
Blinded chapter 48

Xie Li steered the speedboat forward. After about ten minutes, another small boat emerged from the sea mist. Yu Zhengkun crouched at the stern, waving towards Xie Li.

Han Yue exerted force to lift his head and looked over.

Xie Li pulled him out of the sack, untied the ropes on his hands, and said, “Don’t let Chang Guanshan know you’re still alive.”

Han Yue, puzzled, asked, “Who are you really?”

Xie Li didn’t answer. He gestured for Han Yue to board Yu Zhengkun’s small boat. The sack was thrown into the sea. Xie Li stood up, nodded to Yu Zhengkun, and then steered the speedboat back to the shore.

The driver and Chang Xin’s subordinates were still waiting at the beach. Xie Li didn’t waste words, cleaned the blood off his hands, and had the driver take him to the Hetang where the Single Sword event was being held.

Outside Hetang, all the people were arranged by Chang Guanshan.

When Xie Li opened the car door to get out, he keenly felt that at least ten people had their attention on him, even though he had no idea where some of them were hiding.

Chang Guanshan didn’t entirely rely on Xie Li. He held his own fate, and even if Xie Li hadn’t found Han Yue, as long as Han Yue appeared outside the Hetang today, he wouldn’t be able to enter alive.

Xie Li adjusted his coat, and although he should have worn something more formal, it didn’t matter. He could still smell the faint scent of blood on his hands, and he believed Chang Guanshan could smell it too.

At noon that day in the Hetang, Xie Li knelt in front of the Guan Gong statue, received incense from Chang Guanshan, and formally became a brother in the Hongfang.

Du Shenglian and Wu Can failed to capture Han Yue, and the original plan was canceled. The turmoil in the Single Sword Society subsided.

Du Shenglian left early, and Wu Can had a car accident on the way back that night, unable to survive despite hospital efforts.

At that time, Xie Li sat in the passenger seat of Chang Guanshan’s car, listening as Chang Xin answered a call in the backseat. After Chang Xin informed Chang Guanshan about Wu Can’s accident, Xie Li saw Chang Guanshan lean back against the seat, closing his eyes with a calm expression, gently making a sound.

The car drove smoothly along the road next to Qingshui Lake. The car interior was warm and quiet. After a while, Chang Guanshan asked, “Where’s Xiaojia?”

Xie Li listened to Chang Xin saying, “I had Shi Hongqian watch over him. He can move freely only after the Single Sword Society event is over.”

Chang Guanshan raised his hand, took off his glasses, pinched his nose, and helplessly said, “Xiaojia, never understands.”

Chang Xin advised him, “Xiaojia is still young; don’t be angry with him.”

Chang Guanshan shook his head, put his glasses back on, and then called, “Xie Li.”

Xie Li responded, “Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan said, “Go back and look after him.”

Xie Li said, “I understand, Mr. Chang.”

Chang Guanshan continued, “If he doesn’t know the severity, you should. If he dares to hit you, just stop him. But don’t hit him.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Li said, “I didn’t hit him, Mr. Chang. I wouldn’t dare.”

Chang Guanshan said slowly, “As long as you understand.”

Late at night, Xie Li returned to the Chang family.

Chang Xin accompanied Chang Guanshan to the main building in front, and Xie Li walked towards the back alone. He saw that Xiaojia’s room on the second floor had the lights off.

Xie Li had a bad feeling. Xiaojia would never turn off the lights if he was at home.

Before reaching the hall on the first floor, Xie Li saw Shi Hongqian hastily walking out, talking on the phone. He stopped when he saw Xie Li and finished the call before saying, “Young Master Jia went out alone tonight.”

Xie Li frowned and asked, “Where did he go?”

Shi Hongqian said, “I sent someone to look for him. Just got a report that he is on Qifeng Mountain, planning to race with Dai Hao.”

Xie Li, upon hearing this, turned and walked away.

