Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 49

 I Love Him

The following days were relatively relaxed. The next day, Ling Zhuo filmed a few more commercial shots, took promotional photos, and was then invited for a tour of the T&G headquarters. The work was almost done.

During the headquarters visit, the brand representative who hosted them only then realized that Lu Chixie was a well-known actor. As a result, they casually asked him to be a free advertising model. Of course, it wasn’t completely free; they gave him a thousand euros as compensation at the end of the shoot, which was quite cheap. Lu Chixie didn’t mind since his endorsement contract with a competing brand had expired, and helping out as an ad model wouldn’t affect anything.

Two days later, Zhang Jing and Yang Ming returned to China, and Ling Zhuo followed Lu Chixie on a private plane to another city in this country.

Before they left, Zhang Jing repeatedly reminded Ling Zhuo that he still had work to do and could only have fun for three days at most before returning. Ling Zhuo raised his hand in assurance: “I know, I promise.”

Zhang Jing said: “Your assurance is useless.”

Lu Chixie smiled and said: “Jing Jie, don’t worry, we’ll definitely be back in three days.”

Only then was Zhang Jing somewhat satisfied and let them go.

Lu Chixie took Ling Zhuo to a place where he had once studied.

It was a seaside mountain town, not a bustling metropolis but with beautiful scenery. They first flew to a nearby big city and then drove there.

Standing in Lu Chixie’s small villa where he had lived for three years, Ling Zhuo opened the window, sniffed the faint salty sea smell in the air, and looked outside. Lu Chixie’s villa was on the mountain, and along the winding mountain paths, there were houses surrounded by blooming flowers, like artworks, extending all the way to the seaside. Further away, one could see the pier, and around the pier was the city center, but no high-rise buildings—everything retained the style of the last century.

After watching for a moment, he turned and asked Lu Chixie, who was drinking beer behind him: “How did you end up studying in a place like this?”

Lu Chixie replied: “There’s an equestrian club here, quite famous.”

Ling Zhuo asked, “So why bring me here now?”

Lu Chixie glanced at him and said, “I want you to see how I lived abroad. Let’s go; don’t just stay at home. Let’s explore outside.”

After saying this, Lu Chixie casually threw away the empty beer can and turned to leave. Ling Zhuo followed and suddenly thought that Lu Chixie might have brought him here to show that he wasn’t living a life of excess and indulgence abroad, as Xu Yusen had falsely claimed.

Lu Chixie stopped, looked down, and Ling Zhuo held his hand, lightly scratching his palm. He looked at Ling Zhuo, who smiled and said: “Let’s go.”

Lu Chixie clasped his hand back and led him down the mountain.

The sides of the mountain road were mostly wooden houses. Up close, each place had its own unique character, and even the floral decorations showed the different personalities of the owners. The people here lived at a slow pace; by ten in the morning, the coffee shops by the roadside were still filled with people sipping coffee, basking in the sun, and passing time, as if they could sit there all day.

Even the dogs lounging under the eaves were lazy. As Ling Zhuo and Lu Chixie passed by, a pug lazily glanced at them, changed its position, and didn’t even bother to bark. Beside it, a bearded man strummed his guitar, happily singing regardless of whether there was an audience.

They walked for almost half an hour before reaching the bustling area by the pier, where there were more people, various markets, and because it was close to Christmas, the markets were lively. There were also churches, art galleries, shops, and bars scattered around.

Lu Chixie’s high school was also in this area, with a small entrance. Passing by, Ling Zhuo wouldn’t have noticed if Lu Chixie hadn’t pointed it out. Looking up, the school had only two old buildings, and there probably weren’t many students. It was hard to say how much one could learn studying in such a place.

No wonder his mother said he was rebellious, daring to come here alone without telling the family when he was just a teenager, Ling Zhuo thought. But if it were him, he might also yearn for Lu Chixie’s carefree personality.

“The bars here close at eleven in the evening,” Lu Chixie suddenly said.

Ling Zhuo asked: “Really?”

Lu Chixie casually added: “Going to a bar for a drink is the only nightlife people here can have.”

Ling Zhuo understood that Lu Chixie was telling him that in such a place, there was no opportunity for an overindulgent life.

Lu Chixie pointed to another mountain across the pier: “The equestrian club is up there. Whenever I had free time while studying here, I’d go there.”

Ling Zhuo’s mind stirred, and he suggested: “Let’s go see it.”

