Don't Ignite It

Don’t Ignite It chapter 42

Stay right there

The living room remained lively until midnight.

At midnight, except for Xia Mil, who was asleep, everyone else came over to hug Xia Yu, wished him a “Happy Birthday,” and then took out the prepared gifts and gave them to him.

At the same time, Xia Yu’s phone, which he had placed in his pocket, vibrated, but he didn’t pay it any attention.

Sitting amidst a pile of gifts, Xia Yu felt happy again, just like when he was a child. He lay down on the gifts, one by one, to express his gratitude.

His mom patted his head and said with a soft smile, “It’s another year, you’re already 26, you should act more like an adult and not be so childish.”

She then turned to Xu Zhan and said, “In the new year, you’ll have to be more patient with Yu Yu. But if Yu Yu dares to bully you, come back and tell me.”

This wasn’t the first time Xu Zhan had heard this. A few months after they got married, when he accompanied Xia Yu back home, Xia Yu’s Mom had given him a precious jade pendant from her collection and said the same thing.

However, this time, Xu Zhan couldn’t remain as composed as he had been years ago. He chuckled and said, “Xia Yu has a good temper, he won’t bully anyone.”

Xia Mom pinched Xia Yu’s cheek and said, “His temper is good, but he’s always been impulsive since he was a child, don’t be fooled by his innocent face.”

Xia Yu covered his face and protested, “Don’t pinch my face; I won’t look handsome if my face swells.”

Everyone laughed. Xia Yu had always been the treasure of this family. Even though he had just turned a year older, he still had bright, clear eyes, just like in his youth.

“Alright, let’s not stay up late. Let Yu Yu and Xu Zhan go to sleep now. We promised to visit the ice house tomorrow,” Xia Jin said. He noticed that everyone was still in the living room and showed no signs of returning to their rooms. He stood up to usher everyone, “It’s getting late. Mom, Dad, you should rest too.”

Xia Mom checked her watch and said, “Indeed, it’s already past midnight. Let’s all go to bed.”

Xia Yu carried a pile of gifts back to his room and sat on the carpet, unwrapping them one by one.

After Xu Zhan had finished his shower and came out, he noticed that Xia Yu had already piled up several gift boxes beside him.

He smiled at this sight. Xia Yu was indeed childlike in some ways.

“What did everyone give you?” he asked.

“My brother and sister-in-law gave me a jade pen washer and a limited edition bag, but the bag my brother chose is so ugly. My dad gave me a bank card, which is quite ordinary. My mom gave me a tea set,” Xia Yu said as he picked up a small deer plush toy, showing it off to Xu Zhan, “Look, this one is from Mil.”

Xu Zhan teasingly asked, “What’s wrong? Do you think you’re the only one who gets gifts from Mil? Mil gave me a little rabbit last year.”

That was true.

Xia Yu felt a pang of jealousy. Despite being Xia Mil’s uncle, he noticed that Xu Zhan was also winning the little princess’s affection. Just a moment ago, she wanted Xu Zhan to hold her instead of him.

He playfully tapped Xu Zhan with the small deer plush toy and said, “When she grows up and goes to school, she’ll know who’s better.”

“Why?” Xu Zhan asked.

Xia Yu confidently replied, “Because you’re a professor. You’ll only be able to teach her subjects, but I’ll buy her beautiful dresses, accompany her to dances, and take her on trips around the world.”

Xu Zhan chuckled. “I can do that too.”

Being a university professor didn’t mean he could only teach. However, as they looked at each other, they both seemed to recall something at the same time. Even though Xia Yu had mentioned this casually, they both remembered that by the time Xia Mil grew up, it would be many years in the future. They couldn’t predict what their relationship would be like then.

Xia Yu’s smile faded for a moment, but he quickly covered it up and continued to unwrap the last gift. “What did you get me?”

“Take a look for yourself.”

Xia Yu unwrapped the packaging in a few swift moves. Inside, he found a transparent glass box with a beautiful pine tree-shaped ornament inside. Each pine needle looked vivid and lifelike, and at the base of the tree, a white jade squirrel was intricately carved. It looked perfect for placing at the entrance to welcome guests.

