
Blinded chapter 25

“The bottle of medicine you gave me has undergone ingredient testing, confirming the presence of hallucinogenic and stimulant components, but it does not contain common drug ingredients on the market. It should be a new type of drug,” Yu Zhengkun’s voice came from the receiver, somewhat distorted.

Holding the phone in his right hand, Xie Li raised his left hand against the transparent glass door of the phone booth, rested his forehead on his arm, and looked out at the empty road. He asked, “Have there been any news about new drugs recently?”

Yu Zhengkun said, “Not for the moment.”

Xie Li asked again, “For this flood control operation, are you responsible for all the undercover contacts?”

Yu Zhengkun replied, “Of course not. Why do you ask?”

Xie Li said, “Just curious.” He moved the phone away from his ear and hung up.

He opened the door of the phone booth and ran along the road by Qing Shui Lake. Xie Li had gone out for a morning run. When he woke up, Chang Xiaojia was still asleep. He had to gently move Chang Xiaojia’s hand away from hugging him so he could get out of bed.

Chang Xiaojia was startled by his movements, furrowing his brows with half-opened eyes. He called out, “Xie Li,” in a soft and hoarse voice.

Xie Li raised his hand to tousle his hair. A long leg had already stretched down from the side of the bed. Xie Li said, “You go back to sleep.”

Chang Xiaojia reached out to grab him, but only caught two fingers of the hand that Xie Li had placed on the edge of the bed. He mumbled unclearly, “Where are you going?”

Xie Li said, “I’m going for a run.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at him with moist eyes. “Don’t go.”

Xie Li reached out to touch his face. “Sleep, and when you wake up, I’ll be back.”

Later, Chang Xiaojia couldn’t resist the fatigue and fell asleep. Xie Li got up, put on a short-sleeved shirt, sport shorts, and sneakers, and went out for a run.

He ran along the circular road by Qing Shui Lake. It was still early, and apart from the occasional passing car, there were no other pedestrians.

Later, Xie Li called Yu Zhengkun from a public phone booth by the road. After ending the call, he continued his morning run around Qing Shui Lake.

The cool morning breeze, accompanied by moisture, greeted him. When Xie Li left Chang’s house, he felt a bit cold. By now, after running for a while, he was covered in sweat. The sweat on his face hadn’t had a chance to drip down yet and was blown dry by the cool breeze.

After running for more than forty minutes, he saw a tall figure running towards him along the riverbank. Even though they were some distance apart, Xie Li could still clearly see that it was Chang Xin in a sportswear.

Xie Li slowed down his pace. When he was less than two meters away from Chang Xin, he nodded in greeting and said, “Young Master Xin.”

Chang Xin stopped, smiled slightly, and asked, “Morning run?”

Xie Li, who had just stopped, felt sweat sliding down his forehead. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it, panting, “Yes.”

Even though his face was wet with sweat, and his damp clothes clung to his body, it didn’t diminish his handsome appearance. He raised his hand, wiped the sweat off his face, and said, “Ah.”

Chang Xin hadn’t sweated as much; he probably hadn’t been running for long. He moved his neck and asked Xie Li, “Is Xiaojia still sleeping?”

Xie Li replied, “Yes.”

Chang Xin asked, “Are you planning to run back?”

Xie Li nodded. “I’m about to go back.”

Chang Xin said, “Then let’s go together. I can’t run too far.”

Xie Li felt a bit strange, but he naturally wouldn’t refuse Chang Xin. He simply said, “Sure.”

The two jogged back towards Chang’s house together.

Chang Xini said, “Xiaojia really likes you.” It wasn’t a question but a statement.

Xie Li could only smile and said, “Yes he is so straightforward.”

Chang Xin looked at him, “You should take good care of him and not let him be bullied by others.”

Xie Li suddenly remembered when Shi Hongqian had said similar words to him. He thought it was ironic because Chang Xin was the one who bullied Chang Xiaojia the most. There was no need for him to pretend to care.

He slowed down his pace, and Chang Xin slowed down as well. Facing Chang Xin, Xie Li said, “When Xiaojia and I were in Fish Island Prison, he helped me a lot. Naturally, I will follow him wholeheartedly.”

Chang Xin laughed at the words, “Did he help you in Fish Island Prison?”

The heat on Xie Li’s body had gradually dissipated, and he began to feel the air getting cooler. He looked at Chang Xin but didn’t say anything.

Chang Xin approached him a little, lowered his voice, and said, “He didn’t force you to mess around with him just because you look good, did he?”

Xie Li felt like a string in his heart was suddenly pulled tight. His face remained calm, hands hanging on either side of his body, his long legs slightly apart. He only said, “Young Master Xin, what do you mean?”

Chang Xin said, “This brother of mine, his head has never been quite normal since he was little. He doesn’t like perfectly good women; instead, he likes men.”

Xie Li fell silent for a moment, then slid his hands into the pockets of his shorts, took two steps in place, and asked, “Is he incapable with women?”

Chang Xin smiled and said, “Most likely.”

So, the person who killed the female police officer was not Chang Xiaojia. Xie Li realized that his mind was unexpectedly clear at this moment. He pursed his lips, then slightly opened them, saying, “Actually, I—”

Chang Xin was in a relaxed posture and asked, “Actually, what?”

Xie Li said, “It’s nothing.”

Chang Xin patted his shoulder, “Go back, Xiaojia should be awake.” After that, he continued running ahead.

Xie Li didn’t speak to Chang Xin anymore. He could feel that Chang Xin had a certain attitude, probably waiting for him to take the bait.

Chang Xin seemed to know everything about him and Chang Xiaojia at Fish Island Prison. He wondered which person around Chang Xiaojia was arranged by Chang Xin. Perhaps everyone, except for him, was arranged by Chang Xin.

Everyone in Fish Island Prison thought he had sold himself to Chang Xiaojia. Apparently, Chang Xin now thought the same.

Xie Li thought of Yu Zhengkun asking him to get close to Chang Xin, glanced at Chang Xin’s back, and silently lowered his head to continue running.

Back at Chang’s house, Chang Xin didn’t go to the small building where Chang Xiaojia lived but went straight to the front. Xie Li guessed that he had spent the night in the front building as well. So, he walked towards the back building himself.

Before he got close, he heard someone calling his name. He looked up and saw Chang Xiaojia standing on the second-floor balcony.

Chang Xiaojia was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and jeans. With both hands on the railing, he saw Xie Li approaching and actually flipped over the railing, as if he was about to jump down.

For a moment, Xie Li was a bit stunned, and he even forgot to speak to stop him.

Chang Xiaojia sat on the railing, with both feet hanging outside, shouting, “Hurry up and come up, or I’ll jump down.”

Xie Li came back to his senses, saying, “Are you crazy?”

Chang Xiaojia looked down at him, “Come up quickly!”

Only then did Xie Li regain his composure and said, “You’ve lost your mind.”

He walked into the entrance of the small building and met Shi Hongqian, who was standing in the hallway. They didn’t exchange a word. Xie Li quickly went up the stairs, and when he reached the corner, he suddenly wondered if Chang Xiaojia had seen him and Chang Xin enter through the main gate together.

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