Don't Ignite It

Don’t Ignite It chapter 27


So much happened that night, and by the time Xia Yu finally lay down in bed, it was already past four o’clock.

He was so exhausted that his eyelids were practically fighting to stay open.

He didn’t end up taking the sailboat from Lu Zhao, as he ended up lying in Lu Zhao’s arms, half-asleep. His voice was soft, “You’ve given your gifts too late, and I don’t think I want them anymore.”

Lu Zhao wasn’t surprised by this response. He had been rejected by Xia Yu many times before, and he was gradually getting used to it.

But Xia Yu bit his lip, “I don’t want them, but you shouldn’t throw them away either. Just leave them here, in case…”

“In case I change my mind, I’ll take them with me.”

But he didn’t say the last sentence and drifted off to sleep, curled up in Lu Zhao’s embrace, sleeping soundly.

Lu Zhao gazed at him for a long time.

“In case?”

In case of what?

Those two words held endless possibilities, but it seemed like he shouldn’t hope for any of them.

He gently kissed Xia Yu’s forehead.

Because he had stayed up late the previous night, Xia Yu woke up around noon the next day. Even though he had set an alarm, he hadn’t heard it at all.

Lu Zhao, on the other hand, woke up on time and had already gone to work. However, he had left a note on the bedside table with his whereabouts and mentioned that he had arranged for a driver to take Xia Yu.

Xia Yu stared at the note for a while, reading the words carefully, before slowly getting out of bed.

After having lunch at Lu Zhao’s house, Xia Yu headed to the art gallery. Once there, he first reviewed the proposals and media contacts for the week that had been sent to him. He then joined a brief meeting with a few colleagues.

He was busy all afternoon, still thinking about the gallery’s recent publicity direction. As the other gallery employees started gathering for afternoon tea, Xia Yu decided to join in and ordered some as well. He also offered to pay for everyone’s order, earning enthusiastic praise from the staff.

While sitting at a small table by the window and enjoying a scone, Xia Yu received a WeChat call.

When he saw the caller’s name, he raised an eyebrow in surprise. It was Lu Yuan.

They had exchanged WeChat contacts at the bar the previous day, but Xia Yu had expected it to be just a courtesy between old classmates. He didn’t think Lu Yuan would actually use it so soon.

Xia Yu couldn’t understand why Lu Yuan would be calling him, but since there was no one else in the room, he decided to answer.

However, once the call was connected, there was a long period of silence from the other end.

Xia Yu took a bite of his chocolate scone and lazily said, “If you’re not going to talk, I might hang up.”

Lu Yuan was almost furious, “Xia Yu!”

Xia Yu responded casually, “… What’s up?”

In truth, he knew exactly why Lu Yuan was calling.

Sure enough, Lu Yuan couldn’t contain his anger and asked, “Did you stay at my brother’s place last night?”

“Yeah,” Xia Yu replied.

Lu Yuan was still fuming and muttered, “Damn it…”

Xia Yu chuckled, “What’s with the ‘damn it’? Do I have to report to you where I sleep? Lu Yuan, you seem to be overly concerned about your brother’s affairs.”

Xia Yu had always felt that Lu Yuan was like a shadow, cool when alone, but completely lost when in the presence of Lu Zhao, following him around like a faithful dog.

Xia Yu couldn’t help but be suspicious. “Do you have a crush on your brother or something?”

Lu Yuan was on the verge of exploding.

“Do you think everyone is like you, liking men? I like women, I’m just concerned about my brother. I’m afraid he’ll get involved with you again.”

Xia Yu, on the other hand, was amused by Lu Yuan’s reaction.

“Isn’t it a bit late to ask now? Hasn’t your brother talked to you about it before?”

Xia Yu was sure that Lu Zhao had given his brother a piece of his mind.

Lu Yuan was momentarily at a loss for words.

Yes, he had received a stern lecture from his brother this morning. Lu Zhao had bluntly told him that Xia Yu was having an extramarital affair, and he should keep his mouth shut. If he heard any rumors about Xia Yu from the outside, it would be on Lu Yuan’s head.

Lu Yuan was feeling incredibly aggrieved.

Why should he be held responsible? What if Xia Yu couldn’t keep it a secret and was discovered by someone else? It had nothing to do with him.

Thinking about it made Lu Yuan even more frustrated.

Through gritted teeth, Lu Yuan said, “Xia Yu, we had a talk yesterday. Did you not listen at all? Even if my brother wronged you before, you shouldn’t treat him like this.”

Xia Yu laughed lightly, “How do you define ‘treat him like this’? We both get what we want. Our relationship used to be fair, so don’t make it sound like I’m bullying him. Besides, your brother willingly offered himself. I don’t mind breaking up with him, but I’m sure he’d beat you up for asking me to”

Xia Yu took another sip of coffee and mumbled, “Don’t you think your brother is happy?”

