
Blinded chapter 9

Yesterday afternoon on the playground was too chaotic, and no one saw clearly how Dai Hao’s leg was broken, except Xie Li.

At that time, Xie Li pulled Chang Xiaojia aside, but Chang Xiaojia shook off his hand. Seizing the moment when Dai Hao flipped to get up, with his knee and toes touching the ground, Chang Xiaojia, without hesitation, stomped down on his leg.

Chang Xiaojia’s kick was vicious and cunning in angle. For a moment, Xie Li even doubted if he heard the sound of Dai Hao’s bones breaking. He hesitated briefly, then grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s hand, quickly pulling him out of the crowd.

After that, Chang Xiaojia acted as if nothing had happened, coldly watching the chaotic crowd and Dai Hao writhing in pain on the ground.

Xie Li looked down at Chang Xiaojia, feeling complex emotions.

Chang Xiaojia nuzzled against his shoulder for a while, closed his eyes, and held him silently.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia’s shower suddenly stopped. Xie Li initially thought the fifteen minutes were up, but then he realized that the bathing time had already passed, and soon the guards would come for inspection, requiring all inmates to return to their cells.

Xie Li took a deep breath, removed the towel draped over his shoulder, and began to towel-dry Chang Xiaojia’s hair.

Chang Xiaojia sensed his movements, lifted his face, and closed his eyes, quietly tilting his head back.

Xie Li used the towel to wipe his face. The prison-issued towels were a bit rough, and Xie Li’s actions weren’t particularly gentle. After a couple of wipes, Chang Xiaojia’s face turned red.

Outside, the footsteps of the prison guards could be heard.

Xie Li handed the towel to Chang Xiaojia and walked toward the changing room. When he was halfway through dressing, the guard poked his head in, urging them to return to their cells as soon as possible.

After lights out, Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia climb down from the upper bunk and then get into his bed.

Xie Li neither hugged him nor pushed him away.

Chang Xiaojia found a comfortable position on his own before raising his head and softly saying, “Don’t you hate Dai Hao?”

Xie Li remained silent.

When Chang Xiaojia spoke again, his tone was cold. “I despise him.”

Still, Xie Li said nothing.

With one hand supporting himself, Chang Xiaojia sat up, looking at Xie Li by the light outside.

Xie Li’s brows furrowed slightly.

After looking at him for a while, Chang Xiaojia, with a cold expression, turned away to get off the bed.

At that moment, Xie Li immediately reached out, grabbing his waist and pulling him back, preventing him from leaving.

Chang Xiaojia struggled, not even controlling his voice as he shouted loudly in the silence, “Let go!”

The two other cellmates didn’t react, presumably out of fear.

As Chang Xiaojia struggled fiercely, Xie Li had to use all his strength to suppress him. Eventually, he faced him and pressed both his hands and feet.

Chang Xiaojia was breathing heavily, glaring at Xie Li with a fierce look.

Xie Li gritted his teeth and, in a low voice, said, “You didn’t sleep well last night, aren’t you exhausted?”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head away without answering. His prison uniform collar was pulled open, revealing a snowy white neck and collarbone. From this angle, his Adam’s apple protruded sharply, tempting one to reach out and touch.

So Xie Li did just that. He let go of one of Chang Xiaojia’s hands and, with his index and middle fingers’ backs, gently brushed Chang Xiaojia’s Adam’s apple.

Chang Xiaojia’s Adam’s apple slid along with his movements.

Xie Li couldn’t help but tighten his grip around his neck. Later, he released it, using his fingers to touch Chang Xiaojia’s eyes. “Sleep.”

After saying that, he let go of Chang Xiaojia, lying down on the bed without speaking, just watching Chang Xiaojia, waiting for him.

Not long after, Chang Xiaojia crawled into Xie Li’s arms on his own and tightly hugged his waist.

Suddenly, Xie Li felt a strange sense of satisfaction. Chang Xiaojia, like a beautiful and cunning beast, might bite anyone harshly, yet when faced with Xie Li, he would nestle in, seeking affection.

This feeling wasn’t even related to desire.

Xie Li raised his hand to stroke Chang Xiaojia’s back, asking him, “Why are you afraid of the dark?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer; his scorching breath patted on Xie Li’s shoulders. Soon, Xie Li’s body started to sweat, especially in the areas where their bodies were close. The prison clothes were completely soaked, uncomfortably sticking to their bodies.

However, whenever Xie Li tried to move back a bit, Chang Xiaojia would press against him until Xie Li’s back was against the wall, and he couldn’t retreat any further.

Chang Xiaojia lay quietly in Xie Li’s arms for a while and said, “Wu Lin just called me to his office.”

Wu Lin was the deputy captain in charge of the third cell block.

Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia were in solitary confinement simultaneously, and logically, they should come out at the same time. However, Chang Xiaojia returned a bit later than Xie Li; he had gone to Wu Lin’s office.

“What did he say to you?” Xie Li asked while gently patting Chang Xiaojia’s back with his hand.

Chang Xiaojia whispered, “Told me not to cause trouble.”

Xie Li said, “Indeed, there’s no need for that.”

Chang Xiaojia, with a somewhat unhappy tone, said, “It’s you who got me into trouble in the first place. Have you forgotten who Dai Hao is targeting?”

