Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 23

Watching Fireworks

In the evening, after finishing the last scene of the day, Ling Zhuo immediately went back to the dressing room to change clothes and remove makeup. He casually sent a message to Zhong Yiran.

The dressing room door wasn’t closed. When Lu Chixie walked in from outside, Ling Zhuo was removing his wig with his eyes closed, peeling off the adhesive stuck to his scalp bit by bit.

Lu Chixie leaned against the dressing table and watched him for a while. Ling Zhuo ignored him, finished removing his makeup, sat on the sofa, quickly ate the boxed meal Yang Ming brought, then took the car keys from Yang Ming and was about to leave when Lu Chixie stopped him.

Lu Chixie grabbed his arm. “It’s Qixi Festival today. Where are you rushing to?”

Ling Zhuo frowned. “I don’t have to tell you where I’m going.”

These days, he had started avoiding Lu Chixie again, afraid of accidentally triggering this person’s nerves.

Lu Chixie tightened his grip on his hand, but Ling Zhuo remained impassive.

After a brief stalemate, Lu Chixie chuckled lightly and let go of his hand. “Ling, where’s my gift?”

Ling Zhuo felt embarrassed. “The things will be sent over in a few days.”

Lu Chixie asked, “Not today?”

Ling Zhuo shook his head, stopped talking to him, and hurried away.

In the afternoon, Zhong Yiran went to the company and was about to leave after dinner at around six o’clock. Liu Tao happened to come over and stopped him, saying there was something to discuss.

“Shangxun is planning to host a street dance competition variety show in the first quarter of next year. They’re currently looking for mentors, and the director of the program production team mentioned it during lunch today. They think you’re quite suitable for it. Your professional level is excellent, and you have a good fan base. They’re asking if you’re interested in participating. The pay for the show is also relatively high compared to similar programs. I think it’s a very good opportunity.”

Zhong Yiran was slightly surprised, then asked, “First quarter of next year? When exactly?”

Liu Tao: “The first episode will be recorded in the second week after the New Year, in January. There will be twelve episodes in total, with one or two episodes recorded per week, so it will take about two months.”

Zhong Yiran fell silent. January, that was exactly when their concert was scheduled.

Liu Tao guessed what he was thinking and sighed, trying to persuade him. “Yiran, you previously turned down the audition for ‘Ming Rong Zhuan.’ I know you’re not very interested in acting, so I didn’t push you, but this variety show opportunity is really rare. Shangxun highly values this show, or they wouldn’t start selecting mentors so early. Street dance is also something you love; don’t miss this chance.”

Zhong Yiran hesitated. “The recording schedule can’t be adjusted just for me, right? The concert venue was booked in advance. What if the schedules clash? Besides, preparing for the concert requires a lot of work, and as the captain, I have more responsibilities than the others. I’m worried it might end up affecting the concert.”

Liu Tao sighed helplessly. “The concert venues are only booked for the first few shows, so the dates can still be adjusted. If necessary, we can delay the concert by a month or two. This way, it would also be convenient for you and Deng Lanluo”

Zhong Yiran said, “If we delay it any further, Ling Zhuo’s manager definitely won’t agree. Clearing the first quarter for Ling Zhuo to participate in the concert is already the limit of what Jing Jie can compromise. Also, our contracts will start expiring after that, and who knows what might happen. The concert… I want to do it, and I want to do it well. Ling Zhuo and the others probably feel the same. None of us want to have any regrets.”

Liu Tao: “But if you miss this program, it’s gone forever. Don’t you think that’s a pity?”

Of course, it was a pity. Zhong Yiran lowered his head, unable to answer.

He held his phone, on which a WeChat message from Ling Zhuo had appeared: “Captain, I’m done with filming for today. I’ll grab a bite to eat and head over. When will you be out?”

Zhong Yiran replied: “Soon.”

Liu Tao, with his sharp eyes, glimpsed the exchange between Zhong Yiran and Ling Zhuo. He frowned and asked, “Did you make plans with Ling Zhuo?”

Zhong Yiran turned off the screen and nodded.

Liu Tao: “Today is Qixi Festival. Are you two going on a date?”

Detecting the curiosity in Liu Tao’s tone, Zhong Yiran’s throat tightened. “Liu ge, we’re just going to Beishan Park to watch the fireworks.”

Liu Tao stared into his eyes: “Just to watch fireworks?”

Zhong Yiran remained silent.

After a moment, Liu Tao’s expression turned serious as he spoke again, “Even if you don’t think about yourself, consider Ling Zhuo. You know there have been recent personnel changes in the company’s top management. They’ve brought in a new major shareholder who is close to Zhou Jing’s faction. They’re quite critical of Ling Zhuo’s noncompliance. It seems like if Ling Zhuo becomes difficult to manage, they might replace him. There are many talented trainees in the company now, and various talent shows have become popular in recent years. If they can promote one or two more young idols, resources will shift towards them. Ling Zhuo is currently at the top, so no one can threaten him. But if he gets involved in a scandal, things could change.”

“You know, fans shipping a CP is different from a real gay relationship.”