“Let’s go in the afternoon,” Lu Chixie said, “It’s almost noon now. Let’s have lunch first.”

They casually chose a small restaurant in the market. Lu Chixie led Ling Zhuo in with familiarity and greeted the restaurant owner, who was first surprised and then warmly embraced him.

After sitting down, Ling Zhuo whispered: “Do you know the restaurant owner?”

Lu Chixie browsed the menu: “Yes, I used to come here often. The menu hasn’t changed much over the years.”

He asked Ling Zhuo: “What do you want to eat?”

Ling Zhuo replied: “You recommend something.”

Lu Chixie first ordered two seafood risottos, then several local specialties, and finally, the restaurant’s famous homemade liquor.

After ordering, before the drinks arrived, Lu Chixie poured a glass of lemonade for Ling Zhuo.

Ling Zhuo, curious, asked, “Did you really spend three years here? Do you go to other places in Europe during vacations?”

Lu Chixie replied, “Occasionally, sometimes I go to competitions with the association.”

Ling Zhuo was taken aback. He had thought that even if Lu Chixie’s life abroad wasn’t as extravagant as Xu Yusen described, it should still involve private jets, luxurious villas, high-end hotels, and flying around Europe during vacations, living a life of luxury. But what he was seeing now was quite different from his expectations.

Is this really the same Lu Chixie who had previously splurged on a birthday firework event for him, giving millions in birthday gifts and buying hundreds of thousands worth of albums?

Lu Chixie looked up and asked, “Why do you keep staring at me?”

Ling Zhuo reached out and hesitated before touching his face. “Are you really Teacher Lu?”

Lu Chixie, with a hint of a smile, replied, “What do you think?”

Ling Zhuo withdrew his hand. “I don’t understand you.”

The dishes Lu Chixie ordered arrived one after another. It was clear that there was a reason he frequently visited this restaurant. The food looked so appetizing that Ling Zhuo felt hungry. Just as he was about to dig in, Lu Chixie reminded him, “Have a sip of this wine first, it’s an appetizer. Try it.”

Ling Zhuo glanced at the ice-green wine in the glass, took a sip, and found the taste familiar. “Is this the same wine you made for me before?”

Lu Chixie said, “Yes, I learned from the owner, but it probably doesn’t taste as good as his.”

Ling Zhuo took another sip and savored it. “Yours tastes better.”

Lu Chixie’s lips curved into a smile. “Really?”

Ling Zhuo nodded. “Yes, I think yours tastes better.”

After saying this, Ling Zhuo seemed a bit embarrassed, lowering his gaze to continue drinking. He then put down his glass and picked up his knife and fork again. “Let’s eat.”

Lu Chixie continued to smile at him. “Mm.”

After they were full, basking in the warm winter afternoon sun, they went to a nearby horse-riding club on another hill.

The city wasn’t large, but the equestrian association was quite renowned, occupying almost half the hill. The training grounds were neatly and professionally arranged. There were even more horses here than at Lu Chixie’s own stable, galloping gracefully along the mountain paths, which opened Ling Zhuo’s eyes.

After watching for a while, Ling Zhuo squinted as a scene seemed to appear in his mind: a young Lu Chixie, about seventeen or eighteen, riding under the blue sky and white clouds here, with rolling hills beneath him and an endless blue sea behind. He was the most free-spirited and graceful of them all.

No wonder he likes this place.

“Since you enjoy this, why not become a professional rider?” Ling Zhuo asked.

Lu Chixie replied, “Interest is one thing; turning it into a profession makes it less enjoyable.”

Ling Zhuo asked, “So you’re not really interested in acting?”

Lu Chixie laughed and said, “It’s okay, it’s interesting. But maybe one day if I get tired of it, I might switch careers.”

Ling Zhuo asked, “Switch to what?”

Lu Chixie said, “Would you like me to be your assistant?”

Ling Zhuo was taken aback and then realized he was being teased again. “You’re crazy, why are you trying to steal Xiao Yang’s job?”

Lu Chixie laughed and said no more, continuing to hold his hand as they walked up the hill.

Ling Zhuo asked him again, “Aren’t you going to greet the others? You should know quite a few people here, right?”

Lu Chixie said, “No need. They’d just try to persuade me to join professional competitions.”

When they reached the top of the hill, leaving the horse-riding area, they arrived at a park.

