Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 65

Extra 9: Forum Post (Part 2)

Topic: Ahhhhhhh! Ling Chi just kissed on the live stream!!!!!

OP: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

1commentor: Are you crazy? Stop spreading rumors and send the screenshots to the studio.

2commentor: What kind of craziness is this old geezer up to again? 

3commentor: I’ve already reported this; don’t reply anymore. 

4commentor: It’s real, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 

5commentor: Those calling it a rumor, go see for yourselves! Every word in the title is true!!!

6commentor: Holy crap, it’s really real…

7commentor: (Image) Live stream screenshot. Those who were cursing, come out and apologize.

8commentor: What’s going on? Is this photoshopped? Is this really a live stream screenshot? Where is everyone? Why is no one talking?

9commentor: Just opened the homepage, and it’s already flooded. Have they lost it? Did these two just come out?

10commentor: I’m too shocked to speak.

11commentor: Too shocked to speak +1

12commentor: +2

13commentor: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

157commentor: Everyone, stop screaming. Let me get this straight—was this a live stream accident? LZ didn’t do this on purpose, right?

158commentor: Of course not. Did you see his shocked face when he got the call from his assistant? Pfft, this is a major social death moment.

159commentor: I saw it. I’m already cringing so hard I could dig a castle out of the ground. This second-hand embarrassment of mine just kicked in.

161commentor: What’s there to be embarrassed about? The main party didn’t seem embarrassed at all. That final expression on the young master’s face looked pretty happy to me.

162commentor: The main party didn’t feel embarrassed at all +1

163commentor: I always guessed they’d come out sooner or later, but I never expected it to happen this way. Thanks for the laugh.

164commentor: Emmm, my Weibo homepage has gone crazy too.

165commentor: Oh my gosh, I just rewatched the last few minutes of the coming-out scene. In front of the young master, LZ is just a little sweetheart. The way he acts spoiled is so sweet, and the kiss was so natural, even better than in idol dramas. You could make a desktop wallpaper out of any screenshot. Who knows how many times they’ve kissed off-camera?

166commentor: Of course. The way they were in the live stream, it’s obvious they’ve been doing this for a while [smiling].

167commentor: Those two lines of “acting spoiled” melted my bones. I almost couldn’t breathe while watching.

168commentor: Ahhhh, is this something I can watch for free?!

169commentor: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

170commentor: I will cherish this cut from the live stream video, treat it with love, and pass it down as a family heirloom for generations [heart][heart][heart].

171commentor: The assistant was so clueless. What difference would a few more minutes make? We might have even seen them get it on live/facepalm.

172commentor: You’re just imagining things. 

173commentor: They really kissed. My god.

343commentor: Ha, a live stream accident? Who are they fooling? They claimed to have accidentally left the live stream on, but it was all just a ploy to put on a show, right? All to tie down LCX, that rich young master. Really crafty.

344commentor: Who’s tying down whom?

345commentor: Here’s a joke: LZ trying to tie down LCX.

346commentor: As everyone knows, the young master liked LZ’s official announcement photo on the first day they met. Over the past four years, how many times has the young master gone crazy over LZ? Someone should summarize all of this in a long post.

347commentor: (Image) Here it is, here it is. The image is a bit long. It’s all screenshots from the past four years of the young master liking, commenting on, and reposting LZ’s Weibo posts, plus summaries from various shows and interviews where he mentioned LZ or indirectly confessed. Thanks to LZ fans for the compilation. Old fans, enjoy this bowl of dog food.

348commentor: Dying of laughter. Why did LZ fans make a long post? Old fans, you’re even worse than solo stans.

349commentor: It’s called preemptive strategy, just in case. LZ fans probably knew their idol would come out with the young master sooner or later/doge.

350commentor: Can’t compare to LZ publicly singing “The One I Love the Most” at his first solo concert.

351commentor: So what if he sang “The One I Love the Most”? Does singing it count as a confession? Did LZ ever say who it was for?

352commentor: Specifically choosing someone’s birthday to sing “The One I Love the Most,” and releasing it as a special Valentine’s Day single. You say it’s not, fine. But aside from LZ fans, everyone else isn’t blind.

353commentor: Why is this starting up again? It’s been years, and there’s still no consensus on who “The One I Love the Most” was for?

354commentor: Come on, except for LZ fans who are in denial and other CP fans trying to steal the thunder, who really doubts that “The One I Love the Most” was for the young master?

