Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 52

Acting Out

Ten minutes later, Ling Zhuo met up with Qi Liangli and the others in another part of the parking lot. The three were waiting for him in Zhong Yiran’s car.

Ling Zhuo opened the door and sat in the back seat. Qi Liangli, in the passenger seat, turned around and said, “I thought you’d bring someone with you.”

Ling Zhuo: “Why bring him? It would just make everyone uncomfortable.”

Qi Liangli laughed, “That’s true.”

Zhong Yiran started the car and drove out of the underground parking lot, heading towards the bustling city center.

Ling Zhuo chatted with Qi Liangli about random things, then leaned back in his seat, staring out the window at the street scenery, lost in thought. Deng Lanluo, beside him, asked, “Ling Zhuo, are you okay?”

Ling Zhuo turned his head, “What?”

Deng Lanluo hesitated, not knowing how to say it, and after a while, he squeezed out two words: “I’m sorry.”

Ling Zhuo shook his head, not saying anything.

From the driver’s seat, Zhong Yiran glanced at him through the rearview mirror. Ling Zhuo turned his gaze back outside, clearly in a bad mood.

They were heading to a high-end hotpot restaurant owned by Qi Liangli’s uncle. Qi Liangli had already called ahead to reserve a private room, ensuring they wouldn’t be disturbed.

After sitting down, they ordered food. By the time the hotpot base and dishes were served, Zhang Xun arrived. Seeing Ling Zhuo a bit uncomfortable, he greeted everyone before being pulled to sit by Deng Lanluo.

Qi Liangli ordered two cases of beer and poured everyone a glass. “Everyone, drink up. Ran-ge, you too. Later, my uncle will drive us back.”

With that, Qi Liangli downed his drink in one gulp. He raised his glass and said, “It’s rare for the five of us to gather for hotpot and drinks. Although I’m the youngest, today, please give me some face. If there’s anything to say, let’s say it at the table. If you’re unhappy, let’s air it out. Don’t keep it bottled up.”

Deng Lanluo was the first to respond, “Good, let’s speak our minds. It’s better than harboring suspicions and being manipulated by outsiders.”

He drank his beer, then turned to Ling Zhuo, “Ling Zhuo, I admit I’ve been jealous of you. I’ve thought countless times that if I had participated in that talent show, things might be different today. But I also know I couldn’t have been like you. I’m not as talented, and maybe a bit less lucky. This is probably the best outcome. Honestly, I’ve always thought that among the five of us, Qi Liangli is the silliest, but you’re the kindest.”

Qi Liangli protested, “How am I silly?”

Ignoring him, Deng Lanluo continued, “If I were you, feeling neglected despite carrying the group, I’d be furious. I couldn’t be as magnanimous as you. In this respect, I fall short.”

Deng Lanluo stood up and toasted Ling Zhuo, “No matter what, these past three years, you’ve led us. I owe you a thank you. But from now on, I still want to compete with you. We’re young, the road is long. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll overtake you?”

Ling Zhuo smiled and accepted the toast, “Alright, I’ll be waiting for that day.”

Deng Lanluo then went around the table, toasting and talking to everyone else. His initiative lightened the initially awkward atmosphere. Next was Qi Liangli, who went around praising everyone, even Zhang Xun, who responded, “I thought you’d never give me face in this lifetime.”

Qi Liangli replied, “Everyone has their aspirations. I was just short-sighted. I’m twenty now, not a kid anymore.”

They drank together, and Zhang Xun took the lead, toasting everyone and apologizing to Ling Zhuo, “I was impulsive before. You know my temper. It was my insecurity that made me lash out. Deng-ge was right, you, being as gentle as dough, wouldn’t do such things. I owe you an apology.”

Ling Zhuo stood up, raising his glass, “Now it’s my turn to speak. Zhang Xun, I also owe you an apology. Not just you, but everyone here. Though I didn’t buy those marketing accounts against you, I was related to the issue. I don’t want to blame that person, so I’ll apologize on their behalf. Let’s drink this and never bring it up again, okay?”

He drank first. Zhang Xun said, “Okay,” and finished his drink. The others followed suit.

Ling Zhuo smiled and continued to chat with everyone, first with Qi Liangli, then Deng Lanluo, and finally with Zhong Yiran.

