
Blinded chapter 50

The girl in the passenger seat reacted quickly and hurriedly opened the car door to get out.

Xie Li simply picked up Chang Xiaojia, threw him onto the passenger seat, and took the driver’s seat himself.

Worried, Shi Hongqian asked from outside the car window, “Xie Li?”

Xie Li gestured an OK sign to him and then stepped on the accelerator, driving the car out and stopping next to Dai Hao’s car.

Dai Hao lowered the car window, looked at them, and shouted, “Chang Xiaojia, why are you hesitating? You don’t dare to drive yourself, so you called your dog to help you?”

The long-haired woman sitting in his passenger seat smirked.

Chang Xiaojia leaned out and said coldly, “Should I also call your master, Huo Zhaoning? I think you’re not even a dog, at best, you’re a pig raised by Huo Zhaoning.”

Dai Hao’s face immediately darkened.

Xie Li reached out, closed the car window, not allowing Chang Xiaojia to continue arguing with Dai Hao.

Chang Xiaojia said expressionlessly, “Let me drive.”

Xie Li wiped away some blood from his mouth, then smeared the bloodstains on the genuine leather steering wheel. He said, “No.”

Staring ahead, Xie Li saw the person giving orders standing on the side of the road, belly protruding, holding a gun and slowly raising it. He said to Chang Xiaojia, “You’ve been drinking.”

Chang Xiaojia paused, then said coldly, “You’re insane.”

At this moment, Xie Li thought that Chang Xiaojia had been drinking, and he himself was almost driving under the influence of fatigue. Xie Li shook his head, trying to concentrate his mind and thoughts, looking at the dark mountain road ahead.

The person giving orders smiled and fired a shot into the air.

At the sound of the gunshot, Xie Li stepped on the accelerator as hard as he could, and the car sped away, leaving all the noise behind.

Dai Hao left even faster than them. His car surged ahead, and the engine roared loudly as he raced towards the top of the mountain.

Xie Li followed closely behind Dai Hao. Although he seemed tense, he still asked Chang Xiaojia, “What’s the route?”

Chang Xiaojia, leaning against the seat, feeling the intense thrust when the car accelerated, said, “You don’t even know the route? Are you crazy?”

Xie Li said, “It’s okay, we’ll follow him.”

Chang Xiaojia angrily said, “We can’t lose! Overtake him! The route is from here to the mountaintop, get the underwear at the platform and come back.”

“What underwear?” Xie Li asked, puzzled, not immediately attempting to overtake. He was curious.

Chang Xiaojia said, “You’ll know when we get there.”

Xie Li remained silent. He didn’t plan to attempt an overtake before reaching the mountaintop. He was not familiar with the mountain road at all. The road was pitch-black, without any streetlights, and one side was a mountain wall while the other had guardrails. A slight mistake could lead to a dangerous descent down the slope. He closely followed Dai Hao, not letting him pull away, and used the car’s headlights to judge the twists and turns of the mountain road.

Chang Xiaojia stopped talking.

In fact, Dai Hao’s driving skills were definitely not bad. Xie Li had to be fully focused to keep up with the car in front of him. The mountain road was winding and bumpy, with one sharp turn after another. Sometimes the car’s body almost scraped against the guardrail. Dai Hao seemed to have a reckless determination not to care about his life. The car was driven almost to the point of taking flight. Fortunately, there were almost no oncoming vehicles in the opposite lane at this late hour; otherwise, accidents would likely have occurred already.

Xie Li’s last time racing with someone was during a chase for a fugitive. The car in front was also rushing recklessly like this, but he could keep biting on, not letting the other party pull away. At that time, his colleague sitting in the passenger seat was pale, gripping the handle above the car door tightly, saying that Xie Li was willing to risk his life to catch criminals. This time, Xie Li thought that he was risking his life for Chang Xiaojia.

A journey that normally took almost an hour at regular speed was completed in twenty minutes.

Xie Li saw from a distance a broad flat ground at the mountaintop, enough for the cars to turn around. Several people stood at the edge of the flat ground, and two young women held their own underwear.

Chang Xiaojia had already rolled down the car window.

Xie Li caught up with Dai Hao, almost turning around at the same time as him. Chang Xiaojia reached out and forcefully snatched the underwear from one of the women. The other one had naturally been taken by Dai Hao.

