Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 59

Extra 3 – Forum Post(Title: Are LZ and LCX Dating?)

OP: First off, I’m not a Ling-chi (LCX and LZ shipper), but LZ and LCX’s situation seems off. I just saw a perfume ad, and what’s with LCX being a background model for LZ’s endorsement for free? Forget the content; the key issue is, why was LCX conveniently on set for the foreign shoot of LZ’s ad? Is it a coincidence that LCX was there, ready to step in last minute?

1commentor: Another person has gone crazy.

2commentor: Dating +1. I just checked LZ’s studio’s schedule, and LZ filmed this ad abroad last December. I also asked a LCX fan friend, and LCX didn’t have any overseas schedules last year. However, she mentioned that LCX often travels by private jet, so fans might not catch every trip. Since LCX appeared in the ad, it indicates he indeed followed LZ abroad. As for why, it’s open to interpretation.

3commentor: LZ didn’t come back after the shoot. His manager and assistant returned first. Later, fans couldn’t find his return flight, and then he appeared back in the country. So, it’s likely he stayed abroad with LCX after the ad shoot and then flew back together on LCX’s private jet.

4commentor: This doesn’t prove anything. Is it so strange for good friends to travel abroad together? Why is it considered dating? Some people seem obsessed.

5commentor: The OP is brave. Watch out for backlash from top fans/solos.

6commentor: No way, aren’t top fans convinced LCX is the best son-in-law? They’d probably love to see their idol marry into a wealthy family.

7commentor: get lost. Free LZ, delete this, and stop fantasizing.

8commentor: Why are top fans so agitated? Did someone poke their sore spot? But honestly, the perfume ad was really impressive. Even a passerby like me found it breathtaking. Truly amazing. No wonder even the young master couldn’t resist.

9commentor: The ad was absolutely stunning +1. I finally get LCX now. I really want to see LZ up close. The young master’s luck is off the charts.

10commentor: The one daring to covet LZ, @9commentor, has some guts.

11commentor: The sexual tension is intense. This ad makes you want to see them do it every minute. Annoyed.jpg

12commentor: Want to see Ling-chi do it +1

13commentor: +2

14commentor: Hhhhh, this ad makes me feel like LZ isn’t just enchanted by the perfume but the Alpha pheromone. You know what I mean.

15commentor: Yes, yes, yes. In the latter part, LZ looks like an Omega about to enter heat. Amazing.

16commentor: Fine, you’ve convinced me. I’ll go order the perfume now.

17commentor: So, for this endorsement, should we count the sales for LZ, LCX, or the CP?

18commentor: We’re all family. No need to split it so precisely. LZ himself said they’re “good friends.”

19commentor: LCX fans probably won’t buy this endorsement, right? So only LZ’s and CP fans will buy it. Naturally, it counts for LZ. Stirring up trouble is pointless.

32commentor: Announcement! Ling-chi CP is now number one in the trending topic!

33commentor: Congratulations! It’s really hard-earned. A historic moment. I’ll take a screenshot right now.

34commentor: The young master rose to fame so quickly. Who would have thought they didn’t know each other a few months ago?

35commentor: Fate can’t be stopped. These two are like thunder and fire, once they set their eyes on each other, they’re unstoppable.

36commentor: Ugh, what’s so exciting about this? Do you even know what LZ’s relationship with his teammates is like? Stop overreacting.

37commentor: Something gross just entered the conversation. I’m out, folks.

38commentor: Who doesn’t know how LZ interacts with his teammate? It’s bland and uneventful. Only dense people like one-sided bloodsucking CPs.

39commentor: The young master is fake.

40commentor: Honestly, I’ve always found it strange how Ling-Ran’s team CP became popular. There’s no CP vibe at all. LZ isn’t very outgoing, and the other person looks like an old-fashioned Beta. Using the ABO setup, Ling-chi is an exceptional Alpha-Omega pair ready to go at any moment. The other guy is just an ordinary Beta, blending into the crowd, with no sparks with LZ. How do people even ship them?

41commentor: Ask Haitian, this trash company. They pushed that CP hard to trend LZ and the SB group, and it’s painfully fake. It might have fooled some of the LZ’s elementary school fans, but anyone else would have seen through it. It’s just that the LZ is resilient enough to hold up; otherwise, anyone else would’ve been sucked dry.

42commentor: What’s SB group about?

44commentor: Sparkle Bomb, aka SB group.

45commentor: I swear I’ll eat meat for life if SB group disbands and Haitian goes bankrupt.

46commentor: So, it’s not unreasonable for LZ fans to praise the young master. After all, they’ve had enough of the crap and want to give it back. The young master outshines all of the LZ’s useless teammates in every way. If it were up to me, I’d ship LingChi. At least the young master won’t drain LZ; he might even bring in resources.

120commentor: (Image) LingChi’s fan site just released new photos, behind the scenes of the perfume ad!

