Disciplinary Code

Disciplinary Code chapter 65

Ji Yao always felt that Jiang Heng was a person with some subtle quirks.

He had a bit of possessiveness deep down, which wasn’t evident most of the time. It could only be glimpsed when their skin was in close contact— For instance, during intimate moments, he would always control Ji Yao’s movements under his own command.

Initially, Ji Yao thought he was just dominant, but now he realized, perhaps, it was more about insecurity.

With one hand, Jiang Heng held Ji Yao’s wrist and, in one smooth motion, pressed against his back. His fingertips subconsciously grazed Ji Yao’s slender wrist bone as he tilted his head and kissed his neck.

Goosebumps formed on Ji Yao’s back instantly. He was sensitive, and after sharing a bed with Jiang Heng for three years, they were familiar with each other’s breath and body. His breath grew heavy almost immediately.

Jiang Heng gently nibbled on Ji Yao’s earlobe, teasingly.

Ji Yao let out a soft gasp and immediately felt weak in the waist. He wanted to resist, but this position made it difficult. Both of his arms were pulled up by Jiang Heng, and only his shoulders were against the bed. Jiang Heng pressed him down tightly, making it challenging to oppose his strength.

Jiang Heng’s warm tongue lingered at his earlobe for a while. His cool fingers skillfully lifted Ji Yao’s shirt, slid inside his pajama pants, and rubbed inside him.

Ji Yao took a sharp intake of breath. He tried to squirm but accidentally ended up pressing closer to Jiang Heng.

“A Yao,” Jiang Heng licked his earlobe and whispered, “you didn’t even close the door.”

Ji Yao’s heart skipped a beat, and he struggled to sneak a glance at the door. He realized that he had rushed in and forgotten to close it.

Jiang Heng’s bedroom door was wide open, and the staircase was nearby. From this angle, they could vaguely see the lights in the living room downstairs.

Ji Yao: “…”

He immediately became nervous, his body and mind in a highly excited state. Jiang Heng’s casual comment had triggered thoughts of the worst-case scenario. Being affectionate in front of elders was clearly not a good situation, and Ji Yao was so anxious that he couldn’t control his trembling body.

Ji Yao’s heart pounded rapidly, and he bit his lip, attempting to speak softly, “Can you let go of me…your mom might see us.”

Jiang Heng whispered, “should I really let go?”

He said that, but there was no sincerity as he continued to rub harder. Ji Yao squirmed uncomfortably, and his waist arched slightly.

Amidst the chaos, the hot water bottle in the bed rolled off the edge, and the bottle containing hot water burst open. Scalding hot water spilled out, soaking the fabric around it.

The sound of dripping water echoed as water droplets fell gradually from the bottle’s mouth. The water stain slowly spread, dampening the floor with a dark mark.

After a while, the moans inside the blanket gradually subsided, and a hand reached out from within, casually searching on the bedside table and pulling out two tissues.

Ji Yao had been enclosed in the blanket for a long time, sweating profusely, and his pajamas were stuck to his body. Strands of hair clung to his face, making him look somewhat pitiful.

Jiang Heng used the tissues to wipe away the sticky liquid on Ji Yao’s body, smiling as he leaned in to hug him.

“How was it? Did I do good?” Jiang Heng asked softly.

Ji Yao: “…”

Ji Yao was exhausted and he found himself feeling as if he had been deep-fried in a pan, his whole body tingling, even his fingertips had a numb sensation, and his breath carried a spicy scent.

On the other hand, Jiang Heng was still impeccably dressed and appeared refreshed.

“Ugh,” Ji Yao lightly spat out, his voice hoarse, “imagine your mom walked in on this?…you should be careful”

Jiang Heng found Ji Yao nervousness amusing, chuckled, and took a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table before leaning down to offer Ji Yao a drink.

“Why so unhappy?” Jiang Heng gently kissed the corner of his lips and asked with a smile, “I thought you were quite eager.”

