Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 37

Night Script

In mid-October, “Burning Love” was nearing the end of filming, with the crew working tirelessly from morning till night.

Ling Zhuo was also approaching the peak of his performance, his heroic death scene.

In the drama, after losing power, Lin Lanyu had to resort to extreme measures, using forbidden techniques at the cost of his own life essence to enhance his cultivation rapidly, aiming to severely wound Xuan Jiang in the final battle of righteousness versus evil. However, the second male lead ultimately did not have the protagonist’s halo, and in the end, his flaws were exposed by Xuan Jiang.

To help Zhuge You break free from Xuan Jiang’s forbidden spell and escape the demonic lair, Lin Lanyu fought desperately against Xuan Jiang. He tried to sacrifice himself with a last-ditch move to prevent Xuan Jiang from threatening Zhuge You’s life again.

Xuan Jiang, wary of his plans, narrowly escaped disaster, ultimately suffering severe injuries and losing his essence, causing his cultivation to regress drastically and his memory to be lost, reverting his mental state to that of a teenager. Meanwhile, Lin Lanyu’s soul dissipated in Zhuge You’s embrace, leaving behind no trace in the world.

That day, Ling Zhuo had two continuous scenes for his ending, scheduled for the afternoon shoot.

He had already rehearsed with Lu Chixie the previous night. The fight scenes earlier on were manageable; he just needed to follow the martial arts director’s instructions. As for the explosive scenes towards the end, where he would be in a confrontation with the female lead, well, he had to lie in Yu Fei’s arms.

“When you’re filming later, lying in Yu Fei’s arms, be mindful of boundaries,” Lu Chixie reminded Ling Zhuo in the dressing room when they were alone.

Ling Zhuo took a sip of the coffee he had just bought and asked with amusement, “You even want to argue about this? You have plenty of intimate scenes with Fei jie in this drama, right? I didn’t argue with you about that.”

Lu Chixie looked at him.

Ling Zhuo didn’t feel guilty; he hadn’t said anything wrong.

Lu Chixie said, “Ling Zhuo, you should stick to singing.”

Ling Zhuo replied, “I’ll sing when I want to sing and act when I want to act.”

Lu Chixie’s tone was slightly stiff, “Choose your scripts carefully. Avoid romantic scenes.”

Ling Zhuo reminded him, “Who are you to tell me that? Didn’t you say you used to choose scripts by throwing darts?”

Lu Chixie said, “I’ll avoid those kinds of scripts from now on, too. I’m reminding you for your own good.”

Seeing that Lu Chixie was genuinely serious, Ling Zhuo paused and stopped his playful mood, “What do you mean?”

Lu Chixie explained, “This scene is shot on location, and there are many stand-ins. Even if it’s just acting, lying on top of a woman can easily be misinterpreted if you don’t manage it well. Rumors of a scandal would be the least of your worries; worse, you could be accused of sexual harassment. You know very well that many people are watching you closely, waiting for you to slip up.”

Ling Zhuo opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything, “…Thanks for the reminder.”

Lu Chixie said, “Yeah, but don’t worry too much. Just do your job well.”

Ling Zhuo hadn’t realized there were so many nuances. He still had a lot to learn, but fortunately, Lu Chixie was there to guide him.

Lu Chixie picked up the script again, “You couldn’t get into the right state for this scene last night. How about now? Any better?”

Ling Zhuo shook his head, “Barely. Maybe it’ll get better once we start shooting.”

Lu Chixie said, “Loving someone without fear of life and death, regardless of reincarnation, is a bit heavy. If you can’t grasp that, then think smaller. Imagine you’re saying a final goodbye to your lover, feeling both reluctant and hoping they will live well in the future. Just try to convey that conflicting emotion a bit.”

Ling Zhuo seemed to understand a bit, thought for a moment, and said, “I actually think Lin Lanyu is quite pitiful. The heroine doesn’t love him at all. Even when he says ‘if there’s a next life’ before he dies, he gets no response. He knows he will completely vanish, soul and all, with no next life.”

Lu Chixie asked, “Can’t empathize?”

“Yeah,” Ling Zhuo nodded honestly, “Such unrequited love is too hurtful. I couldn’t do it.”

After Ling Zhuo said that, he seemed a bit uneasy, but Lu Chixie smiled, “Ling.”

Ling Zhuo said, “Hmm?”

Lu Chixie said, “You’re right; it is very hurtful. Don’t worry; I won’t leave you hanging in this life.”

Ling Zhuo said, “…Can you be serious? I’m talking about acting. Where did you go off to?”

Lu Chixie nodded, “Don’t overthink it. Lin Lanyu’s feelings all boil down to unfulfilled desire. Try to understand that.”

