Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi shared the entire plate.

Shen Mian had already changed out of the dress and put on jeans again.

While working on his homework, Shen Mian said to Pei Zhiyi, “You know, my dad should use his cooking skills to open a restaurant instead of being a professor. It would be more popular.”

He laughed as he teased his dad, revealing a flaw. “My dad was secretly criticized on the anonymous forum by students last year because the exam was too difficult. One-third of the class failed.”

Pei Zhiyi had finished his own homework and was attentively checking Shen Mian’s. He absentmindedly responded with a couple of words.

He had already noticed that there seemed to be a device in Shen Mian’s mind that would fixate on the idea that “he and Pei Zhiyi were merely best friends,” no matter what obvious actions he took. It firmly suppressed any trace of ambiguity.

Pei Zhiyi didn’t know whether he should be happy or not.

He took another sip of coffee, without adding sugar. It was bitter.

Even though Shen Mian clearly only liked milk coffee, he still took a sip to join in, making a face that almost resembled a bun.

That amused Pei Zhiyi.

Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi stayed at home until 7 o’clock, had dinner, and then went to school for evening self-study.

When they arrived at the school, they coincidentally met Lin Jia at the entrance. Lin Jia was quite friendly towards them and came over to chat with Shen Mian.

But Shen Mian had a subtle expression in his eyes as he looked at Lin Jia. In his heart, he thought, “Bro, do you know that if it weren’t for me, you would be the one wearing a dress!”

Lin Jia was unaware and was still discussing the upcoming autumn sports festival with Shen Mian. He asked, “Are you good at sports? I heard Xu Jing say “You’re decent at playing ball.”

Shen Mian wanted to brag a little about himself.

But considering that their Class 2 and Class 3 often had combined physical education classes, he would be exposed if he boasted. So Shen Mian honestly shook his head.

“I’m not that good at playing ball. I still need my brother to direct me on the field. I’m not good at long-distance or short-distance running either,” Shen Mian said. “But Pei Zhiyi is excellent. He came in first place in the 3,000 meters last year.”

Lin Jia remembered.

He glanced at Pei Zhiyi and marveled at how different people could be. It was one thing to top in academics, but why was he also good at sports? leaving no room for others to be excellent too.

He comforted Shen Mian, “It’s alright, I’m only good at short-distance running. Long-distance running is a death sentence for me.”

As they spoke, they arrived at the teaching building for the second year.

Lin Jia went to Class 3 and waved to Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi, saying, “Let’s play basketball together next time.”

“Sure,” Shen Mian replied.

Perhaps knowing that their special mission was a bit excessive, the subsequent tasks assigned by Agent 007 were harmless, either asking them to hold hands while taking a stroll or to feed each other chocolate.

Since wearing the dress, Shen Mian felt like his soul had undergone a qualitative leap. The following missions were child’s play to him. After all, he and Pei Zhiyi were practically inseparable. So he completed them without any pressure, effortlessly earning a few more points.

Shen Mian even secretly suspected that the system had been changed.

But as soon as he had that thought in his mind, System 007’s voice echoed coldly in his mind, “I’m sorry, it’s still me, I just don’t feel like communicating with you.”

Shen Mian wasn’t embarrassed and responded sacarstically, “I knew it. Besides you, what other system would be so kind and considerate?”

If system 007 could roll its eyes, it would probably roll them to the back of its head.

Time flew by, and it was already the National Day holiday.

The previous year, when they were in their first year of high school, they had a full seven days off. It was said that some students had even protested to the Education Bureau, complaining that the school had too many makeup classes. As a result, the holiday was extended, benefiting the students.

But this year, there seemed to be no brave souls stepping up, so Mr. Ding happily announced, “For the National Day holiday, the school is still generous and has decided to give you three days off. But if you ask me, isn’t two days off enough? You’re already in the second year of high school, and you’re still thinking about playing day by day instead of focusing on studies..”

Before he finished speaking, his voice was drowned out by the loud voices below.

“This is inhumane! We were promised a seven-day holiday!”

“What kind of National Day is only three days!”

“Teacher, if the vacation is this short, please don’t assign any homework.”

For a moment, the classroom was in chaos.

Shen Mian also joined in, banging on the table and rattling his pencil case, determined to create an atmosphere of rebellion.

Mr. Ding was speechless with that group of unruly students. He snorted, “A seven-day holiday? If that happens, you’ll all turn lazy. You’re not in elementary school anymore. You won’t get any less homework, forget it.”

The wailing voices from below grew louder, as if some tragic event had occurred.