Shi Hongqian told him, “Let’s go together. I’ll drive.”

Xie Li, with a stern expression, said, “I’ll drive.”

Shi Hongqian said, “I’m more familiar with the road. Don’t worry; I’ve heard that He Chuanyun is also on Qifeng Mountain now. I’ve asked him to help persuade Young Master Jia, and we can catch up.”

After getting in the car, Xie Li seemed unable to hide his fatigue. He looked at himself in the mirror, eyes swollen and skin dull. He hadn’t slept for more than five hours each day for several consecutive days.

However, his emotions remained tense. He worried about Xiaojia, and the thought of him being around Dai Hao alone made it hard for him to breathe. He didn’t dare to imagine what might happen to Xiaojia.

Shi Hongqian drove steadily and swiftly.

Xie Li asked him, “When did you release Xiaojia that day?”

Shi Hongqian answered, “He was locked up for over three hours.”

Xie Li raised his hands, covering his face, and rubbed it forcefully. “Was he scared?”

Shi Hongqian said, “Yeah, he had a fever and kept trembling.” After a moment of silence, he added, “He kept talking nonsense.”

Xie Li, in a hoarse voice, asked, “What was he saying?”

Shi Hongqian seemed to be recalling. “Stuff like ‘Xie Li, save me,’ ‘I was wrong,’ ‘Don’t blame Xie Li.'”

Xie Li listened silently, and after a long pause, he shifted his position, sniffed, and then remained silent.

After that, Shi Hongqian didn’t speak again, and Xie Li didn’t ask. He just sat in his seat, staring blankly out of the car window.

After more than half an hour, Shi Hongqian had already driven the car onto the mountain road of Qifeng Mountain.

Before getting close, Xie Li saw a bright spot on the mountain road above, accompanied by intense and piercing music. When they approached the open space, Shi Hongqian suddenly turned the steering wheel, and after the wheels scraped against the ground violently, the car stopped steadily in a corner of the open space.

Xie Li opened the car door and got out. He saw cars and people everywhere. These cars had their headlights on, illuminating the originally pitch-black mountainside as bright as day. Some people had set up fires, and next to the bonfires, speakers were playing music. Many young people held beers, embracing young girls in cool clothes, laughing and playing as if they were at a grand party.

Shi Hongqian locked the car door, walked through the car, and went ahead with the crowd. Xie Li followed him, and the gaze of many young girls fell on him. Some bolder ones even directly reached out to touch his chest.

At this moment, Xie Li didn’t even have the mood to be perfunctory. He walked forward without looking sideways.

Until they reached the large open space with a bonfire in the middle, Xie Li saw Chang Xiaojia sitting cross-legged on the hood of his racing car. He held an open beer can in one hand, pouring it into his mouth.

There were many people around him. One girl in a short skirt had been whispering in his ear, but Chang Xiaojia’s gaze was fixed on the bonfire, his expression cold. He didn’t respond to her words.

Across from Chang Xiaojia, Dai Hao stood next to a modified car, smoking. There were also many young men and women around him, and a group of people were chatting and laughing.

At this time, He Chuanyun walked towards Shi Hongqian and Xie Li through the crowd.

Today at the Single Sword Society, Xie Li had only met He Chuanyun briefly. He Chuanyun knew that Xie Li was now working with Chang Guanshan, and seeing that Chang Guanshan valued Xie Li, his attitude was very polite. He greeted Xie Li, “You’re here.”

Shi Hongqian greeted him as well, “Brother Yun.”

Xie Li also said, “Brother Yun, what is going to happen now?”

He Chuanyun turned to look and said, “Xiaojia couldn’t be stopped. He insists on having a race with Dai Hao tonight. I’ve managed to delay the time.” He glanced at his watch and added, “The race officially starts in fifteen minutes.”

Shi Hongqian looked at Xie Li, and Xie Li took two steps forward. “I’ll go.”

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