
Blinded chapter 18

That night, when going to bed, the glass doors leading to the balcony and the curtains were not closed. A small night light was left on in the room, making every corner clearly visible.

At first, Xie Li found it too bright, but after covering his eyes with the blanket, he quickly fell asleep. Besides the villa, the surroundings of Qing Shui Lake were covered in dense vegetation, fresh and serene, resembling a mountain retreat. The environment was so good that his mood unconsciously became calm.

Almost a dreamless night, consciousness awakened in the silent darkness when it was already daylight.

A breeze came in through the French windows, lifting the curtains high, almost sweeping the edge of the bed. Accompanying it were the subtle calls of birds and the faint sounds of distant cars.

Without turning over, Xie Li opened his eyes and saw his arm tightly held by Chang Xiaojia, who was still deep in sleep, with a low and steady breath.

Staring at Chang Xiaojia for a while, Xie Li extended his other hand and pinched Chang Xiaojia’s nose.

Chang Xiaojia first frowned, then struggled to shake his head, opening his eyes in the process. He pushed away Xie Li’s hand and scolded sluggishly, “what are you doing?” 

Xie Li placed his palm on the back of his neck, pulling him towards his face, kissing his forehead, and saying, “Good morning.”

Chang Xiaojia pushed him away, rubbed his sore nose, then he lifted the blanket and got out of bed.

Unyielding, Xie Li, as Chang Xiaojia’s leg was about to step off the bed, reached over to grab the other leg, the one that had just emerged from under the blanket. He forcefully pulled it towards himself.

With an unstable center of gravity, one leg still in Xie Li’s hand, Chang Xiaojia’s head and upper body toppled towards the floor. Xie Li wanted to catch him but it was too late. He could only raise the dazzling white leg.

At this moment, the door was opened from the outside.

With Chang Xiaojia’s leg in his hand, Xie Li turned to look and saw Chang Xin standing at the door, holding the doorknob.

Chang Xin was wearing a shirt and trousers, with the coat draped over his arm. His tall figure, with the morning’s cool and damp air messing up his front hair, gave off a mountainous breath. He first glanced at Xie Li, then looked at Chang Xiaojia, who was lying on the ground with nothing on but open legs, and asked in a relatively gentle tone, “What are you doing, Xiaojia?”

Xie Li released Chang Xiaojia’s leg, knelt by the bed to help Chang Xiaojia up, but Chang Xiaojia forcefully opened his hand, hitting him without mercy. Xie Li instinctively withdrew his hand and insisted on reaching out to pull Chang Xiaojia back onto the bed, covering him with the blanket. Then he sat back, thinking: This is awkward.

Chang Xiaojia did not immediately answer Chang Xin’s question. He turned to Xie Li and said, “Go get me some pants.”

Xie Li asked, “Where are they?”

Chang Xiaojia nodded toward the direction of the wardrobe.

Xie Li had slept in his underwear. He got out of bed, not avoiding Chang Xin’s gaze, walked around the bed and went to the wardrobe to find pants for Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xin leaned against the door, watching Chang Xiaojia’s gaze follow Xie Li’s movements. So he also looked at Xie Li, his smooth and well-built figure, and his handsome youthful appearance.

Xie Li intentionally ignored their gaze, found a pair of underwear in the drawer, threw it to Chang Xiaojia, and then took out a pair of trousers and placed them by the bedside.

Chang Xiaojia covered himself with the blanket and put on his underwear.

Xie Li glanced at him, turned around, and walked towards the bathroom. He stood in front of the sink and heard Chang Xin coming in. Chang Xin said to Chang Xiaojia, “Dad will be angry if he sees this.”

The bathroom door was not closed, and Xie Li saw Chang Xin walk to the bedside, sit in front of Chang Xiaojia, and say, “What’s going on, Xiaojia?”

Chang Xiaojia spoke calmly, with lowered eyes, and even a somewhat docile expression, saying, “What’s there to be angry about? I hired a bodyguard.”

Chang Xin’s tone was also mild: “But how did the bodyguard end up sleeping in the same bed? Xiaojia, you said you didn’t know him when I picked you up that day.”

Chang Xiaojia did not look at him, “I didn’t know him well.”

Chang Xin reached out and touched his hair, “Have you been sleeping poorly lately?”

Chang Xiaojia did not answer.

Chang Xin’s slender fingers gently played with Chang Xiaojia’s hair, “Do you want to stay with me for a few days?”

Chang Xiaojia replied, “No.”

Chang Xin suddenly turned his head to look at Xie Li.

Xie Li was brushing his teeth and didn’t look at them.

