Deep Desire

Deep Desire chapter 20


At 8 o’clock in the morning, Feng Si went upstairs to knock on Lu Jingshen’s door, but there was no response.

He dialed his phone, and after several rings, Lu Jingshen’s hoarse voice with a heavy nasal tone answered, asking what he wanted.

“Aren’t you up yet?” Feng Si glanced at his watch to confirm the time, “Why is your voice so hoarse? Are you sick? Let me in.”

After waiting for five or six minutes, the door slowly opened from the inside, revealing Lu Jingshen’s tired face.

He frowned, still dressed in his pajamas, and his face had an abnormal flush. “What’s the matter?”

Feng Si pushed the door open without giving Lu Jingshen a chance to refuse and insisted on guiding him inside the room.

“nothing,” Lu Jingshen said impatiently, “I just need to sleep, you can go and enjoy your time.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Feng Si pushed him back onto the bed, “You go on sleeping, I’ll stay here and watch over you.”

“I don’t need…” Lu Jingshen was about to refuse, but Feng Si sat down by the bedside, and his movement interrupted Lu Jingshen’s incomplete words.

Feng Si’s face approached him, almost sticking to Lu Jingshen’s face, staring into his eyes. “Your face is all flushed, and you’re still pretending to be strong. Do you plan on suffering alone here?”

Lu Jingshen didn’t want to deal with him and turned his head away.

Feng Si raised his hand and touched his burning face, sighing.

After working hard and staying up late for so many days, it was no wonder he fell sick suddenly. Perhaps he caught a cold last night, coupled with the emotional ups and downs, getting sick was not surprising.

If he thought about it carefully, he was also partly to blame.

“It’s too cold here, and it’s normal that you’re not used to it. If the fever subsides tomorrow, let’s go directly to France,” Feng Si suggested, not knowing if Lu Jingshen was really listening or not. He closed his eyes and fell asleep again quickly.

Feng Si sat there, quietly watching him for a while, before finally leaving the room.

Lu Jingshen woke up again close to noon.

Feng Si was sitting on the carpet by the bed, looking at his phone. He noticed the movement behind him and turned to look at him. Lu Jingshen was still somewhat dazed, his eyes lost and confused. Feng Si was amused by his appearance, “Awake now? Don’t recognize me? Lu Jingshen, you’re still so cute when you’re half asleep.”

His presence always tempted people to bully him, even though it seemed unethical to bully a sick person.

Lu Jingshen gradually regained his senses, and Feng Si reached over, placing a digital thermometer on his forehead. “37.5 degrees, it seems the fever has subsided a bit.”

Lu Jingshen propped up his weak body and hesitantly asked him, “Have you been here the whole time?”

“I went to the supermarket and brought back a thermometer and medicine,” Feng Si poured out the antipyretic medicine and handed it to Lu Jingshen along with warm water. “I guessed you probably didn’t prepare these, so take them.”

Lu Jingshen seemed absent-minded and didn’t reach out to take the medicine.

Feng Si said, “What are you staring blankly at? Do you want me to feed you?”

Seeing him teasingly staring at him, Lu Jingshen came to his senses and took the medicine, quickly swallowing it.

Feng Si asked with a smile, “Do you want to eat something? I made some porridge.”

Seeing Lu Jingshen not responding, Feng Si stood up and lightly patted his face. “Why are you spacing out again? Go wash up.”

Feng Si walked out of the bedroom, and Lu Jingshen closed his eyes, sitting there in a daze for a while before getting up and going into the bathroom.

When he came out after taking a shower, Feng Si had just poured the cooked porridge out of the pot.

Lu Jingshen’s room was a suite with a small kitchen. Feng Si had bought the pot, utensils, and ingredients from the supermarket earlier. A simple porridge with shrimp and lean meat was placed on the dining table. Feng Si gestured to him, “Come over.”

But Lu Jingshen’s gaze was fixed on the trash can next to the sofa, and Feng Si noticed his fleeting eyes and calmly said, “Don’t look anymore; the housekeeping service just came and cleaned it up.”

Lu Jingshen turned his eyes away and walked to the dining table to sit down.

Feng Si pulled out a chair next to him and sat down, watching him eat. “What time did you stay up until last night?”

Lu Jingshen’s expression faltered slightly. “I didn’t.”

He didn’t admit it, but last night, he indeed spent half the night tossing and turning. Thinking about this person in front of him, who made him angry and uncomfortable but still unable to completely cut ties with him, it was no wonder he couldn’t fall asleep..

He couldn’t remember if he fell asleep at three or four in the morning, but he knew that when he woke up, he felt weak and feverish, falling sick and becoming a laughingstock in front of this person.

“As for that toy, I just threw it away. You won’t need it anymore?”

Lu Jingshen said unhappily, “Aren’t you being too nosy?”

“I thought it was also the job responsibility of a personal assistant,” Feng Si pointed at the bowl of porridge in front of him, “dig in.”

Lu Jingshen wasn’t in the mood to argue with him and hesitated for a moment before picking up the spoon again.