Fortunately, although Mr. Ding didn’t spare them, the other teachers were more lenient. On average, that National Day didn’t seem so gloomy. Especially Liu Na, the English teacher, who was the youngest and had a good relationship with them. She knew that that group of delinquents wouldn’t do their homework properly, so she only assigned half a test paper.

“But you better do this half test paper properly,” she said, clicking her high heels as she walked away.

The students in the class stuck their heads out and shouted, “Teacher is so nice! Can’t be compared to Mr. Ding!”

Liu Na almost stumbled; those kids really knew how to flatter.

There was still over half an hour until school ended, and no teacher came to class, so they had self-study.

But no one had the intention to study. Three days of holiday, whether it was long or short, Shen Mian hadn’t figured out what he wanted to do yet.

He asked Xu Jing and Han Chao next to him, “How are you guys planning to spend the National Day?”

Xu Jing didn’t even lift his head. “Playing games at the internet cafe.”

Shen Mian found it dull.

But then Mu Lingling, who was sitting in front of him, turned around and asked Shen Mian, “Do you want to go watch a movie? Xu Qian and I are planning to go out for dinner and watch a movie. Do you and Pei Zhiyi want to join us?”

She was directing the question at Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi. Xu Qian, Mu Lingling’s friend, had a bit of a crush on Pei Zhiyi, but it hadn’t reached the point of confessing her feelings yet.

But it was Xu Jing who responded eagerly from the side, “Of course! What movie are we watching?”

He liked Mu Lingling.

Although Pei Zhiyi seemed indifferent, he was aware of the complicated emotions between those teenagers. Seeing Xu Jing happily circling around Mu Lingling, he couldn’t help but join in to enjoy the spectacle.

Compared to Xu Jing, he suddenly felt lucky to have fallen for Shen Mian.

At that moment, the voice of 007 rang in their minds.

“Special mission: Host Shen Mian and host Pei Zhiyi are requested to go to the movies together. Shen Mian is to give a rose to Pei Zhiyi and personally feed him popcorn. This task is worth 20 points. Please decide whether to accept within one minute.”

Shen Mian lightly knocked his forehead on the table. In a voice only Pei Zhiyi could hear, he said, “This system is becoming more and more annoying. Can I feed it fireworks instead of popcorn?”

007 became colder and announced, “Thirty seconds remaining.”

“Accept, accept, accept,” Shen Mian chose to accept without hesitation.

So that night, when the six of them went to the movies together, Shen Mian didn’t even blink and chose the couple seats at the back for himself and Pei Zhiyi.

Mu Lingling originally wanted to push Xu Qian closer to Pei Zhiyi, but she was speechless when she saw Shen Mian’s tactics.

She asked Shen Mian in disbelief, “Can’t you and Brother Pei separate for even a second?”

Shen Mian confidently held Pei Zhiyi’s hand and arrogantly said, “My Pei brother and I can’t be apart for even a moment.”

Xu Qian couldn’t sit with her crush, but she wasn’t upset. Instead, she looked at Shen Mian and burst into laughter.

She sat with Mu Lingling in the front rows, while Xu Jing and Han Chao sat beside them.

When the movie was about to start, Pei Zhiyi asked Shen Mian, “Where’s my rose?”

Shen Mian whistled lightly and said, “If you beg for it, I’ll give it to you~”

Pei Zhiyi slapped Shen Mian’s face with an ice-cold cola, deliberately chilling him.

“Please,” Pei Zhiyi said.

Pei Zhiyi’s voice was low and sounded hoarse and sexy in the dim theater. It was almost like it echoed in Shen Mian’s ear.

Shen Mian coughed and felt uncomfortable for some reason.

He quickly took out a red square piece of paper from his pocket. His slender fingers skillfully folded and soon formed a decent-looking rose, which he handed to Pei Zhiyi.

“for you,” Shen Mian smiled at Pei Zhiyi. “This is the first time in my life I’m giving someone a rose. Cherish it.”

Pei Zhiyi took the rose from his hand. The rose was about the same size as a normal flower, but against the red of the rose, Pei Zhiyi’s hand appeared even whiter.

He asked Shen Mian, “Did you learn this from Shen Yu?”

“When did you see Shen Yu fold a rose?” Shen Mian whispered, “I saw it on TV. I wanted to learn it for my future wife, but unexpectedly, I offered it to you first.”

Pei Zhiyi chuckled lightly, accepting the rose and putting it in the pocket near his heart.

It was also the first time he had received a rose.

After the movie started, Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi didn’t speak again.