355commentor: …Honestly, I thought they came out back then. But after that concert, I opened Weibo and the forums, and all the CP fans were fighting over the “The One I Love the Most” thing. The solo stans kept insisting it was for them, and I started questioning reality. I was speechless. LZ himself must have been speechless too. But today, justice has finally been served.

356commentor: As I said, LZ fans are the best at lying through their teeth. First, it was a confession through song; then he chased the young master all the way to the set. Now he’s publicly coming out in a livestream. And yet, in LZ’s fans’ minds, it’s the young master who’s desperate, not their idol. Unbelievable.

511commentor: I get it, but why would that make LZ desperate too?

512commentor: Why else? How many fans does he even have left? Why else would he be so desperate to tie down the young master and come out? Is he afraid that in another two years, he’ll lose all his fans and the young master too? So, he’s trying to act young even though he’s getting old. Can he not see that it’s a young person’s world now?

513commentor: Twenty-seven and you’re calling him old? The person calling him old might not even live past twenty-seven.

514commentor: Enough with the fake poison stans. And your so-called top star is just a has-been.

515commentor: Are you talking about the one who was publicly slapped by the young master and told not to buy hot searches for himself, only to be left hanging? Hhhhh. 

516commentor: What’s wrong with these fans? You know your idol’s a loser, yet you still come here only to get slapped in the face again and again? Jealous of others’ looks, achievements, and popularity is one thing, but why are you eyeing someone else’s husband, hoping to be a mistress? And then cosplaying as someone else’s husband’s fan and throwing a tantrum? Truly, fans reflect their idols’ unlikability.

517commentor: What’s there to gloat about? LZ coming out today is the start of his total flop. And don’t forget, even married couples can divorce. How long can two guys last? Let’s see how long the young master stays interested. By the way, has the Lu family accepted him? Don’t be surprised if they end up paying him off with a check and kicking him out [shrug].

518commentor: Could you at least do some research before mindlessly hating? LZ was spotted at Lu family gatherings three years ago. Jeez, so dumb.

519commentor: Enough already. The Ling Chi couple is loving and happy, so what right do you ghouls and goblins have to criticize? Save it, okay? Sour chickens can jump up and down anywhere.

520commentor: Why is everyone fighting? It’s boring. If you want to fight, do it somewhere else. The whole internet is flooded with this; isn’t that enough? Can’t this thread be a peaceful place for old fans and casual CP shippers?

521commentor: Exactly, just started stanning Ling Chi after watching the live stream. Came in for some sweet moments, but all I see is snark and fighting. It’s such a buzzkill.

735commentor: LZ posted on Weibo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he admitted it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

736commentor: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

737commentor: LCX reposted it!!!! They’re out in the open ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

738commentor: Lu Chixie: Yeah. //@Ling Zhuo: It’s true.

739commentor: LZ was so straightforward and honest, LCX was so calm and domineering, Lingchi is just perfect. There’s no better CP! What good deeds did I do in my past life to be able to ship Lingchi in this life [crying]? 

740commentor: They only exchanged three words, but I felt a hundred different emotions, all tinged with the sweet and sour flavors of love. Wuwuwu. 

741commentor: I’m more excited than I was when my boyfriend confessed to me. Why does other people’s love make me so obsessed? [On knees] 

742commentor: Really, really, really, really, he admitted it, he admitted it, he admitted it! 

743commentor: Suddenly, I remember that time when the young master said, “It’s fake.” Was LZ responding to that? Was he? Was he? Was he? It’s fake with others, but Ling Chi is real! 

744commentor: Of course, LZ is definitely legitimizing our Ling Chi. Only Ling Chi is the real deal!



929commentor: Weibo has completely crashed and won’t open. The last time I checked the trending list, five posts had already exploded, and the top ten were all about this. 

930commentor: Awesome, I didn’t expect it either. Just now, I was discussing with my friend how they would handle the PR, and they ended up admitting it so quickly. 

931commentor: I saw that both of their official fan clubs, the data teams, and the big fan accounts have started reposting their Weibo to send blessings. Is this their team stepping in for PR? Their response was pretty fast, they must’ve been prepared for this. 

932commentor: Of course, the young master has been testing the waters on coming out for years. I think he’s been wanting to go public for a long time. 

933commentor: Tonight is destined to be paradise for old perverts and hell for solo fans. Let’s raise a glass to this gorgeous love. 

934commentor: Hahaha, my LCX fan roommate just went downstairs to run laps and said she’d treat us to dinner later. 

