Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 29

 Kiss Me

When Lu Chixie came up, Ling Zhuo was outside on the terrace talking on the phone.

After some murmurs, he hung up and turned to see Lu Chixie had already brought breakfast, placing it on the table outside the terrace.

Turning back, he leaned against the railing and gazed into the distance for a moment. The lake and mountains looked even more pleasing in the bright autumn morning light.

Lu Chixie pulled out a wicker chair and reminded him, “Come over and have breakfast.”

Ling Zhuo glanced at him and came over to sit down.

Lu Chixie poured juice for him. “Just spoke to your family?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “My mom, surprisingly remembering my birthday.”

Lu Chixie asked, “Your parents must be quite busy?”

Ling Zhuo said, “Yeah, very busy.”

His family was from the south, both parents were university professors, busy with teaching and research, not paying much attention to his affairs. He never talked to them about his work; he only went home for a few days during Chinese New Year, and no one was home the rest of the time.

Even when he almost got into trouble on set during filming before, he didn’t mention it to his family. His parents didn’t follow entertainment news, so they never knew.

Lu Chixie asked, “How did you get into Haitian entertainment in the first place?”

Ling Zhuo absentmindedly ate, saying casually, “After junior high school graduation, I came here with classmates to have fun. The talent scout spotted me and persuaded me to join the company as a trainee. Who didn’t have dreams of being a star as a child? Besides, I already liked music, so I told my parents. Then my mom took the time to come over herself to inspect and ensure they were a legitimate company, not scammers. She agreed, and I spent three years of high school here on borrowed time, then got into the music academy here.”

There was another reason he didn’t tell Lu Chixie. When he was taken to the company for a visit, he saw Zhong Yiran practicing alone in the dance studio. Zhong Yiran greeted him with a gentle smile, and inexplicably, he became determined to join.

But that was meaningless now.

Lu Chixie said, “Your family is pretty open-minded.”

Ling Zhuo replied, “Yeah, my parents have always respected my thoughts.”

Lu Chixie asked, “Do they know about your orientation?”

Ling Zhuo hesitated, “Not yet, but I’ll tell them in the future. They probably won’t object.”

Lu Chixie said, “You didn’t mention it before because of an unrequited crush? Now you have a boyfriend, why wait?”

Ling Zhuo put down his fork and looked at him, “Teacher Lu.”

Lu Chixie raised his eyebrows.

Ling Zhuo continued, “Firstly, we agreed it was just a trial, not to tell anyone. Secondly, who are you to judge me? Aren’t you just fooling around too?”

Lu Chixie asked teasingly, “You were eavesdropping just now?”

Ling Zhuo, annoyed, glared at him and continued eating with his head down.

Lu Chixie watched him stuffing sausages into his mouth, “Are you angry?”

Ling Zhuo didn’t want to talk to him.

He was indeed a bit upset, maybe because of Lu Chixie’s brother’s comment “just fooling around,” or maybe because of Lu Chixie’s silent attitude. But upon further thought, they were just trying things out. His baseless annoyance didn’t make sense. Thinking this way only made him more uncomfortable.

Lu Chixie said, “My brother’s words aren’t mine. Are you still bothered by that?”

Ling Zhuo said, “…Well, your brother wasn’t wrong either. It really wouldn’t be easy to explain if your dad found out. With your family background, would they accept you dating a man?”

Lu Chixie smiled, “You are now considering whether my dad would accept it? How commendable.”

Ling Zhuo picked up an orange and threw it directly at him. Lu Chixie caught it and couldn’t stop laughing. Ling Zhuo couldn’t keep a straight face, “Stop laughing, there’s nothing funny.”

Lu Chixie laughed enough and nodded, “Okay, I’ll stop.”

He then said seriously, “Don’t overthink it. My brother is conservative, but my dad is actually more open-minded than him. And even if my dad isn’t open-minded, I have my mom and sister to handle him. I’m silent just because I’m too lazy to explain this to my brother.”

Actually, when his brother was talking, he heard Ling Zhuo’s footsteps downstairs, which distracted him, so he didn’t bother explaining further.

“And,” Lu Chixie paused and continued, “Yesterday, someone said they would be with the person they like even if everyone else opposed it. But today, you’re upset just because of my brother’s words? Could it be that this person you like isn’t me after all?”

Ling Zhuo said, “…”

When it came to arguing, he might never win against Lu Chixie.

Lu Chixie was pleased with his expression, “Ling.”

Ling Zhuo asked, “What?”

Lu Chixie said, “Are you really considering meeting my parents?”

Ling Zhuo replied, “No, you’re overthinking it. Let’s eat.”

