Deep Desire

Deep Desire chapter 3

Eyes up

As they rode the elevator upstairs, Feng Si unbuttoned and loosened his pilot shirt, revealing his well-built upper body.

Lu Jingshen frowned, and Feng Si smirked, pointing to his right shoulder, “It’s red.”

The coffee was still hot, and Zhao Yuanping hadn’t taken a sip. It had poured all over Feng Si, leaving a large red stain where the cup had hit his right shoulder.

Lu Jingshen’s gaze fell on it for two seconds before quickly shifting away.

Feng Si let out a small chuckle.

In the quiet space between the two of them, Lu Jingshen silently stared at the elevator door with his usual indifference.

Feng Si leaned against the elevator wall, casually exposing his stained shirt. There was no sign of embarrassment or distress. He casually observed Lu Jingshen, his mouth still curved in a smile, as if he had locked onto something very amusing.

The elevator arrived at Feng Si’s floor first. Before exiting, Feng Si teasingly said, “General Jing, I just helped you. Don’t you have a word of thanks?”

Before Lu Jingshen could respond, there were low exclamations from outside the elevator. It was the two flight attendants who were waiting to get on the elevator, planning to go out shopping. They were surprised to see Feng Si inside, accompanied by Lu Jingshen. They exclaimed in surprise.

Sensing the strange atmosphere inside the elevator, the flight attendants immediately apologized and hesitated to enter.

Feng Si smirked, walked out first, and as he passed by the two flight attendants, he winked at them playfully and reminded, “This elevator is going up.”

The flight attendants blushed slightly, and the elevator door closed in front of them.


Half an hour later, Liu Jie came up and informed Lu Jingshen of the outcome. Zhao Yuanping had already been taken to the police station and detained.

Lu Jingshen’s brows remained furrowed as he instructed Liu Jie to buy burn ointment and send it to Feng Si.

Liu Jie couldn’t help but sigh, “That Captain Feng is quite skilled. As a military man, if he’s willing, it would be great if he could work as your bodyguard instead and save us the trouble of hiring someone else.”

Lu Jingshen had a previous bodyguard who later joined his father after his father was hospitalized. Originally, he intended to hire someone else, but after the recent incident, Liu Jie suddenly thought that Feng Si would be suitable. They could sign a full contract with him, completely recruiting him from the private jet company. However, she didn’t know if Feng Si would be willing or if he would resign after a while.

Lu Jingshen was changing shirts, listening to Liu Jie’s far-fetched idea without giving a definite response.

Liu Jie cleared her throat. “I was just throwing it out there. If you agree, I’ll go talk to him.”

Lu Jingshen looked at his flickering reflection in the mirror and frowned with disgust.

After a moment, he closed his eyes and heard his own voice say, “Go talk to him.”

In the room downstairs, Feng Si absentmindedly played with the burn ointment that Liu Jie handed to him, listening to the purpose behind it.

“The base salary is two million, with various holiday bonuses, a fifteen-month annual bonus, twenty days of paid annual leave… If you’re interested, we need to sign a contract for at least one year,” Liu Jie listed the high salary and various benefits they offered. Feng Si listened but didn’t respond. He only asked, “Did he ask you to buy this burn ointment or did you buy it on his behalf?”

Liu Jie was taken aback and explained, “Lu Jingshen knew that you got burned and asked me to buy it.”

Feng Si smiled and said, “Is that so?”

Liu Jie continued, “What I said earlier…”

“To be a bodyguard, do I have to follow Lu Jingshen twenty-four hours a day?” Feng Si smiled with a hint of teasing. “Is this your idea or his?”

Liu Jie replied, “I can tell you that it was my idea with Lu Jingshen’s consent.”

“So it’s your idea, and he didn’t object,” Feng Si remarked.

Liu Jie said, “Captain Fēng, we are very sincere in hiring you. The salary and benefits that Lu Jingshen can offer are top-notch in your field.”

“We?” Feng Si raised an eyebrow. “Liu Secretary, are you and Lu Jingshen ‘we’?”

He emphasized the last two words, his tone carrying a deeper meaning. Liu Jie felt a strange sensation, unable to put it into words. She felt that Feng Si was difficult to deal with. “Captain Fēng, please consider it.”

Feng Si’s smile faded from his face. “If you are sincere, let him tell me himself.”

Liu Jie left slighty annoyed as her heels echoing as she walked out. Feng Si casually tossed the burn ointment onto the table, not intending to use it. He could just rinse his red shoulder with cold water. He didn’t need Lu Jingshen’s half-hearted concern.

In the afternoon, Lu Jingshen went to the subsidiary company to listen to work reports. In the evening, he had dinner with the head of the subsidiary company. By the time he returned to the hotel, it was already past 9 p.m.

After Liu Jie reported the next day’s schedule to him, she remembered the arrogant attitude of Captain Fēng that afternoon. With a determined mindset, she reluctantly conveyed Feng Si’s words to Lu Jingshen.

Lu Jingshen listened without much of a reaction. When Liu Jie thought he had no intention of pursuing the matter further, he suddenly spoke again. “Make a phone call and ask him to come over.”

Liu Jie took out her phone and dialed Feng Si’s number from the contact list.

She put it on speakerphone, and after three rings, Feng Si answered. The background noise was loud, like in a bar, mixed with Feng Si’s laughter and a woman’s flirtatious voice. It was obvious that he was flirting with someone.

