Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 56

End of Main Text

On Valentine’s Day, T&G’s brand new fragrance TV commercial was launched, and it was officially announced that Ling Zhuo would become the brand ambassador.

As soon as the announcement was made, the post was shared over ten thousand times in just two or three minutes.

The extended version of the commercial, over seven minutes long, saw its viewership climb steadily. The hashtag #LingZhuoHormoneStrike# surged to first place on trending topics, followed by #LingZhuoT&GBrandAmbassador#, #LuChixieLingZhuoCommercialModel#, and #LingZhuoLuChixieCPFeel#, dominating the top trending searches.

Major entertainment gossip forums erupted with posts on related topics, with fans busy promoting, CP fans celebrating the New Year, and various critics not resting, finding every angle to stir up trouble.

No matter how it went, this wave of popularity was quite the success.

Ling Zhuo clicked on the commercial video immediately and watched it carefully from start to finish.

He didn’t expect himself to appear like this in the film, showing an eager craving or almost obsessive infatuation towards someone or a certain scent, even with a somewhat neurotic undertone. The photographer had a keen eye, capturing his gaze and some subtle actions he hadn’t even noticed, magnifying them all. The pulsating hormone vibes nearly spilled out of the screen.

As the video reached its last second, Ling Zhuo’s face was flushed and he was dumbfounded. Lu Chixie walked over and snapped his fingers in front of him.

“Lost in thought?”

Ling Zhuo came back to his senses and helplessly said, “This commercial makes me look like an obsessed fool.”

Or, using the old-fashioned phrase, “desperate” and “wanting from the core.”

As for what he wanted—well.

Moreover, the first two minutes of the film were scenes between him and Lu Chixie, with a kind of silent eye contact that was inexplicably affectionate. Perhaps it was because the person was Lu Chixie, allowing for an extended performance, or maybe it was the photographer’s outstanding skills. This segment was filmed with extreme ambiguity, and the brand chose to announce it on such a special day, as if hinting at something.

Lu Chixie laughed softly, rewound the video to the beginning, and watched it all over again. Finally, he commented, “It’s well shot. I heard this commercial will be shown worldwide?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “… Yeah.”

Lu Chixie said with satisfaction, “Good.”

It was unclear what exactly he was pleased about.

That evening, Ling Zhuo was invited to attend the grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony of T&G’s new flagship store in the city.

During a press interview, when asked why Lu Chixie became the model in his commercial, Ling Zhuo openly responded, “The original model had something come up last minute. He was picked by the photographer to step in. I’m very grateful to him; otherwise, the commercial might not have turned out so well.”

When asked if he minded Lu Chixie overshadowing him, Ling Zhuo smiled and asked back, “Did he?”

Indeed, he didn’t. Lu Chixie’s performance in the commercial was outstanding, but with only a bit over a minute of screen time, Ling Zhuo’s solo scenes were more eye-catching. Although the top trending topic was bought by Zhang Jing, the high popularity was indeed due to his performance in the commercial exceeding expectations.

He said, “Teacher Lu and I are good friends. His role as the commercial model was just a favor. Even if he did overshadow me, it’s nothing to mind. Besides, I don’t think it was the case, and Teacher Lu said so too.”

Ling Zhuo’s bright smile and clear eyes amused many reporters on site.

The commercial’s popularity quickly triggered a chain reaction. After a six-month evaluation, W Watch officially extended a collaboration invitation to him, hoping he and Lu Chixie could endorse as a couple, offering them the highest title.

Lu Chixie also received the invitation and agreed right away. Zhang Jing had some hesitation initially but was persuaded by Ling Zhuo’s words.

“They chose me and Lu Chixie because, firstly, our couple watch trend had already gained attention, and secondly, the effect of the T&G commercial. They probably didn’t consider a solo endorsement.”

“And, Jing Jie, you know, I don’t mind being tied with Lu Chixie. We’ll be going public eventually. It’s better to let fans get used to it slowly.”

And so, it was decided.

A week after signing the contract, they flew to Europe together to shoot the advertisement.

Lu Chixie had already joined a film crew for a new movie, and Ling Zhuo was also preparing for a new film and his personal album, finding it difficult to spare time for international ad shoots.

The advertisement shoot went smoothly. They had to shoot four ads in total, each portraying different roles in various scenarios, including family, close friends, rivals, and even lovers.

