Blue Cocktail

Blue Cocktail chapter 62

It was said to be moving, but in fact, it was just moving to the opposite side. Anyway, it was just across the hall, and if there was a need for clothes, daily necessities, etc, Cheng Shuo could just go and get them from the opposite side.

After nursing his injuries for several days, Lu Huaiqian felt that he was recovering well. Disregarding the doctor’s advice, he directly removed the gauze hanging around his neck. Using his right hand assisted by the cast, he found it much more convenient for various activities.

Cheng Shuo had seen the flexibility of Lu Huaiqian’s left hand.

One evening, he saw Lu Huaiqian using his left hand to open an online shopping website, typing with his left hand to search for maid outfits, and presenting the phone screen to him with a seamless sequence of actions. Finally, Lu Huaiqian asked, “What style do you like?”

Cheng Shuo glanced at it briefly and quickly averted his gaze. “Just choose something you like; I’m fine with anything.”

Lu Huaiqian then opened his favorites, scrolling down with his left hand for a while until he found a particular item. He showed it to Cheng Shuo, saying, “How about this one?”

His tone was filled with anticipation.

Cheng Shuo couldn’t help but sneak another glance.

Cheng Shuo: “…”

The product details showed a black and white clash, thin layers of fabric barely covering three points. However, it wasn’t completely concealed, and the seller had considerately censored the image. The skirt was only to the base of the thighs. Cheng Shuo estimated that if the model bent over slightly, it would reveal a suggestive view under the skirt—similar to the content of the adult manga he drew, nothing should be exposed, but it was close enough to stimulate the imagination.

Veins bulging on Cheng Shuo’s forehead, he said, “You mentioned a maid outfit, not the lingerie, right?”

Seeing Cheng Shuo’s reaction, Lu Huaiqian chuckled, “Oh, I was just asking casually. This store is really something, selling this little fabric for such a high price. Let me choose again; how about a skirt that goes below the knee?”

Cheng Shuo grunted reluctantly in response.

After some thought, Lu Huaiqian asked, “I’m afraid the size I choose might not be accurate. Do you want to pick together? I’ll send you the link.”

“Don’t pretend,” Cheng Shuo directly exposed Lu Huaiqian’s intentions, “Didn’t you measure my three sizes?”

After saying this, he added, “And, I haven’t gained weight recently.”

“Oh right, I did measure,” Lu Huaiqian suddenly realized, smiling slyly, “I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.”

Cheng Shuo glanced at Lu Huaiqian expressionlessly, thinking, ‘Yeah, right.’

After a long silence, he said, “I thought you, with your delicate style, would choose a customized outfit.”

“Generally, I only customize clothes worn outside. No matter how delicate the innerwear is, it will be covered by outer garments,” Lu Huaiqian paused, “And more importantly, your dress will definitely be ruined and torn by me in the end. Its nature is more disposable, and the cost-effectiveness of online shopping is higher.”

Hearing words like “ruin,” “torn,” and “destroy” was somewhat shocking to Cheng Shuo.

“Sorry, I accidentally said what I was thinking,” Lu Huaiqian apologized insincerely.

Although he said so, his tone seemed quite proud?

Cheng Shuo didn’t continue the conversation, stood up, and said, “I’m going to do my assignment.”

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Since learning that Lu Huaiqian would buy maid outfits online, Cheng Shuo found himself becoming a bit paranoid. Every time he saw Lu Huaiqian coming back with a soft, non-boxed package, looking like it contained fabric, Cheng Shuo felt inexplicably uneasy. He had tried to analyze this emotion; it wasn’t fear or repulsion but rather something like… nervousness? Because he had never done it before?

So, in practice, the saying “haven’t eaten pork, haven’t seen a pig run” was a fallacy.

For instance, this evening.

Restless, it started from the moment Cheng Shuo saw the package in Lu Huaiqian’s hands. Specifically, during dinner, when Lu Huaiqian was talking to him, he seemed distracted, responding a beat too slow.

What’s even more frustrating is that the owner of the package didn’t open it after bringing it back!

The package was casually thrown on the sofa and forgotten by Lu Huaiqian.

Cheng Shuo: “Right now, I really want to destroy, crush, and tear apart the packaging of this package.”

However, this wasn’t his package. Following the principle of respecting each other’s privacy, even though they were lovers, Cheng Shuo refrained from opening it. He had considered asking Lu Huaiqian directly but thought it would seem too eager—revealing his interest would make Lu Huaiqian overly pleased, right?

Not long after dinner, Lu Huaiqian tidied up his clothes and prepared to take a shower.

Cheng Shuo saw this as an opportunity. He planned to wait until Lu Huaiqian entered the bathroom, and then sneak a peek at the information on the package slip. After all, Lu Huaiqian had casually thrown it on the sofa.

After a while, he finally waited for Lu Huaiqian to slowly prepare, wearing a waterproof film on his right hand and a towel draped over his arm. He just stepped into the bathroom.

Cheng Shuo briskly walked to the sofa and grabbed the package.

Upon inspection, he was startled by what was written on the package slip—

(number of pieces 4, product name and buyer name have been hidden)

Usually, sellers would label the product name unless it’s a somewhat private item. Cheng Shuo’s heart skipped a beat. Could it really be a maid outfit?

And what’s with this… “4”?

Why is it 4?

Dresses are usually one-piece; even if not, they count as two pieces. So, what are the remaining two items?

A headpiece? White socks? Collar? Leg ring?

Feeling the shape, maybe he could guess.

Just as Cheng Shuo was about to check, he suddenly heard Lu Huaiqian’s voice from behind, “What are you doing?”

He quickly withdrew his hand, turned around, only to find that Lu Huaiqian hadn’t taken off anything.

Cheng Shuo’s expression was evasive and unnatural. “Weren’t you taking a shower?”

Lu Huaiqian casually pointed at the coffee table. “The soap from earlier is almost used up. I grabbed a new one but forgot to take it into the bathroom.”


Holding the unopened plastic box in his palm, Lu Huaiqian weighed it casually, squinting and smiling. “Were you peeking at my package just now?”

“I was just taking a casual look.”

“Curious about what I bought?”

“No, not at all. You’re overthinking it.”

But with a guilty look, Lu Huaiqian deliberately spoke vaguely, “I bought some clothes.”

Cheng Shuo took the bait. He asked, “Clothes? What kind of clothes need to hide the product name and buyer’s name?”

Raising an eyebrow, Lu Huaiqian clicked his tongue. “Why are you so curious?”

“I’m not curious!” Cheng Shuo denied immediately. “You’re imagining things.”

Upon careful consideration, there was actually no need to speculate. Whether it’s this time or the next, he would have to face it sooner or later. Instead of getting tangled up in it here and wasting time, it’s better to go do something else.

He turned around to leave, but before he could take two steps—

“If you want to know what it is, you can open it yourself.”

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