After breakfast, Lu Chixie took Ling Zhuo to the racecourse.

The racecourse was on the other side of the lake. They walked along the lakeside, and Ling Zhuo asked Lu Chixie, “Is your brother here too?”

Lu Chixie said, “He’s bringing business friends to have fun. Don’t worry, we won’t bump into them. They usually hang out at the golf course over there.”

Ling Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief.

They arrived in about ten minutes. Before them lay a vast grass field with rows of stables. Dozens of horses were in the stables or grazing on the field. Further away were sandy areas and hills for horse riding training.

Ling Zhuo watched in awe as Lu Chixie took him to the stables to see the horses, introducing him to the most unique ones. He listened eagerly, taking photos with his phone from time to time.

He asked Lu Chixie, “Can I try riding a horse?”

Lu Chixie: “Have you ridden before?”

Ling Zhuo: “No.”

Actually, actors often had the opportunity to ride horses in movies, and there was usually professional guidance and training before filming. But this was Ling Zhuo’s first time filming, and it was a fantasy martial arts film where characters could fly, so he hadn’t needed a horse yet.

Lu Chixie picked out a gentle mare for him, a sleek and handsome horse with golden fur that shone in the sunlight. Ling Zhuo liked it and tried to reach out to touch it. The horse responded affectionately, without any discomfort, which delighted Ling Zhuo even more.

Noticing that the horse’s equipment seemed to be the set he had given, Ling Zhuo asked Lu Chixie, “Is this the set I gave you?”

Lu Chixie: “Yes, do you like this horse?”

Ling Zhuo nodded honestly, “It looks good and has a nice temperament.”

Lu Chixie: “Then it’s yours.”

The words of refusal that Ling Zhuo had ready circled in his mouth, but he swallowed them back. After all, even if it was given to him, it would still be kept here. If Lu Chixie wanted to give it, let him. If they really broke up in the future, the horse would still be here, so it didn’t make much difference.

Lu Chixie helped him put on a helmet, reminding him, “Don’t skimp on safety. Keep your helmet on, and once you’re on the horse, hold the reins firmly and don’t let go carelessly.”

The sun was high, and they stood facing it directly. Ling Zhuo squinted, unable to fully open his eyes, and looked at Lu Chixie’s handsome face up close. He nodded slightly when Lu Chixie said everything was ready.

Lu Chixie carefully explained how to get on the horse, where to hold and step, then cautiously helped him up.

Ling Zhuo suddenly turned his head and whispered in his ear, “Thank you, Teacher Lu.”

Lu Chixie smiled.

Once on the horse, Ling Zhuo obediently held the reins tightly, feeling a bit nervous. Lu Chixie held the horse for him.

“Relax, it’s okay, I’m holding it for you.”

After a few steps, Ling Zhuo gradually relaxed, adjusting his posture and not being so rigid.

Lu Chixie led him slowly around the paddock.

After getting used to it, Ling Zhuo grew bolder and asked, “Can we go to the sand and hills ahead?”

Lu Chixie: “No, that’s for equestrian training. You haven’t even learned the basics of riding yet. I’ll teach you more gradually if you want to try later.”

Ling Zhuo said, “Oh.”

Then he asked, “I read in a magazine that you won some horse riding competition in high school?”

Lu Chixie: “I went to high school abroad and won an amateur competition.”

Ling Zhuo: “You’re amazing.”

Lu Chixie looked up at him, and Ling Zhuo smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Lu Chixie: “Hold on tight.”

Ling Zhuo enjoyed the ride, then asked Lu Chixie to perform some horse riding skills for him.

Lu Chixie, fully equipped, mounted the horse gracefully, looked back at Ling Zhuo, and galloped off.

Ling Zhuo raised his phone.

The dust flew as the magnificent horse leaped over a meter-high obstacle, the intense sunlight outlining Lu Chixie’s agile figure on the horse. Ling Zhuo captured this moment with his phone.

When Lu Chixie dismounted, Ling Zhuo was still looking at the photo he had just taken.

Lu Chixie glanced at it: “It’s pretty good. Send it to me.”

Ling Zhuo sent it to him via WeChat and watched as he changed his WeChat and Weibo profile pictures to the photo.

Ling Zhuo: “The photo isn’t very good.”

Lu Chixie: “I think it’s great.”

They spent the rest of the morning at the stables, then went back to the small building by the lake to fish.

Lu Chixie fished while Ling Zhuo sat beside him watching.

After a few minutes of peace, Zhang Jing called. Ling Zhuo answered casually, and Zhang Jing asked where he was. 

Ling Zhuo: “At the hotel, what’s up, Jing Jie?”