After finishing the meal, Feng Si still refused to leave and kept lingering in Lu Jingshen’s room. He pulled open the curtains and looked outside. “The weather is clear today. Originally, I wanted to take you around the nearby mountains, but forget it; there will be other chances.”

The dazzling sunlight shone into the living room, and Lu Jingshen instinctively raised his hand to shield his eyes.

Feng Si turned around and saw his action, smiling as he reminded him, “Don’t you think your health is too poor? You should go out more and bask in the sun.”

“I don’t remember being overbearing being part of your job responsibilities?” Lu Jingshen put down his hand and asked coldly.

Feng Si remained calm and said, “I’ve never been an assistant before, so if I’m not doing well, Lu Jingshen, you should be more understanding.”

Lu Jingshen ignored him and went back to his bedroom.

In the afternoon, Lu Jingshen continued to doze off, his high fever fluctuating back and forth. He was soaked in sweat and felt weaker with each passing moment. At around six o’clock, Feng Si woke him up and he felt even more lethargic.

For dinner, he only managed to have half a bowl of porridge before lying back down on the bed.

Feng Si made him take the medicine again, checked his temperature once more; it was 37.8 degrees. He bent down, touched his forehead, and murmured, “Why hasn’t the fever gone down? If it’s still like this tomorrow, we’ll have to go to the hospital.”

Lu Jingshen didn’t have the strength to resist, and he closed his eyes, saying, “why are you still here?.”

“I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here, and you can sleep,” Feng Si replied firmly.

Lu Jingshen had already slept for the whole day, and his mind was still in a haze. However, he couldn’t fall asleep anymore, so he shook his head slightly.

“Can’t sleep?” Feng Si removed his outer clothes and sat on the bed. “If you can’t sleep, then shall I keep you company? Alex, what happened to you last night?”

Lu Jingshen remained silent and refused to answer. Feng Si helplessly said, “If you don’t want to talk about it, then I won’t ask.”

Lu Jingshen mumbled, “…you’re too noisy.”

Feng Si leaned close to him and asked, “Am I bothering you?”

Lu Jingshen opened his eyes and looked at Feng Si’s face for a moment before turning away. He glared at the ceiling and Feng Si’s hand lightly touched his face. “Can’t sleep, huh?”

Lu Jingshen nodded slowly.

Feng Si moved closer to him and said, “If you can’t sleep, then let’s do something else.”

Due to the fever, Lu Jingshen’s reactions were somewhat sluggish, and he looked puzzled. Feng Si squinted his eyes; although it was unethical to bully a sick person, Lu Jingshen’s appearance was indeed quite tempting.

Lu Jingshen took a deep breath, looking at him in disbelief. Feng Si’s unruly hand was already pressing down on him. His body had become more sensitive after the fever, and Lu Jingshen instinctively closed his legs, trembling slightly.

“What are you doing?” He asked through gritted teeth.

Feng Si whispered next to his ear, “I’ll help you get off, maybe you’ll feel more comfortable, and your fever might go down. Don’t worry, I won’t overdo it while you’re sick.”

“No…,” Lu Jingshen instinctively refused.

Feng Si didn’t give him a chance.

Lu Jingshen, while sick, was indeed easier to bully. A light touch on his body made him completely soft, his eyes filled with mist, his eyes and nose becoming red from the heat. He clung to his lips and still had a sweet and hard-to-decipher voice coming out from the corner of his mouth. The conflicting gaze in his eyes, full of desire and resistance, made him even more irresistible.

Feng Si somewhat regretted it. The toy he had used on him last night was indeed quite good. If he used it on Lu Jingshen now, his reaction would surely be even more alluring.

After he was satisfied, Lu Jingshen forcefully bit Feng Si’s shoulder, his chest heaving, covered in sweat.

Feng Si kissed away the beads of sweat on his forehead and asked, “Feeling better now?”

Lu Jingshen opened his mouth and leaned his forehead against Feng Si’s shoulder, breathing heavily.

After a while, he closed his eyes and said hoarsely, “Let go of me. I want to take a shower.”

“Wait,” Feng Si pulled out some tissues and helped him wipe himself, “Sleep now; we can talk once you wake up.”

Restraining him in his embrace, Feng Si made up his mind not to let him get up. Lu Jingshen felt uncomfortable all over, but the warmth enveloping him made him somewhat attached to it in his haze. In the end, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Sensing that the person in his arms gradually calmed down, Feng Si looked at his phone; it was just 8 o’clock.

He slowly sat up, being careful not to wake Lu Jingshen, and got out of bed, headed into the bathroom and took a cold shower.

Closing his eyes, images of Lu Jingshen’s seductive state earlier flashed in his mind as he slowly reached down.

Leaning against the wall, he wasn’t in a hurry, and he could even calmly focus on his thoughts.

That contest between him and Lu Jingshen was reaching its conclusion. One of them was about to give in.

Half an hour later, Feng Si returned to the bedroom, only turning on the bedside lamp. He stood silently by the bed, looking at the sleeping figure curled up under the covers.

His fingers gently touched Lu Jingshen’s face, and a faint glimmer of determination appeared in Feng Si’s eyes.

He wouldn’t let him go this time, absolutely not.

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