
Blinded chapter 37

Ruan Qiuyuan looked at Xie Li in confusion. “What’s wrong? Who’s outside?”

Xie Li frowned tightly and said, “It might be Chang Xiaojia. We can’t let him misunderstand.”

Ruan Qiuyuan didn’t understand his thoughts. “So, what should we do? Let Chang Xiaojia suspect us? Or do you have a plan to deal with him?”

Xie Li smiled bitterly.

Ruan Qiuyuan’s expression became serious. “Xie Li, getting to this point hasn’t been easy. I don’t know why you’re unwilling to act in front of Chang Xiaojia, but I won’t allow you to expose both of us for your personal reasons.”

Xie Li stood up and said, “I won’t. I’m just afraid that if Chang Xiaojia misunderstands, it will bring more trouble.”

“What trouble?” Ruan Qiuyuan asked.

Xie Li didn’t answer. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, loosening his tie with the other hand, and said to Ruan Qiuyuan, “Hide yourself; I’ll go talk to him.”

Ruan Qiuyuan hesitated. “Xie Li!”

But Xie Li had already walked to the door, ready to open it.

He had considered hiding and letting Ruan Qiuyuan handle Chang Xiaojia, but he was worried that Chang Xiaojia wouldn’t easily let Ruan Qiuyuan off. Deep down, he still believed that only he could handle Chang Xiaojia, and others couldn’t.

The knocking on the door continued, carrying the anger of the person outside.

As soon as Xie Li opened the door, he saw Chang Xiaojia standing there, eyes red, breathing heavily.

Without saying a word, Chang Xiaojia grabbed the loosened tie and pulled Xie Li forward, raising his other hand to slap him.

Xie Li grabbed his slapping hand and embraced his waist with the other, saying, “Xiaojia, what are you doing?”

Chang Xiaojia pushed him away but couldn’t break free, so he struggled in Xie Li’s arms.

Xie Li lifted him, pressed him against the wall in the hallway, and kissed him forcefully to calm him down.

Chang Xiaojia struggled and turned his face, saying, “Don’t you dare kiss me!”

Xie Li continued kissing him, and Chang Xiaojia bit Xie Li, leaving a bloody mark on his lower lip.

Helpless, Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia’s lips but continued holding him. He whispered in his ear, “Xiaojia, listen to me—”

Before he could finish, he noticed two shadows outside the door. Although he couldn’t see the people, they were definitely standing in the corridor, listening to their conversation.

Xie Li’s heart sank. He continued, “—I had a bit too much to drink. We didn’t do anything.”

Chang Xiaojia coldly asked, “Did you do nothing, or didn’t have the chance to do anything?”

Xie Li tightly held him, his lips near his ear, using a somewhat insincere tone, he said, “We didn’t do anything. We were just talking.”

Chang Xiaojia’s breathing was heavy and fast, his whole body trembling slightly.

At that moment, someone standing in the corridor approached the door, and Xie Li saw it was Chang Xin.

Chang Xin said to Chang Xiaojia, “Xiaojia, what are you doing? Let go now.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t listen.

Chang Xin raised his voice, “Chang Xiaojia!”

Only then did Chang Xiaojia slowly release his grip. His face was pale, and he stopped struggling, leaning against the wall, completely devoid of energy.

Chang Xin said, “Xie Li, take him away. Don’t let him cause a scene here.”

Xie Li, looking at Chang Xiaojia’s state, felt distressed. He held one of his hands and said, “Xiaojia, shall we go back?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

At that moment, another person from the corridor spoke, “Let Young Master Jia rest in the room upstairs. I’ll arrange a room.”

Xie Li recognized the voice as Shi Hongqian.

Chang Xin said, “take him to 1607, the room the hotel reserved for me, usually empty. Just call the front desk, Hongqian.”

Shi Hongqian replied, “Got it.”

Xie Li simply lifted Chang Xiaojia and carried him horizontally. As he walked out, he said to Chang Xin, “Thank you.”

Chang Xin, with a seemingly mocking smile, patted Xie Li on the shoulder, saying, “keep him under control.”

Carrying Chang Xiaojia, Xie Li went to the room on the 16th floor. The hotel staff, receiving a call, opened the door for them and left the key card.

Once inside, Xie Li placed Chang Xiaojia on the large bed. He squatted beside the bed, watching him, and asked, “Are you still angry?”

Chang Xiaojia lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling, not saying a word.

Xie Li sighed. At this point, he could only continue with what he had said earlier. “Xiaojia, there really is nothing between her and me. Being in the same room doesn’t mean something will happen just because it’s a man and a woman.”

Chang Xiaojia turned his head to look at him, asking in a cold tone, “Then why did you go to her room?”

Xie Li said, “Just to talk.”

This sounded like a ridiculous answer, and Xie Li knew that most people wouldn’t believe such words.

Naturally, Chang Xiaojia didn’t believe it either. He coldly said, “I’m going to kill her.”

Xie Li silently looked at him for a moment, then stood up and removed Chang Xiaojia’s shoes and socks. Chang Xiaojia curled up his legs and turned to lie on his side. Xie Li then helped him sit up, patiently loosening his tie and removing his jacket.

Chang Xiaojia allowed him to do this.

Xie Li lowered his head and asked, “Should I take off your pants too? It might be more comfortable to sleep that way.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “I’m not going to sleep.”

Xie Li said, “What do you plan to do at this late hour if you’re not going to sleep?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t answer. After a while, he asked, “What will you do if I sleep? Go back to her room?”

Xie Li said, “Of course not, I’ll sleep here with you.” As he spoke, he took off his clothes and pants, lifted the quilt, got on the bed, and embraced him.

The two lay quietly for a while, and Xie Li said, “If you want to kill Ruan Qiuyuan, just do it.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him.

He then asked, “Did you kiss her?”

Xie Li sounded somewhat helpless, “No, I didn’t.”

Chang Xiaojia returned to the previous question, “Then why did you go to her room?”

Xie Li sighed slightly, “After I finished eating, I saw you still talking to Huo Zhaoning. I didn’t want to disturb you, so I went out to smoke and ran into her. We chatted for a while.”

Chang Xiaojia said, “She’s a prostitute, a high-end one.”

The words stung Xie Li’s heart a bit, but he maintained a calm expression, even smiling slightly. “I know, so I wouldn’t have anything to do with her.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Is she interested in you?”

Xie Li lowered his head, gently rubbing his forehead against Chang Xiaojia’s soft face. “Do you know how many women have been interested in me from childhood to now? Not every one of them is someone I find worthy.”

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand, using his fingers to grab a strand of Xie Li’s hair. After being out of prison for so long, both of their hair had grown quite long. He even wound that strand of hair around his finger before asking, “Then have you ever been interested in anyone?”

Xie Li smiled, looking up at him. “Why ask about that?”

Chang Xiaojia let go of his hair and said, “so I can kill them.”

Xie Li still smiled, “Then, I can’t bear to.”

Chang Xiaojia’s expression darkened.

Xie Li buried his face in his chest, took a deep breath, and said, “There’s only you left, Xiaojia.”

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