Deep Desire

Deep Desire chapter 32

Is it okay to use this?

Feng Si continued to accelerate, pressing down on the gas pedal as they raced down the mountain road.

Lu Jingshen looked back, and the two cars behind them were quickly catching up, following closely behind them.

“Unbuckle your seatbelt and come help me steady the steering wheel,” Feng Si suddenly said.

He picked up the gun they had taken earlier, reminding Lu Jingshen, “hurry.”

Lu Jingshen didn’t hesitate, instinctively trusting him. He followed Feng Si’s instructions, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaning over to steady the steering wheel, even though the position was quite challenging for him.

Feng Si said, “Don’t turn around; just keep driving forward.” With one foot still on the gas pedal, he pushed open his side’s car door, leaned out, and quickly fired two shots towards the back.

The deafening noise was even more intense this time, and Lu Jingshen’s mind went blank. He could do nothing but focus on keeping the steering wheel steady.

Shortly after, he heard the screeching sound of tires and the sound of impact as the two cars collided, veered towards the right-side mountain wall, and flipped over in the middle of the mountain road.

Lu Jingshen relaxed slightly, and Feng Si threw his phone over, reminding him, “Call the police.”

After a moment, their car stopped on the side of the road at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the police. Lu Jingshen still felt a bit weak, his brows tightly furrowed.

Feng Si reached out and tapped his ear. “Does it hurt? Can you still hear?”

Lu Jingshen felt a bit uncomfortable and tilted his head slightly. The gunshots had indeed caused some pain in his eardrums, but it wasn’t too bad. “Are you okay?”

Feng Si nodded and said, “I’m fine. I’ve had professional training. Don’t forget, I served in the air force for three years before. I can definitely handle guns.”

Lu Jingshen understood. No wonder he could shoot so accurately and with such confidence.

As his emotions gradually calmed down, Lu Jingshen wanted to say something, but he caught a faint scent of blood in the air, and his expression froze slightly.

He turned on the car’s interior light and saw that Feng Si’s left arm was bleeding, and his shirt sleeve was a mess.

Seeing the shock in Lu Jingshen’s eyes, Feng Si casually explained, “The bullet just grazed my arm on the mountain. It’s okay, just a scratch.”

Lu Jingshen asked, “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

His brows furrowed again, and he took hold of Feng Si’s hand, carefully rolling up his shirt sleeve. The wound on his forearm was quite extensive, and it was still bleeding profusely. It was far from being “just a scratch.”

“We need to go to the hospital now,” Lu Jingshen said with a stern face.

Feng Si replied, “The police haven’t arrived yet. We need to figure out who those people are. It seems like they were after you.”

“to the hospital,now ” Lu Jingshen insisted.

Feng Si felt helpless, but he needed to deal with his wound quickly. After hesitating for a moment, he didn’t object and made a phone call.

Lu Jingshen felt restless and didn’t pay much attention to whom Feng Si called. As Feng Si prepared to start the car, Lu Jingshen pushed open the door and said, “Switch places with me. I’ll drive.”

Feng Si asked, “Do you have a driver’s license in this country?”

Lu Jingshen had already moved to the driver’s seat, opened Feng Si’s car door, and said firmly, “Get out.”

Feng Si thought that Lu Jingshen probably had a driver’s license since he came here for vacation every year, so he didn’t insist and switched sides with him.

Lu Jingshen followed the route on the navigation and drove the car at a high speed, his expression tense, and he didn’t say a word.

Feng Si glanced at him several times, but he held back from speaking. Lu Jingshen seemed genuinely worried about him, so it wasn’t the right time to tease him.

Half an hour later, in the emergency room of the hospital, a doctor was treating Feng Si’s wound. Lu Jingshen looked at his arm covered in blood and felt uncomfortable. He stood up and went to the corridor outside to catch his breath.

As soon as he stepped outside, someone greeted him. Lu Jingshen turned around and saw the French man who had lent them the plane earlier. Feng Si had mentioned his name was Ron.

“Feng called me just now and said you encountered armed robbers. He asked me to call the police. How is he?” The man asked, glancing at the emergency room. Seeing Feng Si still lively and chatting with the medical staff, he relaxed a bit.

He looked at Lu Jingshen, who seemed absent-minded, and raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you going in to see him?”

Lu Jingshen forced himself to find his voice. “He’s fine.”

Ron sighed, “I can tell you mean a lot to Feng Si.”

Lu Jingshen furrowed his brows and didn’t respond.

“I’m just speculating,” the man smiled, “previously I thought Feng and I are the same type of person at first glance. He seemed easy to get close to, so I thought he would be an easy hook-up, but he kept rejecting me and only wanted to be friends. Later, after I bothered him too much, he finally told me that he came here to work because the person he was looking for could understand French, and he wanted to try his luck.”

The other person kept their gaze on Lu Jingshen’s face as they confirmed their guess, “The person he was talking about should be you, right?”

Lu Jingshen was taken aback. He had chosen to study French as his second foreign language during college, and many people from African countries spoke French. During his time in Africa, he often used French to ask for directions, and although Feng Si seemed indifferent, he remembered it all.

While Lu Jingshen was lost in thought, Ron received a phone call.

Lu Jingshen stood by the door, looking down at the shadow cast by the night at his feet, feeling a bit absent-minded.

