Deep Desire

Deep Desire chapter 2

You’re Afraid

Feng Si’s mocking and amused voice pierced into Lu Jingshen’s ears, causing a slight movement of his Adam’s apple.

“Move aside.”

Two words, devoid of any emotion.

Feng Si stared at his calm and indifferent eyes for a moment, then withdrew his hand.

Lu Jingshen walked away with large strides.

Liu Jie was still waiting below the plane and saw Lu Jingshen coming down. She informed him that the pick-up car had just arrived. “They asked if you want to go back to the hotel first or have dinner. Also, the Chongsheng side has already finalized the meeting time and place. Their CEO invites you to have lunch at the Far Mountain Villa tomorrow at noon.”

Lu Jingshen absentmindedly nodded, “Let’s go back to the hotel. If you want to have dinner, go ahead.”

They got into the car at the airport, and Lu Jingshen maintained a cold expression throughout the journey. The General Manager of the subsidiary company who came to pick them up discreetly asked Liu Jie about the reason, but even Liu Jie herself was clueless. She couldn’t gauge her boss’s mood and didn’t dare to speculate.

Lu Jingshen silently gazed out of the car window as the scenery swiftly passed by in reverse. The mocking eyes of Feng Si lingered in his mind, causing him to feel inexplicably restless. He never expected to encounter that man again. The brief affair from seven years ago was an unexpected episode in his life, and the leather cord on his wrist, worn for seven years, held no significant meaning. It never did.

Upon reaching the hotel, Lu Jingshen went straight to his room. He had to attend a work briefing at the subsidiary company in the afternoon, but it was still early.

He glanced through some documents in the room, but the meal Liu Jie had ordered from room service had already gone cold. At one o’clock, he went downstairs alone and ordered a fried rice dish at the hotel restaurant.

After finishing his meal and leaving the restaurant to wash his hands, he unexpectedly ran into Feng Si leaning against the corridor wall, smoking.

Whenever Lu Jingshen traveled, he would arrange accommodations and meals for the crew of his private jet. So, it wasn’t unusual for Feng Si to be there, although Lu Jingshen didn’t want to see him.

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Feng Si’s eyes, carrying a tinge of ridicule, remained fixed on Lu Jingshen, scrutinizing him.

As they passed each other, Feng Si called out to him, “Alex.”

Lu Jingshen paused for a moment. Feng Si called him by his English name. Since Lu Jingshen returned to China after graduating from university and joined the company, nobody had called him by that name.

During their chance encounter years ago, Lu Jingshen only revealed that name to Feng Si. He even pretended not to understand Chinese, letting Feng Si assume he wasn’t Chinese. Throughout those three months, they communicated in English.

Who he was and where he came from, Feng Si knew nothing about it.

In that moment of hesitation, Lu Jingshen was forcefully grabbed and pushed against the wall by Feng Si.

The man before him had a cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke blew directly into Lu Jingshen’s face, causing him to furrow his brows. Feng Si’s blatant gaze made him extremely uncomfortable, even giving him a sense of hair-raising anticipation. However, he didn’t show it and returned a cold gaze.

“Do you plan to pretend you don’t know me?” Feng Si asked in a suppressed voice.

Lu Jingshen looked at him without speaking, and Feng Si taunted, “Are you afraid that others will find out about the things you’ve done with men?”

Seeing Lu Jingshen’s expression darken, Feng Si knew he had hit the mark.

His hand moved to Lu Jingshen’s ass and lightly grabbed it, clearly provoking him. Staring into Lu Jingshen’s eyes with an explicit mock, Feng Si said, “Alex, is this all it takes to scare you? You weren’t so scared back then, were you?”

Lu Jingshen still uttered the same words, “back off.”

Having enjoyed enough of Lu Jingshen’s feigned composure, which was clearly uncomfortable for him, Feng Si took a step back. He put out his cigarette on an ashtray nearby, then focused his eyes on Lu Jingshen. “Feng Si, my name.”

Under the gaze of those purely black pupils, Lu Jingshen instinctively wanted to look away. Feng Si continued, “Lu Jingshen, I’ll remember this name.”

Lu Jingshen turned and walked away.

He walked quickly, and when he reached the exit of the restaurant, someone excitedly called out to him, “Mr. Lu!”

Lu Jingshen halted and turned around. It was a slightly chubby middle-aged man with glasses. The man approached hastily and handed him a business card, introducing himself as Zhao Yuanping, the CEO of Xinfeng Technology. He had come there specifically to have a conversation with Lu Jingshen.

“It won’t take much of your time, Mr. Lu. Please give me a chance,” Zhao Yuanping pleaded, seemingly embarrassed and nervous.

Lu Jingshen, resuming his impassive demeanor, held the business card between two fingers, glanced at it briefly, and declined, “I’m sorry, I have other matters to attend to. Let’s schedule another meeting.”

However, Zhao Yuanping refused to give up and blocked his path, anxiously saying, “I know Mr. Lu came here specifically to discuss the acquisition of Xinfeng Capital. Xinfeng Technology was founded by me, and I’m also a shareholder. If you want to buy or sell, you can’t leave me out…”

Zhao Yuanping’s voice grew louder, and in his desperation, he even wanted to grab Lu Jingshen’s hand. Lu Jingshen couldn’t help but furrow his brows, showing signs of impatience.

