Disobedience To Control

Disobedience To Control chapter 8

I’m tight-lipped

“You’re just taking revenge.” Song Siheng buried his head between two pillows, mustering the last bit of strength to kick the person next to him.

Yang Xiaobei yelped and then lifted a corner of the blanket and crawled over.

His voice was muffled but carried a smile. “What’s public and what’s private, hmm?”

“Wait until tomorrow when you wake up,” Song Siheng said, thoroughly tired. Even though he tried to sound stern, there was no intimidation in his tone.

“As long as you don’t deduct my money, anything’s fine.” Yang Xiaobei snuggled up next to his head and rubbed Song Siheng’s cheek with his short hair.

The scent of lemon shampoo filled the air, soft and slightly damp.

Originally, Song Siheng’s entire spine was deeply sunk into the mattress, but with this rub, his entire back suddenly stiffened for several seconds.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Xiaobei sensed his stiffness and leaned closer, asking, “Feeling something again?”

Song Siheng took a deep breath and cursed in a low voice, “Get lost!”

The hotel used double-layered curtains, with a pleated white gauze on the outside and a heavy nylon blackout cloth on the inside. When Song Siheng opened his eyes again, the room was still pitch black, and he couldn’t tell what time it was.

In the darkness, he faintly felt someone lying beside him. He wasn’t used to sharing a bed with anyone, but strangely enough, he slept quite soundly that night.

This time, Yang Xiaobei didn’t run away in advance, showing some self-awareness about being paid for services.

Song Siheng reached out but couldn’t find his phone. After thinking for a moment, he remembered it had been thrown onto the carpet again last night.

“What time is it?” He reached out and patted the person beside him. However, the room was too dark, and his slap landed directly on the person’s cheek.

“What, why did you hit me as soon as you woke up?” Yang Xiaobei woke up with a start, his voice still hoarse.

Song Siheng couldn’t be bothered to explain, just urged, “Check the time.”

Yang Xiaobei fumbled in the darkness for a moment, found his phone, and tapped it twice, but the screen didn’t light up.

“Damn, forgot to charge it.”

Song Siheng clicked his tongue and then sat up, swinging his leg over Yang Xiaobei and getting out of bed.

Feeling his way forward in the dark, he took several steps before finding his own phone on the carpet. After lighting up the screen, he exclaimed, “Damn.”

It was almost nine in the morning.

That day was Sunday, so he didn’t have to go to the office, but Li Ke had arranged a meeting with a client returning from abroad. The distinguished guest rarely came to Jiangcheng, and time was tight with important tasks, so they could only meet on weekends.

Following the light of his phone, Song Siheng found the switch panel and then flicked on the room’s main light. The brightness caused Yang Xiaobei to squint his eyes.

Five minutes later, Song Siheng found himself in an even more awkward situation. His shirt from last night had been crumpled into a mess, lying on the carpet like a stray dog, with a button missing from under the collar. And since he had rushed here yesterday, he hadn’t brought any spare clothes.

He couldn’t possibly go to meet a major client dressed only in his coat.

He suppressed his emotions and bent over to put on his pants. Just as he finished, he heard a whistle behind him.

It seemed Yang Xiaobei had adjusted to the light and quickly got out of bed.

Song Siheng ignored his rather vulgar signal of seduction and instead picked up the crumpled shirt from the floor.

After a moment of thought, Song Siheng picked up the landline phone from the bedside table, preparing to call the front desk for room service. But before he could press the dial button, his hand was stopped by Yang Xiaobei.

“What are you doing?” Song Siheng turned around.

Instead, the person behind him handed him a stack of neatly folded clothes.

“What’s this?” Song Siheng frowned.

“Just something to wear for now. You can change when you get back,” Yang Xiaobei gestured for him to open it.

Song Siheng opened the clothes to find a white pullover sweatshirt. It was plain, but it would do.

“It’s pure cotton, won’t scratch you.”

With no better option at hand, he shook the shirt and then slipped his arms into it.

Apart from the sleeves being a bit long, it fit reasonably well.

After putting on the clothes and grabbing his car keys, Song Siheng was ready to leave.

But he was stopped by Yang Xiaobei from behind. “You’re leaving already? You’re not even going to stay for a while?”