Lu Yuan was on the verge of cursing.

Happy? How could he be happy, being someone’s secret lover?

But he couldn’t come up with a retort.

Because compared to losing Xia Yu, compared to hearing only snippets about Xia Yu from afar, his brother would rather sink into this extramarital affair.

He clenched his teeth and changed the subject, “Xia Yu, I know I can’t persuade my brother, and I have no right to interfere with you. I won’t bring up whether you’re treating Xu Zhan fairly or not. But even if you want to have fun or cheat, please consider Xu’s reputation and your husband’s face. Don’t make it too obvious. You and my brother… at least break up amicably.”

Xia Yu chuckled.

Amicable breakup? How rare. Why don’t you ask if Lu Zhao agrees first?

“You seem quite concerned,” he teased, “Are you your brother’s little manager or something?”

Yesterday, he had still been on good terms with Lu Yuan, and he really had no intention of picking a fight with him.

But he disliked it when others meddled in his business, especially Lu Yuan. This was just asking for trouble.

Lu Yuan was left speechless and angrily hung up the phone, leaving Xia Yu alone.

Xia Yu shrugged it off; he wasn’t bothered by it. He was actually in a good mood.

He had been bored at work all day, and Lu Yuan had willingly handed him an opportunity to vent his frustration. It was quite entertaining.

However, he tapped on the keyboard a few times and thought about what Lu Yuan had said. It made him chuckle.

Although Lu Yuan hadn’t been polite in his words, he had essentially advised Xia Yu to stay away from Lu Zhao. Regardless of his attitude, it sounded like he was opposing his brother and was displeased with his actions.

Xia Yu wondered what had happened to Lu Zhao over the years. He seemed to have fallen out of favor with everyone.

In the afternoon, the art gallery was bustling with activity, and Xia Yu received several waves of visitors. When he was engaged in serious discussions about art, he could be quite intimidating. Even though his clients didn’t necessarily understand art appreciation, they did appreciate the beauty of the person in front of them.

Xia Yu had a casual look, with slightly long hair and a naturally lazy air about him. Even when he smiled, it was laid-back, like a cat wandering through the gallery. Even while smiling, he looked like he could drift away at any moment.

When these clients left, Xia Yu received two more business cards, which were handed to him discreetly.

Xia Yu didn’t mind; he was used to it. Not everyone knew he was married, and not everyone who knew would give up so easily.

He tossed the two business cards onto the table, one of which even had a suggestive lipstick mark on it.

Yunying, his operations manager, sat at her desk, talking to the graphic designer. When she saw the business cards, she chuckled and teased, “Boss, you have so many admirers. Is Professor Xu especially nervous about you being taken away from him?”

Xia Yu smirked.

Professor Xu wouldn’t be nervous, but someone else might be.

Lu Zhao was always a bit paranoid. In the past, whenever someone showed interest in Xia Yu, even before Xia Yu realized it, Lu Zhao would have noticed.

Once, one of Xia Yu’s classmate had video-called him for help with homework, and Lu Zhao happened to be there. The classmate had clearly blushed when she saw Lu Zhao, but after she hung up, Lu Zhao had snorted and told Xia Yu, “She likes you.”

Xia Yu didn’t believe it at all.

However, it turned out that Lu Zhao was right. After he returned to school, that classmate had confessed to him.

Xia Yu’s mind wandered again as he thought about it.

It was strange. Lu Zhao had seemed indifferent to him at that time, but he acted like a territorial lion, always wanting to keep him within his boundaries.

The autumn light bathed him as he sat at the computer. He was supposed to be working, but he suddenly stopped. His phone had received a new message, this time from Lu Zhao.

Lu Zhao asked if Xia Yu wanted to watch a movie together in the evening.

Xia Yu had initially planned to decline, but Lu Zhao sent a cute emoticon—a small golden retriever trapped in a box, looking pitiful.

Xia Yu found it hard to believe that this was something Lu Zhao would do. Lu Zhao’s messaging style was just like his personality—neat and concise, without a single extra word. Using emoticons, let alone one as expressive as this, was almost like asking for his life.

Xia Yu couldn’t help but reply, “Why the emoticon?”

Lu Zhao sent a voice message.

Xia Yu put the phone to his ear.

Lu Zhao’s voice was calm and steady, without any fluctuations. “I had dinner with a supplier today. He recently married a much younger wife, and he said that dating younger people requires being more lively. So, I downloaded an emoticon.”

Lu Zhao sent another message, “Is it effective? Are you willing to watch a movie with me?”

Xia Yu couldn’t help but wonder what kind of unreliable people Lu Zhao was working with. How had the conversation shifted from business cooperation to personal matters? And Lu Zhao had actually believed it and acted accordingly.

But when he saw the little golden retriever waiting to be rescued, he couldn’t help but soften for a moment.

“Sure, we can watch it.”


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