Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 47

Too Much

The day after the variety show recording, Ling Zhuo flew to Europe to shoot a commercial for T&G.

With Lu Chixie’s mother making connections and the brand collaboration going smoothly, along with strong support from his solo fans, his fragrance endorsement quickly upgraded to a brand endorsement within just one quarter, though it hadn’t been officially announced yet. This trip was to shoot a new TV commercial and promotional photos abroad.

Zhang Jing accompanied him and brought some news, saying that Liu Tao had been promoted and wouldn’t be managing them anymore.

Speaking of this, Zhang Jing’s tone was full of disdain, “I thought he had more backbone. He’s already hooked up with the new shareholder and is going to manage the new actress. He’s smart, though. There’s no future in managing your group that’s about to disband. Except for you, the rest of them are just…”

Zhang Jing had never thought highly of his teammates, which Ling Zhuo knew very well, so he didn’t respond. However, the news did surprise him, “We’re about to have a concert, and there’s still a lot of preparation to do. Now that Liu Ge is leaving, what will happen next?”

Zhang Jing replied, “How would I know? It’d be best if the concert is canceled. Then I can schedule a movie for you in the first quarter of next year.”

Ling Zhuo fell silent, glanced at his WeChat, and saw that the group chat was discussing the matter. Qi Liangli tagged Zhong Yiran, asking about the concert, to which Zhong Yiran replied, “I’m asking too. Let’s wait for the company’s response.”

Ling Zhuo felt a bit complicated. Originally, after shooting the commercial, he was supposed to start rehearsing for the concert. With all these issues popping up one after another, perhaps the concert really wouldn’t happen.

Saying he wasn’t disappointed would be a lie. After all, he had been looking forward to this concert for years and wanted to give back to his fans.

The fleeting emotions quickly dissipated, and he sent a message to Lu Chixie. There was no reply.

He sent another message, “I’m about to board.”

Still no reply from Lu Chixie. After waiting for twenty minutes, the boarding announcement sounded, and Ling Zhuo pouted and turned off his phone.

A dozen hours later, the plane landed on another continent.

There were quite a few fans waiting at the airport. Yang Ming casually remarked, “Zhuo-ge, you’re truly a top star; fans are everywhere.”

Ling Zhuo smiled, turned on his phone, and his smile froze instantly.

That bastard Lu Chixie still hadn’t replied after more than ten hours.

The car arranged by the brand was parked outside the airport. They got in and headed straight to the hotel.

In the evening, they had dinner with representatives from the brand. After such a long flight, Ling Zhuo was exhausted and didn’t feel like talking much. Luckily, he had a capable female manager. Zhang Jing, full of energy and perfectly made up, was like a warrior, conversing fluently in English throughout the meal, while he only needed to keep smiling.

The dinner finally ended past nine o’clock. Both sides were satisfied and agreed on the shooting schedule for the next afternoon before parting ways.

The restaurant was on the second floor of the hotel. As they waited for the elevator to go upstairs, Ling Zhuo’s eyelids were drooping. The elevator doors slowly opened in front of them. Yang Ming exclaimed in surprise, but Ling Zhuo, oblivious, walked into the elevator like a ghost, straight into someone’s arms.

He was startled awake with a shiver and looked up to meet Lu Chixie’s enchanting smile.

Ling Zhuo: “Lu Ge…”

Lu Chixie pinched his cheek lightly: “Walking in your sleep? Are you that tired?”

Ling Zhuo finally snapped out of it: “Why are you here?”

Lu Chixie: “Bored and came to Europe for a vacation.”

As soon as the elevator opened, Zhang Jing and Yang Ming saw Lu Chixie. He was alone, dragging a suitcase. Yang Ming instinctively called out, but Lu Chixie’s look signaled him to shut up. Zhang Jing didn’t say anything, quietly observing Ling Zhuo and Lu Chixie’s interaction, noticing how Ling Zhuo remained unresponsive like a block of wood as Lu Chixie pinched and squeezed him. She silently looked away.

Ling Zhuo, this kid, one can’t say if he’s lucky or unlucky, running into someone like Lu Chixie.

Without even booking a room, Lu Chixie followed Ling Zhuo directly into his room. Before closing the door, Zhang Jing awkwardly reminded him: “Mr. Lu, Ling Zhuo has a commercial shoot tomorrow. Please, keep it in check.”

Lu Chixie chuckled: “Thanks for the reminder.”

Then he shut the door with a bang.

Ling Zhuo blushed, leaning against the doorway, mumbling: “What is Jing Jie talking about, keeping in check and all that.”

Lu Chixie pulled him inside: “Go take a shower and sleep.”