935commentor: Same here, my friend just called me and screamed for three minutes on the phone, I almost called the police. 

936commentor: Don’t even mention it, my LZ-fan friend is already in tears. I asked her, “Aren’t you always claiming to be a motherly fan? Shouldn’t you be overjoyed and comforted to see your son marry into a rich family?” But she told me, “What motherly fan doesn’t secretly want to call him ‘husband’?” And now she realizes her ‘husband’ is actually someone else’s ‘wife’, her worldview has been shattered. 

937commentor: Come on, I don’t believe there are still naive LZ fans today who believe that LZ and LCX are just ‘pure good friends.’ 

938commentor: Go search ‘unfollow’ on the forum, it’s so entertaining, watching a drama.jpg. 

939commentor: (Screenshot) (Screenshot) (Screenshot) I checked it out, the solo fans must be in shock. Most of the drama is being stirred up by fans of other CPs. Tonight is hell for solo fans, but for other CP fans, it’s probably a living nightmare Lol. 

940commentor: Nonsense, they’re writing essays already. These people are quick, busy helping their ship with angsty fanfiction. They treat Ling Chi like tools, but whatever, today we are celebrating like it’s New Year’s, so I won’t bother with those downers.



1312commentor: Responding to 936commentor, how can you tell who’s whose husband? The official announcement didn’t specify positions, did it? 

1313commentor: Exactly, couldn’t LZ be the top? 

1314commentor: …Honestly, do you even believe that yourself? 

1315commentor: It could be!. 

1316commentor: Stop it, it’s only nine o’clock, too early for this kind of talk. 

1317commentor: I’m new here, where should I start to get my sugar fix? Any fanfic recommendations? 

1318commentor: There’s a mountain of sweet content in the supertopic, enough to last you a lifetime. The main couple has already made it official, why bother with fanfiction? Aren’t the live cuts exciting enough? 

1319commentor: Ling Chi fanfiction falls into two categories: elementary school-level ‘Mary Sue’ CEO-wife stories, or high-speed, hardcore smut. There’s nothing else, so give up. 

1320commentor: Then I’m begging for a hardcore smut fanfiction pack [wink]. 

1321commentor: Asking for the fanfiction pack +1. 

1322commentor: +2.



1617commentor: Enough, those asking for fanfiction packs, go start a new thread, stop clogging up the feed. I just want to know when these two actually got together? Did they really fall in love at first sight during the filming months back then? 

1618commentor: What else? It’s been said they started living together as soon as they finished filming. It’s been an open secret in the industry for a while now, but no one dared to spill the beans because of the young master’s influence. 

1619commentor: Ling Chi is a fated CP, a perfect match! 

1620commentor: Damn it, when will my CP be like this? I’m here to soak up some good vibes. 

1621commentor: Soaking up good vibes +1, hoping my CP will go official soon too. 



6666commentor: Holy crap, the Ling Chi god-tier fan site has revived! They’ve posted a new picture!! Go check it out!!! 

6667commentor: Which god-tier fan site? 

6668commentor: Of course, it’s DarkFire! 

6669commentor: What’s that fan site? 

6670commentor: The number one Ling Chi fan site, the number one god-tier site, the number one wealthy fan site, and someone doesn’t know it? Even though they only did a few fan supports, they spent at least a million on it, and never sold any photo books or merchandise. Every picture they posted was a legendary Ling Chi masterpiece. How can anyone not know it? 

6671commentor: Didn’t that fan site shut down a while ago? 

6672commentor: Doesn’t matter, they just stopped updating, but never officially closed. Their last picture was from four years ago, a behind-the-scenes shot of a perfume ad. 

6673commentor: You’ve talked so much, where’s the picture? 

6674commentor: DarkFire|0101xo914: The One I Love the Most. (Picture) 

6675commentor: Aaaaah, it’s “The One I Love the Most”! I can’t believe it! Four years late, the god-tier site has finally confirmed “The One I Love the Most”!!! 

6676commentor: Damn, how did they even capture this shot? This must be from that concert, right? One on stage, one offstage, and they managed to catch that shared smile, the look of ‘you’re the only one in my eyes.’ 

6677commentor: The composition, the lighting, the atmosphere, it’s perfect, absolutely perfect! 

6678commentor: Even though there are so many people around, they all fade into the background. Looking at this picture makes me tear up, wuwuwu. 

6679commentor: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 

6680commentor: DarkFire is the best! Lingchi is the best!

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