The lovers’ script was the last one. In the film, they meet at a ball and play an unspoken game of flirtation in a limited time, abandoning pretense and indulging themselves.

There was a brief kissing scene, initially opposed by Zhang Jing, who even considered removing the script. After all, the previous perfume ad was just suggestive, while this one included a real kiss scene, which was sensitive in the domestic market. However, the brand insisted on filming it in four versions for different regions, and Ling Zhuo eventually agreed.

He actually had a bit of a personal motive, and since it was for an advertisement, it was work and not considered out of line.

Zhang Jing could only reluctantly agree.

Ling Zhuo and Lu Chixie had perfect chemistry. Filming those ambiguous and provocative scenes was effortless for them.

In front of the camera, Ling Zhuo leaned casually against the wall. Lu Chixie propped one arm beside his shoulder, revealing the W wristwatch on his wrist, a constant reminder of the end time of their game. Lu Chixie approached nonchalantly, their eyes meeting briefly. Ling Zhuo’s gaze lowered as his fingers curled around Lu Chixie’s suit tie, gently looping it. Then, he looked up, his lips brushing the corner of Lu Chixie’s mouth.

This kiss only needed to be reshot two or three times to capture different angles, and it was quickly done.

Zhang Jing stood aside, arms crossed, watching. Afterward, she remarked, “Once this ad airs, domestic fans will go crazy.”

Ling Zhuo responded earnestly, “People film gay movies too, right? I’m just shooting a commercial; it’s just normal work.”

Zhang Jing retorted, “You’re only fooling yourself.”

Lu Chixie chuckled but didn’t respond.

The allocated time for the ad shoot was three days, but they finished in two. On the third day, Lu Chixie drove Ling Zhuo to a winery on the outskirts of the city.

The winery was an investment of his brother’s, located far from the city’s hustle and bustle, surrounded by flower fields. The air was rich with the scent of flowers and wine, like a hidden paradise.

It was Lu Chixie’s first time there, and he brought Ling Zhuo along to taste the wine.

Ling Zhuo, unable to hold his liquor, was already tipsy after trying a few wines. Lu Chixie led him outside to the flower fields for a walk.

A vast sunflower field stretched endlessly. It was blooming season, the light fragrance intoxicating. Ling Zhuo, intrigued, asked Lu Chixie, “Why plant so many sunflowers? You can’t make wine from them.”

Lu Chixie casually replied, “I don’t know, maybe my brother likes them. He comes here alone every year for vacation.”

Ling Zhuo, half-dazed, murmured “Oh” and let Lu Chixie lead him forward.

Suddenly, he stopped, pushed Lu Chixie, and said, “Take a picture of me.”

Lu Chixie asked, “A picture?”

Ling Zhuo nodded, “It’s so beautiful here. It’d be a shame not to take a picture. I can share it with my fans.”

Lu Chixie snapped a photo with his phone. Ling Zhuo looked at it, satisfied enough to post it on Weibo without even editing it.

Seeing fans’ excited comments, he realized he was wearing Lu Chixie’s coat and muttered, “Why didn’t you remind me?” He didn’t delete it, fearing it would only raise more suspicion.

Lu Chixie shrugged, “What’s the big deal? Let’s go.”

He took Ling Zhuo’s hand and led him forward. They walked out of the flower field and up the hill, where a small, old chapel stood.

They wandered inside, finding no one. In a corner stood a black piano, old but well-maintained.

Ling Zhuo walked over and played a few notes. They were all in tune.

He sat down, looking up at Lu Chixie with a smile, “I’ll play you a song. What do you want to hear?”

Lu Chixie, leaning against the piano, said, “Anything you like.”

Ling Zhuo thought for a moment, then placed his hands on the keys.

A gentle, tender melody flowed, and he hummed along softly. Lu Chixie recognized it as the song he sang while playing the piano the first time he saw him at a bar.

When the song ended, Ling Zhuo looked up again and asked with a smile, “Did you like it?”

Lu Chixie asked, “You remember?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “You mentioned it before, and I remembered after thinking about it carefully. Did I play it right?”

Lu Chixie nodded, “Yes.”

Ling Zhuo pulled him closer, his smile even brighter.

Lu Chixie smiled too, taking his hand, “Let’s go see what’s behind.”