Facing Zhong Yiran, he paused and exhaled lightly, “Captain, thank you for the past seven years. I wish you all the best.”

After a moment of silence, Zhong Yiran stood up and accepted his drink.

The last to speak was Zhong Yiran. He toasted the other three, then looked at Ling Zhuo for a long time, finally saying, “Ling Zhuo, I wish you all the best too.”

Ling Zhuo nodded, “Thank you.”

Qi Liangli and Zhang Xun seemed to sense something odd between them. Qi Liangli wanted to ask, but Deng Lanluo coughed lightly, diverting the topic, “Zhang Xun, didn’t you say you regretted leaving the group? Now that everyone’s here, why don’t you express your intention to rejoin? If everyone agrees, we’ll let you back in.”

Zhang Xun, looking embarrassed, stood up and poured drinks for the other four, “I was impulsive before, spoke harshly, and acted immaturely. Please forgive me and let me come back.”

Qi Liangli snorted, “We’ll vote on it.”

Everyone laughed. The vote was unanimously in favor, and Zhang Xun was immediately added back to the group.

As they drank round after round, everyone opened up. They aired all their past grievances, even the tiniest conflicts, and resolved them with self-imposed penalties of three drinks for the guilty party.

Two cases of beer were finished, and they ordered two more. Ling Zhuo, who couldn’t hold his liquor well, was already a bit drunk. He got up to go to the restroom. The cold water on his face stung, waking him up a bit.

He glanced at his watch. It was past nine.

A few minutes ago, Lu Chixie had sent a message asking when he’d be back.

Ling Zhuo glanced at it, didn’t want to reply, and turned off his phone.

He stood in the restroom for a long time until someone knocked on the door. He snapped back to reality and opened the door. It was Zhong Yiran.

“I saw you hadn’t come out for a while and was worried you weren’t feeling well,” Zhong Yiran said. “You’ve had too much to drink. You can’t hold your liquor, so don’t drink anymore.”

Ling Zhuo glanced at the three still drinking and eating at the table. They looked like they could drink several more cases. He didn’t want to join in, so he pushed open another door and went out to the balcony.

Standing on the balcony, the cold wind helped dissipate much of the discomfort from the alcohol.

The restaurant had a good location, and the city night view from the balcony of this private room was quite beautiful.

On New Year’s Eve, the lights were dazzling everywhere.

Zhong Yiran came out and asked, “Ling Zhuo, they’re planning to go sing karaoke to celebrate the New Year. Are you coming?”

Ling Zhuo laughed, “Karaoke? Didn’t we sing enough on stage?”

Zhong Yiran: “Are you coming?”

Ling Zhuo: “No. I have plans.”

The person next to him fell silent.

Ling Zhuo didn’t say more. After quietly looking at the night view for a moment, he realized he hadn’t eaten much and planned to fill his stomach. Just as he was about to go back inside, Zhong Yiran grabbed his wrist.

“Ling Zhuo…” Zhong Yiran called his name, his voice trembling.

Ling Zhuo pulled back his hand, “Captain, don’t be like this.”

Zhong Yiran: “…Sorry, I’m a bit drunk.”

Ling Zhuo nodded and decided to clarify, “I heard everything Lanluo said this afternoon. Lu Chixie did make some mistakes, but he never really harmed you. Zhang Xun got into his ideal company, you and Lanluo got rare personal opportunities, and even Liu Ge got promoted. The worst thing he did was buy the marketing sites against you. I already apologized on his behalf.”

Zhong Yiran said sadly, “I know, he gave us opportunities, but the choices were ours. I can’t blame anyone else, and I don’t have the backbone to refuse them now.”

Ling Zhuo: “There’s no need to refuse. We’re all adults. Captain, I sincerely hope that you and everyone will get better and better.”

He continued, “As for other matters, I waited for you for a long time at the viewing platform behind Beishan Park that night. Later, you didn’t come, but Lu Chixie did. No matter the reason, you didn’t come. I can’t go back to that moment anymore.”

Zhong Yiran swallowed hard and asked hoarsely, “Is there really no chance?”