Chang Xin said to Chang Xiaojia again, “Did you go to the bar to find Xu Lu yesterday, planning to replace him?”

Chang Xiaojia said, “Mm.”

Chang Xin asked, “What displeased you about him? If there’s something you’re not satisfied with, tell me. Why kick him out without a word?”

Chang Xiaojia answered, “I just don’t like him.”

Chang Xin asked, “Are there others you don’t like? Do you dislike all the bar managers in the other bars as well?”

Xie Li splashed water on his face and lifted his head to look at himself in the mirror, thinking that Chang Xiaojia not only managed Fengling but had taken over several bars, including Hong Fang. Why?

Chang Xiaojia, in a calm voice, said, “I decide who stays or leaves. It’s my bar.”

Chang Xin’s hand returned to his shoulder, pressing against his skin, “But Hong Fang is not decided by our Chang family alone. The people in the bar are all brothers of Hong Fang.”

Chang Xiaojia lifted his head, “If I want to replace someone, I will.”

Chang Xin withdrew his hand, his face turned serious as he looked at him, “Xiaojia, you’re not behaving well lately.”

Chang Xiaojia remained silent, locking eyes with him.

Chang Xin stood up as he prepared to leave, and said, “Think about it carefully again.” After speaking, he turned and walked out.

As soon as Chang Xin left and the door closed, Chang Xiaojia jumped out of bed, ran barefoot into the bathroom, and leaned over the toilet, retching.

Xie Li stood by his side and asked, “Are you okay?”

Chang Xiaojia didn’t say anything. He leaned on the toilet seat, panting, and said, “Run the water for me to take a shower.”

Without continuing to question him, Xie Li opened the shower, and before the water had fully heated, Chang Xiaojia flipped into the bathtub directly. He didn’t take off his underwear, just hugged his legs and sat down in the bathtub.

After a while, when the water was hot, Xie Li took off the showerhead, aiming it at the top of Chang Xiaojia’s head.

Chang Xiaojia raised his hand to cover his face, and with a weak voice, he said to Xie Li, “Leave.”

Crouching down, Xie Li approached him, and after a moment, he said, “You’re afraid of Chang Xin.” His tone was very certain.

Chang Xiaojia slightly lifted his head and repeated, “Help me kill him.”

Xie Li shook his head, “I can’t.” He turned off the water, wrapped Chang Xiaojia in a bath towel, carried him out, and said, “Unless you tell me why.”

Chang Xiaojia just gave a cold snort.

Under the name of Hong Fang, there were a total of five bars, all handed over to Chang Xiaojia before he went to prison. He had just been released, and he promptly replaced all the bar managers.

Xie Li had a premonition that Chang Xin would definitely come to question Chang Xiaojia about this matter.

That night, they went to one of the bars still owned by Chang Xiaojia in West Garden, Harbor City. Xie Li accompanied him for drinks. Suddenly, at one point, Chang Xiaojia stood up and walked towards a corner where a group of people was sitting.

Among them, a young man with a hat was selling drugs.

Chang Xiaojia grabbed his collar and pulled him out, saying, “Get lost!”

The person was about to resist when Xie Li followed and grabbed the person’s arm, pulling him out until he handed him over to the newly hired security guard of the bar. Before driving him away, a warning was issued not to let him in again.

After leaving the bar that night, Xie Li and Chang Xiaojia sat in the back seat of the car. That day, Shi Hong Qing was not there, and there was only a quiet driver in the front.

Xie Li asked Chang Xiaojia, “Didn’t you say you didn’t care?”

Chang Xiaojia’s tone was indifferent, “Isn’t that what you said? It’s illegal to deal drugs and it’s not in compliance with the rules.”

Xie Li said, “You chose to listen to me?”

Chang Xiaojia leaned his head on his shoulder, “mmmh.”

Chang Xiao Jia, who had drunk a bit, seemed somewhat intoxicated. When he returned home, he took out another bottle of wine from the bar cabinet on the second floor and wanted to drink with Xie Li again.

Xie Li accompanied him to drink half a bottle. Taking advantage of going to the bathroom, he took out a small medicine bottle from his pocket. He had gotten it from the guy selling drugs in the bar earlier. Now, he opened the bottle and poured out a pill into his palm, sniffing its scent.

There was no distinctive smell. He crushed the pill with his fingers, took a little on his fingertips, and put it into his mouth. He could sense a bit of sweetness, likely an artificial additive.

However, this drug was not any familiar type of narcotics. It was likely a new type of drug.

At this moment, Chang Xiao Jia suddenly rushed in. Xie Li, in haste, sprinkled the drug powder into the toilet, embraced Chang Xiao Jia, and then carried him into the bathtub after turning on the hot water.

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