Disobedience To Control

Disobedience To Control chapter 52

Be Gentle

After handling the remaining affairs at the company, Song Siheng returned home only to find it was already early morning on the weekend.

The house was cleaned immaculately, with the floor reflecting the gentle daylight from outside the window. He hadn’t had breakfast yet. Instead of heading to the dining room, he turned and entered the master bedroom.

The curtain in the master bedroom was tightly drawn, blocking out all light.

In the dimness, Song Siheng saw a figure lying on the bed, twisted and turned, with the whole face buried in the covers, only a tuft of hair peeking out.

With a sigh, he walked to the bedside and sat down gently along the edge of the bed.

The person on the bed seemed unaware of his arrival, brows relaxed, eyes closed, still deep in sleep. Since being discharged from the hospital, Yang Xiaobei seemed to have fewer nightmares and his sleep quality had improved.

Song Siheng pulled the covers down slightly, revealing Yang Xiaobei’s face.

The room was warmer than the hospital, and after a few days of rest, Yang Xiaobei’s cheeks had gained some color, no longer just pale.

His thick eyelashes gently rested on his lower eyelids, and in the dim light, the contours of his features were particularly clear. His lower lip was full, no longer dry, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, perhaps dreaming of something pleasant.

Song Siheng couldn’t help but extend his finger and lightly brushed his lower lip. He had never found this face so enticing.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on the phone by the bed, lighting up the screen. The faint light fell perfectly on Yang Xiaobei’s face, as if highlighting this beautiful face.

Song Siheng felt his throat dry, his fingers unable to move on his face.

Soon, the person on the bed turned sideways, turning away from him and wrapping the blanket back over his head.

That’s when Song Siheng snapped out of it.

He was just too tired; how could he have such thoughts about a patient who was still recovering…

Before Yang Xiaobei could wake up, he quickly stood up from the bedside and left the bedroom, heading straight to the dining room.

There wasn’t much in the fridge; the housekeeper would buy a suitable amount of groceries every day and cook them on the same day. That day being the weekend, there wasn’t much food left in the fridge. There was only a bottle of fresh milk, two apples, a pack of toast, and a few eggs in the fridge.

Song Siheng finally heated himself a cup of milk and sat down at the dining table.

But after only a few minutes, there were slow footsteps in the corridor. He turned back and saw Yang Xiaobei wearing a loose white T-shirt and shorts, holding onto the wall as he slowly walked forward.

“Waking up so early?” Song Siheng asked.

“I didn’t sleep well. I heard you just came back.”

Song Siheng felt a slight tightness in his heart. Did he notice his actions just now?

But in the end, he just said, “Did I wake you up when I opened the door?”

As Yang Xiaobei walked into the dining room along the corridor, he glanced at Song Siheng. “Why were you up so late? Did you go to a bar?”

“Am I that kind of person?” Song Siheng retorted.

“Why not? How did we meet then? Have you forgotten?” Yang Xiaobei coughed, covering his chest.

“Think whatever you want.” Song Siheng turned and walked back into the kitchen, took out an apple from the fridge, rinsed it quickly, and tossed it to him.

The apple drew a beautiful arc from a meter away and fell into Yang Xiaobei’s hands.

“Aren’t you afraid of hitting my wound? You’re really heartless!” Yang Xiaobei took a bite of the apple.

“I see you’re in good spirits.”

Yang Xiaobei indeed recovered quite well in the past few days. During this time, Song Siheng had changed his medication twice. The scars had scabbed and fallen off, the gauze had been completely removed, and the color of the scars had changed from purplish-red to light brown. However, his daily movements were still slightly inconvenient, and he felt some pain when he moved too much.

“Yes, I’m heartless. If you have the ability, go find a better sugar daddy and see if others will treat you tenderly enough.” Song Siheng still remembered what Yang Xiaobei had said at McDonald’s that day.

