Disobedience To Control

Disobedience To Control chapter 10

Can’t He Satisfy You?

“Hello, have you made your order?” Yang Xiaobei reached out to take the drink menu from Li Ke, smiling. The light from above shone down on him, his eyes gentle and lovely as they scanned the room.

“Yes.” Li Ke nodded, then turned to look at Song Siheng, whispering softly, “What’s wrong with you?”

Song Siheng’s gaze didn’t waver, still fixed on Yang Xiaobei’s face. “I’m fine.”

Li Ke followed his gaze to the person in front of them, seemingly trying to find any abnormalities about this waiter. Unfortunately, after taking the drink menu away, he nodded at them and left.

“Do you know him?” Li Ke asked Song Siheng beside him.

“No, I don’t.” Song Siheng shook his head firmly.

As they exchanged cups and drank, the conversation didn’t pick up much. Li Ke thought Song Siheng might be tired. “Why don’t you go back first? I’ll keep them company for you.”

“No need.” Song Siheng refused.

Five minutes later, people in the seating area started to move towards the dance floor in groups. Song Siheng glanced at the person beside him and nodded slightly. “I’ll go to the restroom.”

Then he walked through the crowd towards the restroom diagonally opposite. The glass sliding door opened with a sound, and there were people smoking by the sink, surrounded by a haze of smoke. Song Siheng sidestepped to avoid them.

He pulled open the door to a cubicle and walked in.

Then, he took out his phone and dialed a number. The phone only rang for three or four seconds before the call was answered.

“I’m in the third cubicle in the restroom. Come over in a minute.”

Without waiting for a response, he hung up the phone.

As the minute hand on his watch reached the last second, there was a knock on the cubicle door.

Song Siheng opened the door with a bang and forcefully dragged the person inside.

Yang Xiaobei immediately hugged his chest, “Don’t hit me.”

Song Siheng grabbed his collar, “Are you crazy?”

“Hey, hey, hey—” Yang Xiaobei raised his hands when he realized he couldn’t escape, “Easy, boss, I’m still working here.”

Ignoring that issue for now, Song Siheng’s grip tightened, “Didn’t I tell you to resign?”

Yang Xiaobei glanced at him, “But I didn’t agree to it. You didn’t ask me to put it in writing.”

Song Siheng chuckled in exasperation, then pushed him against the door, “You think you can play games with me?”

Yang Xiaobei winced as his back hit the door, furrowing his brows, but quickly forced a smile, “Don’t, you already docked me five thousand, I can still earn five thousand this month. Let me finish it first.”

“Do you think I’m bargaining with you? Do as you please.”

The stall was small, and the two inevitably bumped into each other as they spoke.

Yang Xiaobei took a half step forward. “Sure, sure. How can I not?”

He was close, his breath almost touching Song Siheng’s cheek. The confined space seemed even hotter.

Song Siheng immediately pushed against his chest, putting some distance between them.

Just as he was about to speak, there was a sound from outside. Someone was turning the doorknob. Song Siheng fell silent immediately.

“Anyone in there?” It was Li Ke’s voice.

Song Siheng tensed up. Yang Xiaobei naturally noticed his unease. He leaned closer and whispered in his ear, “Is it him?”

As they spoke, there were some noises between them. Song Siheng immediately covered his mouth tightly.

The footsteps outside paced back and forth. After about half a minute, the door next to them was pulled open.

Song Siheng took a deep breath. There was only a wooden board separating them from the next cubicle. If someone wanted to, they could easily see their legs.

Yang Xiaobei seemed to be holding back a laugh, one hand holding Song Siheng’s waist, the other gently stroking his shoulder and neck.

With a start, Song Siheng released his grip on Yang Xiaobei’s mouth. But as soon as he let go, he looked up to see Yang Xiaobei’s mouth forming the words: “So, ho-t.”

“Neu-ro-tic.” Song Siheng retorted silently.

Every second in that cubicle became extremely torturous. As long as the neighboring door remained closed, they couldn’t move.