Zhang Jing: “Liar, Yang Ming said you went out for a midnight snack and never came back. Also, the selfie you posted on Weibo last night wasn’t at the hotel. Where did you go?”

Ling Zhuo reluctantly told the truth: “I’m at Teacher Lu’s resort.”

Zhang Jing: “What’s so secretive about going out with Lu Chixie? Why lie?”

Ling Zhuo glanced at the person beside him, feeling slightly guilty: “Jie, do you need me for something?”

Zhang Jing: “I sent your upcoming work schedule to Yang Ming. Make sure you check it.”

Ling Zhuo: “Okay.”

Zhang Jing: “It was your birthday last night, and you spent it alone with Lu Chixie?”

“Yes.” Ling Zhuo answered vaguely.

There was a brief silence on the other end, then Zhang Jing said, “Tell me the truth. What’s going on between you two? I need to be prepared.”

Lu Chixie had already turned to look at him. Avoiding his gaze, Ling Zhuo replied, “Just…you know…”

Zhang Jing: “Know what?”

Ling Zhuo: “You’ve guessed it, so don’t ask.”

He heard Zhang Jing sigh over the phone: “Are you serious, or just fooling around?”

Ling Zhuo: “It depends on him.”

Zhang Jing: “Fine, fine. Whether you’re serious or not, be cautious. Don’t let too many people know. Keep a low profile.”

Ling Zhuo responded again, knowing that Zhang Jing’s attitude was expected since his partner was Lu Chixie.

Zhang Jing reminded him: “And be smart. Don’t let yourself get hurt. Many things that others can only dream of, he can do with just a word. Make the most of the opportunities. You know what I mean, right?”

Ling Zhuo felt uncomfortable listening but perfunctorily agreed and hung up after a few words.

Lu Chixie, still holding the fishing rod, asked casually, “What did your agent say?”

Ling Zhuo muttered, “What else? She told me to cling to my golden patron, not to lose out and end up with nothing in return.”

Lu Chixie: “What do you think?”

Ling Zhuo bent over, laying on his legs, and looked at him sideways.

Lu Chixie stared at the water where the fishing rod had landed, ignoring him.

Ling Zhuo watched him, feeling sulky.

After a while, he said, “You’re the one who insisted on trying it out with me, not the other way around.”

Lu Chixie: “Hmm.”

Ling Zhuo: “Hmm what?”

Lu Chixie finally turned his head: “Since you know that, why are you unhappy? Let people think whatever they want.”

Ling Zhuo: “Teacher Lu, are you trying to take advantage of me?”

Lu Chixie: “What advantage would there be without sleeping together? Am I doing charity?”

Ling Zhuo: “….”

Lu Chixie shed his nonchalant demeanor and seriously said, “Ling Zhuo, don’t worry about what others say, just listen to me.”

Ling Zhuo was stunned.

Then he nodded: “Okay.”

Lu Chixie shook the fishing rod: “The fish ran away.”

He said this without much regret, and Ling Zhuo sat up straight, extending his hand towards him: “Let me try.”

Lu Chixie handed the fishing rod to him and lazily lay down on the grass behind him.

Ling Zhuo, however, was not focused on fishing. He turned back to look at Lu Chixie, who squinted at the blue sky and white clouds overhead. After a long while, Lu Chixie shifted his gaze back to him: “Why are you staring at me, Ling?”

“…Nothing.” Ling Zhuo turned back again.

Lu Chixie reached out and grabbed the fishing rod, causing Ling Zhuo to fall into his arms unexpectedly.

“What are you doing?”

Struggling to maintain his balance, Ling Zhuo glared at him. Lu Chixie wrapped an arm around his waist, not letting him get up, his gaze slowly wandering over his face.

“Kiss me,” Lu Chixie said.

Ling Zhuo hesitated, but under Lu Chixie’s intense gaze, he eventually gave in. He cupped Lu Chixie’s face with both hands and lowered his head.

Their lips touched. Imitating what Lu Chixie always did, Ling Zhuo first lightly bit his lip, then extended his tongue, slowly probing into his mouth.

Lu Chixie let Ling Zhuo take the initiative. Ling Zhuo’s tongue hooked onto his, licking and sucking clumsily, their breathing growing heavier.

Afterwards, in a whirl of motion, Ling Zhuo was flipped over by Lu Chixie, who pressed him down. Lu Chixie brushed aside the hair on his forehead, looking at his slightly bewildered eyes, and hoarsely said, “You’re too slow, let me do it.”

Ling Zhuo wanted to say something, but Lu Chixie’s kiss covered his mouth.

He blinked slowly and lightly hugged Lu Chixie’s waist.

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