Don't Ignite It

Don’t Ignite It chapter 9

I Agree

Lu Zhao drove Xia Yu back home.

During the entire drive, Lu Zhao remained silent.

Xia Yu, on the other hand, was in a good mood. He had cracked open the car window just a bit, allowing the cold wind outside to rustle his hair. Inside his pocket, he could feel the USB drive containing the “evidence” of Xu Zhan’s “infidelity.”

He even hummed a few lines of a song, appearing carefree.

Lu Zhao tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

When they turned a corner, he suddenly spoke, “If you divorce Xu Zhan, I won’t force you to marry me. I can offer you all the benefits your family receives from cooperating with Xu’s family. You won’t have to give anything in return. You can stay or leave as you wish. How about that?”

Xia Yu was somewhat surprised.

Lu Zhao had always been a man of his word; if he said something, he meant it. This offer almost sounded like he was proposing to him.

Xia Yu stopped smiling, but he shook his head. “No, it’s not possible.”

He softened again, leaning back in his seat like a boneless kitten and said quietly, “I won’t accept negotiating.”

If he were to divorce Xu Zhan, he couldn’t control what would happen between him and Lu Zhao.

He was content with his life as it was now. He didn’t want to dive into murky waters again.

“I’m not insisting on you becoming my lover either,” Xia Yu gazed out of the window with a calm expression. “I just want to try if being commitment-free would make me happier. Since Xu Zhan already has a lover, I don’t see the need to restrain myself. If you don’t agree, I’ll find someone else.”

He used to be too fixated on getting a certain outcome. But now, he didn’t care. He still felt something when he saw Lu Zhao, but he didn’t want his love or offer love to Lu Zhao either.

Lu Zhao remained silent, his expression appearing particularly stern, and his gray-blue eyes were dangerously dark.

Xia Yu glanced at Lu Zhao several times, feeling a bit disappointed when he didn’t respond but also somewhat relieved. He didn’t intend to tell Xu Zhan about his dinner with Lu Zhao.

Xu Zhan wasn’t on a date that day; he was in the study working on his thesis.

Xia Yu knocked on the door and entered, holding a plate of fruit in his hand. He sat down in the chair next to Xu Zhan, handing him the USB drive. “Lu Zhao returned this to me today. It contains the evidence of your affair that he had someone investigate.”

Xu Zhan looked somewhat puzzled. Why was Lu Zhao being so cooperative? He took the USB drive but still felt uneasy. “He didn’t take advantage of you, did he?”

Xia Yu remembered Lu Zhao’s grim expression from earlier and smiled. “Quite the contrary, I’m the one who teased him a bit.”

Seeing Xu Zhan working on his thesis, Xia Yu didn’t disturb him any further. However, just before leaving, he tugged at Xu Zhan’s sleeve and asked with genuine curiosity, “Is your little lover good-looking?”

He asked the question openly, his eyes full of curiosity. The last time Lu Zhao had shown him a picture, the lover’s face wasn’t very clear, but it seemed like he should be handsome, with a tall and well-built figure.

Xu Zhan gave him a side-eye. “Why are you asking this?”

After a brief pause, Xu Zhan smiled again. “Yes, he’s quite handsome.”

There was no need to be coy about it.

Desire and attraction were natural.

Xia Yu chuckled.

He leaned on the table and looked at Xu Zhan with sincerity. “Does he happen to know any handsome colleagues he could introduce to me?”

Xu Zhan nearly choked on a piece of fruit.

He coughed several times, looking at Xia Yu with uncertainty.

“Why are you suddenly…” He remembered Xia Yu’s words from yesterday and furrowed his brow. “Do you really want someone like that?”

He still didn’t want to be too explicit, so he kept it vague.

Xia Yu sighed. “I didn’t originally.”

It was all Lu Zhao’s fault.

Over the past few years, he had been working on improving himself, adopting a somewhat detached attitude towards worldly matters. However, since Lu Zhao’s return, he had found himself stirred by various emotions. After all, he and Lu Zhao were both quite compatible in bed.