“Hey, aren’t you an Aquarius? Why are you holding grudges?” Yang Xiaobei tried to stand up by hitting the table, but ended up pulling at his chest, causing him to gasp.

Although Song Siheng spoke harshly, when he saw Yang Xiaobei’s appearance, he stood up and supported him, gently patting his back.

“Is it painful?”

“Ah, it’s painful.” Yang Xiaobei leaned into his arms, his head pressing against Song Siheng’s neck, as if wanting to bury himself in his embrace.

Song Siheng wasn’t naive; he naturally saw through his act. But he was too lazy to expose it, so he helped Yang Xiaobei onto the sofa, opened his right arm, and let him lean against him.

Yang Xiaobei couldn’t hold back a laugh. “Okay, you’re qualified.”

Seeing his shameless behavior, Song Siheng quickly withdrew his arm and made it as if to get up.

But Yang Xiaobei grabbed his arm, lifted his T-shirt, and placed his hand on his chest.

“What’s this?” Song Siheng didn’t understand his actions.

“I’ve been feeling strange these past few days.” Yang Xiaobei held his hand and pointed to his chest through the fabric of his T-shirt.

“What do you mean by strange?”

“Maybe the surgery damaged a nerve. I feel numb here, no sensation.” Yang Xiaobei drew a small circle on his chest.

Song Siheng had undergone minor surgery before and could roughly understand that feeling. “It takes time for the wound to heal; a little numbness is normal.”

Although he said that, their hands were still intertwined.

“Why don’t you touch it?” Yang Xiaobei lowered his eyes, his tone slightly pleading.

Song Siheng’s Adam’s apple rolled down, and he gently touched the area where Yang Xiaobei had drawn the circle. “Here?”

Even through the fabric, he could feel the elasticity of the skin, and the warmth of his body transmitted through the cotton fibers, itching his heart.

“Yes.” Yang Xiaobei nodded slightly, then raised his eyelids to look at Song Siheng.

Those dark, watery eyes seemed to want to pull him in.

Song Siheng shook his head abruptly, then quickly withdrew his hand, feeling dizzy with lust.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Xiaobei asked knowingly, leaning closer. “Could it be that just by doing this, you’re getting a reaction?”

Song Siheng looked at his expression again and suddenly understood. This guy was clearly teasing him.

Before Song Siheng could retort, Yang Xiaobei rolled up his sleeves and sighed.

“I’ve lost a lot of muscle.” he exposed his entire upper arm.

Song Siheng took a look and indeed noticed that his arm was thinner than when they first met.

“I don’t know if it’s also a nerve issue; I always feel numbness in my arm. It’s not very comfortable to sleep either.”

Would someone fall into the same trap twice? The fact proved that they would.

Song Siheng felt a bit sorry and reached out to pinch his arm. “Turn sideways, let me have a look.”

Yang Xiaobei quickly turned around and presented his arm to Song Siheng. “Massage it for me.”

Yang Xiaobei was now quite comfortable giving orders.

When Song Siheng was on a business trip in the northern city, it was Yang Xiaobei who massaged him. Now their roles were reversed.

Song Siheng propped up one leg and raised both hands, carefully massaging every muscle for him. Yang Xiaobei had broad shoulders, and although his arms had slimmed down a bit, the muscles on both sides of his shoulder blades still protruded.

Song Siheng had never done this kind of thing before, and his hands lacked finesse. Carelessly, he ended up pinching Yang Xiaobei.

“Ouch!” Yang Xiaobei exclaimed, “Massage here, and go easy! Your strength is stronger than a massage gun!”

Feeling guilty, Song Siheng eased up a bit and said, “Let me find you a physiotherapist. I’m not a professional, and I might hurt you.”

But Yang Xiaobei shook his head. “No need, why waste money on that?”

They bantered back and forth until the sun came up. The curtains in the living room were wide open, and the glaring sunlight spilled onto the floor.

Song Siheng glanced at the patient next to him and remembered that he had only eaten an apple early in the morning.