Song Siheng glanced back at him, feeling somewhat puzzled. He had left immediately after waking up earlier, and now that he had paid, Yang Xiaobei wanted him to stay? Without a word, Song Siheng turned and walked out.

The hotel elevator in the morning was painfully slow. Song Siheng, wearing Yang Xiaobei’s white sweatshirt, waited for quite a while in the elevator lobby before it finally arrived.

He entered the elevator alone, pressed the button for the ground floor, and immediately pressed the close door button. Unfortunately, just before the door closed completely, a strong hand reached in.

Buzz—The elevator doors were forced to open again.

The person outside quickly stepped in, squeezing in front of Song Siheng, their short hair tousled messily above their head.

“You didn’t even wait for me,” they said.

“I have things to do,” Song Siheng pressed the close door button twice more, and finally, the elevator doors slowly shut.

“What’s so urgent?” Yang Xiaobei glanced at the reflection in the elevator hall’s mirror, then ran a hand through his hair, making it even messier, “Are you managing some business empire behind my back? You’re off to make big money on a weekend like this?”

Listening to his endless chatter, Song Siheng realized that whether he set rules or not, this person in front of him was utterly useless. He might never learn the boundaries between people.

Seeing that Song Siheng didn’t respond, Yang Xiaobei deliberately turned to stare at him.

“It’s none of your business,” Song Siheng said, then lowered his eyes to open his phone and sent a message to Li Ke.

——Bring me a suit.

The elevator signal was weak, and it took a while for the message to send.

The car descended from the top floor to the ground floor. When the doors opened, Song Siheng wasted no time and headed straight for the parking lot.

Yang Xiaobei followed closely behind, showing no intention of leaving.

Once Song Siheng got into the car and started the engine, he was surprised to find the passenger door being pulled open, and Yang Xiaobei casually sat inside.

“Get out,” Song Siheng commanded.

“On such a cold day, you’re just going to leave me here alone? At least drop me off at a subway station. My phone’s dead, and I can’t even call a cab,” Yang Xiaobei said, wearing only a thin jacket over his T-shirt on this chilly autumn morning.

Song Siheng paused for two seconds, then asked coldly, “Which subway station?”

“Just one nearby, take a left at the next intersection. I’ll take Line 2 back to school.”

This person never seemed serious about anything, and Song Siheng had forgotten he was still a college student.

Yang Xiaobei got what he wanted and happily unbuckled his seatbelt. But before he could fasten it, Song Siheng pressed the accelerator deeply. The car surged forward onto the main road.

“Oh my,” Yang Xiaobei exclaimed, grabbing the handle above his head tightly, “I’m not in that much of a hurry either.”

It wasn’t until they reached a traffic light at a crossroads that had just turned red that Song Siheng pressed the brake, bringing the car to a stop.

Coincidentally, Li Ke called at that moment.

The screen displayed the name “Li.” Song Siheng put on his wireless earpiece and answered the call.

Yang Xiaobei glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, sitting still in the passenger seat.

Song Siheng exchanged a couple of words with the caller, then spoke into the phone.

“Yes, the dark blue one. Bring it out to me later.”

“It’s in the closet. If you can’t find it, you can video call me.”

After brief instructions, he hung up. But as soon as he turned his head, he was met with Yang Xiaobei’s suspicious gaze.

“I see, I see,” Yang Xiaobei suddenly slapped his forehead with his palm.

“What do you see?” Song Siheng asked, puzzled.

The traffic light turned green. Song Siheng pressed the accelerator again, and the car sped forward.

“No wonder you wouldn’t tell me anything…” Yang Xiaobei shook his head.

Song Siheng found him increasingly nonsensical. The subway station was right in front of them. He hit the brakes hard, stopping the car by the side of the road.

“Get out.”

Yang Xiaobei let out a sigh of relief and looked at him in the driver’s seat. “Forget it, forget it. Since you paid, I’ll endure a bit of inconvenience. Don’t worry, I’ll keep my mouth shut. Your family won’t find out either.”

Song Siheng couldn’t understand what he was talking about. “Get out!”

Yang Xiaobei quickly grabbed his bag, opened the car door, and stepped out. His long legs covered the distance to the subway station entrance in a few strides.

Finally, he turned back and made a gesture towards Song Siheng through the floor-to-ceiling glass. From left to right, he ran his finger across his lips like a zipper.

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