
Blinded chapter 66

As soon as Chang Xiaojia arrived, the group of club members naturally crowded around at the entrance of the police station. Xie Li also walked over, keeping a distance from Chang Xiaojia and standing not far away.

Xie Li heard Ping Xiang asking, “Has the lawyer arrived?”

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was calm as he replied, “Already here.”

Song Daozheng asked, “What’s the situation at the pharmaceutical factory now?”

This time, it was Shi Hongqian, who was with Chang Xiaojia, responding, “They are currently undergoing a search.”

After asking these questions, it was apparent that Chang Xiaojia didn’t know more about the situation. Ping Xiang and Song Daozheng both looked serious, huddling together to discuss quietly.

Xie Li saw He Chuanyun whispering something to Chang Xiaojia, but he couldn’t hear it clearly. He only saw Chang Xiaojia nodding.

The debt that Ye Shaoyin owed was a scheme orchestrated by Xie Li and He Chuanyun. The so-called outsiders were all brought in by He Chuanyun, leveraging the influence of Huo Zhaoning’s power. The purpose was simple: to use He Chuanyun’s and Ye Shaoyin’s personal grievances to trap Ye Shaoyin and make some money on the side.

However, Ye Shaoyin, without involving the Chang father and son, privately trafficked a new type of drug manufactured by Hongji Pharmaceuticals. This was a trap set by Xie Li and Ruan Qiuyuan for Ye Shaoyin, and He Chuanyun was unaware.

Perhaps He Chuanyun did not anticipate that the scam against Ye Shaoyin would involve so much, implicating Hongji Pharmaceuticals and the Chang father and son. Xie Li was somewhat worried that He Chuanyun might suspect him.

Up until now, the best outcome would be for the police team conducting the search at Hongji Pharmaceuticals to find evidence. This would prevent Chang Guanshan and his son from leaving today. It could also be an opportunity to thoroughly investigate Hongfang. Whether He Chuanyun would suspect him or not didn’t seem very important.

But for some reason, Xie Li always had an unsettling feeling.

He wanted to smoke. He took out a cigarette box from his pocket, tapped one out, placed it between his lips, and leaned against the car door with a slanting posture.

Yao Wei took the initiative to come closer and helped him light the cigarette.

After lighting the cigarette in his mouth, Xie Li, with smoke swirling in front of his face, glanced in the direction of Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia, rather than looking serious, seemed somewhat melancholic due to the chill of early spring. The tip of his transparent nose glowed with a faint red.

Shi Hongqian took a coat from the car and draped it over him. Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, slid it into the coat sleeve, and wrapped himself up tightly, concealing the slender waistline under the suit.

They waited until noon.

Chang Xiaojia received a phone call and then told Ping Xiang and the others, “Dad is fine.”

Xie Li’s body stiffened suddenly; he felt a chill from head to toe. He wanted to grab Chang Xiaojia’s arm to ask for details, but he couldn’t do anything. He could only stand among the visibly relieved people, using smoking to conceal his expression.

Someone helped Xie Li ask, “What happened?”

Chang Xiaojia slowly said, “The police didn’t find anything at the pharmaceutical factory, and then, Ye Shaoyin confessed.”

After another ten minutes, Chang Guanshan and Chang Xin walked out of the police station with the company of a lawyer.

Xie Li saw Chang Guanshan wearing a suit, draped in a long windbreaker. The gold-rimmed glasses on his face were neatly placed, and his shiny shoes made a steady sound as he walked. His entire demeanor seemed unaffected by the early morning interrogation, maintaining composure.

Chang Xin’s face was slightly paler. It was said that he was taken away by the police from a woman’s bed. Despite being given time to put on clothes, he still looked somewhat disheveled. Moreover, the news was likely to reach his girlfriend, Meng Haili.

Chang Guanshan, seeing many Hongfang brothers at the entrance of the police station, smiled slightly as he approached and said, “It’s fine now; everyone can disperse.” After that, he added, “You’ve all worked hard today. Have a good lunch; it’s on me.”

As Chang Guanshan’s gaze swept over himself, Xie Li respectfully lowered his head and said, “Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan just nodded without saying anything. He then raised his hand, embraced Chang Xiaojia, and patted his head, saying, “Look at Xiaojia’s cold and red face. Let’s talk after we go back.”