Ling Zhuo was too tired, entering the bathroom without even undressing. Lu Chixie helped him take off his clothes and helped him wash up, as Ling Zhuo stood still, barely moving.

Lu Chixie poured shower gel into his hand, spreading it slowly over Ling Zhuo’s smooth body.

The scent of the shower gel filled the steamy air. It wasn’t overly sweet but pleasant, one Ling Zhuo often used.

When filming, Lu Chixie had asked him several times what brand it was. After they started living together, Lu Chixie discovered it was a niche foreign brand, unavailable in China and only obtainable online. Ling Zhuo had used it once in a hotel during a fashion show abroad and liked it so much he continued using it. Lu Chixie had specifically asked if he had shared it with his teammates. When Ling Zhuo said no, Lu Chixie was satisfied.

From that day, he also started using this brand of shower gel, making it their shared, intimate scent.

Hot water cascaded over their entwined bodies, unable to wash away the lingering sweet fragrance.

Ling Zhuo’s eyes remained closed, not noticing Lu Chixie’s gradually darkening gaze. He mumbled dreamily, “Why did you suddenly come here? I messaged you but got no reply, and then you just appeared out of nowhere, surprising me.”

Lu Chixie: “I was on the plane when you messaged.”

Ling Zhuo: “Are you really here for vacation? Why didn’t you mention it before?”

Lu Chixie: “Wanted to surprise you, came on a private jet.”

Ling Zhuo had nothing to say. He was indeed surprised, and maybe a little pleased.

Lu Chixie’s hand traced his wet collarbone, Ling Zhuo’s sensitive spot. A few touches made his bones tingle, and he grasped Lu Chixie’s hand, complaining softly: “Stop…”

But Lu Chixie didn’t listen. His other hand hooked around Ling Zhuo’s waist, pulling him close, and kissed the spot he had just touched.

Ling Zhuo gasped softly, his voice changing: “Stop…don’t bite.”

Lu Chixie sucked hard on the spot, leaving a vivid red mark on Ling Zhuo’s collarbone.

Ling Zhuo lowered his head and bit Lu Chixie’s shoulder.

When they finally lay in bed, Ling Zhuo glanced at the time, almost ten o’clock. Despite his tiredness, he didn’t fall asleep immediately. He pushed aside the hand resting on his waist and asked gloomily, “Why are you so free? Don’t you have work? Why haven’t you joined a new crew?”

Lu Chixie: “Filming a movie after the Spring Festival. Am I annoying you?”

Ling Zhuo: “Would you stop if I said yes?”

Lu Chixie: “No.”

Ling Zhuo didn’t want to talk anymore and closed his eyes. Lu Chixie gently patted his waist and planted a kiss on the nape of his neck.

They slept until seven in the morning. Ling Zhuo woke up, still adjusting to the time difference but feeling better than yesterday.

Lu Chixie drew the curtains open, letting in the sunlight that made Ling Zhuo, sitting up in bed, momentarily dazed. He raised his hand to block the light, looking at Lu Chixie by the window, sipping coffee: “How are you up earlier than me?”

Lu Chixie: “Ling, you are very popular. Even abroad, fans are stalking the hotel.”

Ling Zhuo grumbled: “It’s not my fault.”

Lu Chixie: “Get up. We’ll move to another hotel.”

Ten minutes later, Ling Zhuo, while washing up, messaged Zhang Jing, informing her of Lu Chixie’s decision.

Since it was decided, there was no room for objection. Ling Zhuo didn’t intend to oppose it. Being stalked by fans in a foreign country was indeed annoying.

Zhang Jing quickly called back. Ling Zhuo repeated what Lu Chixie said: “He said a car will pick us up later. We’ll take his arranged car to leave. Inform the brand representatives.”

Zhang Jing agreed. Considering Lu Chixie’s sudden appearance, it was best to keep it quiet.

At 7:30, they got into the car at the parking lot and smoothly left, moving to a hotel in another district.

This place was even better than the brand’s arranged accommodation. Zhang Jing was very satisfied. Without fans tracking them, everyone relaxed and went to the hotel’s buffet for breakfast.

Lu Chixie took toasted bread, ham, eggs, and vegetables, made a sandwich with some sauce, and handed it to Ling Zhuo.

Ling Zhuo: “There are ready-made ones. Why go through the trouble?”

Lu Chixie: “Try this.”

Ling Zhuo: “Okay.”

Since Lu Chixie made it, Ling Zhuo ate it. After a bite, he found it indeed tasted better than the ready-made ones, probably because of the sauce Lu Chixie added. He cut half and handed it back to Lu Chixie, letting him eat too.

Zhang Jing observed their interaction and asked Lu Chixie: “Are you really here for a vacation, Mr. Lu?”