Fortunately, about two minutes later, there was the sound of the door opening next door.

Song Siheng breathed a sigh of relief, turned the doorknob, and then kicked the door open.

“Resign within this week. Otherwise, you won’t get a penny.” Song Siheng gave him one last glance, then turned and left.

Regarding Yang Xiaobei, Song Siheng naturally didn’t have any possessiveness. The reason he wanted Yang Xiaobei to resign was simple. This club wasn’t a place to stay for long. It attracted the second-generation rich like Young Master Lin, as well as many business elites. If Yang Xiaobei stayed here for a long time, he would inevitably run into people who knew him.

Sooner or later, Song Siheng’s identity would be exposed.

He didn’t want the news of him keeping a waiter to spread throughout Jiangcheng. Sicheng was preparing to go public in three to five years, and gossip about the person in charge wouldn’t be a good thing.

Song Siheng returned to the seating area. Seeing him gone for a while, Li Ke leaned over and whispered, “If you have other matters, you can leave first.”

Song Siheng shook his head, “Since I’m hosting, I’ll see to it that they have a good time before leaving.”

Just three or two minutes later, the tall waiter came to their table several times, asking Li Ke if he needed lemon slices and ice cubes.

Li Ke thanked him and asked for some ice cubes.

Before long, he came back again, adding ice to their drinks and even giving Li Ke an extra glass of wine, with a heart-shaped cherry on the rim, saying it was a special gift.

This made Li Ke feel a bit embarrassed, and he thanked him again.

Across the table, he smiled at Li Ke, his big black eyes looking very innocent, “It’s rare to see such a handsome guest like you. It’s only right to take good care of you.”

Song Siheng sat beside, his arms crossed, watching the performance.

Half an hour later, he came back and forth several times.

Li Ke turned to Song Siheng and said, “I didn’t expect the service here to be so good.”

Song Siheng’s knuckles, tightly gripping the glass, turned white, “Yes, very good.”

It wasn’t until late at night that the group of people had finally enjoyed themselves. Song Siheng took care of them, paid the bill, and saw them off one by one. When he left, he glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost two in the morning.

However, as he took a few steps out, he noticed someone standing next to the door pillar, dressed in a black hoodie with the cap pulled down, almost blending into the darkness of the night.

The person leaned against the wall, looking down at their phone, seemingly waiting for someone.

Song Siheng turned back to Li Ke and said, “You’ve been drinking, no need to send me. I’ll call a designated driver to take me home.”

Li Ke nodded, “Okay. Call me if you need anything.” Then he turned and hailed a taxi to leave first.

The taxi Li Ke was in had just driven past an intersection when the person in the black hoodie by the door started walking over in their direction.

“Why don’t you go back with him?” Yang Xiaobei asked, leaning over behind Song Siheng.

Song Siheng didn’t answer, still looking down at his phone, waiting for the designated driver.

“I didn’t expect that, I thought that guy would be average in looks and physique. But he actually looks quite handsome,” Yang Xiaobei said with increasing enthusiasm. “But he just looks gentle and refined, not very exciting.”

The designated driver that Song Siheng called for was almost there, waving at him from across the street. Song Siheng immediately walked to the roadside and unlocked the car.

Yang Xiaobei followed a few steps behind and said with a smile, “Ah, I understand now…”

Song Siheng turned to look at him, expressionless.

Yang Xiaobei leaned closer to his ear. “Isn’t he satisfying you?”

After enduring the whole night, Song Siheng couldn’t hold back any longer and swung his fist. The wind from his punch whistled by, stopping abruptly just two centimeters from Yang Xiaobei’s cheek.

The designated driver waiting by the roadside looked puzzled. “Uh, can you two talk properly?”

Song Siheng slammed open the passenger door and got into the car, saying to the driver standing outside, “Let’s go.”

Before Yang Xiaobei could put down the hand protecting his cheek, he saw the black sports car speeding away with the wind.

Just like after their first negotiation.

📢Author’s Note

Xiao Yang: What’s this? Boss Song’s bottom line, stepped on.

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