
Blinded chapter 42

Inside Fengling Bar, people were coming and going.

Xie Li sat in the driver’s seat, observing that it was almost eight o’clock. Only then did he reach down to his feet, take out a travel bag, lock the car, and walk into the bar through the back door.

Inside the bar, Chang Xiaojia was present, and the two had a little disagreement before leaving.

That day, Xie Li didn’t want Chang Xiaojia to accompany him to the bar. He thought he would comply, but Chang Xiaojia got angry, telling him not to order him around.

After driving to the bar, Chang Xiaojia opened the car door and went in ahead of Xie Li. Even when Xie Li tried to talk to him, he didn’t respond.

Later, Xie Li waited in the car. When the time Chang Xin had agreed upon with Boss He was approaching, Xie Li finally took the things and went in.

In the bag were a total of eight bottles of medicine, all packaged as vitamin tablets. Chang Xin didn’t say what it was, and Xie Li didn’t ask.

Xie Li had planned from the beginning that regardless of whether the contents of this bag were drugs or not, he would follow Chang Xin’s instructions and directly hand it over to Boss He.

Chang Xin could never trust him with just a few words, and Xie Li couldn’t trust him either.

When Xie Li opened the door to the private room, it was exactly eight o’clock. This time, it wasn’t as lively inside as before. There was only Boss He and another man.

He walked in, placing the entire travel bag on the table.

“The stuff has arrived,” Xie Li said. “Boss He, check it.”

Boss He smiled amiably and said, “Thank you.” Then he gestured to the man next to him to inspect the goods.

The man took out a medicine bottle from the travel bag, first checked the outer packaging, then twisted the cap. However, before fully opening it, a piercing whistle suddenly came from outside the private room.

All three inside raised their heads simultaneously, sensing an unusual atmosphere.

Following that, even the music, which the thick wooden door couldn’t entirely block, abruptly stopped. Xie Li faintly heard someone yelling “police.”

Boss He and his subordinate reacted swiftly, throwing the medicine bottles on the table and agilely slipping out of the private room.

Xie Li cursed under his breath. He realized that at this moment, his mind was unusually calm. While putting the medicine bottles back into the travel bag, zipping it up, and slinging it over his shoulder, he walked out. In his mind, he thought, “What had to happen has indeed happened. How could it be as simple as Chang Xin just asking him to deliver drugs?”

Exiting the private room, he glanced left and right, observing that the crowd was still concentrated in the main hall outside. He walked directly toward the corridor leading to the back door.

When he reached the corner, Chang Xiaojia suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the right, saying, “Don’t go to the back door; it’s blocked by people.”

Chang Xiaojia pulled him into the bar’s men’s restroom, entered the furthest stall, closed the door, and then reached for Xie Li’s travel bag.

Xie Li took a step back, bumping into the wooden wall of the stall. He hesitated.

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Do you want to die?”

Xie Li pursed his lips, threw the bag on the floor, took out a bottle of pills, unscrewed the cap, and poured it into the toilet.

Chang Xiaojia joined him, and after a while, pressed the flush button, sending the pills down.

Xie Li was thankful that the many pills didn’t clog the drain but smoothly flushed away.

When there were two bottles of medicine left out of the eight, footsteps accompanied by the police’s shouts reached them, “Everyone inside, come out!”

Xie Li looked up, locked eyes with Chang Xiaojia, and both calmly continued pouring the medicine into the toilet. By the time the two bottles were completely emptied, the police had started knocking on the doors one by one.

Chang Xiaojia flushed the toilet, and Xie Li put the bottles back into the bag, slung it over his shoulder, and threw it out of the stall window.

The sound of the police knocking on the doors was quite loud, effectively masking the noise of the travel bag falling outside.

However, this time, there were too many pills, and they didn’t all flush down in one go.

Upon hearing the sound of water, the police immediately approached and knocked on the door.

Chang Xiaojia looked at Xie Li, suddenly hugged him, and began kissing him, tugging at his clothes.

The outside voice shouted, “Who’s inside? Open the door quickly!”

The person outside angrily said, “Open up! police inspection.”

The friction of clothes made a suggestive sound. Xie Li held Chang Xiaojia’s face, passionately kissing his lips. He didn’t know what had come over him; even though he was so nervous, as if he had just experienced a life-or-death situation, he couldn’t suppress the agitation in his body. He thought it must be the adrenaline, making him fall madly in love with Chang Xiaojia at this moment, even wanting to strip off his pants and forcefully fuck him right there.

Chang Xiaojia was pinned against the dirty wooden wall, and he reached for the flush button, flushing away the remaining pills.