As Zhao Yuanping’s hand was about to touch Lu Jingshen’s sleeve, another hand reached over, firmly grasping his wrist and pushing him back.

Surprised, Zhao Yuanping looked up, and Feng Si, with a hint of a smile on his lips, warned him with his eyes, “I say, this isn’t the right place for such tugging and pulling, is it?”

Embarrassed, Zhao Yuanping retracted his hand, no longer daring to approach Lu Jingshen. However, he persisted in wanting to have a conversation with him.

After two minutes, they entered a nearby café together.

Lu Jingshen sat down on the couch, while Feng Si casually leaned against the armrest, resting his long legs. He assumed the position of Lu Jingshen’s bodyguard, although if he were really Lu Jingshen’s bodyguard, he would never be so casual and unrestrained.

Lu Jingshen glanced at him but remained silent.

On the opposite couch, Zhao Yuanping ran his hand through his hair and clenched his teeth as he spoke, “Xinfeng Technology was founded by me, and I’m also a shareholder. If Xinfeng Capital wants to sell their shares to you, I can oppose it. I have the right of first refusal.”

“So?” Lu Jingshen asked.

Zhao Yuanping choked, seemingly unprepared for Lu Jingshen’s indifferent attitude. While Lu Jingshen’s face didn’t display arrogance, it still gave off a sense of superiority, as if he were mocking Zhao Yuanping’s current state of desperation.

Zhao Yuanping forcefully suppressed his discontent and firmly said, “That’s why I will definitely buy back the shares of Xinfeng from Chongsheng. I won’t hand over my hard work to anyone. You better drop the idea of acquiring Xinfeng and give up now!”

Lu Jingshen looked at the struggling man in front of him, maintaining his usual composure without displaying any disdain or contempt. He calmly stated the facts, “The price Shang Xin can afford is beyond your reach. Of course, you can try to raise more funds, but if there are any results, you wouldn’t be here today.”

Having been exposed by Lu Jingshen, Zhao Yuanping’s expression turned extremely ugly in an instant.

Compared to the massive Shang Xin Technology of the Jing family, his own company wasn’t even worth mentioning. It was his stroke of luck that he managed to secure an investment from Chongsheng Capital, one of the top financial giants in the country. His company quickly rose to prominence as a result, and one of their communication software products even rivaled Shang Xin’s in terms of market share. Just when he was ambitiously preparing to expand, Chongsheng Capital decided without any hesitation to sell their shares of Xinfeng. And to make matters worse, it was Shang Xin Technology that showed interest in taking over.

Once Chongsheng’s shares were sold to Shang Xin, Zhao Yuanping was well aware that, given Shang Xin’s consistent style, he would completely lose control over the company. Staying on would mean he had to bend to the will of others. He did consider raising funds to bring in other shareholders, but as soon as he heard that Shang Xin Technology was interested in acquiring Xinfeng, no one was willing to get involved in a direct confrontation with Shang Xin. He truly had no other options, so he sought trouble from Lu Jingshen, naively hoping that the CEO of Shang Xin Technology would change his mind.

Lu Jingshen didn’t give him a chance to retort and continued, “If you don’t plan on selling your shares, then stay in Xinfeng. You come from a technical background, and the future of the company’s technology will depend on you. Alternatively, you can sell your shares to us along with Chongsheng. The company you started with less than a million can be sold for billions in just a few years. It’s a deal that won’t leave you at a loss.”

Either stay and be at the mercy of others or leave with money in hand. There was no room for negotiation. Zhao Yuanping understood Lu Jingshen’s meaning and hated it to the core. His teeth trembled with anger, “You know that I built this company from scratch with all my efforts. I treat Xinfeng as my own child, and making Xinfeng grow with my own hands is my dream!”

Lu Jingshen remained unmoved, “You have no choice.”

That’s how Lu Jingshen was, not arrogant but very resolute.

No one could get any advantages from him, except for that person from seven years ago—the only exception.

Feng Si’s gaze had been wandering on Lu Jingshen’s face all along, listening to his interaction with the other person with great interest.

However, Lu Jingshen’s attitude clearly provoked Zhao Yuanping. He gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t think you can send me away with money. Xinfeng belongs to me, and I won’t give in to your wishes!”

Zhao Yuanping suddenly stood up, grabbed the cup of hot coffee in front of him, and forcefully smashed it towards Lu Jingshen.

Feng Si quickly reacted, extending his hand to block the cup. It hit his shoulder and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

In Lu Jingshen’s view, all he saw was the splashed coffee and Feng Si’s body that had instantly blocked it.

His eyelashes twitched slowly, and when his gaze refocused, the infuriated Zhao Yuanping had already been pressed onto the couch by Feng Si.

Feng Si held Zhao Yuanping’s head with one hand, his expression particularly fierce, and his white pilot shirt stained with coffee.

Lu Jingshen stood up with a stern face and coldly signaled the hotel security who had rushed over, “Call the police.”

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