
Blinded chapter 24

In the room, besides Chang Xin, everyone else Xie Li had seen in photos. They were all influential figures in Hongfang.

Though these individuals might not be as famous as the father-son duo, Chang Guanshan, outside, they still held significance within Hongfang. Various business dealings of the Chang family also involved these people.

The oldest among them appeared to be around sixty or seventy years old, older even than Chang Guanshan. His name was Du Shenglian, the second in command within Hongfang under Chang Guanshan. He wore a straight-collared gown, with neatly combed half-white hair. His broad forehead accommodated a large cigar, and one leg was casually draped over the other, exuding an air of decadence.

In Chang Guanshan’s absence, Du Shenglian sat at the front right of the long table, looking at Chang Xiaojia, saying, “It’s not everyday the Second Young Master pays a visit.”

Chang Xiaojia walked directly to the end of the long table, pulled out a vacant chair, and sat down. He glanced at Chang Xin, then turned to Du Shenglian, asking, “Uncle Du, were you waiting for me to start the meal?”

Du Shenglian took a slow drag of his cigar, not answering immediately, just glancing at Chang Xin.

Chang Xin spoke up, “Xiaojia, show some respect to your elders.”

Chang Xiaojia paid him no attention.

Xie Li stood behind Chang Xiaojia, slowly scanning the people sitting along the long table. To Du Shenglian’s left was a man around forty years old, tall and sturdy, wearing an open black suit, a gold chain hanging around his neck, named Wu Can.

Across from him was a man in his thirties, wearing glasses and having a refined appearance, He Chuanyun. Next to He Chuanyun was a lean old man in his fifties, holding up his chin with one hand, looking somewhat weary, named Ping Xiang. Opposite Ping Xiang was a man who seemed to be around forty years old, with an ordinary appearance, wearing a simple white-patterned shirt. He looked at Chang Xiaojia with a mild attitude and was named Song Daozheng.

Except for Chang Guanshan, these were the Hongfang influential figures that Xie Li had seen through Yu Zhengkun.

Xie Li lowered his head to look at Chang Xiaojia, who seemed to be nonchalantly fidgeting with his fingers, like an inattentive elementary school student.

After a while, Chang Xiaojia raised his head. He spoke to Chang Xin, “Are you holding a family court to judge me in Dad’s absence?”

Chang Xin chuckled. “What do I have to judge you for? It’s just that too many people have recently complained about you. It reached Uncle Du’s ears, and he asked me to bring you here.”

Chang Xiaojia looked at Du Shenglian.

Du Shenglian’s voice was somewhat sharp. He held the cigar between his fingers and asked Chang Xiaojia, “Did you take over all the bars in Hongfang?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “My dad gave them to me.”

Du Shenglian said, “But they are still part of Hongfang.”

Chang Xiaojia countered, “They are mine.”

Du Shenglian pointed at him, “You are still part of Hongfang. It was reported to me that as soon as you came out of prison, you replaced all the managers of the bars.”

Chang Xiaojia remained noncommittal, lowering his head to play with his fingers again.

Du Shenglian continued, “Not only did you replace the staff, but all the bars that used to do open business are now off-limits. What do you mean by that?”

Xie Li, upon hearing this, was slightly surprised and suddenly understood. Initially, he wondered why the Hongfang bigwigs cared about Chang Xiaojia changing a few bars. It turned out they were concerned not about the money those bars earned but about the other illegal businesses conducted within.

In recent years, Hongfang had expanded its involvement in various industries in the city. While it appeared to be a large commercial conglomerate, its essence remained that of a traditional society. Despite its ventures in different businesses, Hongfang had never let go of its traditional operations. The bars in question were not just for making a few bucks; they served as venues for these illicit activities.

Chang Xiaojia claimed that those dealing drugs in the bars weren’t members of Hongfang. However, they were ultimately connected to Hongfang, as they were engaged in illegal activities inside the bars. By replacing all the bar managers and driving out various illegal operations, Chang Xiaojia naturally infringed upon the interests of the Hongfang bigwigs.