Lu Chixie: “Ah, once Ling Zhuo finishes filming the commercial, I plan to take him around here for a few days. Jing Jie, you wouldn’t mind, right?”

Lu Chixie called her “Jing Jie” so naturally that Zhang Jing felt embarrassed to object. She turned to Ling Zhuo and asked, “What do you think?”

Ling Zhuo nodded, “It’s fine.”

But Lu Chixie came by private jet. If Ling Zhuo didn’t return with them, and then suddenly reappeared back home, it would certainly fuel speculation.

Zhang Jing thought for a moment and decided it wasn’t worth arguing about. As long as Ling Zhuo was happy, it was fine.

Halfway through the meal, Lu Chixie gestured to Ling Zhuo, “Can you get me a piece of flatbread?”

Ling Zhuo put down his knife and fork, grumbling, “Can’t you get it yourself?” He stood up and walked away. Yang Ming, catching Lu Chixie’s glance, quickly said, “I’ll go get some more food too,” and followed suit.

As Zhang Jing was drinking her soup, Lu Chixie slowly cut his sandwich and casually asked her, “Jing Jie, have you ever thought about changing jobs?”

Zhang Jing’s hand paused slightly, and she looked up. Lu Chixie, looking calm, continued, “Haitian can only offer you so much. Have you ever thought about switching jobs?”

Zhang Jing wiped her mouth with a napkin, “Mr. Lu, why don’t you just say what you mean?”

Lu Chixie: “When Ling Zhuo’s contract with Haitian expires, I plan to support him in setting up an independent studio, no longer attached to any company. I can share my team’s resources with him. Actually, my own agent could manage him, but since he’s worked with you for years and trusts you, and you are indeed very capable, I want to bring you over for him. As for compensation, everything is negotiable.”

Zhang Jing raised an eyebrow and, after a moment of thought, asked him, “Earlier, I had almost finalized the deal for CL perfume with Ling Zhuo, but suddenly it was snatched away by his teammate as a group endorsement. Initially, I thought Liu Tao was behind it. But I couldn’t let it go, so I questioned a representative I had been in contact with, and they hesitantly said it was an upper management decision. It struck me as odd – if they just wanted a cheaper deal, they could have said so. Why put on a show? Then a few days ago, Ling Zhuo told me about the T&G endorsement. He mentioned that you had asked your mother to help him with the connection. And T&G contacted me just after I learned about the CL deal falling through. Isn’t that too much of a coincidence?”

Lu Chixie didn’t respond, neither admitting nor denying it.

The CL brand could directly decide their spokesperson in each region, making it very feasible. Shangxun already had a deep cooperative relationship with CL China, so if he wanted to intervene, it wouldn’t be difficult. Just a word, and someone would oblige.

Zhang Jing understood, “So, Mr. Lu, are you trying to sow discord between Ling Zhuo and his teammates?”

Lu Chixie: “You should know better than I do about his relationship with his teammates. If it can be disrupted, it would fall apart sooner or later anyway. Don’t you think?”

Zhang Jing: “Zhang Xun switched to Xingyao, Deng Lanluo and Zhong Yiran got individual resources that clashed with concert schedules. Now that I think about it, it was all Shangxun’s doing, right?”

Lu Chixie: “Ling Zhuo’s teammates all have bright futures. He should be happy for them.”

Zhang Jing took a deep breath, frowning, “I don’t oppose Ling Zhuo distancing himself from his group. In fact, I’ve urged him many times to go solo. But Mr. Lu, don’t you think you’ve gone too far? Ling Zhuo won’t be happy about you going behind his back, controlling him and those around him. No one would feel good about being fully manipulated like this. No one would be happy.”

“Have you discussed the independent studio with him?”

Lu Chixie thought for a moment and answered, “Ling Zhuo doesn’t need to stay at Haitian any longer.”

Zhang Jing: “Is that your answer?”

Lu Chixie remained calm.

Zhang Jing shook her head, “What’s done is done. I won’t bring up the past to Ling Zhuo – it wouldn’t change anything. But regarding his future, I suggest you let him make his own decisions.”

Ling Zhuo came back with the flatbread, waiting a long time to get the first piece fresh out of the oven. He also brought Lu Chixie the blueberry jam he liked and placed it in front of him.

“If you want anything else, get it yourself. It’s a hassle.”

Ling Zhuo sat down, and Lu Chixie drizzled the jam on the flatbread, cut a small piece, and offered it to him, “Try it.”

Ling Zhuo looked at him, and Lu Chixie gently said, “Open your mouth.”

Ling Zhuo, feeling a bit embarrassed, opened his mouth and took a bite, chewing a couple of times, “It’s sweet.”

Lu Chixie smiled.

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