The weather was good, and there were quite a few people strolling and enjoying themselves in the park. Ling Zhuo looked around with interest when Lu Chixie suddenly asked, “Ling Zhuo, do you want to try some extreme sports?”

Ling Zhuo asked, “Like what?”

Lu Chixie said, “Bungee jumping.”

Ling Zhuo had never tried this before. He didn’t have a fear of heights, but standing on the bungee platform made his legs go weak.

“Do we really have to do this?” he hesitated, thinking about backing out.

Lu Chixie looked at him and asked, “Are you scared?”

Ling Zhuo honestly nodded.

Lu Chixie said, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll do it with you.”

They chose the paired bungee jumping. Before jumping, Lu Chixie reminded Ling Zhuo, “If you’re scared, hold onto me.”

Ling Zhuo obediently hugged his waist tightly.

The rest of the experience was a blur for Ling Zhuo. Perhaps due to lack of oxygen to the brain or a bit of pain in his chest, he didn’t feel fear because being held by Lu Chixie made him feel secure.

Only the whistling wind in his ears reminded him that he had come dangerously close to death for a second.

As they walked down from the bungee platform, he inadvertently recalled a movie quote he had seen before: “If you want him to fall in love with you, go bungee jumping with him.”

He could still feel his heart racing, and the scent of Lu Chixie holding him lingered at the tip of his nose. It wasn’t perfume, body wash, or the smell of sea moisture and mountain wind. It was Lu Chixie’s unique scent.

I love him.

These three words suddenly popped into his mind and seemed to take root, refusing to go away.

Lu Chixie descended a step slower and, seeing Ling Zhuo standing by the side of the road in a daze, reached out and pinched his face. “What are you thinking about?”

Ling Zhuo snapped back to reality and looked at Lu Chixie.

Meeting his gaze, Lu Chixie raised an eyebrow, as if sensing Ling Zhuo’s oddness.

Ling Zhuo stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

His action was so sudden that Lu Chixie staggered back a step, slightly surprised, and then smiled. “Have you fallen for me?”

Although Lu Chixie had teased him with this many times before, this time Ling Zhuo didn’t immediately retort. He slowly hugged him tighter and softly replied, “Mm.”

Lu Chixie lowered his voice. “Really?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “…Don’t ask.”

On their way down the hill, Ling Zhuo was a bit embarrassed and didn’t pay any more attention to Lu Chixie. Lu Chixie, suppressing his laughter, saw that he was tired and called a car to take them back.

As night fell, they had dinner on the small balcony at home, enjoying the night view of the mountain below.

Every household had their lights on, the lights stretching to the seaside, merging into a single stretch, and blending with the stars shining under the sky.

The food on the plate had long been finished, but there was still quite a bit of wine left. Ling Zhuo took a sip from his glass and confirmed again, “As expected, it’s better when you make it.”

Lu Chixie lightly tapped his long fingers on the wine glass and smiled, “Really?”

Ling Zhuo drank a little more, set down his glass, and leaned closer to him. Lu Chixie reached out and pulled him close.

He leaned on Lu Chixie’s shoulder, took out his phone, and took a selfie with Lu Chixie. After staring at the photo for a moment, he set it as his phone wallpaper.

Lu Chixie asked, “Aren’t you afraid of being seen with me?”

Ling Zhuo was indifferent, “If they see it, they see it. We’ll deal with it then.”

Indeed, he was drunk.

Ling Zhuo turned his head, his lips brushing against Lu Chixie’s neck.

Lu Chixie held his waist, pulling him into his lap face-to-face. Looking at him, Lu Chixie’s voice was close and firm, “Ling Zhuo, do it with me.”

Ling Zhuo laughed softly, his fingers gently touching the place he had just kissed.

“This is your birthday gift. Do you want to take it in advance?”

Lu Chixie’s eyes were deep, and Ling Zhuo’s voice was even softer, “Really, on your birthday, we can do whatever you want.”

After a moment, Lu Chixie’s eyes showed a smile as he held Ling Zhuo tightly, “Then I’ll take half in advance.”

Pressed into the bed with Lu Chixie on top of him, Ling Zhuo trembled all over, feeling Lu Chixie’s tongue trail down his collarbone, and with great difficulty, turned his head to call out, “Lu Chixie…”

Lu Chixie leaned in, their fingers entwined, and lightly kissed his nose, “What’s wrong?”

Ling Zhuo parted his lips and kissed him back.

I love him.

Ling Zhuo closed his eyes, finally sure of his feelings.

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