Hearing this, Zhong Yiran clenched his fists tightly and said with difficulty, “No, it’s not like that between us. Liu ge, you’re overthinking.”

Liu Tao: “I hope not. For his sake and for yours. Even if your group disbands in the future, honestly speaking, besides Ling Zhuo, I have the highest hopes for you. So I hope you don’t let emotions cloud your judgment and ruin your and others’ futures.”

Zhong Yiran: “I understand, Liu ge, I get what you mean…”

Liu Tao: “Then think it through. Don’t act impulsively and regret it later.”

Liu Tao left, urging him to seriously consider participating in the variety show.

Zhong Yiran leaned against the wall in a daze for a while until someone entered the room. It was Deng Lanluo.

Deng Lanluo closed the door behind him. “Why are you turning down such a good opportunity?”

Zhong Yiran looked up: “You heard?”

Deng Lanluo: “I heard. In fact, I heard what Liu ge said to you three years ago.”

Zhong Yiran’s expression turned unpleasant, but Deng Lanluo continued: “Liu ge saw your feelings for Ling Zhuo back then. He told you that Zhou Jing chose Ling Zhuo for the talent show, and if you developed a relationship beyond teammates with Ling Zhuo, the company would abandon you both and give the opportunity to me. So you held back, even though Ling Zhuo’s feelings for you have been obvious over the years, you’ve always pretended not to know.”

Zhong Yiran frowned deeply, remaining silent.

Deng Lanluo said self-mockingly: “Honestly, I can’t say I’m not a bit jealous of Ling Zhuo. We’re both vocalists and constantly compared to each other. I became the center because I joined the company earlier. My skills are probably not as good as his, otherwise, Zhou Jing wouldn’t have chosen him over me. But I’m also grateful to him. Without him leading us to debut, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today.”

“Qi Liangli is young and reckless, dreaming of the five of us never disbanding. But reality is reality. Zhang Xun is realistic, and so am I. I know you and Ling Zhuo understand us, but it must be hard for you. I admire you for sacrificing your interests for the team, but like Liu ge, I advise you to let it go.”

“Even if Ling Zhuo were standing here today, he wouldn’t want to see you miss out on another opportunity. What you’re doing doesn’t really mean anything.”


At 7:30 PM, Ling Zhuo drove up the mountain alone.

The park was crowded with tourists. He drove to the rear scenic viewpoint where he and Zhong Yiran had arranged to meet.

This place was usually deserted at night, and with the park’s night opening, there would be even fewer people here tonight. Ling Zhuo parked the car, still half an hour early. He got out, leaned against the hood, and quietly watched the city lights in the distance, waiting.

A few minutes later, he heard the sound of a car approaching. Ling Zhuo turned around, his smile freezing as he recognized the sports car.

The car stopped beside him, and Lu Chixie got out, leaning against the car door as he slowly lit a cigarette. Ling Zhuo saw the ambiguous smile in his smoke-filled eyes and his face gradually darkened.

Lu Chixie: “Ling, are you watching the night scene here alone? Why didn’t you invite me along?”

Ling Zhuo: “How did you know I was here?”

Lu Chixie raised his eyebrows and laughed, “This is a public place. If you can come, why can’t I?”

Ling Zhuo glared coldly at him.

Lu Chixie: “Okay, don’t look at me like that. I know you’re here, and that you have a date with your team captain.”

Ling Zhuo frowned.

Lu Chixie clicked his tongue, “Ling, you were drunk that night, clutching a leaflet the whole time. Today, you came out alone, so it wasn’t hard to guess you’d be here. There are many people in the park ahead, so I figured you’d be here.”

Ling Zhuo: “So why are you here?”

Lu Chixie: “To watch the show.”

Ling Zhuo coldly: “What show do you want to watch?”

Lu Chixie: “Ling, let’s make a bet.”

He curved his lips: “I bet your captain won’t show up tonight.”

Ling Zhuo ignored him, turning back to look ahead.


Zhong Yiran’s car stopped at the foot of the mountain. He pulled up the handbrake, closed his eyes, and tiredly leaned on the steering wheel.

A night wind arose on the mountain, and Ling Zhuo’s phone rang, breaking the night’s silence. The caller was Zhong Yiran.

Ling Zhuo answered, but the other end was silent. He instinctively held his breath, “…Captain?”

After a moment, he heard Zhong Yiran’s low, hoarse voice say, “Sorry, Ling Zhuo. Something came up tonight. I might have to cancel.”

Ling Zhuo’s heart sank instantly, “Is everything okay?”

Zhong Yiran: “Yeah, just a little issue. Sorry.”

“Alright then,” Ling Zhuo struggled to find his voice, “Never mind, you do what you have to.”

Ling Zhuo didn’t remember how he ended the call, pressing the button in a daze, when someone called him from behind.

“Ling Zhuo.”

He turned his head back to see Lu Chixie through the smoke, “Watch the fireworks.”

From the park on the mountainside ahead, fireworks shot into the sky, exploding in the starry, ink-black night.

Ling Zhuo stared blankly.

One burst of fireworks followed another, blooming across the sky. He kept his head tilted back, colorful lights reflecting in his dark eyes.

Eventually, his eyes turned red.

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