Feng Si came out and called out to him, “Why are you standing there with your head down? Falling asleep?”

Lu Jingshen looked up, and Feng Si’s wound had already been treated, bandaged up. This person was injured, yet he didn’t seem serious about it, smiling carefreely, his gaze fixed on Lu Jingshen.

Lu Jingshen’s eyes fell on Feng Si’s arm, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, “Is it taken care of? What did the doctor say?”

Feng Si said, “They gave me an anti-inflammatory injection, stitched up the wound, and applied medicine. It’s not a big deal, but I have to be careful for the next few days and avoid getting it wet.”

He turned to Ron and asked, “What did the police say?”

“They arrived just as those people were getting out of the car, trying to escape. They caught all of them. They said they were after you because they thought you were rich and wanted to rob you,” Ron conveyed the information he had just received.

Feng Si’s expression became serious, and he said, “No, their attention was on Alex. They were definitely after him. The guns they were carrying weren’t ordinary either. They chased us relentlessly. It’s definitely not just a simple robbery. I also have the gun; can you help me take it to the police station and inform them?”

“That’s not a problem,” Ron replied, “I already told them, and I asked them to investigate thoroughly. They won’t let it go easily. You might have to go to the police station to give a statement in person later.”

Feng Si nodded, “Thanks.”

On the way back, Lu Jingshen was still driving. When Feng Si got in the car, he saw a piece of cake that had only been eaten a few bites, lying under the passenger seat. He picked it up and casually threw it into a nearby trash bin, saying somewhat regretfully, “Your birthday turned out to be quite thrilling.”

Lu Jingshen said, “When we get back, I’ll increase your pay.”

Feng Si looked surprised at him and then laughed, “Would you also include compensation for medical expenses, nutrition, and psychological damages?”

Lu Jingshen felt a bit frustrated. Apart from giving money, he really didn’t know how else to express his gratitude to Feng Si, who seemed to have no shortage of money.

“We don’t need to worry about that now. Let’s go back first,” Feng Si reminded him with a smile.

Lu Jingshen silently started the car.

Feng Si lit a cigarette and opened his window. His uninjured right arm rested on the window, occasionally taking a puff. The terrifying experience just now didn’t seem to bother him at all.

“Your hand is injured; smoke less,” Lu Jingshen couldn’t help but remind him.

Feng Si glanced at him and said, “my injured arm is not a big deal relax Alex”

Lu Jingshen didn’t say much and focused on driving. The patterns on the windshield, caused by the impact earlier, were reflected in his eyes, seemingly shattering something frozen.

They arrived back at the vineyard, and it was already past midnight. Feng Si took off his blood-stained shirt as soon as he entered, planning to take a shower.

Lu Jingshen held him back, “Your wound shouldn’t get wet.”

“What’s the big deal? It’s just on my left hand. I’ll be careful not to get it wet,” Feng Si said, teasing him, “Or should I ask you to take a shower with me?”

After saying that, he prepared himself to be rejected by Lu Jingshen. But to his surprise, Lu Jingshen nodded, “Okay.”

Feng Si raised an eyebrow, not expecting that response, “really?”

Lu Jingshen said, “As long as there’s no one else around, anything is fine… This statement has always been valid.”

Feng Si asked, “Oh?”

Lu Jingshen’s hand touched the bandage on Feng Si’s arm, gently massaging it with a focused expression. He didn’t give Feng Si a chance to regret, “I just don’t want others to know. If you agree, we’ll keep it this way.”

Feng Si asked, “Not let others know?”

Lu Jingshen replied, “yes.”

“Do I have any other choice but to agree?” Feng Si said indifferently, “Sure, we’ll do as you please.”

He withdrew his hand and went into the bathroom.

Lu Jingshen was slightly stunned and had a feeling that Feng Si was a bit mad. But besides this, he really didn’t know what else he could do.

As Lu Jingshen followed Feng Si into the bathroom, Feng Si had already taken off all his clothes and was about to turn on the water.

Lu Jingshen strode forward and grabbed his hand, frowning, “Step back.”

Feng Si found it somewhat amusing. Lu Jingshen looked nervous, which was quite rare and interesting.

Feng Si cooperated and stepped back. Lu Jingshen took down the showerhead and turned on the water towards the wall.

Suddenly, Feng Si behind him took a step forward, and an arm hooked around his waist, his breath near his ear, “Anything is fine if no one else is around, do you mean it?”

The word “yes” was on Lu Jingshen’s lips, but he had a vague sense of danger. “What do you want to do?”

Feng Si’s restless hand rubbed his waist and asked, “Did you enjoy yourself on the plane earlier?”

Lu Jingshen said, “No, you also got an anti-inflammatory shot. Not tonight.”

“Come on” Feng Si persisted.

He turned Lu Jingshen around to face him, raising his hand, and his fingers caressed Lu Jingshen’s lips, gently stroking along the edges.

Lu Jingshen glared at him but remained silent.

Originally, he had planned to listen to Lu Jingshen and tone down, but seeing him now, so enticing and unaware of it, Feng Si couldn’t help but want to tease him.

With his fingertip against Lu Jingshen’s slightly parted lips, Feng Si asked, “Is it okay to use this?”

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