Blue Cocktail

Blue Cocktail chapter 10

“Don’t worry,” Lu Huaiqian intentionally paused for a second before saying, “I, Lu Huaiqian, stand upright and act right. If I were to look, I’d do it openly and aboveboard.”

The next second, Lu HuaiQian received a warning look from Cheng Shuo.

“I won’t look, I won’t look, is that okay?” Lu Huaiqian lazily raised his hands.

“Remember what you said,” Cheng Shuo slammed the door shut with a bang.

A gust of wind squeezed through the door crack, brushing against Lu Huaiqian’s face, making his hair shake a bit. He silently chuckled, thinking that dealing with kids was still interesting, simple and pure.

In the bedroom, Cheng Shuo took off his half-wet clothes and put on the sweatshirt and sweatpants that Lu Huaiqian had handed to him.

As expected, they were oversized. The sleeves of the white sweatshirt covered his fingertips, the body of the shirt extended past his butt, and the pant legs were too long and gathered up in folds over his slippers.

When he walked out of the bedroom, Cheng Shuo immediately felt the scrutinizing gaze of Lu Huaiqian.

“Good,” Lu Huaiqian looked Cheng Shuo up and down and nodded in satisfaction, “oversize.”

Cheng Shuo didn’t react for a moment. “What?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot, your English isn’t that good,” Lu Huaiqian patiently explained, “oversize is a clothing style. I understand it as clothes that are a larger size than what’s just right. But this outfit clearly goes way beyond what’s just right, so I think it’s ‘over oversize.'”

Cheng Shuo: “…”

He frowned and said, “No one asked you what ‘oversize’ means.”

Lu Huaiqian then changed the subject, “I remember you said you were a sophomore on the phone, so why did you move out in your sophomore year?”

Cheng Shuo quickly replied, “Because of some private reasons that I can’t disclose.”

He emphasized the words “can’t disclose” as if he was worried that Lu Huaiqian wouldn’t catch it.

Surprisingly, Lu Huaiqian chose not to pursue further questions, “Well, I wish you a happy life in Apartment 302 of Building 8 at Fufu Jiayuan.”

After saying that, he stood up.

Cheng Shuo’s eyes brightened, “You’re leaving?”

“Suppress your expectations,” Lu Huaiqian stretched lazily, looking to the side, “I’m just getting up to stretch my muscles.”

Cheng Shuo had an expressionless face, “Oh.”

Then he turned his back, quietly picked up his backpack from the coffee table, and slipped back into the bedroom, slowly closing the door to avoid drawing any attention from Lu Huaiqian. This guy might start chattering by his ear again if he noticed anything.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly.

Cheng Shuo took his laptop from his backpack, logged into WeChat, and was bombarded with numerous group messages, including an English class on Thursday and Friday afternoons where the group admin, who was also the English teacher, had mentioned all the members. Opening it, he had shared an English motivational piece.

…Thanks, he couldn’t even bear to read Chinese motivational pieces.

However, it reminded Cheng Shuo that his English teacher had assigned homework during the last class, and the deadline was this Friday. To complete the assignment, he needed to download a specific app.

After installing the app, he reluctantly started the listening comprehension section. After a soothing piece of music, a long string of encrypted language rushed in like an unstoppable force, like a sudden avalanche of snow in a high mountain range, and Cheng Shuo felt his brain buzz—

Then he couldn’t understand anything.

Moreover, outside the window, rain was pounding hard on the window sills, and there was faint noise coming from the living room, as if they were playing the news, repeatedly disrupting Cheng Shuo’s train of thought.

Cheng Shuo thought he had decent concentration. For instance, in the dormitory, when his roommates, Jiang Yan and He Lingqiu, were playing games and shouting loudly, Cheng Shuo could put on his headphones and write a history essay as smoothly as flowing water.

Except when it came to English questions, English was the arch-nemesis of his concentration.

Under the pressure of the school’s academic subjects in high school, Cheng Shuo had been able to force himself to learn English and compensate for his natural deficiencies. However, after entering college, Cheng Shuo’s English skills had significantly deteriorated. He had forgotten all grammar, and his essay writing revolved around a few basic English vocabulary words and simple sentences.

Outside the window: “Pattering, pattering, pattering…”

Listening: “Emotions are an essential and inseparable part of our consciousness—”

Living room: “The Chinese cultural heritage is extensive, and Chinese civilization is enduring. Excellent traditional Chinese culture provides profound nourishment and strong support for the great goal of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation—”

His head was hurting.

