Deep Desire

Deep Desire chapter 19


During lunchtime, Feng Si took Lu Jingshen to a restaurant at the harbor.

When they entered, Feng Si greeted the restaurant owner as if they were very familiar with each other.

Lu Jingshen didn’t find it strange. Someone with Feng Si’s personality, as he himself had said, made friends easily.

They chose a seat with a good view. Lu Jingshen looked outside, and the sea shimmered with silver light under the sunlight. Occasionally, a gentle breeze blew, causing ripples in the water.

The salty scent of the sea mixed with a faint floral fragrance, allowing him to relax completely.

Feng Si ordered the food, occasionally looking up at Lu Jingshen. “How do you like the scenery here?”

“It’s nice,” Lu Jingshen casually replied, his gaze still fixed on the sea ahead.

“I think it’s nice too,” Feng Si smiled. “I used to live nearby, and every time I came back from work, I could see this sea. Sometimes I thought it wouldn’t be bad to stay here forever.”

Lu Jingshen turned his gaze towards Feng Si and hesitated. “If that’s the case, why did you change jobs?”

Feng Si pondered for a moment before answering, “Maybe because I didn’t wait for the person I wanted to wait for.”

His tone was half serious and half joking. Lu Jingshen fell silent for a moment and took a sip of the mint water in his glass. Then his gaze returned to the sea.

The dishes that Feng Si ordered arrived one after another, mainly local seafood specialties.

“Try them. It would be a waste to come here and not eat these,” Feng Si enthusiastically said as he introduced the dishes to Lu Jingshen. Although Lu Jingshen had little appetite, he still picked up his knife and fork and went along with it.

Towards the end of the meal, the restaurant owner came over and asked how their dishes were.

He spoke in English, possibly to accommodate Lu Jingshen’s understanding. Feng Si offered some improvement suggestions, and when it was Lu Jingshen’s turn to answer, he nodded lightly and thanked the owner.

The restaurant owner was very cheerful and talkative, chatting with Feng Si for a while. When they were about to leave, he asked Feng Si something in Norwegian.

Feng Si glanced at Lu Jingshen and replied with a smile in Norwegian.

After the owner left, Feng Si told Lu Jingshen that the question was whether he was his boyfriend or not.

“I said yes,” Feng Si said.

Lu Jingshen instinctively frowned.

Feng Si said, “Well, he doesn’t know you anyway. If I said no, I would have to explain our relationship. It’s easier to say yes and avoid all the unnecessary details. What do you think?”

Although it sounded like a question, Feng Si’s attitude was overly confident. Lu Jingshen felt slightly uncomfortable. “Don’t say that to people so casually next time.”

Feng Si shrugged indifferently. “Alright.”

As they left the restaurant, they walked along the harbor promenade.

Lu Jingshen didn’t say much along the way, silently enjoying the scenery.

Feng Si called out to him, “Alex, let’s take a picture.”

His  first reaction was to refuse. Besides passport photos, he rarely took any other pictures.

Feng Si had already taken out his phone and opened the camera, asking a passerby for help. With one hand around Lu Jingshen’s waist, he reminded him, “Just one picture, look ahead.”

Lu Jingshen’s body slightly stiffened. The passerby raised the phone, capturing a photo of them with the sea and sky as the background.

The phone was handed back to Feng Si, who thanked the person and looked at the photo they had just taken.

Lu Jingshen’s lips were pressed together, his expression tense, and there was no trace of a smile on his face. Even so, it was their first photo together.

“Why is it so difficult to make you smile?” Feng Si said helplessly.

Feng Si held the phone screen in front of Lu Jingshen and let him see it for himself. Lu Jingshen awkwardly explained, “I’m not used to taking pictures.”

Feng Si asked, “Can I post the photo on my social media?”

Lu Jingshen’s eyebrows furrowed again. He had seen Feng Si’s social media, which had photos of him with various men and women. Feng Si’s life was too colorful and diverse, a world that he distanced himself from and had no interest in.

“No,” Lu Jingshen firmly rejected.

“Why not?” Feng Si asked.

Lu Jingshen shook his head. “If you insist on posting it, then delete it now.”

Feng Si stared into his eyes, but Lu Jingshen persisted, saying, “Either delete it or don’t post it.”

Feng Si’s lips curved into an ambiguous smile as he put away his phone. “Alright, I won’t post it then.”

They wandered around the city all afternoon.

Lu jingShen was absent-minded the whole time, and before 4 o’clock, he suggested going back to the hotel.

They had dinner in the hotel room, and when Feng Si knocked on the door, Lu jingShen was busy with work related to domestic affairs. His laptop and planner were open together, and he was so busy that he only ate half of his dinner, which had already gone cold.

“You’re on vacation now, do you have to work so hard?” Feng Si helped him close the laptop casually, “Didn’t Secretary Liu take all your work-related stuff when she left?”

Before Lu Jingshen could stop him, Feng Si took his laptop and planner and put them aside, saying, “Confiscated.”

“What are you doing here?” Lu Jingshen asked.

“I came to check if you’re still working. Just as I expected,” Feng Si’s voice suddenly paused, noticing the suitcase opened on the floor.