Liu Jie’s eyes rolled, so she switched to the earpiece and asked, “Captain Fēng, it’s Liu Jie. Where are you? Are you free now?”

“Sorry, Secretary Liu, I’m busy at the moment. Can we talk tomorrow?” Feng Si said, then hung up the phone.

Liu Jie helplessly looked at Lu Jingshen and explained, “It’s his break time, and Feng Si went out to relax. He’s not in the hotel.”

She knew that Lu Jingshen disliked that kind of reckless and irresponsible behavior. If  Feng Si was like that, Lu Jingshen probably wouldn’t think highly of him and they would need to find someone else.

Lu Jingshen’s expression turned slightly solemn, and he didn’t say anything.


Feng Si pressed the black screen of his phone and placed it on the counter. A seductive and beautiful woman leaned against him, lightly tapping his hand with her finger, her voice sultry. “Shall we go to another place for drinks?”

Feng Si slowly poured the last sip of wine from his glass into his mouth. “Do you know why I came here to drink tonight?”

The woman tilted her head. “Why?”

Feng Si swayed the empty glass, admiring the intricate patterns on it, and spoke in a light tone. “Because today, I am a little happy and a little unhappy.”

The woman didn’t understand. She playfully asked, “Why are you a little happy and a little unhappy? I’m very happy to meet you tonight. Shall we go to another place for drinks? Let’s keep the happiness going, okay?”

Feng Si put down the glass, took back his hand from the woman’s grasp, smiled, shook his head, and stood up.

The woman paused. “Hey!”

Feng Si had already turned and left, waving his arm backward without looking back.

The next morning, Lu Jingshen didn’t have any other appointments. At 9am, he held a video conference with the people from the headquarters in his hotel room.

Internally, everyone at Shangxin knew that Lu Jingshen was a workaholic. As long as he wasn’t on a business trip, he was always the earliest to arrive at the company and the last to leave. Even when he was on a business trip, it was common for him to convene a video conference to receive work reports.

The meeting ended at 10:30 a.m., and they had a lunch appointment with the CEO of Chongsheng, but there was no rush.

Liu Jie took advantage of the available time and planned to have another discussion with Feng Si. It was easy to talk about the bodyguard position, but finding a suitable private pilot wasn’t so easy. Liu Jie was responsible for both tasks, so it would be best to handle them together. Of course, the condition however was Lu Jingshen’s satisfaction.

Before they left, Liu Jie mentioned it to Lu Jingshen again. If Lu Jingshen was dissatisfied with Feng Si’s behavior from the previous day, then there was no need for her to go to Feng Si.

Lu Jingshen was reading documents and replied coldly, “He may not be in the hotel.”

Thinking back to the situation on the phone last night, it was true. Feng Si could be out enjoying himself somewhere, and who knew if he had returned in the evening. Liu Jie going downstairs to his room  might be a waste of time.

“I’ll give him another call then.”

The call went through, and it rang several times before it was answered.

“Hey,” Feng Si’s lazy voice came through, sounding hoarse as if he hadn’t woken up yet.

Liu Jie said, “Captain Fēng, are you still asleep? Are you at the hotel?”

there was a casual “hmm” in response. Liu Jie said she would go to his room to meet him, but was refused by Feng Si: “Secretary Liu, have you forgotten what I said yesterday? Please have your boss, Mr. Lu, come personally. Just tell Mr. Lu that I’m not here to make trouble, I just want to catch up with him.”

When Liu Jie heard the first half of the sentence, she was already about to get angry, but when the last three words came out of Feng Si’s mouth, she suddenly realized that Feng Si seemed to have known her boss before, and there might be some unresolved issues between them. That’s why Lu Jingshen’s reaction had been so strange ever since they landed.

Liu Jie immediately regretted suggesting hiring Feng Si, perhaps it was a bad idea.

She could only relay Feng Si’s words to Lu Jingshen. After hearing it, Lu Jingshen’s face turned cold, and he quickly said, “Let’s forget about it. I will talk to the private jet company and ask them not to arrange him for us next time. We’ll find a suitable person as soon as possible.”

After a moment of silence, Lu Jingshen stood up.

Liu Jie was momentarily surprised, and instinctively followed, but Lu Jingshen stopped her at the door and said, “You don’t need to come along.”

Outside Feng Si’s room, Lu Jingshen pressed the doorbell once and stopped.

After waiting for half a minute, the door opened from inside, revealing Feng Si’s face that hadn’t fully woken up yet.

His hair was messy, there were stubbles on his chin, and he was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, but only a pair of shorts on the lower half of his body, as if he had just gotten up from bed.

When Feng Si saw Lu Jingshen, he seemed unsurprised and gestured for the cold-faced Lu Jingshen to come in.

Lu Jingshen entered the room, and as soon as he stepped inside, the door “thumped” shut. He stood by the door without moving, still maintaining a cold expression.

Feng Si tilted his head towards the room and muttered, “Are you planning to talk while standing here? Come in.”

After a brief standoff, Lu Jingshen walked in, and Feng Si leisurely followed.

When Lu Jingshen turned around to speak, his gaze suddenly paused.

Feng Si’s shorts were tightly pressed against his body, clearly revealing the shape underneath.

Although Lu Jingshen quickly averted his gaze, Feng Si’s eyes didn’t miss anything.

“Lu Jingshen, where were you looking just now?”

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