He was so tired.

Cheng Shuo removed both earphones at once.

He couldn’t continue listening.

He swung the door open.

At that moment, Lu Huaiqian was lounging on the sofa, watching the news with two walnuts he had conjured from who knows where in his hand. When he heard the commotion from the bedroom, he turned and asked, “What’s up?”

Cheng Shuo replied, “I need to use the bathroom.”

Lu Huaiqian extended his left hand, pointing the way kindly, “The bathroom is over there.”

Cheng Shuo stood in front of the sink, repeatedly splashing cold water on his face, trying to dispel his drowsiness. The television’s sound still echoed in his ears, and he had several more English listening exercises to complete.

At that moment, he suddenly understood the words of the great writer Lu Xun, “The joys and sorrows of mankind do not resonate with me; I only find them noisy.”

When Cheng Shuo returned to the bedroom, he passed by Lu Huaiqian.

Lu Huaiqian raised his right hand, offering, “Walnuts? Good for the brain.”

Cheng Shuo didn’t even glance at him, “No, thanks.”

Finally, after repeatedly teetering on the brink of distraction and making frantic attempts, Cheng Shuo reluctantly managed to complete the lengthy, tedious, and agonizing English listening assignment he held in his hand. Although his accuracy was abysmal, it would affect his regular grades, but he did his best.

Glancing out the window one more time, he noticed that it was completely dark outside. His phone displayed the time as 6:30 PM. Cheng Shuo returned to the living room, where the chandelier on the ceiling illuminated the room.

To his surprise, Lu Huaiqian was still there.

He somehow managed to find his laptop, and the walnuts he had eaten were now placed beside his mouse. Lu Huaiqian was engrossed in typing on the computer.

Cheng Shuo wasn’t used to being in the same room with unfamiliar people. He had strong personal boundaries, especially when it was evident that the other person was a cunning old fox with much more experience and cunning. He couldn’t help but be more cautious.

But Lu Huaiqian was, after all, the landlord, and Cheng Shuo should show him basic politeness and respect.

So when will Lu Huaiqian leave… he’s not planning to stay tonight, is he?

With this in mind, Cheng Shuo chose a sofa farthest from Lu Huaiqian, held back for a while, but couldn’t resist asking, “Aren’t you going back to your cocktail bar to mix drinks tonight?”

Lu Huaiqian lifted his head, making a clicking sound with his tongue, “You seem quite disappointed with my presence. Do you really hope I leave so badly?”

Cheng Shuo used a more diplomatic phrasing, “I just think a shrewd businessman should always prioritize making money.”

“Right, you’re not wrong,” Lu Huaiqian turned his laptop screen in Cheng Shuo’s direction. “That’s why I’m currently amending the previous lease agreement. A shrewd businessman wants to receive the rent as soon as possible.”

Cheng Shuo suddenly became alert.

“And, now that you mention it, I haven’t collected a deposit from you,” Lu Huaiqian continued, feigning a slightly reluctant look. “Actually, I’m not a fan of extending credit, but you’ll be moving in tonight.”

Cheng Shuo fell silent instantly.

“From the perspective of social etiquette, friendship first, profit second. Letting you stay for free for one night isn’t a big deal. But then, you also said that a shrewd businessman should always prioritize making money. So, what should I do?” Lu Huaiqian asked.

Cheng Shuo suddenly felt uncertain. He pursed his lips and, with a thick-skinned face, replied, “I didn’t finish what I was saying. A shrewd businessman first knows how to win people’s hearts. Making money comes second. Thank you, Mr. Lu, for being willing to host me for one night. I will remember this favor, and I will certainly repay you in the future.”

Lu Huaiqian grinned with satisfaction, “I look forward to that.”

Rent was Cheng Shuo’s soft spot. As long as the tenant-landlord relationship between him and Lu Huaiqian existed, Cheng Shuo would always be under Lu Huaiqian’s control. Understanding this logic, Cheng Shuo didn’t say much more.

Lu Huaiqian had mentioned earlier that he was available in the afternoon, and he couldn’t just close the bar without a reason, as it would affect his business. Cheng Shuo thought he could wait until Lu Huaiqian left.

Cheng Shuo had even prepared to wait for at least half an hour.