Chang Xiaojia casually threw the underwear aside and said to Xie Li, “Wait for the right moment to overtake.”

Naturally, Xie Li didn’t need Chang Xiaojia to tell him. He didn’t even have time to mock the low taste of these spoiled rich kids. He concentrated, chasing Dai Hao, and began trying to overtake.

The mountain road was narrow single-lane, and in order to prevent Xie Li from overtaking, Dai Hao kept the car occupying the middle of both lanes. Xie Li couldn’t overtake on either side and could only end up hitting the rear of his car.

At high speed, outside the car, the dark and rugged mountain walls seemed like monstrous creatures constantly rushing towards them, appearing from the front and disappearing from the top of the car window. Occasionally, around a bend, they could see roaring bonfires burning on the platform halfway down the mountain. But as they turned another corner, it disappeared again.

Chang Xiaojia’s sports car had excellent insulation, and in the quiet compartment, they could hear each other’s breathing.

“Xie Li,” Chang Xiaojia suddenly called out to him without warning.

Xie Li replied, “I know.”

Up ahead was a bend in the road with an old tree in the middle. During road construction, the road was divided into two, left and right, to preserve the old tree. They would circle around the tree and then merge back.

Xie Li knew they were approaching that tree.

Just as the fork in the road appeared before them, Chang Xiaojia tightened his grip on the handle, and Xie Li slammed the accelerator to the floor. The car shot out from the left side of Dai Hao’s car.

After passing the fork, there was a steep bend. Xie Li pursed his lips, aggressively turning the steering wheel as the car’s left side scraped against the metal guardrail, producing a piercing sound. However, he smoothly pulled ahead of Dai Hao on the right side and then leaned to the right, blocking Dai Hao’s attempt to overtake.

Chang Xiaojia’s face turned pale. He tilted his head slightly, expressionless but with rapid breaths, his gaze sweeping over Xie Li’s face.

Xie Li overtook Dai Hao and began to press him, not giving him a chance to overtake. It seemed like they could catch a breather, and he said, “Xiaojia.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer.

Xie Li’s tone became more forceful, “Don’t be scared; I’m here.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent for a moment, then sneered and looked out the car window.

Until they approached the halfway platform on the mountain, Dai Hao still couldn’t overtake successfully. He became increasingly impatient, bumping the front of his car against Xie Li’s several times.

With less than a kilometer to the finish line, the road ahead widened a bit. Dai Hao suddenly accelerated to overtake from the left. Xie Li glanced at the rearview mirror and said sternly, “Hold on, Xiaojia.” Then, the car swerved ahead of Dai Hao, but he didn’t slow down. Coming at almost full speed, Dai Hao’s car tried to overtake on the left, but the speed was too high. The front of his car, squeezed between the car on the right and the mountain wall on the left, was lifted off the ground, flipping twice in the air before landing in front of their car.

Xie Li watched Dai Hao’s car flip in the air and then land in front of them. He immediately slammed on the brakes.

The wheels rubbed against the ground, screeching loudly. Despite Xie Li’s best efforts, the car couldn’t avoid colliding with the overturned car in front. He could only turn the steering wheel to the right to shield Chang Xiaojia.

With a loud “bang,” the car collided with the front of Dai Hao’s car. The airbags deployed, squeezing Chang Xiaojia between the airbag and the seatback. Dizzy, he reached out to find Xie Li.

His hand was grabbed by Xie Li, who reassured him, “I’m fine.”

Chang Xiaojia got out of the car, but Xie Li’s car door was deformed and couldn’t be opened. Xie Li crawled from the middle to the right side, exited through the passenger’s door, with his left arm cut and bleeding. With the wounds on his lips and neck, he looked extremely battered.

He saw Chang Xiaojia squatting on the ground, catching his breath. Walking over, he touched his hair, then went to Dai Hao’s car, bending down to look inside through the overturned window, and shouted, “Dai Hao?”

All the window glass was shattered. Dai Hao was completely turned around, trapped in the driver’s seat. The girl in the passenger seat had blood on her head, tears streaming down her face in panic. She shouted to Xie Li, “Save me.”

Xie Li said, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.” He knelt down and reached in to rescue her.

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