On the way back just now, he had caught a glimpse of Lu Zhao’s clean-shaven face and long, slender fingers. Unconsciously, he had recalled how those hands used to feel around his waist.

Since Lu Zhao wasn’t willing to be with him, he decided to find someone else.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Yu said to Xu Zhan, “You see, I’m in the prime of my youth, and I’m so good-looking. It would be a waste not to experience some passionate relationships. But I don’t have the patience to slowly court someone right now, so I thought I’d find someone who could make me happy.”

Xu Zhan was momentarily speechless.

He sighed and patted Xia Yu’s head, not giving a clear answer one way or the other.

He simply said, “If it makes you happy, then go ahead.”

Xia Yu smiled again.

He liked this about Xu Zhan.

Even though they weren’t in a relationship, Xu Zhan’s unlimited tolerance and care made it feel more like having a gentle and loving elder brother. Xia Yu knew he was the lucky one to have Xu Zhan, and no matter what, Xu Zhan would always be on his side.

Although he had an older brother, Xia Yu’s brother, Xia Jin, was the family’s heir and was very busy, so he didn’t have much time for Xia Yu. On the other hand, Xu Zhan had been almost constantly by his side for the past few years.

Xia Yu wasn’t just talking idly.

Even though Xu Zhan’s lover couldn’t introduce him to any colleagues, he could find someone on his own. He couldn’t make a big fuss about it, or his family would find out, which would be disastrous. Fortunately, he had his ways.

So, in his spare time at work, Xia Yu lay back in his office chair, scrolling through a list provided by a certain club, trying to make a choice.

But as he looked through the profiles on his iPad, nothing seemed right. Either they were too muscular or had unpleasant facial features. He didn’t expect a perfect match, but these candidates didn’t even pass his basic criteria.

Xia Yu pondered, wondering if he should look for a minor celebrity. However, the entertainment industry was too troublesome, and if he were caught by paparazzi, his family would be furious. It wasn’t worth the trouble.

As he contemplated his options, his phone rang.

He glanced at the screen and saw that it was Lu Zhao calling.

Xia Yu rolled his eyes and hung up, not wanting to answer.

But within seconds, the phone rang persistently.

Xia Yu was annoyed, almost dropping his pen. He answered, intending to warn Lu Zhao not to bother him, and then block his number.

However, before he could speak, he heard Lu Zhao’s voice from the other end.

“Are you available right now? I have something to discuss with you.”

Xia Yu raised an eyebrow, quite irritated. “What is it this time? Is your family on the verge of bankruptcy, and you need me to attend an auction to boost the bids?”

Lu Zhao could sense Xia Yu’s aversion.

He hesitated for a moment, his heart aching, but his face remained expressionless.

He stood alone in his office, his silhouette cast onto the window, solitary.

He said, “I agree to the conditions you mentioned a few days ago.”

Xia Yu was taken aback.

His phone almost slipped from his hand.

Was he hallucinating?

Lu Zhao, the proud and rational Lu Zhao, had actually agreed to become his lover.

Xia Yu’s lips moved, but he couldn’t find words for a long time.

Lu Zhao, still waiting for Xia Yu’s response, said, “Xia Yu?”

“What conditions?” Xia Yu finally managed to ask.

Lu Zhao knew that  Xia Yu was doing this on purpose.

Xia Yu leaned back in his office chair, staring at the ceiling with a serious expression.

At this moment, he felt a slight hesitation creeping in.

Was Lu Zhao a mind-reader? Xia Yu asked, “Aren’t you having second thoughts?”

Lu Zhao replied, “Are you afraid, Xia Yu?”

Xia Yu squinted his eyes.

“Who wouldn’t be?” He replied sarcastically, a hint of maliciousness in his tone. He knew Lu Zhao was trying to provoke him.

But what did it matter? He wouldn’t be the one at a disadvantage.

“You’re willing to set aside your pride for this deal, while I’ll be the one benefiting. Why would I care?”