Ling Zhuo quietly pondered, unfulfilled desire?

At two in the afternoon, Group A went on location.

First, there was a fight scene between Lu Chixie and Ling Zhuo, which involved dozens of moves. Initially, Lin Lanyu had the upper hand, then was overpowered by Xuan Jiang. Lin Lanyu stubbornly held on until Zhuge You appeared, and he used his final move to take Xuan Jiang down with him. It was the longest fight scene between the two.

Before the official shooting, Ling Zhuo swung his sword and smiled at Lu Chixie, “Teacher Lu, please go easy on me.”

Under the autumn sun, his smile was even more radiant.

Lu Chixie smiled back.

After the fight scene, the main scene where Lin Lanyu and Zhuge You bid farewell and Lin Lanyu dies was next.

Lu Chixie didn’t leave after his scene; he stayed to watch.

The director guided Ling Zhuo to lie down in Yu Fei’s arms and find the right angle.

Yu Fei noticed Ling Zhuo was a bit stiff and reminded him with a smile, “It’s okay, it’s just acting. No need to feel so awkward.”

Ling Zhuo thanked her.

But when he lay down, he only rested on her arm, deliberately keeping a safe distance from the rest of her body.

He Jingping wasn’t satisfied at first and had them adjust their positions slightly. When it looked decent enough, he said they could start shooting.

Lin Lanyu fell, caught by the rushing Zhuge You. Seeing Lin Lanyu covered in blood, Zhuge You cried frantically, trying to infuse spiritual energy into him, but Lin Lanyu had no energy core left. The spiritual energy couldn’t stay; his soul was dissipating bit by bit.

“Jie, if there’s a next life…”

Lin Lanyu’s voice was weak. Zhuge You kept shaking her head, crying and begging him to live. His last humble wish went unfulfilled.

Ling Zhuo tried to immerse himself in the role, but Yu Fei’s tear-streaked face was a blur. He couldn’t evoke the necessary emotions, but the director didn’t call cut, so he had to keep acting. As he turned his head, looking past Yu Fei’s shoulder, he saw Lu Chixie watching him from the crowd.

…Why is he still here?

Ling Zhuo closed his eyes briefly, and suddenly, a flood of emotions surged through him.

He had already been heartbroken once. If things didn’t work out with Lu Chixie, it would be his second heartbreak. He was only in his early twenties, with countless admirers. He didn’t want to endure this.

When he mentioned his first love to Lu Chixie, it had always bothered him. He regretted discussing it with Lu Chixie. Lu Chixie wasn’t Zhong Yiran, and he didn’t want to waste another seven years. He wanted Lu Chixie to like him and only him. If Lu Chixie couldn’t…

He Jingping had long noticed Ling Zhuo was not in character, his expressions and emotions too superficial. He didn’t call cut because he hoped extending the time would help Ling Zhuo get into the role. This was Lin Lanyu’s most crucial scene, and he didn’t want Ling Zhuo to ruin it.

Towards the end, Ling Zhuo’s expression did change. Although his current acting skills couldn’t fully convey Lin Lanyu’s profound feelings, the sadness was there, and even a hint of…grievance?

He Jingping pondered for a moment. Lin Lanyu had always presented himself as a calm and steady gentleman throughout his life, never revealing much of his inner self. Even when his childhood sweetheart and fiancée fell for someone else, he chose to be understanding and protective. Until the end, he went to his death for the one he loved, still unable to secure an impossible promise. In such a moment, showing a bit of grievance that should not appear on him might make his character more three-dimensional. It seemed like a good idea.

Therefore, he did not interrupt and let Ling Zhuo perform freely.

Lu Chixie, who had been staring at the monitor screen, gradually darkened his eyes.

A scene they thought would be hard to shoot passed after only two takes. After filming, Ling Zhuo returned to the nanny van, washed his face, and removed the special effects makeup.

The door was pushed open again, and Lu Chixie climbed in.

Ling Zhuo: “Don’t you have another scene to shoot?”

Lu Chixie: “I have to wait a bit.”

He gave Yang Ming a look, and Yang Ming found an excuse to get out of the car, taking the driver with him.

Lu Chixie forcefully closed the door.

Ling Zhuo: “What are you doing?”

Lu Chixie looked at him: “What were you thinking during the shoot?”

Under Lu Chixie’s gaze, Ling Zhuo averted his eyes: “Nothing. What could I be thinking during a shoot?”

Lu Chixie: “Liar. You always avoid eye contact when you lie.”

Ling Zhuo: “…Oh.”

Lu Chixie reached out, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him closer: “The unfulfilled desire I taught you—were you thinking about another man again?”

Ling Zhuo: “No.”

