
Blinded chapter 63

Xie Li drove Chang Xiaojia home. Chang Xiaojia sat in the passenger seat, his clothes still damp from the sugar water, creating a lingering sweet milky fragrance throughout the car.

Chang Xiaojia stared expressionlessly ahead.

As Xie Li drove, he couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. Eventually, he asked, “Today, when you said you wanted to take Ruan Qiuyuan away….?” He certainly didn’t believe Chang Xiaojia genuinely liked Ruan Qiuyuan; he knew Chang Xiaojia wanted to retaliate against him.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer, his eyes fixed ahead. It took a long time, and just when Xie Li thought he wouldn’t get a response, Chang Xiaojia slowly spoke, “Do you think Ruan Qiuyuan would suffer more in my hands or in Ye Shaoyin’s hands?”

Xie Li slowed down the car. Suddenly, he remembered He Chuanyun. He wanted to know the conflict between He Chuanyun and Ye Shaoyin. He had a gut feeling that Chang Xiaojia knew.

So, Xie Li casually asked, “What kind of person is Ye Shaoyin?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I’ve told you, he’s scum.”

Xie Li asked, “Has he harmed anyone before?” Even if Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer, Xie Li planned to investigate the conflict between Ye Shaoyin and He Chuanyun.

Chang Xiaojia glanced at him. “Concerned about Ruan Qiuyuan?” he asked.

Xie Li didn’t answer.

Chang Xiaojia suddenly laughed maliciously. “Let me tell you, he’ll beat her, rape her, abuse her. The more she resists, the more excited he gets. He also likes gambling—racing, sports betting, poker, he loves it all. If he wins, he’s happy. If he loses, he drinks. And one day, he might get drunk, beat her to death, and then have someone throw her into the sea or bury her in the mountains, ensuring you never find her.”

Xie Li’s arm hairs stood on end. At this moment, he thought not of Ruan Qiuyuan but of Chen Haiman, who he still didn’t know died at whose hands.

But Chang Xiaojia continued, “He Chuanyun’s sister is the one who went missing like this.”

Xie Li gripped the steering wheel tightly.

Then Chang Xiaojia revealed a happy and innocent smile. “You see, one day, Ruan Qiuyuan might suddenly disappear too. You can have people search the sea or dig up the soil in the mountains. Or for a simpler and safer option, you can station someone outside Ye Shaoyin’s villa. If you see a car leaving late at night, follow it. Maybe you’ll witness his men disposing of the body.”

Xie Li asked, “He Chuanyun didn’’t investigate?”

Chang Xiaojia propped his elbow on the window, supporting his face with his hand. “He has no evidence and can’t find anyone. Unless one day a set of bones is dug up, confirming it’s his sister.”

Xie Li fell silent.

When the car arrived at Chang’s villa near Qing Shui Lake, Chang Xiaojia opened the car door to get out. Xie Li instinctively reached out and grabbed his hand.

Chang Xiaojia turned around to look at him.

Xie Li felt like he had many words at the tip of his tongue but couldn’t say any of them.

Chang Xiaojia shook off his hand and said coldly, “Xie Li, you won’t end up well.”

Xie Li clearly saw his eyes reddening after saying these words. Chang Xiaojia then turned and left without looking back.


In the blink of an eye, the new year passed. Even though winters in the south were cold, they were mild and brief. Xie Li, wearing a short padded jacket, went to the new gathering point for the racing enthusiasts.

The racetrack this time was a coastal road. Xie Li went there with Yao Wei, who drove for him. When they reached the vicinity of the beach where the gathering was, Xie Li had already gotten out of the car, stepping on the sandy ground in his black outdoor boots and walking forward.

He saw He Chuanyun from a distance, who came over to greet him.

Xie Li noticed many familiar faces, including Huo Zhaoning. He always knew there was some private relationship between He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning, but he had never asked. Now, he just raised his hand to greet him and then asked He Chuanyun, “Is it here?”

He Chuanyun handed a cigarette to Xie Li and said, “Right here. Want to have a race?”

Xie Li asked, “Are there cars?”

He Chuanyun smiled, “I’ll provide one for you. Come.”