The beginning of this matter was indeed Xie Li instigating Dai Hao. He found a reasonable excuse to get close to Chang Xiaojia, but he hadn’t anticipated how things would develop.

Xie Li fell silent for a moment and said, “But you hurt Dai Hao badly. In here, he can’t do anything to you, but once you’re out, Juyi will definitely come after you.”

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia lifted his head, looking at him, and said, “Aren’t you from Chongfeng City? How do you know so much about the situation in Harbor City?”

Xie Li remained composed, pinching Chang Xiaojia’s lower jaw with two fingers and said, “Yes, I not only know about Hongfang and Juyi, but I also know that you, Second Young Master Chang, are officially detained illegally. In reality, you killed a female police officer.” After saying this, he looked into Chang Xiaojia’s eyes with a cold gaze.

There was no emotion in those eyes. Regarding the matter of killing the female police officer, Chang Xiaojia neither admitted nor denied it, finally asking, “After you get out, do you plan to stay in Harbor city?”

Xie Li resisted the impulse to crush his lower jaw, released his hand, encircled Chang Xiaojia’s back tightly, and asked, “Do you want me to leave?”

Chang Xiaojia indifferently chuckled, “What purpose do you have to stay here after getting out?”

Xie Li held Chang Xiaojia tighter, filled with anger, yet his tone remained terrifyingly calm. He said, “It seems like I can’t leave you even after you get out.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “What do you need me for? Can’t you fight?”

Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia was mocking him but still calmly said, “Then why waste time here with you?”

“Yeah,” Chang Xiaojia pushed him, “Just leave.”

At this point, Xie Li not only didn’t let go but held Chang Xiaojia even tighter. He used his hands to forcefully pinch his lower waist and ass.

Chang Xiaojia winced in pain, struggling in Xie Li’s embrace, cursing, “Are you crazy? Damn you, let go!”

Xie Li intensified his grip.

Chang Xiaojia tried to grab Xie Li’s hand in retaliation. His soft fingers slipped into the gaps, gripping onto Xie Li’s little finger.

In that instant, Xie Li realized that while Chang Xiaojia might not have learned combat, he had undoubtedly learned how to use sly moves to hurt someone. Despite Chang Xiaojia’s smaller strength, he couldn’t break free from Xie Li’s grip, but breaking one of Xie Li’s little fingers was within his capability.

Moreover, Chang Xiaojia’s sudden burst of force caught Xie Li off guard. If Xie Li hadn’t witnessed him breaking Dai Hao’s leg, he wouldn’t have thought to be on guard, considering how soft and cool Chang Xiaojia’s hands usually felt.

As Xie Li felt Chang Xiaojia twisting his little finger, he smoothly flipped his wrist, skillfully reversing the hold on Chang Xiaojia’s wrist. With a quick motion, he lifted himself, pressing Chang Xiaojia, who was on all fours, onto the bed. Immediately, he twisted Chang Xiaojia’s other hand behind his back, gripping it with his right hand, while his left hand pressed down on Chang Xiaojia’s head. His knee pressed against Chang Xiaojia’s lower back, preventing him from getting up.

Chang Xiaojia struggled fiercely but couldn’t break free from Xie Li. His face was pressed against the pillow, making his voice muffled but filled with sharp anger: “Let go of me!”

Xie Li’s chest heaved violently, feeling intense anger for Chang Xiaojia’s attempt to break his finger.

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing became labored. His voice was hoarse: “Either kill me, or wait for your own death!”

Xie Li remained silent, hearing his and Chang Xiaojia’s equally heavy breathing. He couldn’t kill Chang Xiaojia, so in the end, he released his grip.

Chang Xiaojia immediately sat up, raised his hand, and slapped Xie Li’s face with a heavy blow.

Xie Li could have blocked him; his fingers moved slightly at his side, but in the end, he didn’t.

Chang Xiaojia extended his foot outside the bed, stood up, and when he stood up, his legs were still slightly trembling. He immediately grabbed the ladder at the bedside and climbed up. His two beautifully shaped feet disappeared one after the other in front of Xie Li’s eyes.

Xie Li lay down, and he could hear Chang Xiaojia lying down as well.

The room returned to silence.

Fish Island Prison was built on an island called Fish Island. The former fishermen had all been relocated when the prison construction plan was underway. Everyone alive on the island was now trapped inside this prison.

During the quietest time of the night, faint sounds of the waves could be heard from the prison cells. Apart from that, strange and faint noises could also be heard. Some said it was the sound of high-voltage electric currents. If anyone dared to climb over the high wall of the prison, they would instantly be burned to ashes by the high-voltage electricity. In reality, no one dared to climb out because there was no way to swim across the island to reach Harbor City on the other side.

Xie Li felt like he heard the sound of electricity. He didn’t know if it was his imagination.

Following that, there was movement from the upper bunk, and Xie Li’s bed shook along with it. He knew it was Chang Xiaojia turning over.

Chang Xiaojia continued to toss and turn, apparently still unable to sleep.

Xie Li slowly turned on his side, closed his eyes, and with the onset of darkness, a strong fatigue overcame him. Soon, he fell asleep.

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