Xie Li, Ping Xiang, Song Daozheng, and He Chuanyun went back to Chang’s house with the Chang family, while others dispersed as needed.

Walking in front, Chang Guanshan entered the living room of the front building. Ye Xinzhi, crying, welcomed him and hugged him.

She choked out, “Guanshan…”

Chang Guanshan patted her back, saying, “It’s okay. Go make some tea. Ping Xiang and the others are here.”

Ye Xinzhi left his embrace, stood upright, and looked at him. She couldn’t help but add, “my brother…”

Chang Guanshan’s face immediately darkened, and the corners of his mouth drooped slightly.

Ye Xinzhi dared not say more and turned around to instruct the household staff to prepare tea.

Taking off his windbreaker, Chang Guanshan sat down on the sofa and invited others to do the same.

Xie Li didn’t sit on the sofa; instead, he habitually stood behind Chang Guanshan.

Chang Xin said to Chang Guanshan, “Dad, I’ll go change my clothes.”

Chang Guanshan nodded, “Go ahead.”

Before Chang Xin left, Ye Xinzhi walked to his side, held his hand, and spoke softly. Chang Xin glanced back at Chang Guanshan, then pulled Ye Xinzhi’s hand and left, saying, “Let’s talk outside.”

Chang Xiaojia still had a thick coat wrapped around him. He sat on the armrest of the sofa where Chang Guanshan was sitting and soon bent over, hands clasped in front of his stomach.

Chang Guanshan, with a very good temper, asked him, “Feeling unwell?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I haven’t had breakfast.”

Chang Guanshan said, “I haven’t had breakfast either.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent.

Chang Guanshan continued, “I guess everyone hasn’t had time for breakfast. I’ll have the kitchen prepare some pastries and bring them over.”

The maid who was preparing tea heard this and quickly responded, “Okay,” then hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Apart from Chang Guanshan, Ping Xiang was the oldest and had the most experience. He asked, “Shan Ge, what’s the situation now?”

Chang Guanshan said, “This matter was originally caused by Ye Shaoyin alone, unrelated to Hongji Pharmaceutical, and even less related to our Hongfang.”

Song Daozheng said, “I heard that Ye Shaoyin sold the hottest new drugs on the market this time. I don’t know where he got so much supply, and he even dared to trade directly in Harbor City.”

Chang Guanshan shook his head with a look of resentment, “I’ve told him many times not to touch drugs, not to touch drugs, but he just wouldn’t listen. Now that something has happened, he almost implicated us.”

Xie Li listened quietly.

Song Daozheng asked again, “What trouble did Ye Shaoyin get into that he urgently needed money?”

Xie Li subconsciously glanced at He Chuanyun, seeing He Chuanyun’s calm expression, as if completely unrelated to this matter. He only looked at Chang Guanshan with a concerned attitude, not lifting his gaze to Xie Li at all.

Chang Guanshan slowly said, “I also want to know the answer to this question.”

Ping Xiang said, “Could someone be using Ye Shaoyin to cause trouble for you, Shan Ge?”

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia suddenly lifted both legs, directly placing his feet on the sofa, curling up his entire body.

Chang Guanshan seemed to be interrupted in his thoughts. He looked at Chang Xiaojia and said in a deep voice, “What are you doing? This is a sofa. You shouldn’t be wearing shoes when stepping on it.”

Chang Xiaojia then silently took off his shoes and tossed them to the ground. He wasn’t wearing socks, and his toenails were round, clean, and translucent.

Chang Guanshan said nothing, just looked at him.

Chang Xiaojia spoke softly, “I’m hungry.”

Chang Guanshan raised his head and looked at Xie Li, saying, “Take him to eat.”

Chang Xiaojia immediately said, “I won’t go with him.”

Chang Guanshan coldly said, “Do you want me to take you personally?”

Chang Xiaojia fell silent.

Xie Li walked up to Chang Xiaojia, reaching out to him, “Xiaojia, let’s go.”

Chang Xiaojia lowered his head; he slid his feet into the shoes he was wearing, leather shoes for which he hadn’t untied the laces, making it difficult to put them on.

Everyone watched as he struggled to put on his shoes.

Chang Guanshan, impatient, waved his hand, “Hurry up and take him away.”

Bending down, Xie Li picked up his pair of shoes, then lifted him off the sofa, swiftly leaving the living room.

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