That night, Xie Li raced with others. Due to unfamiliarity with the track and the car, he didn’t give it his all. In the end, he came in third. Yao Wei, who was on the sidelines, was excitedly jumping up, cheering for him.

After it was over, Xie Li was in a great mood. He invited He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning to have a couple of drinks.

He Chuanyun, seemingly mild-mannered on the surface, told Xie Li that, in his opinion, maintaining a harmonious atmosphere while making money was crucial. Currently, Hongfang and Ju Yi were each minding their own business. As long as there were no major conflicts, everything would be fine. Privately, there was also a fair amount of business dealings between He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning.

Xie Li always had a good impression of Huo Zhaoning. Holding a glass of wine, he said, “If you and Boss Huo have any good business, don’t forget about me.”

He Chuanyun said to him, “I’m sure you’re quite busy with the business you’ve taken over now.” He was referring to the part of Hongfang’s business that Song Daozheng handed over to Xie Li under Chang Guanshan’s orders.

Xie Li leaned back in his chair, staring at the dim ceiling, and said, “Yeah, taking it one step at a time.”

He had to stay calm and take it one step at a time.

Although it was Chang Guanshan’s intention, taking over Du Shenglian’s business was not an easy task for Xie Li. His experience with Hongfang was too shallow, and he didn’t have enough people under him. Therefore, he had to rely on the old contacts from Du Shenglian’s side, including the personnel planted by Song Daozheng.

Various forces were vying for power, and Xie Li found himself caught in the middle at the beginning, facing continuous challenges. He chose to show weakness initially, then privately pulled some people to his side. When their internal conflicts intensified, he intervened to mediate.

Finally, he temporarily took control of Du Shenglian’s former forces.

Xie Li was so busy that he hardly had time to sleep. He continued to engage with He Chuanyun and Huo Zhaoning.

One night, after drinking too much, Xie Li staggered to He Chuanyun and mumbled incoherently into his ear, “I want Ye Shaoyin dead.”

He Chuanyun remained composed.

Xie Li lay down on the sofa, using a woman’s legs he didn’t recognize as a pillow, and fell asleep.

When he woke up, only half an hour had passed. He stood up, and as the woman on the sofa tried to pull him back, he impatiently pushed her away and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out of the private room, only He Chuanyun was left inside.

He Chuanyun waited for him to sit down, approached to help him light a cigarette, and when moving away, he asked, “Why do you want Ye Shaoyin dead?”

Xie Li glanced at him.

He Chuanyun smiled and asked, “Sober now? Don’t remember?”

Xie Li wiped his face with his hand, leaned back, and with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at He Chuanyun. He thought He Chuanyun was playing along, so he said, “I remember.”

He Chuanyun asked, “Why do you want him dead?”

Xie Li said expressionlessly, “For Ruan Qiuyuan.”

He Chuanyun looked at him. “Why tell me? I can pretend I didn’t hear.”

Xie Li replied, “I thought you disliked him.”

He Chuanyun said, “Why would I dislike him?”

Xie Li didn’t bother hiding anything. He said, “I heard Xiaojia mention your sister.”

Emotions in He Chuanyun’s eyes instantly became difficult to conceal.

Xie Li continued, “We have a common enemy, Brother Yun.”

He Chuanyun sighed. “You know Ye Shaoyin is Ye XinZhi’s younger brother.”

Xie Li sat up straight, leaned in close to He Chuanyun, and said, “That’s why we need to plan carefully and not act recklessly.”

He Chuanyun asked him, “What’s your plan?”

Xie Li smiled and said, “I have someone close to Ye Shaoyin.”

He Chuanyun asked, “Ruan Qiuyuan?”

Xie Li nodded.

Suddenly, He Chuanyun said, “I have a question. In your heart, who is more important, Chang Xiaojia or Ruan Qiuyuan?”

Xie Li lowered his gaze. He knew the answer to this question was and will always be Chang Xiaojia. Still, he could only say, “Men and women are different.”

He Chuanyun asked, “Is it appropriate to use Chang Xiaojia like this?”

A surge of pain accompanied by alcohol rushed up, and Xie Li instinctively covered his mouth. He felt like he was about to vomit, and the alcohol flowing backward made his eyes red. After enduring for a while, he said, “Yes, I’m sorry for him.”

He Chuanyun remained silent.

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