Lu Jingshen followed his gaze, his expression changing slightly, and he strode forward and forcefully closed the suitcase with a loud “thud.”

But Feng Si had already seen what was hidden in the net pocket of his suitcase.

He walked over and bent down, trying to lift the lid, but Lu Jingshen pressed down on it, his tightly clenched fingers trembling slightly.

Feng Si glanced at him and playfully challenged, “Is there something hidden in this suitcase that you don’t want others to see?”

Lu Jingshen tried to maintain composure, “These are my personal belongings, and you have no right to snoop.”

Seeing the panic in his eyes, Feng Si withdrew his hand, saying, “Alright then.”

Lu Jingshen quickly zipped up the suitcase, locked it with a password, and said, “I’m going to take a shower and sleep. You can leave.”

Feng Si refused, “You go ahead and shower; I’ll stay here for a while.”

Lu Jingshen knew that he couldn’t easily get rid of him, and he didn’t have the energy to deal with him either. Ignoring him, he turned and went into the bathroom.

After twenty minutes, when Lu Jingshen came out of the shower, Feng Si was still there, sitting on the living room sofa, watching TV.

Hearing the noise, Feng Si patted the spot next to him and looked over, “Come, sit for a while. Your hair is still wet. It’s not that late yet; you don’t have to sleep so early, right?”

Lu Jingshen hesitated for a moment, then walked over and reminded him again, “You should leave now.”

Feng Si reached out to grab him and pulled him down to sit, not waiting for Lu Jingshen to frown; he leaned in and looked at him straight in the eye, lowering his voice, “After you came back last night, did you please yourself?”

Lu Jingshen’s face tensed up again, and Feng Si smirked, “Did you do it in the front or the back?”

He placed a hand on Lu Jingshen’s waist and lightly pressed, causing Lu Jingshen’s voice to catch in his throat, glaring at him.

Feng Si’s voice got even closer, “Did you get enough last night, or are you still not satisfied? Do you need to use toys specifically?”

Embarrassed and flustered, Lu Jingshen’s eyes once again revealed panic. Feng Si deliberately teased, “I saw it.”

His fingers circled and pressed on Lu Jingshen’s waist, and with an almost breathless tone, he said, “Can toys satisfy you?”

As if stripped naked and exposed his most embarrassing side, Lu Jingshen couldn’t bear it, closing his eyes and refusing to answer.

Feng Si’s lips pressed against his earlobe, gently kissing the small mole there. He felt Lu Jingshen  in his arms trembling slightly and leaned down, evilly smiling, “Last night, you released yourself, but still not satisfied? huh?”

Lu Jingshen’s face reddened, and with a trembling voice, he said, “You… leave.”

Feng Si forcefully pushed him down, and Lu Jingshen’s red eyes glared back at him, unable to resist his instincts. His gaze gradually became unfocused, and his voice changed tone.

Feng Si played with him like a puppet, his movements skillfully controlling the pace. Whenever Lu Jingshen was about to reach his limit, he stopped, not letting him have an easy time.

His other hand moved slowly from Lu Jingshen’s waist down along the spine, and Lu Jingshen felt the vibration and touch. He widened his eyes in shock, and Feng Si leaned down, teasingly saying, “Were you too hasty just now? The password lock wasn’t on. What’s the fun in doing it alone? Let me help you.”

Lu Jingshen desperately bit his own hand, as Feng Si touched him and teased him all over, forced to the extreme, the overwhelming pleasure and humiliation made him completely collapse.

In a daze, he heard the sound of a camera shutter. Struggling to clear his vision, he saw Feng Si holding his phone and taking pictures of him in his vulnerable state.

Lu Jingshen’s mind went blank, subconsciously wanting to snatch the phone, but Feng Si didn’t let him, casually throwing it onto the nearby carpet.

Lu Jingshen tried his best to reach for the phone, but Feng Si pressed him back onto the sofa. He struggled intensely, as if he had lost his sanity.

Lu Jingshen trembled all over and said with a quivering voice, “Delete the photos.”

“I didn’t take any,” Feng Si held his hand, trying to calm him down, “I was just teasing you. I didn’t take any photos.”

Feng Si picked up the phone and opened the album to show Lu Jingshen. It turned out that he had used the front camera, and the photo was of his own face.

Lu Jingshen’s eyes were bloodshot as he stared at the picture, not reacting for a long time.

Feng Si swiped back, and the next picture was a group photo they took in the afternoon, proving that he didn’t deceive Lu Jingshen.

“I really didn’t take any.”

Lu Jingshen closed his eyes, slumping back on the sofa.

Feng Si frowned and leaned over again.

Lu Jingshen turned his face away, and Feng Si’s fingers lightly brushed against his eye corner. “I won’t play this kind of joke again next time. I’m sorry.”

After waiting for a moment, he sighed, “Rest now; I won’t bother you anymore.”

The sound of the door closing woke Lu Jingshen up slowly.

Feng Si had already cleaned up the mess under him. Lu Jingshen sat up and picked up the wet and embarrassing thing that made him feel extremely embarrassed. He forcefully threw it into the trash can.

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