This time, he looked at Lu Chixie with a justified expression.

Lu Chixie narrowed his eyes slightly. Ling Zhuo repeated, “Really, I wasn’t. Don’t falsely accuse me.”

Lu Chixie: “Then what were you thinking?”

Ling Zhuo: “Let go of me.”

Lu Chixie: “You don’t want to say?”

Ling Zhuo: “You’re so annoying.”

Lu Chixie threatened him: “If you don’t tell me, I can get even more annoying.”

Ling Zhuo: “You—”

Lu Chixie kissed him aggressively. Ling Zhuo realized the curtains in the nanny van were not drawn and panicked. Although the curtains weren’t drawn, people outside couldn’t see inside the car, but he could clearly see other actors, crew members, and even fans in the distance. This made him feel uneasy, like a thief with a guilty conscience. He pushed Lu Chixie’s chest, turned his head away, and forcefully drew the curtains.

Lu Chixie sneered in his ear: “Covering your ears while stealing a bell.”

Ling Zhuo, resigned: “If you’re going to kiss me, do it quickly and get out.”

Lu Chixie pinned him against the window, kissing deeply and heavily.

Ling Zhuo felt a slight pain on his lips, knowing they were bitten again. He became annoyed and bit back.

This was exactly what Lu Chixie wanted.

Their lips and tongues tangled fiercely, biting each other, rubbing and sucking until their breathing became erratic.

When they separated, Ling Zhuo felt his lips were no longer his own. When he licked them, he tasted blood. He glared at Lu Chixie: “What’s with you now?”

Lu Chixie asked the same question: “What were you thinking just now?”

Ling Zhuo replied irritably: “I was thinking about you, okay?”

Lu Chixie: “The truth?”

Ling Zhuo: “If you don’t believe me, why ask?”

Lu Chixie pinched his chin, making him look at him: “What about me? Why did you look sad and aggrieved?”

Ling Zhuo couldn’t bring himself to say it.

Lu Chixie: “Speak.”

Ling Zhuo, frustrated: “If I knew you were still hung up on your first love, I wouldn’t have agreed to try with you in the first place.”

Lu Chixie: “That’s it?”

Ling Zhuo clammed up.

Lu Chixie’s gaze wandered over his face, confirming he was telling the truth. Then he laughed: “Ling, it’s been so long. Seems your jealousy is even stronger than mine.”

Ling Zhuo ignored him.

He felt more than jealousy; it was a sense of injustice. Regardless of whether Lu Chixie’s first love was real, Lu Chixie had used it to provoke him, and it had affected him. This person calculated too well. In his and Lu Chixie’s relationship, he was supposed to have the upper hand emotionally, but now he was losing even that small advantage.

Lu Chixie probably guessed what he was thinking but didn’t explain.

“Don’t overthink. I’m yours and not going anywhere.”

Ling Zhuo: “Get off, I’m heading back.”

Lu Chixie lifted his hand, gently rubbing his thumb over Ling Zhuo’s lips, already bitten red: “Go on, see you tonight.”

Lu Chixie got out of the car, and Ling Zhuo sighed in relief.

When Yang Ming and the driver got back on, the car headed to the hotel. Ling Zhuo, distracted, leaned back in his seat, looking at his phone. When he opened Weibo, he saw his previous search history and, feeling a sudden impulse, clicked into it again.

#What does it feel like to like someone# The more you like them, the more you fear losing them, even though you know they like you too, you’ll still overthink whether you’re their number one.

He lowered his head, remained silent for a while, and turned off his phone screen.

By the time they reached the hotel, it was nearly six o’clock. Lu Chixie sent a message saying he had an additional night scene to shoot and would probably be working late. He also had an online live stream for a commercial endorsement.

Ling Zhuo responded with a perfunctory emoji.

At the dining table, it was just him and Yang Ming. Yang Ming was eating and using his phone when he suddenly exclaimed: “Damn, these unscrupulous media are at it again, even exposing this!”

Ling Zhuo frowned: “What’s wrong?”

Yang Ming looked exasperated: “Zhuo-ge, another rumor about you has been leaked by the media.”

Ling Zhuo: “What rumor?”

Yang Ming: “…With Teacher Lu.”

Ling Zhuo’s heart skipped a beat as he took Yang Ming’s phone.

This time, there was no warning. Five minutes ago, a certain online media outlet posted a video on Weibo, showing edited clips of him and Lu Chixie interacting intimately on set and at the hotel. The voiceover was extremely exaggerated and ambiguous. There was even a segment of them being secretly filmed in the hotel corridor, where Lu Chixie entered his room late at night and didn’t leave until early the next morning.

Ling Zhuo: “…”

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