Ling Zhuo: “At the dining table, when I thanked you, it wasn’t just for your care over the past seven years. It was also for making me realize that these seven years weren’t just one-sided. But the past is the past. The person I like now is Lu Chixie, only him. Even if he has faults, I won’t mind as long as he likes me. I won’t leave him.”

Zhong Yiran: “Aren’t you worried about external obstacles? His family, your family, and your fans?”

Ling Zhuo: “His mother has already accepted us. My family, I’ll tell my parents this New Year. They’re quite open-minded and probably won’t say much. As for the fans, we haven’t considered going public for now. We’ll find an opportunity in the future.”

Zhong Yiran smiled bitterly, “He warned me to stay away from you before, saying we weren’t the same kind of people. I didn’t believe it then, but now I do. You’re much more determined than I am. I lost to him not because of his wealth and power, but because I didn’t understand you well enough.”

Ling Zhuo: “Maybe.”

Zhong Yiran: “Do you really like him that much?”

Ling Zhuo smiled and nodded, “Yes, I love him.”

Hearing Ling Zhuo say those three words so naturally, Zhong Yiran felt a slight ache in his heart, but then seemed to find some relief. “Then I wish you well. He seems hard to get along with, but even if you like him, don’t let him take advantage of you too much, Ling Zhuo. Take better care of yourself.”

Ling Zhuo: “Thank you, I will.”

After a few more words, he returned to the table to continue eating.

Just after a few bites, a voice call from Lu Chixie came in on WeChat. Ling Zhuo didn’t answer, still a bit angry. He could defend Lu Chixie in front of others, but Lu Chixie’s bad temper needed to be dealt with.

A new round of hotpot dishes arrived, and Ling Zhuo buried himself in eating until he was full.

Lu Chixie called again, this time a video call.

Ling Zhuo wiped his mouth with a wet napkin, then went back outside to the balcony and answered the call.

Lu Chixie’s cold face appeared on the screen, “Why aren’t you replying to my messages or answering my calls?”

Ling Zhuo saw the darkness behind him, unsure where he was, and frowned, “I told you I’m having dinner with my teammates. I’ll come back after I finish eating. Why do you keep messaging and calling?”

Lu Chixie: “Ling Zhuo, come back now.”

Ling Zhuo: “I haven’t had enough to eat.”

Lu Chixie: “Come back.”

Ling Zhuo was about to say “no” when he suddenly noticed that Lu Chixie had stepped back. He finally saw clearly that he was standing at the edge of a cliff. Ling Zhuo’s heart jumped to his throat, and he quickly said, “Hey, what are you doing? Did you go to the resort?”

Lu Chixie’s voice was still cold, “Ling Zhuo, will you come back?”

Ling Zhuo was both angry and anxious, “What are you doing?! Don’t do anything crazy!”

Lu Chixie: “Ling Zhuo, I want you to come back now.”

His body slowly leaned back, and Ling Zhuo’s heart jumped to his throat, “Hey!”

The video call ended, and Ling Zhuo was immediately frantic. He called back, but no one answered. He quickly ran back to the private room, grabbed his coat and bag, and was about to leave. The others looked at him in surprise. Ling Zhuo only said, “It’s an emergency at home,” and hurried out.

He put on his mask while running outside and flagged down a taxi. It was hard to get a taxi on New Year’s Eve, but he was lucky to find one just as it dropped off someone at the restaurant.

In the taxi, he quickly gave the resort’s address. The driver hesitated, unwilling to go to such a remote place, especially during the busy night when he could make more money in the city.

Ling Zhuo said urgently, “Please, driver, just go. I’ll pay you three times the fare.”

The driver enthusiastically reminded him to fasten his seatbelt and stepped on the gas.

Ling Zhuo anxiously kept redialing Lu Chixie’s number, but couldn’t get through. Moments later, he suddenly threw his phone hard into the seat, bent over, and covered his chest, which was beating so fast it hurt.

He remembered that there was also bungee jumping equipment on the mountain at Lu Chixie’s family’s resort.  Lu Chixie was clearly standing on the bungee platform earlier.

He wiped his face and realized he was crying, feeling even more frustrated.

The driver in the front seat looked at him several times through the rearview mirror, wanting to say something but hesitated.

Ling Zhuo closed his eyes and buried his head between his knees, not moving for a long time.

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