Blue Cocktail

Blue Cocktail chapter 3

Cheng Shuo’s expression froze, and his actions paused for a moment.

Connecting the two text messages, the sender hoped he could go to Mo Blue Bar tonight.

Just last night, they had been discussing Song Wenyuan in the dorm, and today he received related text messages. Quite a coincidence.

Cheng Shuo’s gaze landed on the top of the screen, on the sender’s phone number.

It was a combination of numbers he had never seen before.

Although it appeared that the anonymous person who sent this message seemed to know something, like his secret crush on Song Wenyuan.

But Cheng Shuo had always hated being manipulated by others, especially being led by the nose in the shadows. If someone told him to go to Mo Blue Bar, it would only make him appear foolish and indecisive.

It’s better to act as if he hadn’t seen it. Whether it’s a prank or not, if it is, there’s no need to pay attention to it. If it’s not a prank, this anonymous person should use some means to confirm that Cheng Shuo has seen the message.

So, for now, he wouldn’t reply.

Cheng Shuo raised an eyebrow, then continued to lower his head to finish his meal and wiped the plate clean. He then leisurely picked up the tray and took it to the recycling area, leaving the cafeteria without a second thought.

He unlocked his phone, opened the map, and once again searched for Mo Blue Bar.

It was quite far, and taking the subway would take an hour.

Assuming the sender wanted him to arrive at the bar at 7 p.m., he needed to leave by 6 p.m. at the latest.

If he continued not to reply, would he receive another text message before 6 p.m.?

Cheng Shuo put his phone back into his pocket and gave a wry smile.

It would be best if this were just a prank and nothing else.

On the way, Cheng Shuo received another message from the class group, saying that the registration for the lecture from 3 to 5 in the afternoon didn’t have enough participants, so the class committee decided to determine the participants by drawing lots. Coincidentally, he was chosen.

Tsk, things were really not going his way.

Back in the dorm, Jiang Yan, He Lingqiu, and Lin Han were all present.

Jiang Yan was the first to greet Cheng Shuo, “Cheng Ge, you’re back.”

“I have to tell you, Cheng Ge, it’s really ridiculous, my goodness,” Jiang Yan exclaimed to Cheng Shuo, “I received a scam message this morning. The scammer said I have been selected to go undercover and they would send me a monthly welfare bonus of 998 yuan. Finally, they sent a mysterious blue membership link. I was afraid it might be a virus, so I didn’t dare to click it. Take a look…”

He handed his phone to Cheng Shuo.

Cheng Shuo clicked his tongue in disapproval.

“It looks like I need to download the national anti-fraud app,” Jiang Yan joked.

“Yeah,” Cheng Shuo agreed, but he didn’t mention that he had received a text message himself. Instead, he took out his phone and yawned, “I’m so tired; I want to take a nap. I spent the whole Saturday drawing, and I’m exhausted. I plan to catch up on some sleep this afternoon.”

Jiang Yan was surprised, “You’re going to sleep this early, and it’s only 12:30?”

Cheng Shuo nonchalantly nodded, then climbed onto his bed without another word.

“But there’s a lecture at school this afternoon, right?” Lin Han reminded, “I remember we didn’t have enough people, and the class committee decided to draw lots, and Cheng Ge got picked.”

A head emerged from Cheng Shuo’s bed curtain, and he pretended to be surprised, “Oh, I got picked? I was too busy with my drawings this morning and forgot to check my messages. Well, can I still sleep?”

He Lingqiu chimed in, “Cheng Ge got picked, how unfortunate.”

Jiang Yan picked up his phone and looked at the list, then said, “Wow, it’s just Cheng Ge from our dorm who got picked. Cheng Ge, your luck is really bad.”

Cheng Shuo sighed, “What time is it this afternoon?”

Lin Han handed Cheng Shuo his phone, saying, “Check for yourself.”

Cheng Shuo opened his phone, read for a while, and then furrowed his brow, muttering, “That’s true, but I really don’t want to go. Who knows if the class committee’s decision was genuinely drawn by lot? I might skip it.”

After saying that, he got out of bed and wore his cap, grabbing something from his storage box and putting it in his pocket.

This action piqued Jiang Yan’s curiosity, “Cheng Ge, are you going out? Is there something you need to do? You seem quite in a hurry.”

He Lingqiu asked, “What’s going on? Why the rush?”

Cheng Shuo replied, “It’s a very important private matter, and it might be quite troublesome to handle.”

Lin Han asked, “Are you coming back tonight?”

Cheng Shuo answered, “I probably won’t come back tonight; I don’t have class tomorrow morning anyway.”

With that, he left the dorm without looking back.

As he walked away from the dormitory door, Cheng Shuo lightly tapped his canine tooth with his tongue and suddenly chuckled.

It seemed like he knew who sent the message.

Cheng Shuo and his dormmates were only casual friends on the surface, maintaining a certain level of guard against each other. This was because not too long ago, Cheng Shuo had lost something rather amusing – two pairs of underwear.

They weren’t lost at the same time; the time between their disappearances was about half a month. They went to the dormitory management office to check the surveillance footage, but they couldn’t find any evidence of Cheng Shuo’s missing underwear. Because they weren’t valuable items, the other three eventually persuaded him to let it go, saying he might have remembered wrong, and his underwear might have been blown downstairs by the wind while drying, with no theft involved.

The first pair of underwear might indeed have been a mistake on Cheng Shuo’s part, but the second pair of underwear, Cheng Shuo deliberately kept an eye on it. The night before, it was clearly in the closet.

The surveillance footage showed no suspicious individuals entering their dormitory, which made Cheng Shuo find it hard not to suspect that the thief was right in the dormitory, but he lacked evidence at the moment.

Unconsciously, he had already reached the subway station, and Cheng Shuo stopped thinking about the dormitory dispute. After all, he still had a lead in his hand, and before leaving the dormitory, he had already made up his mind to go to Mo Blue Bar that night. However, before going, he definitely needed to dress up carefully.

So Cheng Shuo went to the bathroom mirror and took out the metal items from his pocket, including a silver ring with a nail-sized nail, a spider earring, and a bead necklace.

He examined himself in the mirror, looking left and right.

He had the rustic taste, the tackiness, but it wasn’t fierce enough, not social enough, and it was still lacking in meaning. He didn’t want anyone to think of him as an easy target.

After a little thought, Cheng Shuo had a bright idea and went to a tattoo parlor, and he got straight to the point, “Do you have temporary tattoo stickers here?”

The shop owner replied, “Yes, we do. What kind are you looking for?”

Cheng Shuo said, “I want the one that looks the most badass.”

Half an hour later, Cheng Shuo rolled up the other sleeve of his left hand. On his right forearm was a lifelike blue dragon. After a few glances, he lowered his sleeve, leaving only a small section of the dark blue tail peeking out.

Now, all he needed to do was wait for the moon to rise and for the night to fall.

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