
Blinded chapter 46

At first glance, Chang Xin saw Chang Xiaojia sitting in front of the bathroom door. There had been quite a commotion inside just now, and his expression darkened instantly. He asked Xie Li, “Did you lay hands on him?”

Xie Li raised the hand covering his neck revealing the bloody wound.

Chang Xin frowned, assessing the situation, and eventually prioritized, saying, “You go see my dad first. I’ll have Shi Hongqian come up and check on him.”

Xie Li glanced back at Chang Xiaojia for a while then decisively grabbed his coat and followed Chang Xin outside.

The Chang family had two villas. Chang Guanshan and his wife, Ye Xinzhi, lived in the front main building. Chang Xin sometimes stayed in the upstairs of the front building, while Chang Xiaojia usually avoided going there.

Most of the time, Xie Li accompanied Chang Xiaojia and rarely entered the main building. He had never been to the second floor either.

Entering the living room on the first floor this time, it was already late at night, and the room was illuminated. Chang Guanshan, wearing a robe over his pajamas, sat on the sofa. Ye Xinzhi was originally sitting beside him. Upon seeing Xie Li come in, she stood up and said to Chang Guanshan, “I’ll go back to the room first.”

Chang Guanshan nodded, and Ye Xinzhi walked upstairs alone.

“Mr. Chang,” Xie Li called.

Chang Guanshan still maintained a gentle attitude as if nothing had happened to Xie Li’s neck and face. He simply gestured for Xie Li and Chang Xin to sit down and asked what had happened between him and Chang Xiaojia.

Xie Li didn’t tell Chang Guanshan much more than he had told Chang Xin. He remained calm, and when it came to the person named Han Yue, he didn’t hide anything, as if he had known nothing about him originally.

Chang Guanshan didn’t inquire about where Xie Li got the information. He listened quietly, raised his head, and calmly said, “May 13th.”

Xie Li didn’t react.

Chang Xin continued, “The Single Sword Society meeting?”

Chang Guanshan nodded.

Chang Xin said, “Less than a week.”

Chang Guanshan, sitting on the sofa, showed no signs of nervousness. When Chang Xin mentioned it would be less than a week, he just smiled faintly. However, from Xie Li’s perspective, he felt a hint of madness beneath Chang Guanshan’s cultured demeanor. Xie Li couldn’t forget how Chang Guanshan had sweet-talked him, only to later plan an ambush to kill him.

Chang Guanshan patted the sofa armrest twice and asked Xie Li, “If I arrange men for you, can you get Han Yue from Du Shenglian’s hands within a week?”

Knowing he couldn’t hesitate, Xie Li responded, “Yes.”

Chang Xin gave him a glance.

Chang Guanshan smiled, asking, “Where does your confidence come from?”

Xie Li replied, “If you are the one to  entrust this task to me, naturally, I have confidence.”

Chang Guanshan laughed, “Is it with this face and mouth that you charmed Xiaojia?”

Xie Li remained silent.

Chang Guanshan turned to Chang Xin, saying, “Go arrange people for him. By October 13th, I must not see Han Yue out there. Remember that.”

Chang Xin acknowledged, “I understand, Dad.”

Chang Guanshan touched his finger, where a wedding ring rested. He said, “Xie Li, you can go now. Your time is limited.”

Xie Li stood up, just about to speak when he heard Shi Hongqian’s voice outside, calling “Young Master Jia.”

Since the door was not locked, the first to push it open was Chang Xiaojia. Shi Hongqian followed him, looking like he intended to stop him.

Chang Xiaojia was still in his pajamas, his face devoid of color. His slender wrists extended from the empty sleeves, looking frail and weak.

Chang Guanshan asked gently, “Why isn’t Xiaojia asleep yet?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. He just glared fiercely at Xie Li, saying coldly, “Xie Li, come back with me.”

Chang Xin stood up from the sofa. He said to Chang Xiaojia, “Xie Li has important matters to attend to. You go back and rest.”

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was heavy, and he said, “No one is allowed to let him leave.”

Chang Guanshan looked at Xie Li and gestured with his chin, indicating he should go and appease Chang Xiaojia.

Xie Li approached Chang Xiaojia. In the bright light of the living room, the redness and swelling on one side of his face were clearly visible, and the blood on his neck was shocking. Xie Li reached Chang Xiaojia and spoke in a soft voice, “Xiaojia, go back and rest. I’ll come back as soon as I handle the matter.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “No.”

Xie Li reached out to grasp his arm, “It’s really something important.”

Chang Xiaojia shook off Xie Li’s hand, fiercely saying, “I said no!”

At this moment, Chang Xin strode forward and firmly grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s wrist, angrily saying, “Haven’t you caused enough trouble?” After speaking, he pulled him inside.

Chang Xiaojia was a head shorter than Chang Xin, and he was frail. Dragged by Chang Xin, he stumbled along. He looked suddenly panicked, screaming, “Let go of me!” while reaching out to grab Xie Li.

Xie Li’s fingers twitched slightly but didn’t reciprocate Chang Xiaojia’s grip.

Chang Xin, still holding Chang Xiaojia, continued to pull him inside until Chang Xiaojia couldn’t grab onto Xie Li anymore, and he released his hand to struggle against Chang Xin.

Xie Li’s arm dropped, hanging at his side.

Chang Xiaojia’s slippers fell off, and his body scraped and struggled on the floor, but Chang Xin still didn’t let go. He dragged him until they reached the first small door near the corridor close to the living room. Chang Xin opened the door and pushed Chang Xiaojia inside.

Chang Xiaojia’s voice became increasingly sharp and panicked. He said, “Brother, I was wrong. Please don’t lock me up.”

From Xie Li’s perspective, he couldn’t see what was in the room. He only knew it was dark, pitch black.

Chang Xiaojia kept saying, “I’m sorry. Don’t lock me up.”

Chang Xin coldly raised his hand and closed the door. He said, “Reflect on yourself in there!” Immediately after, he forcefully shut the door, and then, holding the doorknob, said to Shi Hongqian, “Go get the keys.”

Chang Xiaojia banged on the door from inside, his voice full of panic, “No, I was wrong! I won’t make trouble! Let me out!”

Shi Hongqian turned and walked toward the other side of the living room.

Xie Li’s shirt gently swayed with his breath as he reached into his pocket, absentmindedly not knowing what he was doing. Eventually, he found a crumpled pack of cigarettes and took one out, putting it in his mouth. He heard Chang Xiaojia crying, a heart-wrenching cry.

Throughout this process, Chang Guanshan sat on the sofa, coldly watching. At this moment, he stood up and sighed as if he felt sorry and didn’t know what to do. He said to Xie Li, “You can go first. Tell Shi Hongqian to stay here and watch him. If he behaves, let him go back to sleep.”

Chang Xin nodded, waiting for Shi Hongqian to come back with the keys to lock the door. He then returned to Xie Li’s side, and they left together.

As they walked out of the living room door, Xie Li heard Chang Xiaojia crying and calling his name. After that, there was no more sound from inside.

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