Xie Li figured that Chang Xiaojia, having grown up in Hongfang, should have been aware of these things.

Chang Xiaojia seemed unperturbed by the situation. His tone was calm as he lifted his head and said to Du Shenglian, “Uncle Du, because they weren’t following the rules.”

He Chenyun suddenly laughed, asking Chang Xiaojia, “What rules?”

Chang Xiaojia turned to look at him. “My rules. The bars are mine.”

Song Daozheng asked gently, “Does your dad know?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “Why else would he give me the bars? And if you’re not satisfied with my rules, you can open new ones and follow your own rules.”

Xie Li noticed Ping Xiang sitting nearby, smiling unexpectedly.

These people had watched Chang Xiaojia grow up. For so many years, Chang Xiaojia had not been actively involved in Hongfang’s business. Perhaps, in their eyes, he was just a naive and ignorant child—stubborn and selfish.

Since Du Shenglian began speaking, Chang Xin had remained silent.

Chang Xiaojia raised his head, revealing a gracefully contoured neck. His expression showed a kind of innocent stubbornness. He asked Du Shenglian, “Uncle Du, is there anything else you want to say?”

Du Shenglian said, “You can’t do things this way.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “Do you want to hit me?”

He Chuanyun smiled, asking him, “If we were to hit you, how would you respond?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “I would call my dad, and I have bodyguards.”

He Chuanyun chuckled, “Don’t be nervous. We won’t hit you.”

Du Shenglian had finished his cigar. He leaned back in his chair and said to Chang Xiaojia, “Today we’re telling you plainly. If you don’t listen, don’t blame us for following Hongfang’s rules.”

Chang Xiaojia asked, “What rules might that be?”

Du Shenglian looked at Chang Xin, “Tell your younger brother about Hongfang’s rules.”

Chang Xin straightened up and said to Du Shenglian, “Uncle Du, don’t be angry. My dad will be back in a week or two. He’ll definitely explain everything to everyone.”

Du Shenglian sneered, “What do I have to be angry about? An old man like me won’t last much longer. Hongfang will be yours in the future. I’ll handle what I need to handle, and I won’t bother with things that don’t concern me. Why should I stick my neck out for you? Chang Guanshan is the helmsman of Hongfang. I’m just the second. Listen if you want, don’t if you don’t!”

Having said that, he stood up, ready to leave.

Ping Xiang advised, “Master Du, don’t be angry. He’s just an ignorant junior.”

Du Shenglian ignored him. After he stood up, Wu Can also got up, straightening his clothes and adjusting the gold chain to catch the light. It seemed like they were planning to leave together with Du Shenglian.

Just as Du Shenglian reached the door, someone suddenly pushed it open from the outside, narrowly avoiding hitting Du Shenglian’s face with the door.

Wu Can immediately looked fierce and shouted, “Who is it? Who dares burge in?”

Everyone in the room turned their gaze toward the door. They saw a young woman in a black dress standing there. The woman had a graceful figure and a charming appearance. Her slightly curled long hair framed her face with a touch of sweetness. When she saw Du Shenglian, she smiled and said, “Master, I finally found you.”

Du Shenglian, who was angry just a moment ago, immediately softened upon seeing this woman. He smiled and said, “Yuan Yuan, how did you find your way here?”

Ruan Qiuyuan took hold of his arm. “I came to pick you up.” After saying that, she pulled Du Shenglian out. When they reached the doorway, she turned back, glanced at Chang Xiaojia, and then at Xie Li.

Xie Li had been watching her since she entered.

At this moment, Chang Xiaojia’s gaze fell on Xie Li’s face, and Xie Li’s line of sight slipped from Ruan Qiuyuan’s face to her exposed shoulder and arm.

Chang Xiaojia lifted his foot and kicked Xie Li.

Xie Li couldn’t dodge it, and his face changed color with pain. Seeing Chang Xiaojia glaring at him maliciously, he grabbed Chang Xiaojia’s wrist, lowered his voice, and said, “Just looking, no need to get mad.”

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