121commentor: Ahhh, this photo is absolutely stunning. The eye contact is killing me. It’s even more ambiguous than in the ad. Why are they in my head doing it every day? Wuwuwuwu~~

122commentor: Damn, this fan site must be run by insiders. How did they get these shots?

123commentor: I’ve always thought this fan site is run by the young master himself. It’s ridiculously extravagant.

124commentor:  It’s said that when LZ was filming this ad abroad, he deliberately shook off fans staying at his hotel and moved somewhere else. Everyone lost track of him. As for how this account managed to get these shots, ask the young master.

125commentor: Mind-blowing. Last month, when it was the young master’s birthday, his fans attacked this account, accusing it of favoritism. If it’s really run by the young master, that’s hilarious.

126commentor: Not really. The fan site also supported LCX later, with six hours of fireworks at Beishan Park. The price must be comparable to the support for LZ. Even if LCX doesn’t care about the money, giving support to oneself is very strange.

127commentor: Maybe it’s LZ supporting him? Back to the topic, these two are really dating. This is what romance looks like. Do you understand?

128commentor: Hard to imagine. LZ shouldn’t be that kind of person. I was a fan of his for a while. He’s quite frugal, not like that at all.

129commentor: Lust clouding judgment. What’s “not like that”?

130commentor: I’ve been a fan since LZ participated in the competition. Honestly, he seems like a well-behaved and obedient person on the surface, but deep down he’s impulsive and romantic. If he’s really doing this, I believe it.

131commentor: Interview LZ fans in this thread. What do they think about the thread title?

132commentor: Since this is an anonymous forum, I’m not afraid to say it: as long as LZ is happy, I support whoever he chooses. 😊

133commentor: Growing up means not being able to control oneself. The young master is great. He may be a bit crazy, but he seems like someone who would care for him. My kid deserves happiness.

134commentor: CP fans are pretending here. Fantasize somewhere else first.

135commentor: @134commentor, why are you still here? If you don’t like it, leave. If you’re annoyed, you’re just making trouble. Your insults only make him and his partner do it more.

136commentor: Why only interview LZ fans? Are young master fans insignificant?

137commentor: No need. The young master doesn’t care who says what. If someone told him, “I’m your fan, and I don’t allow you to be with LZ,” guess what the young master would do?

138commentor: The young master would probably tell them to get lost hhahaha

225commentor: Speaking of the young master’s birthday, not mentioning that so-called truth-or-dare game we’ve discussed countless times, there was another point during his livestream that I don’t know if you noticed. He read a comment asking, “Did Ge receive a satisfactory birthday gift?” I checked the account that posted this comment, and it was a newly registered account. The young master laughed meaningfully at that time. I reasonably suspect this account was LZ’s. Even if it wasn’t, there must be something special about that comment. The young master emphasized not letting fans call him “Ge,” which might suggest “Ge(good brother)” is LZ’s pet name for the young master?

226commentor: Wow, I didn’t notice that. I’ll go back and watch that livestream.

227commentor: I also felt something there. From Teacher Lu to Lu Ge, and now to “good brother(Ge).” Is LZ actually this good at acting cute? 

228commentor: LZ is actually a little sweetheart, right? 

229commentor: I’ve always thought LZ was super sweet, but he doesn’t follow that path. Maybe the young master triggered his true nature. A little sweetheart in front of the young master must be something special, which is why the young master is so smitten.

230commentor: Imagining LZ calling him “good brother”—ah, I’m ascending. 

231commentor: Can’t think about it. As soon as I do, a luxury car drives through my mind, hahaha. 

232commentor: So, assuming that small account is really LZ’s, why did he purposely ask about the birthday gift? LCX was smiling sweetly. Did he receive a special birthday gift? 

233commentor: Bold guess—the birthday gift was the little sweetheart himself. 😏 

234commentor: Someone’s being naughty here—beep— … 

312commentor: Just passing by. Ever since filming started for Burning Love, these two have been fueling CP rumors like crazy. Does anyone remember that Burning Love is actually a female-led romance drama? 

313commentor: I’ve been wanting to say this too. A female-led heterosexual drama promoting the CP of the first and second male leads? This show can just be scrapped. 

314commentor: As an IBG (individual-based group) fan, I’m disgusted. I’m definitely not watching it. I hope this show flops hard. 

315commentor: Why are YF’s fans so calm this time? Can they really tolerate the first and second male leads fueling rumors like this? If this show flops, whose fault will it be? After all, she’s the main lead. 

316commentor: What can they do? One is a top celebrity, and the other is the prince of the production company. What good would it do to start a fight? YF doesn’t need this kind of attention. Even if it’s to gain sympathy from casual viewers, it’s not worth it. It’s better to maintain a good relationship with LCX. Who knows? She might get more resources in the future—better to be practical. 

317commentor: They should just quit and switch to BL (boys’ love) dramas. Why mess up romance dramas? They belong in the BL series.

318commentor: Do you want to see the top fan base collectively jump off a building? Who would switch to BL after making it to the top? Someone like LCX, with all those resources, doesn’t need to switch. 