Xie Li still tightly held his face, turning to look at the toilet, then said, “I’m opening the door.”

Chang Xiaojia’s cheeks and the corners of his eyes were red, and his lips were swollen from the kisses. He nodded.

Xie Li reached out and opened the door.

The police outside seemed ready to break down the door, aiming their guns at them with a tense expression. After seeing that they didn’t have weapons, they put down their guns, sternly inspecting them from head to toe. “What are you doing?”

Xie Li breathed a little heavily, his Adam’s apple sliding. He said, “Officer, can’t you see?”

The floor of the stall was higher than outside, and when Chang Xiaojia came out, his legs suddenly went weak, almost kneeling on the ground.

Xie Li quickly reached out to hold him, lowered his head to look at his face, unable to distinguish whether he was genuinely affected or just acting.

Facing them was a young police officer. Xie Li could tell that his experience was not sufficient. He sternly questioned, “What were you flushing just now?”

Xie Li raised an eyebrow, looking at the police officer as if he were knowingly asking.

Chang Xiaojia, however, spoke in a cold tone, “cum.”

The young police officer’s face instantly turned red, accompanied by a surge of anger. He raised his gun, pointing it at both of them, “Turn around, hands on your heads.”

They both obediently complied.

As the officer frisked them, another policeman entered the restroom, asking, “Whose bag is this? Did someone throw it from the restroom?”

He was holding the travel bag that Xie Li had thrown outside.

The police officer took out empty bottles from inside, “What was inside this? Speak up!”

Both Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia shook their heads.

The two were summoned to the police station.

Although Xie Li was quite familiar with the police station, it was the first time he sat in a chair waiting to be questioned in this manner.

They were brought in separate cars. Xie Li didn’t know where Chang Xiaojia was now, only aware that they were likely held in separate rooms awaiting interrogation.

After a while, two policemen entered, one of them recording in a notebook.

They first asked for some personal information and then questioned Xie Li about what he was doing at the Fengling Bar tonight.

Xie Li, with a clear mind, answered, “Just accompanying the boss.”

The police asked, “Who is the boss?”

Xie Li said, “The owner of Fengling Bar, Chang Xiaojia. I am an employee he hired.”

The police said, “Tell us, during the police inspection, what were you and your boss doing in the men’s restroom?”

Xie Li calmly responded, “Using the restroom.”

“Both of you using one stall together?”

Xie Li countered, “Is it illegal?”

The police snorted, “Do you think you can explain this? Moreover, weren’t you saying something different to my colleague at that time?”

Xie Li asked, “What did I say?”

“Is that black travel bag yours?”


“You better think carefully. Let me tell you, we are retrieving the bar’s surveillance footage, and we are analyzing the residue powder in the medicine bottles. Don’t think denying it will save you! When it comes to court, the sentence will only be heavier!”

“Officer, are you trying to force a confession or entice one?”

After a while, the police left, leaving Xie Li alone in the room.

After waiting for nearly two hours, the police came in and told him he could go.

Xie Li stood up, adjusted his coat, and walked outside.

Following the police officer into the corridor, rows of fluorescent lights extended forward overhead, with closed doors on both sides.

A man in casual clothes was talking to a police officer, and upon hearing footsteps, he turned to look at Xie Li. It was Yu Zhengkun.

Xie Li looked at Yu Zhengkun, walking slowly forward.

Suddenly, Chang Xiaojia walked out of the room behind Yu Zhengkun. His face was a bit pale, and behind him was a man in a suit and tie, looking like a lawyer hired by the Chang family.

Xie Li’s gaze shifted away from Yu Zhengkun’s face, landing on Chang Xiaojia. He walked past Yu Zhengkun, stopping next to Chang Xiaojia, and asked, “Are you okay?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded, his voice soft, “Xie Li, I want to go back.”

Xie Li said, “Let’s go then.”

An impulsive young police officer shouted at them, “People like you will get what’s coming to you sooner or later!”

Chang Xiaojia’s lawyer spoke up, “Officer, isn’t this considered intimidation?”

However, Chang Xiaojia apparently didn’t want to engage. He walked directly outside, and Xie Li resisted the urge to turn around and look at Yu Zhengkun. He focused solely on Chang Xiaojia’s retreating figure.

The lawyer followed up and said to them, “The police couldn’t retrieve the surveillance, the bar’s cameras malfunctioned and stopped working before eight o’clock.”

Neither Xie Li nor Chang Xiaojia reacted. They certainly knew the surveillance couldn’t be retrieved. Outside the bar, before Chang Xiaojia got out of the car, the last thing Xie Li said to him was, “Go in and turn off all the surveillance.”

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