Xia Yu chuckled. “But are you really sure about this, Lu Zhao? You haven’t seen me in years, and you might not know that I’m not in the best mood these days. I hope that besides our physical relationship, we have no other contact. It would be best if we pretend not to know each other in public, and you should try to avoid any events where you might run into me and Xu Zhan. If we do meet, make sure to schedule it in advance. When I’m at home, I prefer you not to contact me at all. Also, I don’t have the time to accommodate your schedule, so it’s better if you adjust to mine. If you can agree to all of this, then we can give it a try.”

His tone was cold and ruthless, filled with a business-like demeanor, like a demanding and heartless capitalist who didn’t intend to pay the interviewees. He was the epitome of a ruthless boss.

But as Lu Zhao gazed out the window, he remembered how Xia Yu used to snuggle against him. In different hotels, with floor-to-ceiling windows and spacious beds, Xia Yu would lie on top of him, affectionately trying to kiss him. At that time, Xia Yu had innocently asked him, “Lu Zhao, am I handsome? Do you like me more today?”

Back then, he hadn’t responded to those questions. He thought to himself, why would he like Xia Yu more?

But now, the young man who used to cuddle with him, trying to please him, had grown into a handsome and charming young man. As a respectable businessman, he was discussing an unpleasant transaction with him.

Lu Zhao’s eyelashes trembled, but he agreed.


After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu remained in a daze for a long time.

He felt like the phone call just now might have been an illusion, a daytime dream. But when he picked up his phone to check, he saw Lu Zhao’s name clearly in the call log.

When the assistant passed by, she noticed their handsome boss standing by the window, looking melancholic. The leaves outside had turned yellow, and Xia Yu leaned against the wall, by the small window, looking pale and aloof.

The assistant approached, standing next to Xia Yu, and looked outside curiously, asking, “Boss, what are you looking at?”

Xia Yu gazed outside with a profound expression and took a sip of coffee. “Checking if it’s raining red from the sky.”

Because how could such bizarre things happen?

The assistant was puzzled. She couldn’t understand what Xia Yu meant at all.

But Xia Yu clearly had no intention of explaining himself.

After finishing his coffee, he threw the cup into the nearby trash can and patted the assistant on the shoulder. “Let’s have a meeting. Gather everyone and discuss the details of the art exhibition.”

During the meeting, Xia Yu finally managed to push Lu Zhao out of his mind. He discussed next month’s art exhibition with his team, and in a few days, he would meet with the exhibition’s artists for further discussions.

Out of cowardice, Xia Yu didn’t tell Xu Zhan about his secret lover, whom he had finally found after much searching.

Actually, he didn’t tell anyone.

Soon enough, it was time for Xia Yu and Lu Zhao’s first “secret meeting.”

Lu Zhao had initiated the invitation, treating it like scheduling a business meeting, and asked when Xia Yu could fulfill his obligations.

At that moment, Xia Yu was discussing the framing of an artwork with his assistant. When he heard Lu Zhao’s question, he nearly choked on the tea in his mouth. He coughed several times and signaled to his colleagues before walking to the side.

“Lu Zhao?” Xia Yu couldn’t help but tease. “Are you in such a hurry for our first night together?”

Lu Zhao’s tone was calm. “You told me not to call when you’re at home, so I chose a working hour and made an appointment in advance.”

Xia Yu was speechless.

But Lu Zhao continued, “When are you available?”

Initially, Xia Yu had thought about delaying their meeting. However, when he heard Lu Zhao’s question, he licked his small canine tooth and changed his mind. “How about today?”

He thought Lu Zhao would hesitate, but to his surprise, Lu Zhao immediately agreed. “Okay, I’ll pick you up after you finish work.”

“No need,” Xia Yu furrowed his brow. “I’ll drive there myself. Also, don’t come to the gallery when I’m working, it wouldn’t look good if my colleagues saw you. I have a meeting now, so I’ll hang up.”

After ending the call, Xia Yu continued chatting with his colleagues.

He suddenly realized that he and Lu Zhao hadn’t confirmed the meeting location. But as he thought about it, his phone vibrated again. He checked it and saw a message from Lu Zhao.

“Golden Feast Hotel, Room 1907.”

Xia Yu raised an eyebrow.

He stared at the message for a while before reaching a conclusion.

It seemed like Lu Zhao was really eager to sleep with him again.

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