Disobedience To Control

Disobedience To Control chapter 19

Don’t You Hate Perfume?

Song Siheng felt like he must be going crazy.

He stepped on the accelerator and headed onto the main road. He was alone in the car, and outside the window, the setting sun was almost gone, the black car racing through the deep purple clouds towards the other end of the city.

But every detail from ten minutes ago was still vivid, as if a red-hot iron had left a scar on his mind.

Ten minutes ago, by the poolside.

The red sunset grew more intense, coloring Yang Xiaobei’s cheeks with a tint of red.

“Wanna kiss me?”

When Song Siheng heard this proposal, his brain’s immediate response was, “Why not?”

The two inches between them narrowed until their noses touched. Upper lips brushed against lower lips.

It felt like the entire world existed between their lips. Song Siheng tilted his head, his right hand gripping Yang Xiaobei’s hand back. His body, barely covered by the empty T-shirt, was slightly warm.

Yang Xiaobei’s lips still carried the sweetness of strawberry flavored candy. Song Siheng never liked the taste of industrially made candy, but inexplicably, he licked it lightly.

Yang Xiaobei’s back tensed for a moment, then his left hand wrapped around Song Siheng’s back, pressing down. The two of them almost seamlessly merged together. Song Siheng soon noticed the change in the other’s body.

Perhaps it was the effect of the sunset, but Song Siheng’s neck felt hot.

It wasn’t until the sound of security patrol outside the swimming pool door that Song Siheng snapped out of it, pushing Yang Xiaobei away.

“I have to go.” Song Siheng’s T-shirt collar was askew, revealing the skin beneath his collarbone.

Yang Xiaobei’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but he didn’t say anything at first.

Then Song Siheng picked up his backpack beside him and strode out, not even asking Yang Xiaobei for directions back to school.

The vehicle started, accelerated, and the engine roared.

It wasn’t until the car got onto the highway that Song Siheng rolled down the window, allowing the chilly evening breeze to blow into the cabin, finally coming back to his senses.

I must have lost my mind. How could I let myself get so carried away? What if there were surveillance cameras in the swimming pool? What if a stranger came out of the locker room?

The evening rush hour began, and the vehicles ahead started to congest.

A white sedan cut into the queue diagonally, blocking Song Siheng’s car, unmoving for quite some time.

Song Siheng honked the horn, the piercing sound cutting through the traffic.

“Are you insane?!” The owner of the white car shouted angrily, rolling down his window.

Song Siheng paid no attention, continuing to honk until the traffic finally started moving.

After passing through four intersections, Song Siheng finally reached the main road near his home. There were no other plans for this weekend, but Li Ke called unexpectedly.

“What’s up?” Song Siheng put on his wireless earpiece.

“Linyin Garden in the west of the city, there’s a party hosted by Young Master Lin at 7 pm tonight. Are you going?” Li Ke asked.

“I’m not going.” Song Siheng refused decisively. It was almost six o’clock, and he wouldn’t even have time to change clothes at home.

Li Ke added, “I heard he also invited the CEOs of two overseas semiconductor companies…”

“Wait for me downstairs in half an hour,” Song Siheng stepped on the gas, driving into the residential area.

The Lin family in the west of the city had three sons, and this reckless Young Master Lin was the youngest. The family had little hope for him to inherit the family business. The eldest and second sons held important positions in the real estate group, while the third was responsible for building connections in this world of fame and fortune. Apart from the nightclub party Song Siheng had been to last time, these social gatherings held publicly were also organized by Young Master Lin.

The Lin family’s influence extended to multiple industries, including the technology sector. Plus, Young Master Lin had invested in several tech companies recently. This year’s party invited many rising stars in the tech industry, serving as a networking opportunity for their family business.

Song Siheng didn’t have many occasions to wear formal attire. He didn’t like wearing stiff three-piece suits, so he mostly wore the gray suit he had custom-made while studying abroad.

He found this suit, stood in front of the mirror to adjust the collar and cuffs, and tied his tie himself. But when he was about to leave, he couldn’t find his usual watch.

Song Siheng racked his brain but couldn’t remember where he had left it. With little time to spare, he had no choice but to leave without it.

It was just half past six when Li Ke arrived in the company’s business car. The passenger seat was already adjusted for Song Siheng, and the heating was on.

“Let’s go.” Song Siheng opened the passenger door and got in.