Xia Yu immediately fell in love with it.

Xu Zhan explained, “You mentioned last time that your art gallery was missing a decoration. I happened to come across this and thought it looked nice, so I got it for you.”

Xia Yu grinned mischievously and teased, “Our Mr. Xu is so considerate.”

Xu Zhan playfully swatted his hand away.

After examining all the gifts, Xia Yu began to tidy up. He planned to take a shower and go to bed. However, just before getting his pajamas, he noticed a message on his phone.

“Happy birthday, Yu Yu.”

The message was from Lu Zhao and had been sent right at midnight.

At that time, Xia Yu was in the living room, surrounded by his family, who were all wishing him a happy birthday.

Xia Yu held his phone in his hand, standing in front of the wardrobe. He contemplated whether or not to reply to the message.

Apart from Lu Zhao, there were several other messages from people who had timed their birthday wishes for him. Xia Yu had a likable face, and he had admirers and friends who cared about him, so his WeChat was filled with little red notification dots.

Xia Yu started replying to the messages one by one, leaving Lu Zhao’s message for last.

But as he typed out a polite “Thank you,” he hesitated before sending it.

Suddenly, a call came in, and the caller ID displayed “L.”

Xia Yu instinctively answered the call.

“Hello,” he said into the phone, placing it to his ear. Though he knew Xu Zhan wouldn’t hear, he glanced back at the bedroom door nervously and whispered, “Why are you calling?”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line.

For some reason, Xia Yu felt like he heard the sound of the wind.

“I wanted to hear your voice,” Lu Zhao said, “and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday.”

The words “happy birthday” felt like they were whispered directly into Xia Yu’s ear.

Xia Yu held his phone, standing in the quiet wardrobe, unsure of how to respond. “Is that all you wanted to say?”


Lu Zhao paused and asked, “Are you available right now? Are you alone?”

“Why would I be?” Xia Yu responded but felt a hint of reluctance as he added, “I’m in the room with Xu Zhan.”

For some reason, he didn’t want to say this sentence.

Although he had used this fact recklessly to hurt Lu Zhao before, today was his birthday, and he didn’t want to make anyone unhappy. He added, “But I’m currently in the walk-in closet, and I can listen to what you have to say.”

Lu Zhao said, “Can you go to the balcony right now?”

Xia Yu was puzzled. “Why?”

“Just for a moment. When you get to the balcony, let me know.”

Xia Yu didn’t understand what Lu Zhao was up to. “What are you planning to do?”

“Don’t ask for now. Once you’re on the balcony, tell me.”

Xia Yu was confused but complied. “Okay, I’m heading to the balcony now.”


Xia Yu didn’t understand Lu Zhao’s intentions. He leaned against the balcony railing, wrapped in his coat, and stood in the chilly air outside.

“I’m here,” he said.


Xia Yu still couldn’t understand what Lu Zhao was planning, but this time, Lu Zhao’s response came quickly. Strangely, Xia Yu heard a hint of awkwardness in Lu Zhao’s usually cool and aloof voice, as if Lu Zhao were a high school student awaiting a response to a first date proposal.

He heard Lu Zhao say, “Xia Yu, look up. Towards Rongli Square.”

Rongli Square was next to Xia Yu’s home, usually bustling with people, but today, there were no New Year countdown events, and at this hour, it was pitch black.

Xia Yu didn’t understand Lu Zhao’s intentions. He raised his head and asked, “I see it, what’s going on?”

Lu Zhao remained silent.

The night breeze rustled past Xia Yu’s ears.

He was puzzled but then noticed that, at some point, tiny flames had ignited in the sky.

These were followed by more flames, scattered like stars, rising into the night sky and adorning the dark canvas.

Floating in the air were unmanned aerial lanterns.

In the silence of the night, they drifted soundlessly in the sky. There were many of them, spaced out so they didn’t cluster together, giving the impression of a starry sky that lit up the entire area.

Xia Yu was stunned.

He held his phone, which was silent, yet it seemed as if he could hear the wind through his phone as well.