319commentor: Dreams are worth having—what if they come true? …

427commentor: Answering the thread title: I once checked out a certain small account belonging to one of LZ’s fans. The wallpaper on LZ’s phone was a close selfie of him and the young master. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. 

428commentor: Do you have any evidence? Which account? 

429commentor: Believe it or not, just don’t ask me which account. I stumbled upon it by accident. 

430commentor: I’ve heard something similar. My friend knows someone who frequently hangs out with LZ’s private life. I can confidently say that LZ and LCX live together, or at least in the same neighborhood. If the house in that reality show Come to My House really belongs to LZ, then LCX lives in the same neighborhood. But LCX didn’t mention in the show that he also lives there, did he? Quite a cover-up. In the show, LCX seemed unfamiliar with the place. They had just left the set at that time, so they probably just started living together.

431commentor: So, they got together on set, and then moved in together after filming wrapped? The rumors about the “night script” must be true, right? 

432commentor: The “night script” was always true. Otherwise, why would LCX stay in LZ’s room all night? Just chatting under the covers? 

433commentor: I’ll share some gossip too. My best friend’s cousin was LZ’s college classmate. On New Year’s Eve, LZ posted a selfie on WeChat, leaning against someone. The clothes he wore were very similar to the ones worn by someone in a video that trended that night. Don’t ask me for proof—I don’t have any. Believe it or not. 

434commentor: What trending video? 

435commentor: I know—it was that video of two boys holding hands, captured by a web celebrity at a temple fair in N City. The blogger is from the same city as LZ. Someone in the comments said one of them looked like LZ, but there was no proof, and they got scolded for speculating, so the video was deleted later. 

436commentor: (Link) Here’s the original post. I checked it out—it really looks like him. I don’t know much about LCX, but the shorter one in the video really looks like LZ from behind. 

437commentor: It really looks like him +1 

438commentor: Enough, what’s going on in this thread? It was still about Li Tao earlier, but now we’ve moved on to baseless gossip. This is getting boring. 

439commentor: I agree, let’s drop the gossip without proof. It’s just leading us into nonsense. We’ll all get labeled as antis at this rate. 

440commentor: Okay, okay, let’s stop. No more baseless gossip. We don’t want the angry sister from earlier to report this thread and get it deleted. OP, can you filter out the unproven stuff from the thread? … 

1627commentor: Let me drop some gossip: LZ signed a double endorsement with W Watches and will fly to Europe next week to shoot a commercial. 

1628commentor: OMG, really? 

1629commentor: Damn, after all that talk about a solo endorsement, it turned into a double endorsement? The SB fanbase must be fuming. 

1630commentor: Wait, are you sure it’s an endorsement? It was always rumored to be just an ambassador role. The title change to an endorsement is a big deal. 

1631commentor: I heard about it too, and yes, it’s confirmed. It’s a double endorsement, the highest title. W Watches never intended to offer a solo endorsement. And LingChi has been wearing their couple’s watch for a while, right? Plus, that perfume ad went viral, so they decided to go with the double endorsement. 

1632commentor: No need to worry, everyone. From what I know, LZ’s team has already communicated with the fans. The title is better than what they initially aimed for. The team and the idol himself are both very satisfied, so there won’t be any fan drama.

1633commentor: So, the so-called couple’s watch was actually a business strategy to secure the endorsement? 

1634commentor: Give me a break. Does the young master care about business interests? It’s obviously a love tie. 

1635commentor: Exactly. The couple’s watch appeared on LZ’s wrist after his birthday last year. It’s clearly a birthday gift. 

1636commentor: I don’t care. I can’t afford W Watches, but the double endorsement is awesome, hehe. … 

18723commentor: I can’t believe this thread has gotten this long. So, did we ever come to a conclusion about the title? 

18724commentor: OMG, OMG, OMG, the W Watches commercial is out. Go watch it! 

18725commentor: Aaaahhhh! 

18726commentor: I’m losing it! I thought the Asian version of Close Friends was iconic, but the European version is about lovers! I’m screaming! 

18727commentor: A kiss scene! They actually kissed! I’m freaking out! LingChi is amazing! 

18728commentor: Thank you, sponsor daddy! W Watches forever! 

18729commentor: When LZ leaned in to kiss LCX, I swear my heart stopped. LCX, I hate that you’re such a block of wood. You should have kissed him back—hard! A full-on tongue kiss! 

18730commentor: I never thought I’d live to see LZ in a kiss scene. I can die happy now. 

18731commentor: You guys need to check out the American version! Quick! The “Brothers” version is amazing—so flirty! My pervy self is thoroughly satisfied! 

18732commentor: The Australian version with the rivals is also fantastic. Even though they’re supposed to be rivals, every second feels like they’re about to do it. The transition from rivals to lovers is just too perfect! 

18733commentor: Aaaahhhh! … 

19213commentor: What’s going on? Why are the last few pages just filled with people screaming? Have you all lost it? 

19214commentor: As a long-time fan, I declare: LZ and LCX are the real deal. OP, you can take a bow and exit now.

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