“Got an infection?” Li Ke turned his head to glance at him, casually asking.

“What?” Song Siheng didn’t understand, touching his own mouth.

“It’s red here,” Li Ke gestured to his own jaw in the rearview mirror.

Song Siheng then looked in the mirror. Damn, there was still a strawberry candy stain left by Yang Xiaobei on his face.

He took out a wet wipe from the armrest and gently wiped it off.

Li Ke turned on the car stereo, tuned to financial news, and didn’t ask further.

“It’s reported that the China Securities Regulatory Commission will tighten the pace of IPOs early next year. Reporters found that major investment banks have already started self-inspections and may suspend guidance for companies with net profits below the latest standards. For companies preparing for IPOs, they will face more severe tests…”

“Turn it off.” Song Siheng pressed his temples.

Li Ke nodded and continued to change the station.

“But we don’t need to worry too much. With the medical agreement settled next year, several big contracts waiting to be signed can be concluded. This will bring considerable net profits.”

“Okay,” Song Siheng responded with a grunt, then closed his eyes.

Linyin Garden was a high-end hotel under the Lin family’s real estate group, usually attracting all kinds of old and new money. When the Lin family needed to hold a party, they would temporarily close the hotel, clear out the green garden by the river, lay down pathways, and roll out a red carpet surrounded by fresh flowers.

Naturally, Song Siheng understood that as someone with his background, he could only barely step into the so-called “upper-class society” and didn’t engage in much conversation with the guests. If he encountered potential future partners, Song Siheng would exchange a few polite words and business cards.

For him, the significance of such occasions lay more in “networking” than anything practical.

But it was better to attend than to stay home.

Li Ke parked the car, and the two fastened their suit buttons before getting out of the car.

Night had fallen, but the garden was lit up with bright spotlights, bustling as if it were daytime. In the middle of the garden stood a transparent crystal table, adorned with freshly cut flowers flown in, clearly crafted by the most famous florist in Jiangcheng.

The night temperature was low, and most women wore evening gowns paired with expensive fur coats, while men were in tailored suits.

The usually carefree Young Master Lin also took on a different appearance, wearing a black three-piece suit and holding a highball glass, for once resembling a true nobleman.

“He should consider becoming an actor.” Li Ke joked softly with Song Siheng.

Song Siheng nodded in agreement.

They arrived a bit late, and it seemed that the opening had already ended. Young Master Lin was already mingling among the crowd, reverting to his butterfly-like nature.


Song Siheng couldn’t avoid him for too long. Young Master Lin approached him, raising his glass in greeting.

“Sorry for being late,” Song Siheng put on a smile and greeted him.

“Nonsense, I’m glad you’re here.” Young Master Lin raised his glass in a gesture towards him.

Song Siheng politely took a sip.

“Ah, by the way, there were quite a few new friends today. If you’re interested, I can introduce you to them.” This Young Master Lin was quite enthusiastic.

Song Siheng waved his hand and said, “Thanks, but I’ll just wander around by myself.”

Seeing the two finish their pleasantries, the young master was about to dive into another lively group when someone approached. This person was tall, wearing a navy blue bespoke suit with silver patterns embroidered on the cuffs.

“Hey, Xu Lang!” The young master waved to the newcomer immediately.

Song Siheng heard the name and paused for two seconds.

Li Ke also realized and looked at Song Siheng. “Xu Lang… sounds familiar? Do you know him, Song Siheng?”

The man, without a glass in hand, seemed to have just arrived and walked towards the three of them upon hearing the greeting.

Before Song Siheng could answer Li Ke’s question, the man extended his right hand towards Song Siheng.

“Long time no see, Siheng.” His tone was calm, but his eyes didn’t leave Song Siheng’s for a moment.

The young master glanced at the two of them and smiled, “What a coincidence, do you two know each other?”

Song Siheng nodded, smiled courteously, and without any hesitation, replied, “We do. Mr. Xu is my senior from graduate school.”

Upon hearing this address, Xu Lang raised his eyebrows, “It’s been many years indeed, things have changed. Back when we were overseas, we were very good friends. We even worked on the same project, like brothers.”

He emphasized the word ‘brothers’, and Song Siheng looked up at him, and their eyes met.

Saying that, he took a half step closer to Song Siheng and lightly patted his shoulder.

Song Siheng subtly stepped back a foot. Li Ke hurriedly intervened, “I’ve heard of Mr. Xu’s name for a long time. I heard that you’ve been developing in the Bay Area these past few years?”