Ji Yao: “…”

“I am eager,” Ji Yao muttered through gritted teeth, “It’s been a while since i’ve had the chance to sleep with you.”

“Alright,” Jiang Heng said good-naturedly, “do you want to make a bet on what we should do next then?”

Ji Yao: “…”

Ji Yao involuntarily recalled the outcome of the last “bet,” and a tiny electric current seemed to shoot up his spine. His entire body jolted, and he couldn’t bring himself to speak.

No, he thought. What if he lost the bet again? The price would be difficult to bear.

Ji Yao held his breath, turned his head reluctantly, and awkwardly peeked out from under the blanket.

He finally managed to take a breath of cool, fresh air, feeling utterly relaxed and devoid of strength.

Jiang Heng lifted the blanket off the bed, taking some of the warmth with it. Went downstairs and quickly returned, carrying a cup of warm sweet milk.

With little energy left, Ji Yao shifted closer to him.

Intimacy seemed to be the best way to dispel any distance between them. Jiang Heng had a gentle expression, appearing as warm as a spring breeze. He seemed soft and calm, like the water in a spring pond. The feeling of their skin touching each other seemed to naturally provide a sense of security. Even without doing anything, sharing their warmth and secrets was comforting. Ji Yao relaxed and nestled in Jiang Heng’s arms, letting out a soft sigh of relief.

Jiang Heng and Ji Yao both finished half of the sweet milk, then placed the cup back on the bedside table. Jiang Heng reached under the pillow and pulled out something, handing it to Ji Yao.

Ji Yao looked closely and realized it was the document that had led to everything.

He examined the thin plastic folder and felt a mixture of emotions. Now he understood what this document meant to Jiang Heng. It wasn’t just about being a boyfriend; it was about sharing the rest of their lives together.

For Jiang Heng, it represented stability, hope, and a place where he could finally find the peace he had been seeking his whole life.

“This is so strange,” Ji Yao mumbled. “so many people you could choose from, yet you somehow ended up with me.”

Jiang Heng cast a curious glance at him and lazily raised an eyebrow.


“It’s nothing,” Ji Yao said vaguely. “I was just thinking that with so many previous boyfriends, none of them managed to capture your heart.”

“That’s not surprising,” Jiang Heng replied with a slight smirk.

In his younger years, Jiang Heng was playful and knew how to have fun. Perhaps it was because he looked like a charming playboy, but most of the people he had been with before were similar in style. Some were attracted to his good looks, while others were drawn by his loving treatment towards them. Most of them had clear intentions and sought passionate but short-lived romances with him.

Jiang Heng didn’t mind occasionally indulging in someone’s companionship who conformed to his preferences, but his requirements for a lover were extraordinarily high.

He wasn’t interested in drifting along with the current or getting involved with people who were inexperienced and overly naive. Such people tended to misjudge situations, and after getting together, they would unconsciously attribute all the ups and downs to him. Jiang Heng didn’t want to shoulder that kind of additional responsibility, so he had always kept his distance from such individuals.

However, most experienced individuals had their own agendas and weren’t willing to tie themselves down to one person. So, it was like he was trying to catch seafood in a freshwater lake, hoping for a long-lasting relationship but somehow never finding it.

Until he caught Ji Yao, a contradictory and unconventional exception.

Thinking about this, Jiang Heng felt an increasing sense of destiny. He smiled, pursed his lips, and couldn’t resist lowering his head to kiss Ji Yao.

“Because you’re like a unique piece of coral in the stream,” Jiang Heng said. 

Ji Yao momentarily didn’t follow his train of thought and blinked in confusion.

Jiang Heng intended to keep this as a romantic secret, so he shook his head, smiled without explaining further, and continued, “By the way, do you want your study to be combined with mine, or do you want some private space?”

Ji Yao was slightly taken aback. “What?” he asked.

“The house hasn’t been renovated yet,” Jiang Heng said with a playful smile. “Before we start the construction, I should at least consult my new co owner’s opinion, right?”

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