They exited through the chapel’s back door onto a spacious lawn, where a priest was conducting a wedding ceremony.

The bride and groom were exchanging vows and rings. Ling Zhuo watched for a moment, then turned to Lu Chixie, “We’re lucky to catch such a happy event.”

Lu Chixie gently squeezed his shoulder.

Ling Zhuo leaned back against him and said, “How about we get married too?”

Lu Chixie asked, “Here?”

Ling Zhuo nodded.

Lu Chixie calmly reminded him, “I don’t believe in religion. Do you?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “No, but that doesn’t matter for getting married.”

Lu Chixie warned, “Be careful not to get kicked out. They might be against gay marriage.”

Ling Zhuo sighed, “I thought you’d be eager.”

Lu Chixie said, “If you want to get married, we can register at the city hall here. Though it won’t have any legal effect.”

Ling Zhuo shrugged, “Why bother with that? I just think the ceremony feels meaningful.”

Lu Chixie smiled, “No rings.”

Ling Zhuo bent down, quickly made two grass rings, and proudly showed them to Lu Chixie, “How about these?”

Lu Chixie raised an eyebrow, “You can make these?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “It’s not that hard.”

While they talked, Lu Chixie suddenly reached out and caught the bride’s bouquet, drawing cheers from the crowd.

The bride, seeing a stranger caught her bouquet, smiled and nodded at them.

Ling Zhuo whispered to Lu Chixie, “See, these people are pretty friendly. They didn’t kick us out.”

Lu Chixie handed him the bouquet, “Hold this.”

Later, at the celebration party, the newlyweds warmly invited them to join.

On the lawn was a white grand piano, much better than the one in the chapel. Ling Zhuo sat down and played a wedding blessing tune for the newlyweds.

The sweet, lively piano melody flowed from his fingertips. His expression was particularly focused and joyful. Lu Chixie watched him from the side, the setting sun casting a gentle glow on Ling Zhuo’s face and hair, like a tender caress.

He seemed very happy.

Later, they drank some wine, which was bought from a winery at the foot of the mountain. Ling Zhuo took a sip and said to Lu Chixie, “This tastes better than what you usually give me. Are you keeping the good stuff to yourself?”

Lu Chixie replied, “It’s because you’re in a good mood now.”

Ling Zhuo nodded. Maybe so. He was indeed affected by the joyous atmosphere here, and his spirits were high.

Lu Chixie took one of his hands, slipped a ring he had just made onto Ling Zhuo’s ring finger, and held his fingers for a moment, saying, “Looks pretty good.”

“Doesn’t it?” Ling Zhuo put down his glass and slowly slipped another ring onto Lu Chixie’s finger.

Perhaps he was a bit nervous, or maybe the alcohol made his hand unsteady, but it took several tries before he finally got it on.

Then he laughed again, “You’re so wealthy, you can give watches worth millions, but the ring I made is just from some grass.”

Lu Chixie fiddled with the ring on his finger, “Is this a vow?”

Ling Zhuo said, “Others swear on the Bible. What about us?”

Lu Chixie tapped his chest, “With our conscience.”

Ling Zhuo thought about it and agreed. Everything else was fleeting, but love was a matter of the heart.

“Then no need for vows,” he said. “Ge, let me give you a promise.”

Lu Chixie looked at him, listening intently.

Ling Zhuo said seriously, “As long as you don’t change, I won’t either. This promise is forever.”

Lu Chixie asked him, “I was the one who pursued you first, so why do you sound like I’m the one who will change my mind? Have you been influenced by others, thinking I’ll leave you? Ling, are you so insecure?”

Ling Zhuo corrected himself, “You have a point. Anyway, I won’t change. Just trust me.”

Lu Chixie raised his hand, pinched his slightly reddened earlobe, and smiled softly, “My promise is the same.”

The last ray of the sunset remained in the sky, and lights started to flicker around them.

They walked down the mountain along another path, with the music from the lawn fading away and the noise gradually dispersing.

Ling Zhuo still held the bouquet, picked the most beautiful flower, and handed it to Lu Chixie.

“Happy wedding.”

Lu Chixie replied, “Us?”

Ling Zhuo smiled, “Isn’t it?”

Lu Chixie took it, curled his lips, and said, “Happy wedding.”

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