
Blinded chapter 3

After Xie Li sat opposite Chang Xiaojia, the entire cafeteria sank into an unusual silence. It seemed that Chang Xiaojia’s action wasn’t merely offering Xie Li a seat but was a deliberate slap in the face to Dai Hao in front of everyone.

Dai Hao’s expression grew colder. Suddenly, he slammed the spoon onto his plate and stood up, tapping the table.

But as soon as he stood up, the impassive guard, who had been watching the scene, drew his baton and ordered, “What’s going on? Sit down! Eat!”

Dai Hao glanced at the guard and sat back down, his face clouded with anger.

Xie Li lowered his head to eat, then looked up at Chang Xiaojia, saying, “Thank you.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond, continuing to eat and occasionally glancing at Xie Li as if his face could increase his appetite.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Xie Li saw this as an opportunity to get close to Chang Xiaojia. He cleared his throat and said, “Aren’t you afraid of making enemies with Dai Hao?”

Chang Xiaojia’s mouth was full. After chewing for a while and swallowing the food, he didn’t answer Xie Li’s question but suddenly said, “You’re not from Harbour City”

Xie Li’s accent didn’t sound local. He replied, “I’m from Chongfeng City.”

Chang Xiaojia scooped a piece of meat into his mouth and waited until he had swallowed it down before asking, “What did you do before you came in here?”

Xie Li replied, “I was a soldier. After I was discharged, I worked on construction projects for my boss.” This fictitious personal experience was what Yu Zhengkun had briefed him on before going to prison. They had prepared a series of false identity documents. Even if Chang Xiaojia sent someone to investigate, they wouldn’t find Xie Li’s real identity.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond to this answer. He just glanced at Xie Li’s bared forearm, which was not thick but showed clear muscular lines and faint blue veins around the wrist.

Xie Li was waiting for Chang Xiaojia’s next words, but they never came.

After dinner, Chang Xiaojia acted as if nothing had happened. He walked out of the cafeteria alone, followed by his men, one of whom glanced at Xie Li but said nothing.

Back in their cell, Hu Minxin had already returned after taking a shower and was looking at Xie Li. He observed Xie Li, who seemed to have something on his mind. Eventually, when Xie Li prepared to go for his own shower, Hu Minxin whispered, “Be careful. There are blind spots in the shower room surveillance.”

Blind spots in the shower room surveillance referred to the areas where the cameras couldn’t capture.

In the shower room, Xie Li undressed, hung his clothes on the hooks in the changing area, and took a bucket. He walked to the right upper corner of the “回” character, the spot where Chang Xiaojia usually showered. Two individuals followed him inside.

The others who were showering nearby quickly finished and left.

Once Xie Li was certain there was no one else in their vicinity, the heavyset man attempted to kick him in the legs. Xie Li casually looked down, grabbed the man’s thick ankle, and effortlessly twisted him to the ground.

The tall guy hesitated for a moment, then raised the bucket in his hand to strike Xie Li on the head.

Xie Li was always the top fighter in his class during his time at the police academy, and no one had ever truly beaten him across the grades. But this was his first time fighting naked against two men in a shower room. The slippers were slippery, and when he tried to kick one of them, he sent the slipper flying, hitting the basin in the tall man’s hand. His foot landed precisely on the tall man’s lower jaw, causing him to step back a few paces and hit the wall behind.

On the other side, the heavy set man clumsily tried to crawl up from the wet floor. However, halfway up, Xie Li put his foot on the man’s shoulder, pressing him back down.

Xie Li watched coldly as they struggled. At that moment, he heard somewhat sluggish footsteps coming in their direction. He raised his head and saw Chang Xiaojia, accompanied by his two big followers, appearing around the corner.

Chang Xiaojia was shirtless, wearing a towel around his waist, with his long legs extending beneath the towel, and his feet in the prison’s standard men’s slippers.

When he spotted the situation, he paused, then said in an unenthusiastic tone, “Get lost.”

The heavy set man on the ground and the tall man glanced at each other, then awkwardly limped away.

Only Xie Li calmly took two steps forward, slid his foot into the slipper he had kicked away, and stood in place, saying, “I’ve swiped my card but haven’t showered.”

Each card could only be swiped once a day.

Chang Xiaojia looked up at the running showerhead, “That’s my spot.”

Xie Li deliberately came over because he knew Chang Xiaojia would be there to shower. He attempted to ask in a casual tone, “How about showering together?”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him strangely.

Xie Li walked over to the showerhead, quickly grabbed the soap and began lathering it on his skin before time was up.

Chang Xiaojia still wore that odd expression and gazed straight at Xie Li for a while. Then, he instructed his two men, “Go outside and keep watch.”

One went to the upper-left corner of the “回” character-shaped shower room, and the other to the lower-right corner, positions invisible to both Chang Xiaojia and Xie Li.

Chang Xiaojia walked over to where Xie Li was, placed the basin on the ground, then unwrapped the towel around his waist, placing it inside the basin.

The shower room lacked private partitions; it was entirely open. Even if Xie Li didn’t look, the image of Chang Xiaojia’s pale body still occasionally pierced through the misty air and into his line of sight.

Xie Li lathered his soapy body vigorously. He said, “I’ve angered Dai Hao.”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t respond.

Uncertain if Chang Xiaojia couldn’t hear over the sound of water, Xie Li moved a little closer in Chang Xiaojia’s direction and said, “Dai Hao will continue to cause trouble for me.”

He turned to see Chang Xiaojia’s expression but found him leaning back with his eyes closed, washing. It seemed he wasn’t interested in the conversation.

Xie Li hesitated, turned off the water, and then said, “My time is up. Can I use your water to rinse off?” Without waiting for Chang Xiaojia’s approval, he moved directly under Chang Xiaojia’s shower head.

Chang Xiaojia opened his eyes, stepped aside, but his arm brushed against Xie Li’s arm.

Xie Li raised his hand to wash off the foam on his body. The damp, muscular chest glistened under the dim light of the shower room.

Chang Xiaojia looked at his shoulder and then at his chest, noticing a long scar on the right side of Xie Li’s waist. He reached out and touched it, “How did you get this?”

Xie Li felt the smooth palm of his hand unexpectedly on the scar. He said, “I got it from a fight and was cut.” In reality, it was an injury he received while apprehending a suspect.

Chang Xiaojia’s fingertip lingered on the scar, “You’re quite good at fighting. You’ve had training.”

Xie Li felt an itch around the old scar, as if the healed wound had come to life again. He lowered his head to look at Chang Xiaojia’s hand, “I had training in the military.”

The end of that scar was just under his right rib. Chang Xiaojia’s fingers also stopped there.

Suddenly, Xie Li felt the shower room was extremely hot and stuffy. He suppressed the uncomfortable feeling and said, “Chang Xiaojia, I’m more reliable than the two outside. Let me guard you.”

Chang Xiaojia looked into his eyes for a moment and then withdrew his hand, saying, “I don’t want that.”

Xie Li paused and tried again, “Chang Xiao…?”

Chang Xiaojia interrupted him, “No, you can leave.”

Xie Li wiped his face, turned, and walked back to his showerhead, picking up his basin and walking outside.

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