“Do you want something to eat?” Song Siheng asked.

“Do you want to order food?” Yang Xiaobei asked.

“I’ll cook. The outside food is too oily and salty, and you shouldn’t eat it.” It was the weekend, and the housekeeper didn’t need to come. Song Siheng thought for a moment; ordering takeout would be strange.

“You? Can you?” Yang Xiaobei glanced at him.

If Yang Xiaobei hadn’t questioned him, Song Siheng wouldn’t have put in so much effort. “Why wouldn’t I be able to? Who says I can’t?”

Although he said that, he felt hollow inside. He had never done any housework since he was a child. When he was studying abroad, he either ate out or ate with his roommates. For him, even lighting the gas stove successfully was a stroke of luck.

Song Siheng got up smoothly and closed the glass door of the kitchen, standing in front of the stove with his back to the door.

After rummaging through the ingredients in the fridge, he found that only two eggs could be used. There was still some rice left in the rice jar.

He calculated in his mind; frying eggs and making congee should be no problem.

But half an hour later, he realized that cooking seemed to be a problem that couldn’t be solved by any formula or method. Even though he was watching the time and measuring the water properly, why did he end up cooking the congee into a burnt mess?!

When Yang Xiaobei saw that he hadn’t moved for a long time, he walked to the kitchen door and opened the glass door. “What’s wrong? Did you light the stove?”

Song Siheng felt embarrassed and didn’t turn around.

When Yang Xiaobei walked behind him and saw the hard rice in the pot, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Laughing too hard, he ended up coughing from his wound again.

Song Siheng couldn’t stand it and reached out to pat his back. “Forget it, maybe you shouldn’t eat it.”

Yang Xiaobei’s face turned red, and it took him a while to recover. He shook his head. “It’s not that. It’s not just about the food.”

“What do you mean?”

“I still feel a bit uncomfortable breathing now, and my heart rate occasionally speeds up. Sometimes when I sleep, I feel a bit suffocated.”

Song Siheng thought for a moment and remembered something. “After the surgery, you need to do some cardiac rehabilitation training. It’s like teaching a child to walk; you have to adapt slowly.”

Yang Xiaobei nodded. “I’ll figure it out myself later.”

“No need. Later, I can help you contact a professional rehabilitation institution. From breathing training to muscle training, they have a complete rehabilitation treatment course. When you go…”

Before Song Siheng could finish his sentence, his phone on the table suddenly started vibrating. He picked it up and saw that it was a completely unfamiliar number. Thinking it was a spam call, he hung up without answering.

But less than half a minute later, the call came again.

He had no choice but to answer it. Yang Xiaobei also quieted down.


“Hello, may I ask if this is Mr. Song?”

“Yes, it’s me.” Song Siheng could tell from the tone on the other end that it didn’t sound like a telemarketing call.

“The cardiac rehabilitation training service you booked with us is scheduled to start next week. For the first session…”

“Hold on.” Song Siheng was completely confused. “Which organization are you from? I don’t remember booking this service.”

“We are the top cardiac rehabilitation medical center in the country. We indeed have your appointment registered here. Moreover, this appointment is not open to the public; only a small number of internal slots are available, and you have already completed the full payment. Our team members specially rushed back from overseas, so there shouldn’t be any mistake.”

Song Siheng doubted if he was hallucinating. He had only casually discussed it, how did it become finalized like this?

But the phone call was so convincing that Song Siheng began to doubt his memory.

“But I really didn’t make an appointment.”

“Ah…” There was a pause on the other end, followed by the sound of paper being flipped. “You are indeed Mr. Song, right?”

“My last name is Song.”

“Didn’t you have a collaboration with our rehabilitation center before, during your research project at Jiangcheng University? It’s because of this collaboration that we were able to reserve this internal slot for you…”


Suddenly, Song Siheng understood. He knew who this Mr. Song was.

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