The movie was a crime thriller, filled with excitement and suspense. Shen Mian became engrossed in the movie, completely forgetting about feeding popcorn to Pei Zhiyi. He focused on eating it himself, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Pei Zhiyi waited patiently but Shen Mian didn’t remember. As the movie was about to end, he could only remind him in a low voice, “Mian, did you forget about the task?”

Shen Mian exclaimed, “Ah?” It took him a while to remember that he wasn’t supposed to eat by himself.

He was eager to watch the plot and hastily grabbed a popcorn and tried to stuff it into Pei Zhiyi’s mouth. However, because he did it too hastily, the popcorn fell off before Pei Zhiyi could open his mouth.

007 warned, “Detected improper behavior from Host Shen Mian, considering deducting points.”

Shen Mian sighed. He suspected that the system was deliberately trying to deduct points from him.

Shen Mian had no choice but to respectfully pick up another popcorn and gently offer it to the side of Pei Zhiyi’s mouth. “Please.”

Fortunately, they were in the last row, and there weren’t many people around, so they didn’t attract attention .

Pei Zhiyi glanced at Shen Mian, lowered his head, and ate the popcorn. His tongue lightly brushed against Shen Mian’s fingertips, causing Shen Mian’s body to tremble.

Shen Mian awkwardly withdrew his hand, thinking that the way he was feeding Pei Zhiyi was starting to resemble how one would feed his girlfriend.

Before he could finish his thoughts, Pei Zhiyi reached out and touched the corner of his mouth.

“You have something here.”

Shen Mian saw Pei Zhiyi getting closer to him.

In recent days, due to the missions, Pei Zhiyi’s intimate actions had become conditioned reflexes for Shen Mian. Whenever he saw Pei Zhiyi approaching, he would instinctively close his eyes.

He had become accustomed to a kiss landing on his lips.

Soft and lingering, carrying Pei Zhiyi’s breath.

But this time, it didn’t happen.

Pei Zhiyi only wiped away the popcorn crumbs from the corner of his mouth and quickly moved away.

Shen Mian opened his eyes and realized that that special task didn’t involve a kiss.

He blushed and stammered, not knowing how to explain.

Fortunately, Pei Zhiyi seemed not to notice that he had closed his eyes and had already continued watching the movie.

So Shen Mian also leaned back in his seat, finished the remaining popcorn, and although the movie had reached the most exciting part of the chase between the protagonist and the antagonist, he was already somewhat distracted.

After leaving the theater, everyone made plans to have dinner.

Xu Jing noticed the rose pinned to Pei Zhiyi’s chest and asked curiously, “Pei Zhiyi, where did you get this origami flower?”

Before Pei Zhiyi could speak, Shen Mian quickly answered, “The sister who sold the tickets thought he looked handsome and gave it to him.”

Xu Jing believed it and said enviously, “It must be fun to be this handsome.” Then he went to cling to Mu Lingling and said, “I also quite like origami.”

Unfortunately, Mu Lingling didn’t even hear it. She was busy discussing the relationship between the male lead and the villain in the movie with Xu Qian, arguing about the roles of the attacker and the receiver.

“The receiver must be the villain!” she firmly stated.

While Xu Qian sneered, “The crazy villain × elite police officer is the perfect match!”

The two of them couldn’t reach a consensus and seemed ready to fight in the street, but as soon as they saw a milk tea shop on the roadside, they instantly made up, holding hands to buy the latest caramel boba.

After dinner, everyone scattered and went home, agreeing to meet at school in three days.

Shen Mian and Pei Zhiyi didn’t live far from there, so they walked back home.

It was almost ten o’clock , and the street had already passed its busiest time. They walked along a shaded path with dense parasol trees that blocked the moonlight. Shen Mian held hands with Pei Zhiyi, not saying a word, but feeling a quiet and comfortable sensation in his heart.

Nanhu Alley was even closer to the shopping mall, and they arrived quickly.

Shen Mian stood at the entrance of the alley, about to say goodbye to Pei Zhiyi, but his hand was suddenly grabbed by Pei Zhiyi.

Pei Zhiyi looked at him and said, “Mian Mian, there’s still one more task left for this week.”

Without waiting for Shen Mian to react, Pei Zhiyi pulled him into his embrace and gave him the kiss that should have happened in the movie theater.

They hid in the shadow of the alley. Pei Zhiyi’s tall figure completely shielded Shen Mian, and above their heads were cotton trees in full bloom. The pale pink flowers covered the branches, and a few petals fell, landing perfectly on Shen Mian’s shoulder.

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