However, unexpectedly, two minutes later, Lu Huaiqian abruptly closed his laptop, stood up, and without waiting for Cheng Shuo to ask, he voluntarily said, “I’m leaving.”

Happiness came unexpectedly. Cheng Shuo almost revealed a smile on his face and said, “Oh, you’re leaving?”

Lu Huaiqian picked up his umbrella from the balcony, changed his shoes at the entrance, and as he was about to leave, he met Cheng Shuo’s incredibly friendly gaze.

“Oh, by the way,” he suddenly remembered, “the door key is in the second drawer of the bedside table by the window in the bedroom.”

Cheng Shuo sat obediently on the sofa, nodding, “Alright.”

After a brief moment of contemplation, Lu Huaiqian couldn’t think of anything else to add. “Anyway, if you have any questions related to the apartment, call me.”

Cheng Shuo continued to nod obediently, “Okay.”

Lu Huaiqian pondered for a few more seconds and asked, “Do you have any other questions about this apartment? If you have any questions, ask now. I may not be able to respond promptly to messages tonight.”

Cheng Shuo smiled and shook his head, “No, I wish you a safe journey.”

As he finished speaking, all the lights in the room suddenly went out, and a loud clap of thunder echoed.


“Is it a power outage or a blackout?” Lu Huaiqian wondered aloud. Cheng Shuo was unaware of the location of the circuit breaker, and it seemed unethical to leave him in the dark. So, Lu Huaiqian turned on the flashlight on his phone, put on his slippers, and walked to the circuit breaker. He found that it wasn’t a circuit trip.

He checked the residential property group chat and saw that everyone was complaining about another power outage. No one had given any prior notice.

Outside the window, the night was dark, the sky was overcast with heavy rain pouring down, and there was no sign of it stopping.

“It’s a power outage.”

Lu Huaiqian waved his flashlight around, its white light shining near Cheng Shuo. Cheng Shuo was seated on the sofa with his head slightly lowered, and the play of light and shadow created a distinct contrast on Cheng Shuo’s nose. “Anyway, I need to go back quickly. If you have any questions, just call me.”

However, Lu Huaiqian waited for several seconds and didn’t hear Cheng Shuo’s response. He sighed and reluctantly went back to the entrance.

The flashlight’s beam was dim, and it couldn’t fully illuminate Cheng Shuo’s expression. Lu Huaiqian put on his shoes and was about to grab the doorknob.

“By the way, Cheng Shuo, I almost forgot, I have something to give you.”

But all that met him was silence, and the sound of the rain intensifying filled the silence.

“I’m giving you something; you should at least say thank you,” Lu Huaiqian’s voice came after a few seconds, instead of a response from Cheng Shuo.

“Even if you don’t say thank you, you could at least be curious about what it is, right?”

Just as he finished speaking, another thunderclap resounded, instantly illuminating the gloomy sky and also lighting up Cheng Shuo’s pale face. He seemed to shrink his body in response.

Lu Huaiqian vaguely sensed something, “Cheng Shuo?”

He pondered for a few seconds and then hesitated, “You’re not afraid of… thunder, are you?”

After a moment, he chuckled, “I thought you were fearless.”

A moment of silence.

Surprisingly, there was no rebuttal.

Considering Cheng Shuo’s personality, if he felt looked down upon, he should at least make some sarcastic comments, whether openly or subtly.

With this in mind, Lu Huaiqian’s figure paused for a few seconds, and he reluctantly took off the leather shoes he had just put on, once again switching to slippers. He walked in Cheng Shuo’s direction.

Before he had taken a few steps, a bright flash of lightning split the gray-white sky in half, accompanied by a deafening thunderclap.

However, Lu Huaiqian was able to discern Cheng Shuo’s voice from it.

It was very soft, very faint—a whisper, “Don’t go.”

The indifferent smile on Lu Huaiqian’s face slowly faded. He sighed softly and then walked up to Cheng Shuo, crouching down and looking into Cheng Shuo’s eyes, “Don’t listen to the thunder outside. Look, here, I got something for you.”

His right hand reached into the pitch-black void, grabbed something, and then extended it in front of Cheng Shuo’s eyes, slowly spreading his fingers. In his palm lay a metal key, shining silver under the flashlight’s glow, with the words “Huiyuan 1314” engraved on it.

“Your dorm room key.”

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