
Blinded chapter 19

Chang Xiaojia was drunk. As Xie Li placed him into the bathtub, Chang Xiaojia wrapped his legs around his waist, pulling him into the tub as well.

The hot water is still running, and both of them are instantly soaked as Xie Li, pulling and tearing, took off his own clothes. Simultaneously, he used his hands and feet to press Chang Xiaojia, who was clinging to him, into the bathtub.

Chang Xiaojia pressed the bathtub’s drain with his hand, causing water to accumulate in the tub.

Xie Li took off his clothes, and his wet pants were still tied to his legs, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Chang Xiaojia pushed away his hand and leaned in to kiss him.

Xie Li refused, pinching Chang Xiaojia’s face and trying to climb out of the bathtub.

Chang Xiaojia’s face was nearly distorted by his fingers, and he lifted one leg to kick forcefully towards Xie Li’s groin.

Unprepared, Xie Li got kicked and his face changed immediately. He covered his groin and legs and slipped into the bathtub.

Chang Xiaojia squatted and retreated backward, watching Xie Li curl up in the bathtub. The water level continued to rise, and he leaned in to look at Xie Li, reaching out to pat his face.

Xie Li grabbed his hand, twisted it forcefully, causing intense pain that made Chang Xiaojia think he had a bone fracture. Afterward, he let go of his hand, scolding, “behave.”

Chang Xiaojia coldly said, “You deserve it.”

Xie Li, finally recovering from the intense pain, was still shivering in the hot water. He looked at Chang Xiaojia and said, “Do I deserve this just because I won’t kiss you? If you want to find a man, find someone else. I’m not interested in you.”

Chang Xiaojia, maintaining his squatting position, with red cheeks and eyes due to alcohol, said with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, “Then go and die.” After saying that, he grabbed the showerhead and smashed it down on Xie Li’s head.

Feeling a chill, Xie Li quickly turned to evade, kicking away Chang Xiaojia’s hand while doing so. The showerhead fell aside, and then Xie Li knelt in the bathtub, grabbing Chang Xiaojia by the back of his neck, and pushed his head into the water.

Chang Xiaojia struggled with all his might, trying to pinch and push away Xie Li’s hands, but his strength was no match, and he couldn’t break free.

Regaining his composure quickly, Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia after just two seconds under the water. Chang Xiaojia coughed and backed away, and Xie Li got out of the bathtub, feeling a lingering pain below.

Chang Xiaojia’s hair was still dripping, his face continuously red from coughing, and transparent liquid, whether water or tears, slid down his face. His gaze towards Xie Li was icy and cruel, making Xie Li feel uneasy.

Xie Li, while pushing away his wet pants, casually grabbed a towel from the shelf to wipe his body. He originally wanted to say, “Find someone else to sleep with,” but hesitated. After cleaning up, he put on clean clothes, opened the door, and left.

During this time, Chang Xiaojia remained squatting in the bathtub.

Across the living room, Chang Xin’s room remained tightly closed, giving the impression that no one was inside.

Xie Li walked to the side of the stairs, glancing in the direction of the third floor, which was pitch black. So, he headed downstairs.

Just as he reached the first floor, Xie Li bumped into Shi Hongqian entering from outside, and both of them paused.

Shi Hongqian nodded at him, seeming to intend to go directly to his room.

However, Xie Li called him, saying, “Do you have a cigarette?”

Shi Hongqian stopped, saying, “Wait a moment.”

Across from Shi Hongqian’s room, there was a small kitchen, impeccably clean, indicating that it was usually used to boil water for coffee or tea.

Both of them entered the kitchen, sitting on opposite sides of the white rectangular table. Shi Hongqian, who didn’t smoke, still offered a cigarette to Xie Li.

“Do you want coffee?” Shi Hongqian asked.

Xie Li nodded, saying, “Thank you.”

Shi Hongqian turned around to boil water.

Xie Li observed the entire kitchen, saying, “Doesn’t the Chang family eat together?”

Shi Hongqian replied, “They do, but everyone is busy, so it’s hard to gather.”

A small spotlight above cast a dim light in the kitchen, decorated in light colors, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere. Xie Li, holding a cigarette, took a slow drag, and his previously troubled mood eased a bit. He thought he would have to go back and appease Chang Xiaojia later.

Shi Hongqian was a man of few words, sitting quietly and waiting for the water to boil to make a cup of coffee for Xie Li. After placing the coffee cup in front of Xie Li, the warm steam, carrying the aroma of coffee, gently touched Xie Li’s face. Finishing his cigarette reluctantly, Xie Li rubbed it out with his fingers and said to Shi Hongqian, “Chang Xiaojia has a bad temper.”

Shi Hongqian said, “Yeah, he’s always been like that.”

Taking a sip of coffee, Xie Li asked, “Why is he afraid of the dark?”

Shi Hongqian didn’t answer immediately; instead, he sat for a while, looked up at Xie Li, and said, “He was locked up when he was a child.”

“Locked up?” Xie Li had finished his cigarette and couldn’t find an ashtray.

Shi Hongqian turned around and pulled out an ashtray from the cabinet behind him, speaking calmly, “Locked in a dark garage without windows, not allowed to come out.”

Xie Li quickly extinguished the cigarette butt. “Who did it?”

Shi Hongqian said, “Chang Xin.”

Xie Li felt a cool breeze on his face and turned to find that the kitchen had two open windows. He asked, “Why? His parents didn’t intervene?”

Shi Hongqian said, “His mother passed away, and his father is always too busy. Sometimes he doesn’t come home for a month or two.”

Xie Li remained silent for a moment. “What about you?”

Shi Hongqian answered, “I knocked on the door from outside, but Chang Xin would grab my hair and drag me away. He wouldn’t let me open the door for Xiaojia.”

Feeling a chill, Xie Li asked, “How old was Chang Xin at that time?”

Shi Hongqian recalled, “Probably around twelve.”

Xie Li said, “So young and already so malicious?”

Shi Hongqian explained, “Chang Xini is unpredictable. When he’s in a good mood, he cuddles Xiaojia. When he’s in a bad mood, he resorts to violence. When he’s angry, he locks him up, and no one in the family dares to intervene.”

Xie Li pursed his lips. “Doesn’t Chang Guanshan intervene?”

Shi Hongqian calmly said, “He’s very busy, and there’s more than one or two women and children to deal with at home.”

Xie Li frowned and continued, “Does Chang Guanshan have other mistresses and illegitimate children?”

This time, Shi Hongqian didn’t answer. He said, “It’s too late; let’s rest.” After that, he got up and walked towards his room.

Xie Li sat alone in the kitchen for a while before slowly getting up and leaving. He ascended the stairs and, upon returning to Chang Xiaojia’s room, found the bed empty, causing a moment of bewilderment. He then walked towards the bathroom and, standing at the doorway, saw Chang Xiaojia still maintaining the position he had when Xie Li left, squatting in the bathtub.

At that moment, Xie Li suddenly felt an indescribable discomfort.

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