“Happy birthday, Yu Yu,” Lu Zhao softly said through the phone. At that moment, his voice seemed to melt from ice into water, gently flowing. “I’m very happy to spend the first day of the new year with you. I’m sorry for not celebrating your birthday with you in all those years.”

Now, they had known each other for seven years.

Xia Yu gazed at the sea of lanterns, surrounded by the deep silence of the night. His family was probably all asleep by now.

No one would see these lanterns floating above the square. They drifted peacefully, extending into the distance like a long silver river.

Silent and unnoticed.

It was a gift known only to him.

He softly asked Lu Zhao, “Why are you showing me this?”

But deep down, he felt like he already knew the answer.

A few years ago, Xia Yu had gone on a trip with Lu Zhao. It happened to be the day after his birthday, during the New Year holiday. There was an attraction nearby that held a lantern-release event in the evening, and Xia Yu decided to join in the festivity.

However, everyone else at the event was in couples, and Xia Yu was alone, which made him feel somewhat lonely.

So, he called Lu Zhao and asked if he could come over. Xia Yu was worried that Lu Zhao wouldn’t want to, so he spoke softly, saying that it was a way to make up for missing his birthday celebration.

But Lu Zhao told him that he was still in a meeting and couldn’t make it.

In the end, Xia Yu released a lantern by himself.

But even so, he had written all of his wishes related to Lu Zhao on that lantern.

Lu Zhao raised his head and looked at the lanterns. They grew smaller as they floated further away, resembling tiny clusters of stars.

As he watched the lanterns drift away, he remembered five years ago when he had gone on a business trip to Nanshi. When he arrived at the square, the lantern release event had already ended, and the crowd had dispersed. Only Xia Yu remained, waiting alone in the same spot.

However, at that time, he had been willing to accompany Xia Yu to release lanterns. He truly had been held up by his advisor’s meeting and couldn’t leave.

But no explanation had worked.

On that day, the square had been empty, and only Xia Yu stood there, facing his own shadow.

“It’s nothing, I just wanted to celebrate your birthday with you, even if it’s just for ten minutes,” Lu Zhao said softly. “Don’t worry, I won’t disturb you, and I won’t let your family find out.”

Lanterns were used for making wishes.

When preparing these lanterns, Lu Zhao had written the same wish on each one.

He wished for Xia Yu’s safety and happiness.

In fact, he should have prayed to the heavens to let Xia Yu love him again.

But when it came to writing it down, he had changed his mind.

Too many wishes could make them lose their power. More than Xia Yu loving him again, he wanted Xia Yu to be happy all along.

Because during those years they were together, Xia Yu hadn’t been happy.

Lu Zhao looked up at the lit bedroom window and the small silhouette on the balcony.

In fact, he was standing just a dozen meters away from Xia Yu’s home.

He wasn’t welcome in the Xia family.

Even Xia Yu himself didn’t want him there. He could only hide in the shadows, like a lonely wandering spirit.

But looking at Xia Yu like this, he still felt content.

He had sown the seeds of his actions and now had to bear the consequences. He couldn’t blame anyone else.

“Go back inside, Xia Yu. It’s too cold outside,” he said in a low voice. “The lanterns are already released.”

But Xia Yu didn’t move.

In fact, he should have turned around and walked away. What did it matter what Lu Zhao was doing? His birthday wasn’t lonely at all, as everyone in his family cherished him, keeping him company and giving him thoughtful gifts. His legal husband was also right behind him, waiting for him to rest early since they were planning a family outing the next day.

What Lu Zhao was doing was just an act of self-indulgence.

But he tilted his head back, gazing at the drifting lanterns.

He softly asked Lu Zhao, “Where are you right now?”

Lu Zhao didn’t speak for a moment.

But Xia Yu had already guessed. “You’re near my house, aren’t you? Are you on the square?”


Xia Yu closed his eyes, and his fingers turned red from the cold air.

“Stay right there, don’t move,” he ordered.

He returned to the bedroom, where Xu Zhan was still sitting on the bed with two rolled-up blankets.

But he didn’t linger and simply said to Xu Zhan, “I’ll be right back.”

Xu Zhan was puzzled. “Where are you going at this late hour?”

But Xia Yu didn’t answer. He only said, “I’ll be back soon.”

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