Before Xu Lang could speak, the young master enthusiastically interjected, “Ah, Mr. Xu Lang is now the President of EM’s Greater China Region, with a promising future.”

EM was a multinational tech giant, and it was a goal beyond Song Siheng’s reach.

EM primarily dealt with sensor technology for smart devices in the Asia-Pacific region. The technical problems that Song Siheng’s research team had been tackling for years could be solved at EM with just two senior engineers.

It was unexpected that after so many years, Xu Lang had climbed to such a high position.

“Not really, just a vice president. I just took office at the beginning of the month.” Xu Lang politely shook his head and took out a business card from his inner pocket, handing it to Song Siheng.

Song Siheng took the business card, glanced at it, and pocketed it without much attention.

“Don’t want to waste your time. Your friends are waiting over there.” Song Siheng nodded at him and then pulled Li Ke away in another direction.

Seeing the somewhat subtle atmosphere between the two, the young master didn’t want to cause any trouble and bid farewell before leaving.

After three rounds of drinks, Li Ke went to the bathroom.

Song Siheng leaned against the long table alone, playing with his highball glass. Suddenly, a pair of black leather shoes appeared in front of him.

Xu Lang looked at him teasingly, “What’s this? We haven’t seen each other for so long, am I not your friend anymore?”

“You’re joking. We small-timers don’t need to waste your precious time.” Song Siheng’s tone was flat.

Xu Lang smiled and took out a square paper bag from behind, handing it to Song Siheng.

“What’s this?” Song Siheng looked up at him. “Is it a new product from your company?”

“I heard you were coming here, so I bought a little gift.”

Song Siheng suddenly found it amusing, shook the paper bag, and joked, “If it’s a gold bar, maybe I’ll be surprised.”

“The top note is sandalwood, and the base note is iris. I think it suits you.” Xu Lang took the bag back and took out the box inside.

A brand new luxury perfume.

Song Siheng found the scene before him very amusing. “You seem to have remembered wrong.”

He hated the smell of sandalwood the most.

“It doesn’t matter. I bought it, so you should take it. As for how to deal with it, it’s up to you.” Xu Lang said with a smile before leaving with his wine.

Li Ke came back from the bathroom and saw Xu Lang’s back, “What’s wrong? I remember he’s your senior, isn’t it a bit strange?”

“Who knows what’s wrong with him? Maybe he drank too much foreign water and got some foreign illness.” Song Siheng stuffed the paper bag into Li Ke’s arms, “Put it in the car.”

At midnight, the party ended. Li Ke called the driver over and sent Song Siheng home in the company car.

Song Siheng sat in the back, opening the window halfway to let in some air. The cold winter wind was piercing, making his cheeks ache.

“Do you feel cold? Do you need to close the window a bit?” The driver in the front asked through the rearview mirror.

“No, it’s fine like this.” Song Siheng half-closed his eyes.

He had just felt a bit sleepy when his phone in his pocket buzzed twice. He took out his phone and saw two new messages.

A picture with a line of text below.

— Your watch fell into my backpack, do you want me to bring it over to you?

Sender: Yang.

Song Siheng inexplicably touched his lips and sighed lightly. He replied to the message with an address and a sentence.

— Come to the parking garage here and find me.

Half an hour later, the driver parked the car in the garage designated by Song Siheng, and then left.

The car engine turned off, and it gradually cooled down inside. Song Siheng leaned back in the back seat, squinting his eyes, waiting for about ten minutes before the car window was knocked on.

He raised his eyelids, and Yang Xiaobei stood outside the car, wearing the jacket he had given him, waving something in his hand.

Song Siheng leaned over and opened the door on the other side. Yang Xiaobei didn’t stand on ceremony and just sat in.

“I realized your watch was in my bag when I got back.” He didn’t mention the incident of  being left behind in the swimming pool at all.

Song Siheng took the watch from his hand and nodded at him, “Alright, you can go back now.”

Yang Xiaobei took a deep breath but didn’t get out of the car.

“What’s wrong?” Song Siheng furrowed his brows slightly.

Yang Xiaobei touched his nose, seemingly sniffing for something. Then, he reached into the backseat compartment and pulled out a paper bag, taking out the box inside. After examining it for a moment, he turned to look at Song Siheng.

“Aren’t you the one who hates perfume the most?” he asked.

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